Saturday, July 27, 2019


These are the majority of the Bible verses regarding the bible verses that declare that God will not hear some prayers.   God is Omniscient and Omnipresent; however, God restrains Himself from hearing some peoples prayers due to certain reasons.   The need to understand this is imperative to our prayer lives.  The rule of thumb the church follows is that God hears all prayer.   This is a half truth; for God has said, "I will not hear you".   Know the Word of God and know the God of the Word.

I do not have all of them marked, but here is the majority.

There are over a dozen of these verses and here they are for your assistance and help:

I Samuel 8:18, "And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the Lord will not hear yo in that day."

I Samuel 14:37, "And Saul asked counsel of God, Shall I go down after the Philistines?  wilt Thou deliver them into the hand of Israel?  But He answered him not that day."  A verse that does not declare clearly that God did not hear Saul's prayer; but God would not answer him.  What good does it do to pray if God will not answer. 

I Samuel 28:6, "And when Saul enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets."

Psalms 66:18, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:"

Proverbs 1:28 - 29, "Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer, they shall seek Me early, but they shall not find me:  For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord"

Proverbs 28:9, "He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination."

Isaiah 1:15, "And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you:  yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear:  your hands are full of blood."

Isaiah 59:2, "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear."

Lamentations 3:8, "Also when I cry and shout, He shutteth out my prayer."

Lamentations 3:44, "Thou hast covered Thyself with a cloud, that our prayer should not pass through."

Zechariah 7:13, "Therefore it is come to pass, that as he cried, and they would not hear; so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the Lord of hosts."

John 9:31, "Now we know that God heareth not sinners:  but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth His will, him He heareth."

James 4:3, "Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss; that ye may consume it upon your lusts."

I Peter 3:7, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knoweldge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."  

I Peter 3:12, "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers:  but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil."   It does not mention not hearing their prayers, but much like Isaiah 59:2, 'His face is against them, and His ears are deaf to them that do evil.


Started:  July 27, 2019

Continued:  July 28;8/4;




"But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear."  Isaiah 59:2

Years ago, I was asked to come to Tenn. to preach services at a church.  I remember during those days, preaching on 'when God refuses to hear the prayers of His people'.   An elderly woman, well over 60 -70 years in the church met me at the door to refute what I said;  'Young man, God hears all prayer."   She agreed to sit down with me and look at several passages of Scripture in the dining hall.   As we went through several of the 15 verses in the Bible that declares that God can hear all prayers, but He has restricted and limited Himself to not hearing certain people and their prayers.   She sat and was astonished and remarked, "I've been in the church practically all my life and and read and studied the Bible and have never seen these before." 

I had seen them and read them, but never have given much attention to them.  I knew they was there but it was not an issue to me over whether an Omniscient God could limit Himself to hearing the prayers of His people.   I just knew what the Book said.   But this was an awakening moment for me, of how many are in the church, who do not know God, nor the Word of God.   The prayer movement is very active in certain places, yet the truths of prayer are greatly restricted in many places.   Understand that I am not 'some expert' on prayer; but I do seek to grow, glean and learn of that realm of prevailing prayer before God, through God and by God.   Such truths as this verse is too often left unaddressed by the prayer movement of today.  And in an hour of such need, such evil and our great cry to be heard and answered by God, why would we not address why prayer is so often spoken and said, but not answered.   Where are the mighty miracles of days gone by?  Where are the signs and wonders of Acts, which are largely not done today in the church and by the church? 

It is alarming to me that 1. church leaders will not ask this question; 2.  and worse, they will not seek its answer.   But herein is the reality of our day:  evil is growing, lostness is prevailing and demonic activity abounds.  God's severity of remedial judgements are increasing and deepeningn in its impact on our nation and future.  And yet the church, who worships the Lord God, Who has the power and ability to overthrow and defeat it, is left with His face hidden from His children and His ears deaf due to the sins of a nation, sins of the church and sins of the heart.  The sins legalized, adhered to, practices, compromised with are hindering the work of the kingdom and the prayers offered up are left unanswered because the sins of the people have stopped them.  This is the separation that we should abhor more than anything. 

