Monday, July 23, 2018


"Hear, O earth:  behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto My Words, nor to My law, but rejected it."  Jeremiah 6:19

Found to be the destroying sins of Israel and Judah are the 3 main sins of forsaking the Lord, forgetting the Lord and not listening to the Lord.  And because of those sins, God brought death, destruction and desolation upon them.   Our nation is within the midst of the last 18 years of death, destruction and desolation.  We are in a great calamity and crisis.  Yet! the church and the nation goes on as if this is the norm.  We are as guilty as they of forgetting the Lord, forsaking the ways of the Lord and not hearing His call to repent.

I have shared over the last several weeks that the Lord has revealed to me how deep the crisis is.   That we are no longer just considering prayer targets to be prayed for; but we are now at the level of epidemics upon our society and people.  And because the church has missed its moments to respond to God's remedial judgements, we are now on the fringe of the next level of judgement that would be #6 and /or #7.

The 5 current epidemics are these:
1.  Drugs;
2.  Cancer;
3.  Great Evil; consisting of all the death and destruction of school shootings, mass shooting, polices officers being shot & killed; and police officers shooting innocent ones;  murder-suicides & suicides;
4.  LGBT;
5.  Children; abuse & neglect;

Number 6 could easily be the weather, natural disasters that have battered our nation for years in great amounts of destruction and lives lost.   

the church has had after each critical judgement a moment to respond before the Lord, to seek Him for forgiveness and mercy.   We have not done that.  Yea, after 9/11 and after Hurricane Katrina, there was talk among spiritual leaders and political leaders to call for a solemn assembly.   but those good intentions never got any further than talk, and was never put into action and response.   Because the Evil One got the best at stopping that proper response, the sin still remains and the evil continues and the wrath of God increases against us.

Now after each tragedy, each historic, record setting death and destruction and calamity, there is the 'call to pray'.   We have not learned the lessons yet that God is teaching us.   It is needful to pray for those that are going through trials, death, valley of the shadow of death.   But how much more if the church quit waiting for the tragedy to happen and pray after it, and learned to pray before the tragedy to stop it.   These are called preventive prayers.   Which is not taught nor employed hardly at all among the church.   Therefore the destruction continues.

And I believe we are so busy with life, with our living, with our agendas that we see little beyond the here and now.   This is a great crisis among the church that should see eternally.   And because our time frame is such, we can only deal with what has happened, after the fact; never to prevent the tragedy.   But if we was to step back and see the last 20 years, the last 40 years of our history and consider where we are and where we have come from, I believe there would be a greater alarm about our present day and the hope of our future.

For surely you must understand our future is now in jeopardy of continuing.   Our children and grandchildren are going to inherit a society that is self-destructing.   these epidemics are a part of that, and the hope of a continued future is now eroding away.   God is removing us from the earth.

And as many in the church may understand this, the response is not there.   Much talk, much thought, and haphazard prayers toward this end are offered.   But the right response, the needed response is to call for a Solemn Approaching unto the Lord.   Knowing these truths and our reality that we come before God as He has commanded and has waited for, broken and contrite.   Come with confession, full recognition of wherein our sin lies.   A heart, mind and soul that is ready to fast, to weep, to give up sleep and to wail before Him for the sake of our future.   All of this is in jeopardy; because our sins have increased to the heights of heaven and His wrath and anger have been provoked to a rage that we have never known before.  

Therefore I am doing what the Lord has laid upon me to do.   I believe that the Lord is getting ready to unleash the next level of remedial judgement on us.   I know not what that is, but through Scripture we see that it could be war, economy collapse, pestilence of great death and affliction, or something else not revealed.    I am not content to simply allow for it to happen and then post another Prayer Target to be mentioned.   When we have power right now to come together, to wail before Him over our iniquities and sins and seek Him, Who is grace, Who is mercy, Who is longsuffering and ask of Him to be those things.

This is the reason that I have implored you to join the 24/7 prayer chain and help us in this most needed pursuit.   To not do anything, is to hasten and to ask for God to go ahead and judge us.   and any one that knows the wrath and judgement of God would not be so foolish as to ask for it.   Eternal souls are at stake, the opportunity for us to be a part of His kingdoms work is at stake, and our future of existing is at stake.  

You are being asked to
--consider these things;
--to pray over it and respond;
--to assemble and make time, place and opportunity for these things to be dealt with properly while there is still time;

Many will ask of me, "What exactly are you asking for in light of these things?"
1.  A national call to the church to assemble before the Lord;  we have the technology and availability to do this now via live streaming.   Call a day(s), I would suggest 3 days.
2.  Fast, pray so as to prevail, this is not just saying prayers, but desperation, urgent, fervent prayers in this hour of emergency.
3.  A recognition of the sins committed, allowed, legalized and practiced by our nation, church, families and our own hearts.
4.  Confession and repentance before the Lord.
5.  A plea before the Lord 'in wrath to remember mercy'; pleading for revival, His Manifest Presence to come and anoint, consecrate and sanctify us for His glory and work.
6.   A sustained accountability among the brethren to continue in unity, His spirit and His work;

I ask of you to forward this on throughout the church body as we seek the Lord's allowance for us to respond.
Brethren, the hour is late and the need is great;  pray so as to prevail.

Here is my blog posts as the Call to Assemble -

Here is my youtube video appeal to the same message -  

I am more than willing to discuss this, and to hear from you in regards to it.

thank you,


1 comment:

  1. Sins, legalized...but not in God's eyes. May God act His way, but let us urgently seek Him before it's too late.
