Monday, July 16, 2018



Following our conference call and sharing of each's ministry roles in prayer we are asked to suggest 3 - 4 things to consider to bring before Pray Link in October.   This is to be formulated from our conversation and to address the need and direction of prayer among the SBC.   Here are a few of my conisderations:

1.   Where are we currently at?  
I believe in order to address our future directive, we must assess where we are currently in our prayer life as a convention.   This exhausting work is not possible for every church, ministry and entity of the SBC.   But I do believe a cumulative approach to an overall numeric stats of our current spiritual life is possible. 

To be broken down in the following manner:
1.  church - over 42,000 churches are SBC affiliated;
2.  associations - network of SBC officers that work directily with assocational leders/directors;   perhaps a email form asking what role prayer has throughout a year for these associations; prayer focus; prayer gathering/conferences/ etc.
3.  state convention - prayer emphasis; focus; projects; gatherings;
4.  entities of the SBC - seminaries; IMB: NAMB; ERLC;

An assessment from this to complie and present stating the "prayer life of the SBC';  from this we can know where we need to target and move forward.

2.  The Overall Goal
where do we want to go and be in the prayer life of the SBC?   What is our focus?  our priority in prayer?  Having the programs, materials, self-helps etc. are needed to be listed and used but what good does this do, if the church, group continues to be prayerless.   Whatever area is not praying, target that group to come along side them and offer, pray and help develop prayer focus.   Setting annual theme, focus to set before the SBC and incorporate participation at each level for their support. In this we can see those that participate and seek to be groups of prayer.    This will also allow for example of prayer to be given through the materials, videos, set meetings and gatherings for those that don't know how to lead a prayer time to visually and audible hear prayer led meetings and focus.

 3.  What hour are we in?
the absence of prayer among the SBC has little been addressed or focused.   Years have been lost, as it has been left largely to the individual pastor and church to develop their own prayer life.   But as we discussed, how does one develop what they never was taught, or witnessed?   Understanding that because of ignorance, lack of priority we have lost much time in this and are playing 'catch up' with a generation and gathering of our SBC brethren.   I suggest that we understand the hour we are in and that in some way this be stressed to Prayer Link and to the SBC groups mentioned above. 
"The hour is late, and the need is great" for our nation, churches, families and our own hearts.   Scripture teaches us of this crisis hour.   Remedial judgements are accelerating, increasing, and we are approaching a "line' of no return.  

I suggest a focus or message of the following terms to be incorporated or used in some manner:

Urgency - we are in crisis mode;  death and destruction are rampant and souls are being lost faster than we are reaching them;   every foundation of our society is crumbling or has crumbled;   This is an urgent message of need to respond to pray and pray so as to prevail with God and men.

Fervency - SBC and any other Christian group will respond when questioned about their prayer life and immediately respond, "I/we pray".   And that may be true.   But even the Muslims pray, the Buddhists pray, all religions pray, but what is being accomplished.   Therefore our focus is not just to have SBC pray;  Scripture states, 'the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much'.   This term to be used, defined and set forth as an example of more fervency in our prayer life before God because of what is at stake and what is happening.

.Emergency - I have identified 5 epidemics upon our society right now unlike anything we have ever seen before.   The increase of this has caused and emergency upon the very existence of our nation.  Our future as SBC, as a nation is at stake.   Urgent, fervent and emergency should be pressed upon leadership to understand this most critical hour we are in.    Giving them the details of these emergencies are needful to stir the embers to blaze in zeal for our Lord's kingdom, holiness and righteousness. 

Every week, every month, every year that continues to go by is a loss in our joint pursuit to pray so as to prevail.   These are my suggestions to consider and focus upon with Prayer Link and SBC groups.  My two themes that I use and offer to stress in our need in addressing the prayer life of the SBC:
'the hour is late and the need is great'
'don't just say prayers, pray so as to prevail'.

Dan Biser

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