Many are worried and they fight over church & state separation; forget that.  The separation between God and His church should be the major issue of our time right now.   Oh, how we need God!  God can fix the heart; God can fix the home; God can fix His church; God can fix a nation!   But He will not so long as the sin is embraced and He is put at arms length!    Correct the sin; seek His face and He shall turn again to us and then we can call and He will answer. 

How many are praying for their lost loved ones?
How many are praying over the epidemic of addiction in our homes and communities?
How many are praying over the perversions and evil that are happening moment by moment?
How many are praying over the diseases and the cancers to be healed?

And yet -- there is no face, no ear that is hearing or eyes that are seeing.  Why?  For He has told us, the sins and iniquities of My people have separated Me from them.   Too simply know the Word of God and see wherein our plight is found.   In chapter 59:1, God declares that He is not the problem; His hand is not shortened, and His ear is not heavy.   but in verse 2, He declares but we are separated for this reason -- you have forsaken holiness; lost the fear of God; forgotten My ways; spoken My Holy Name in vain; desecrated my Lord's day

The Concert of Prayer that was promoted was to address such things.  It was to remedy such things.  Oh, how long do you think we can go on like this? with His face turned away from us? and His ear deaf unto us?   How many will perish? How much the work of His kingdom will languish?  Not because of His lack of desire or will; nor His ability; but because of our failure and faults.   Is it not time to return to our first love? is it not time to bow low?  is it not time to confess and repent?  and renew our vow before Him. 

Time is short; the hour is late; the need is great; pray so as to prevail!

--Democratic Congo Ebola - over 1700 dead and rising;  over 2500 cases;
--Cancer - over the last 10 days, I have had a great increase again of prayer requests of this plague upon our nation;   every home and family, every church affected;  the increase of it, should stir the question from the church, "Why?'  And the answer of this is needed for the response from the Lord.  How can I read Wigglesworth and not respond that 1.  our God is able; 2. we need Him more than ever (the Great Physician); 
--Natural Disasters - I am watching and observing, not so much in our nation, but world wide of the recent record heat wave in Europe.   The recent multiple volcano eruptions in Italy, Peru, Indonesia etc.  Increase and severity is arising in these days. 
--LGBT - agenda and continued course of laws, judicial edicts to allow and permit more and more perversions and abominations to be the law of the land. 
--PErsecuted churches in China; Iran; North Korea;  answered prayers among several places; 
--schools starting are only a few weeks a way;  pray now for the year of God's "Lord of Hosts" to go forth and protect and deliver from evil, from harm, from shooting and others;   - Preventive Prayers;
--suicides - murder-suicides - and homicides have been quiet;  as all of these prayer targets operate on a routine of coming and going, pray now before the next increase of these headlines begin to affect our communities and surrounding areas; 
--10/40 window is seeing remarkable things;  continue to pray for that Light in darkness to prevail and overcome;

--bible readings - into John;  under 3 weeks left; word/phrase study - completing "hear & see; H&S" throughout all the bible;  will mark these down next time through;
--The Activity of God - Psalms - up through Psalm 55;
--A Word - Isaiah 59;   all verses started;  only 8 verses finalized;   will finish the majority of these before starting into chapter 60;
--sermons from last Sunday live streamed on facebook account;  uploaded to my youtube page;  people are watching it on youtube page but not hearing from them, so unaware of who is watching;
--Concert of Prayer fast - first Tuesday of month; August 6;   congregational concert of prayer 1st Sunday of month- august 4th;


STARTED:   July 27, 2019



Saturday, July 20, 2019



"They say unto Him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out His vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render Him the fruits in their seasons."  Matthew 21:41

Christ speaks this parable to foretell of God and His lending out His kingdom to men to do His bidding.  Israel had not done it, but rejected the Messiah.  Now His church is commanded to build His kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven; yet we see over centuries those that were bidden to bear fruit have been removed and replaced by others that will obey and do it. 

