Sunday, September 9, 2018


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" Ecc. 3:1

Much is on my heart and mind on the following -- What time is it?

Is it a time for revival?  Is it a time for the end?  Is it a time for more judgements?   How will God orchestrate it all for these days upon us.  There have been multiple times over the lat 2 - 3 years of God's "mercy drops" in tent crusades and outbreaks of great salvation.   All of which is termed 'revival', but it is not; it is simply awakening of lost souls to salvation.  However, in contrast the judgements have increased.  Leading to what I term now as 'epidemics'.   Catastrophic results, with a jeopardy to our nations future is now upon us. 

so will there be another great judgement on our land, making 9/11 or Katrina look like a small matter? And out of that come a great cry of need for the Lord?   Or will He simply send that move of His Spirit upon the church and it will arise and shed its carnality and live wholly for Him.  thus provoking the spirit of contention in this pagan nation.  And if this be the case, it will lead to a great persecution of which the US Christians have never known.   One thing is certain I believe, that with Trump being president we have seen a great relief to laws and judicial edicts that have provoked the Lord to great anger.   And I fear the reprise of that is that the church is satisfied with this. 

Not knowing that the greater sin of decades of abandonment to true Christian holiness has not been addressed nor dealt with.  WE have continued to sink and sink into humanism and carnality of the worst sort.   Sin still lies upon us and the land is still defiled before Him, Whose eyes are of purer things than to behold iniquity.   And at the heart of this is the true question of the church, are we really saved?  From Adrian Rogers to Ravenhill to Tozer all defining that most in the church from the 1950's till 1980's that there was many religious folk in the churches and baptized but not truly saved and born again. 

And in this era of heighten pressure to 'get the baptism numbers up' we see humanism pushing to do just that.   But the authentic work of the Holy Spirit is much distant.   A great need for us to examine and exhort true salvation in Christ and lives surrendered to Him.  'Unless a grain of wheat dies', it shall not come forth for His purpose or for His kingdom.   Religion is a weapon of Satan and he has used it masterfully among us. 

So what time is it?   Revival or ruin?  How will God orchestrate these days in front of us.  It has been 2 years now since God did a work in me, giving me warning that evil was coming and to set the people to pray.   SEveral lessons of this to learn, not knowing what was going on.   But now, it is clear that God sets His people to pray lest He consume us in a moment.   This is where the preventive prayers came from.   I warned last year before the mass shooting of Las Vegas and sought before the storms during the month of September that leadership would respond, they did not. 

Now we are worse and in greater peril.  What time is it?   Is it time to be weighed in the balances and finished?   War is coming; conflict in the nations is getting ready to happen.  Souls for all eternity are in jeopardy and not a word of warning.  Too much interested in our entertainment and money.   but its coming and another calamity no doubt.   The heightened increase has begun and we are called to yield to Him -- 'in wrath remember mercy'.    I plead with you to join us in prayer to address our sins, in our nation and in the church.   To set days of fasting and supplication before Him for our future.

"It is high time to awake out of sleep"    And its time to get ready for what is coming this fall.  

1.  Drugs - famous rap artist; newswoman's moving broadcast on her daughter dying; We continue to see it unfold

2.  Cancer - Anne Graham Lotz breast cancer and surgery Sept. 18;   quite the lists that I have in prayer.  As this continues upon near and far.  Treatments, surgery, recovery and death. 

3.  Great Evil -  August was favorable of no police officers killed, no school shooting.  Chicago continues in its daily death rate.  But the last week an increase in murders, and murder-suicides.  I believe the last half of this month we will see multiple mass shootings in school, police and public.  Why?  Again these epidemics are increased because of the failure of the church to respond to our sin.  No response, epidemics of remedial judgements increase and worsen. 

4.  LGBT - their recent losses in court and with Kavanguagh being selected will force them to greater extremes;  I fear for what this means. As possible as storming the Senate to delay and risk the vote for him to be on the supreme court, for they know what is at stake.   I also fear assassination due to extremism.
5.  Children -  amber alerts, headlines continue in wake of our children under such scrutiny of sin in abuse and neglect; 

6.  Natural Disasters - 30% of our nation continues under severe drought; coupled with numerous record wildfires in the west;   Hurricane season during the month of August was no existed in the Atlantic;  one historic swipe at Hawaii.   Now in September we have another record.   Last August into first September, we saw 2 hurricanes hit back to back in US.   Now on 3 separate front, the first of next week may have US hit in Guam, Hawaii and east coast all at the same time.  Don't tell me this is not a severe warning.     

--bible reading; Hopefully the next time I write I will have finished reading my bible through;  It will be #49.   The goal was to hit 50 by my 50th birthday.   I've already started through for the 50th time with 'The Activity of God" but no doubt, Lord allowing, I will pass in readings several times as this is a slow tedious task.    Word studies this time in reading has been:  Call; Put and all the "P" words;
--The Activity of God - Deuteronomy - up through chapter 22;  greatly slowed down in August and thus far in September;   was doing 3 pages a day, but barely able to get one done now.   The last 3 chapters have picked up, due to these chapters being less of Activity of God mentioned in them.
--Videos - was away last Sunday, so no videos uploaded;  but the most important thing I have done is "Urgency" which I have been laboring on and seeking to relate to Prayer Link for their meetings next month.   I only wanted about 6 - 9 minutes, but couldn't get it under 15 minutes.
--A Word - currently just finished starting all verses in Isaiah chapter 55:  verse 1 - 13;  1996 blog posts on bible verses started, only a few have been finished.  but working ot finish all of chapter 55 before I approach #2000 in chapter 56;
--24/7  prayer chain - we have sought to continue this; And I thank those that pray toward this, but do not feel able to sign up.   But I believe it to be the most important thing right now to prevail.   Our failure to fill the slots shows we cannot prevail.   I'm asking you to consider this and join us.
--Sermonindex conference - under a month away;  12 speakers, Oct. 4-6;  simulcast is available and you are asked to sign up for this;   I will be helping moderating and preaching.   I will be gone for a week.   This is pay for your own way conference, you may consider helping toward this.
--Prayer Link - i've been on this task force and spoken the last several months via conference call;  but due to the sermonindex conference wiill not be able to attend.   I can only pray and submit what I have already shared on the urgency and need of response by the church. 


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