Saturday, September 14, 2019


"Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto Thee.   Hide not Thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline Thine ear unto me:  in the day when I call answer me speedily."   Psalm 102:1 - 2

In the midst of God's judgement on our land and the church, we are at a pivotal point in prevailing prayer.   The rise in remedial judgements to epidemic proportions is leaving a wake of death, destruction and desolation on society, homes and souls of men.   The failure of the church to answer the call to our need, is being given another opportunity by God's mercy.   The Psalmist, David, prayed and laid out before the Lord his petition to come before the Lord and for the Lord to hear and answer him.   This is where the church needs to be.

A nation, homes and the church fall into sin.  The sins of the flesh, the sins of neglect, the sins declared in Scripture to provoke the Lord to anger and wrath are committed by lost and saved men.   The failure of the pulpits and the Christian leadership to declare these sins, causes the people to continue n these sins.  Their lack of knowledge of God's Word and God's ways leads them to believe the lies of Satan that they can continue in these sins with no response from God.   However, this is not true!   God does know our sins, openly and privately, and they are in direct defiance of Him.   God warns men, 'the wages of sin is death'. 

'The day of trouble', that the Psalmist speaks of, is upon us.   The days of trouble in men's hearts, minds, homes, streets, and within the church are upon us.   Epidemics of drugs, alcohol, suicides, homicides, murder-suicides, crude and perverse profanity, perverseness upon young and old, neglects of morality and decency are everywhere to be found.   We are sinking in the pit of death due to our gross sin and the "exceedingly sinfulness of sin'.   God warns us of  His response in Leviticus 26, 'that if sin is found among us, that God warns us to recognize the sin and repent of it'.  But if the they are warned of their sin and do not turn from their sin, then God will meet us in judgement.   This judgement is remedial judgements, that God is seeking to correct us of our sins and behavior contrary to Him.   And if they do not correct and repent, then God will meet us in the next round of judgement which is 7X worse.   God in mercy, has allowed us time to repent of our nations sins, and the church sins. 

Failure to obey and respond to God's mercy, time and time again, leads us to utter destruction.  God did this to Israel, by allowing the Assyrians to remove them from the promised land and slay them;  He did this to Judah by the hand of the Babylonians, He did this to Jerusalem by the Romans; He did this to the Romans, to Europe and it is at our doorstep to the United States.   We just recognized 9/11; this was a warning for our nation;  we just saw what Dorian did to the Bahamas, and we had Katrina in 2005.  We've seen the drug deaths reach historic record heights; we've seen the practice of homosexuality reach historic, record heights; we've seen suicides reach record historic heights;  and God sees all this and warns us to REPENT OR ELSE!!    You cannot continue in sin and increase in sin without expecting God to respond.   This is where we are at brethren!

the answer to all this is found in David's plea, 'hear me, O Lord;  hear my cry' - a Cry is sounded from the heart, the soul, from the homes, from the church house.   The cry of Daniel 9; Ezra 9; Nehemiah 9 - 'we have sinned against You, O Lord; pardon and forgive us, before its too late.'     David said, "I am calling upon You; answer me, O Lord'   And God has said, in Jeremiah 33, 'you call, I will answer'.   Here we are at this point!   The 7 churches in Austin, are calling upon Him for 24 hours for 7 days;  we are joining them to pray 24 hours for 3 1/2 days.   this is a Divine moment, I believe for the church.   'when the flood of evil comes in, God raises up a standard against it'. 

Now upon you that read this, what is your response?   Do you know over the last 30 years, how great the sins of our nation is against the Lord?   Do you know that we have legalized every abomination that God said, 'thou shalt not"?    do you see the powerless, fleshly, carnal church, so immersed in entertainment?  do you see them so ignorant of God's Word, of prayer, of evangelism?     and God has sent us numerable remedial judgement to get us to turn back to Him and to repent of our evil ways.   But we would not!   And therefore, we are in this crisis hour of mercy or judgement. 

The prevailing of prayer during these days at the end of this month, will determine what comes next.   If we entreat the Lord, and He is intreated with us; He will stay our judgement.  'Who knows if the Lord will repent of the evil that He thought to do to us, and leave a blessing behind Him for us'.   But if we fail, not knowing our time, nor what is at stake, then severe judgement will be unleashed on us.   And if you think its already bad; know that these are only 'the beginning of sorrows' for those that reject the Lord.   There is still time and opportunity.

You are being asked to stand up and obey the Lord.  To seek the Lord; to call upon Him; to confess before Him; and to wait upon Him that 'in wrath He will remember mercy'.    To pray for the advancement of His kingdom, His will and His ways upon the nations and generations.   To pray in brokenness for the sins of our nation and land; for the sins of the church; and for the sins of our own hearts.   Pleading with Him for Divine help; Divine power; and for Divine purposes of revival, enlargement and holiness.    He is able; if we be found willing.

Do not miss this moment in time that God has called us for such a time as this to respond.   This day is our day to prevail in prayer with Him.   'Hear my cry, O Lord;  give ear to me; visit me; fill me;  and answer me" for Your glory Name's sake.

Prayer Targets:
1.  Drugs/Alcohol - record setting deaths, overdoses, destruction of lives and homes and future;  enslaved by addiction, supply and national legalizing of abomination;   What right does states or nation have to legalize that which causes death and destruction?   Satan is loving it; church should be abhorring it!
2.  Natural Disasters - Bahama devastation is unreal;  more disasters of fires, flooding ( Spain record historic flooding;   earthquakes etc.
3.  LGBT - this agenda from hell is swallowing this next generation in the minds, hearts and souls; 
4.   Cancer - this list continues with so many in treatments, surgery, recovery and results; 
5.  Children - neglect, sex slaves, abuse;  an entire generation being raised without a knowledge of God, due to absence of Sunday school, VBS, some family member to teach them;
6.   Suicide/murder-suicide/homicide - death;   pastor in CA recently committed suicide;   it seems church is reeling from this;   This judgement is not just upon the lost and wicked.   Within the church these epidemics and judgements are being unleashed due to our departure from Him.  Return and see Him restore the minds, hearts and bodies of our church family, house family and society.  Without a return these judgements and epidemics continue on the saved and the sinners.    There is no partiality in any of these judgements of epidemics;

--24hour prayer from September 28 7 AM - Oct. 1, Noon;  this is 80 hours of continual prayer;  at this time we only have 20 % filled with individuals praying 1/2 hours and whole hours;  Sign up;
-- sermons uploaded from last Sunday to my youtube page;
Keyser Church - "The Road to Ichabod" - I SAmuel 4;
Fox's Hollow - 'What God is ABout To do"


Started:  September 14, 2019



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