IT is a warning for any denomination or group; it is a warning for any man, not to think they 'are it' for God can remove and replace when we lose our priority and focus on Him and in Him.  God will remove the one to establish the next.  He did it in the flood of Noah; He did it in the old covenant and new;  He has done it throughout Scripture and among denominations, (as cited below in examples).   But none ought to make us more humble and fearful than these few Scriptures of being replaced and removed:
--'They made me keeper of the vineyard but mine own vineyard I did not keep."  Canticles 1:6;
--Paul said, 'when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.'  as the old preacher said to this, 'set on a shelf no more to be used'  I Corinthians 9:27;
--and what about the church of Ephesus in Rev. 2 - 'repent, lest I come and remove your candlestick';

Is it not a warning for a church? for a man?  for a denomination?  to learn that you cannot forsake God and embrace self or the world and still be used of God.   IT must remain God's way; 'abide in Me, and I in you'; 'draw nigh to me, and I will draw night to you'.   Therefore take heed to the warning of this present day that too many have forsaken the ordinances of God and embraced the religiosity of men.   These are 'refuges of lies' that need to be swept away by a call to return to Biblical authority; holiness; and devout prayer and spiritual disciplines. 

Too much of the church and Christianity has the stench of carnal, worldly, unfaithfulness before the Lord.  The accuser of the brethren has much ammunition against us today.   Can God bless those that indulge in sin? those that embrace the world?  Did He not say, 'the world and the flesh are enmity against Me'?   Then cast off these things, lest we be removed and replaced by those that will obey and follow as He has said.   Let not pride say, "I've been graced by His Spirit in days gone by, I can indulge in this worldly sin and not be tainted."  No!  that is a lie of Satan, for it will taint all that fruit that proceeds from it. 

The below examples are mainly for us to realize that denominations can just as easily be replaced for adapting self, humanism, and worldly employments.   To excuse worldly means and methods as acceptable, and forsake relying upon God in holiness and prayer will come to a dismissal in the Lord's kingdoms work.   Many have fallen and never to rise again;  but God is merciful to forgive and restore or allow another opportunity.   But do not take for granted that history of a denominational past or personal past of blessings is enough to allow present or future sin.   God will never and has never blessed sin.

I have read and followed the last several months of writings on Bill Hybels and James McDonald.  I remember the accounts of ministry of FBC Hammond, IN of Jack Hyles and Jack Schapp and that which followed.   Too many accounts of those who begun in the faith, but did not continue in the faith.   'Take heed, lest you fall'.   The prayers for all Christians, churches, and denominations to remain faithful so that there will be no guise about those words, 'well done, my good  and faithful servant'.   For the Lord will not say, 'well done', to those that have not done well.   Do not take your eyes off Christ, but remain steadfast, persevering, loyal, faithful and holy.    Pray often and pray one for another. 

For as Christ told this parable, the Jews did not repent, but got mad and sought to kill Him, which they did.  Ephesus did not repent and God removed their candlestick.   But the servant of the Lord and the people of the Lord will humble themselves, repent and find assurance in Him.  These are those that will be used of Him. 

For example:(there are numerous others that I could have used in Finney; John Sung; Praying Hyde; etc but these will suffice to set as an example)
1.  There was one church for centuries, 'the catholic (one body) church;  Yet they abused the Word and followed the traditions of men and God removed their calling and the Protestant Reformation began;
2.  John & Charles Wesley were rejected from the Church of England; removed from the pulpits so they preached in the open air fields;   Called removed Church of Englands anointing and the Methodists church was begun to do the work;
3.   William Booth was rejected from the Methodist Church;  So God used Booth and began the Salvation Army, which went into 70 countries in 90 years;
4.   AB Simpson was scorned by Presbyterians for his work among immigrants;  thus the Missionary Alliance church was birthed, from which also came AW Tozer;

--Democratic Congo Ebola - declared world health risks;  over 2200 affected;  over 1600 deaths;  still spreading;
--Iran - War - a war is coming,just unclear where, but it will happen;  pray for soliders to be saved for then, this is a spiritual awakening;  increase this past week with Iran over tanker being taken and drone shot down;
--continued natural disasters - volcanos erupting - Peru; Italy;  flooding in south US; China; more crops damaged;   wildfires in Maui; Alaska;
--suicides; murder-suicides; homicides - great death toll on society as minds and hearts are evil affected;
--perversions and more sexual abuse;  within a 10 day period, over 7 incidents of arrest made in sexual abuse from teachers, captives in FL, pastor/youth pastor of underage children;   Bill Hybels has been called to repent by elder board for his sexual abuse to his former staff and secretary;
--Persecuted Christians - continued reports world wide of persecution, churches burned; imprisoned, death;  Sudan, Nigeria, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.
--drugs & alcohol deaths and abuse - the evil of our age that is the chains of hell upon society, families, and lives;
--legalizing of abominations in our day;

--bible reading;   up into Luke; still looking to finish mid-August;   word study is finishing markng "hear & see, H&S";  will have to document these later;
--The Activity of God - Psalms;  up through Psalm 45;   going to be a while on this;slow going;
--A Word - Isaiah 59;  started all the verses last week on vacation;  now will go back and finish them before starting chapter 60;   only 5 verses are finished;
--Concert of Prayer was sent out to state leaders; posted on line;  only 2 responses of people praying for us and with us;  no other churches seemed to embrace it;  fast is till set for 1st Tuesday of month, August 6;
--sermons from last Sunday are uploaded:  Keyser church - "Manifest - Habakkuk 3:2";  Fox's Hollow - Remedial Judgement - Joel 1 & 2;


Started:   July 20, 2019



Thursday, July 11, 2019


One of my word/phrase studies that I have done in my 50 times reading through the Bible is the word - 'Day' and the phrase, 'in that day'.  In the 1st chapter of Zephaniah we find this used multiple times as God's day of judgment, in the phrase, 'the day of the Lord'.   Particularly found in verses 14 - 16 where 'Day is mentioned 6 times in various respects of that day. 
Just Chapter 1
v. 1 - in the days of Josiah
v. 7 - for the day of the Lord is at hand;
v. 8 - in the day of the Lord's sacrifice
v. 10 - in that day
v. 14 - The great day of the Lord is near. . . even the voice of the day of the Lord
v. 15 - That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress; a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness.
v. 16 - A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities
v. 18 - in the day of the Lord's wrath;

Now for the most part the church and individual Christians are looking forward to the day of the Lord.  And they define that day of the Lord, as the day that the Lord returns and we, as the church are carried home to be with the Lord forevermore.   But there is another day of the Lord before that day, and it is the day that is often unknown to the church.   And if they do know of this day, it seems that they take no heed to this day.   This is the day of the Lord's wrath and anger.  It is a day of destruction and desolation.   A day of wrath and great sorrow.

Now this day of destruction comes, for the people have grossly sinned against the Lord.  They have forsaken and forgotten the Lord; evil has abounded; and great sin lies in much of the majority of the population.  Now the cause behind such evil flourishing that would cause this day to come, is found in God's Own people, the church.   The church lost its way; the church became more carnal than spiritual; more fleshly than holy; and more self, than the Savior.  And out of the churches failure, Satan and hell takes full advantage of it.  Thus provoking God to response.

Now God's response has been grace and mercy;  God's response has been sending His prophets; and God's response has been sending remedial judgements to warn the people and call them to repent before such a day of the Lord is issued.    And when, after series of remedial judgements and warnings come from God's prophets and the people refuse to obey.  Then God initiates that day of wrath.   It is a day unlike any other day.  A day that seems to come suddenly; yet, it has been progressing and swelling for decades.  It is a day of unforeseen circumstances that annihilates and destroys lives at a rapid pace.  It is day that brings the remnant to reality that they knew this was coming, but never believed that it would come - unbelief.  They had hears to hear, but they would not hear; they had eyes to see, but they refused to look. 

all the while sin abounded; evil flourished; hell prevailed and God's people sank, they knew the means to stop this course of God's response.  But they would not.   thus it came, and 10,000's of thousands were damned to hell;  the way of life that we was so accustomed to was destroyed; and that which had been of our forefathers now became the new way of survival.  Freedoms were gone; opportunities expelled and life was now simply just existence.  Why?  Because we forsook the ways of the Lord and did not pay attention to Scripture that warned and has been consistent in demonstrating that THE DAY OF THE LORD COMES TO THOSE THAT FORGET AND FORSAKE HIM.   

Remedial judgements are a pre-cursor to this day.  A foretelling of that which shall be in their means.  These means being what I have shared for a decade with you of the judgements on our land.  Severe and more severe cases of death, destruction and desolation.   The intensity of these remedial judgements are increased in application and more impact upon populated areas. 
For example:   the recent earthquakes in CA;   now I have studied earthquakes for over a decade.  I have recorded the 7; 8 and 9 earthquakes and measured location and frequency.   In a years time, the 8  or greater earthquake is average of 1 per year;  the 7.0 or greater is about once a month;    Now the difference is that these earthquakes happen all the time.  However, when they hit unpopulated areas no one cares;  but hit a residential area and many are alarmed.   But the day of the Lord will bring it very close to heart; and it will hit a major populated area and leave an impact of much death and sorrow.

Natural Disasters as remedial judgements are a historic proportions for our nation.   We went through a season from the early 2000's of drought;  but now we are facing life threatening food and living conditions from flooding.   Whole swaths of area are now being impacted; rather than the isolated cities or regions.  Whole seasons of farming, and crops are impacted now upon food supplies for multiple nations.   The record flooding along coasts from ice melt is now impacting major cities along east coast.  Alaska is at record heat and drought and wildfires; melting ice at unparalleled rate. 

Do you see?  Do you understand?  The day of the Lord is nearer than what any would think.  Why?  Because we have legalized abominations; we have accepted and received sin of the worst sort of children and of the innocent to satisfy self.   Entertainment, money and ease are our way of life.  All the while God's way and God's service is reduced and fragments and literally refused by this society.   No prayer meetings among 3/4 of the church; little bible read and studied and memorized by those who say they are His'.   Few witnessing of eternity to the damned and lost.   Less time during a day and week given to God and more and more time for self and world increased. 

REMEDY - seek the Lord; call upon His Name; confess and repent of our sins; and serve Him wholeheartedly in holiness; 
the set times of the concert of prayer are designed and set forth to be a means of staying God's hand of wrath.  Failure to respond hastens the day upon us.  right response finds God's grace and mercy for His longsuffering. 

It is beyond me to why church leaders desire to continue in the same format of service that has brought us to our demise.  all the while acknowledging that we ought to and need to pray more, they refuse to employ the initiatives to do so.  Thus, they are the very ones who ushers the 'Day of the Lord' upon us. 
Several examples in Scripture leaves us with that pleading before the day of the Lord hit, 'who knows if He will turn and repent and leave a blessing behind Him'.   But we must seek for it, while there is still time. 

The hour is late - the need is great - pray so as to prevail. . . 

Prayer Targets:
--Democratic Congo Ebola - over 1500 deaths;  it seems it has leveled off;
--Venezuela Crisis - dictator continues to spiral nation down;  living conditions are horrendous;
--North Korea - the whole whiile that talks are not resumed, the church remains persecuted and lives in jeopardy;   light to penetrate darkness;
--China - crackdown on Christianity persist;
--Iran - war is on horizon; crisis involving British tanker;  soldiers lives at stake, pray for spiritual awakening now before war;  and citizens affected there without the Gospel;
--EPIDEMICS - Drugs; Natural Disasters; murder-suicides/ & suicides alarming rates;  cancer; LGBT;
--Several more arrested this week as pastors and/or youth pastors as this continues to be discovered of the sexual sins of the ministry for our generation;

--bible reading - finished Old Testament;  a month left in reading this time through;
--The Activity of God - Psalms;  slow going, this will take a few months to work through;
--A Word - Isaiah 59 - while on vacation trying to finish up earlier verses started;  and complete the beginning of all 21 verses in this chapter;  Also contains the theme verse of Isaiah 59:19 for Broken Before the Throne;
--Concert of Prayer has received no feedback at all from any SBC leader;   we plan on continuing each first of the month with corporate prayer and day of fast on first Tuesday of each month;
--sermons - are live streamed on my facebook page;  saved and then uploaded to to my youtube page;


Started:   July 11, 2019

Continued:  7/12;
