September, 2018
Within the last several months, a group of prayer leaders among the SBC had formed a committee to look at the conditions of prayer among SBC. Among this committee they broke up into smaller task forces to complete some task and prepare for the October meeting of Prayer Link. Prayer Link has been a gathering of prayer leaders among the SBC to pray and discuss issues among Southern Baptist in regards to prayer ministry.
In the discussion among these prayer leaders was suggested, "What should we do to promote and encourage prayer?" My response was, 'you cannot seek to promote something before you know where they are in their prayer life." Then was asked by one, 'How do we do that?" Now 10 years ago, I organized Broken Before the Throne, a prayer conference, designed to incorporate preaching and teaching on prayer, but also to include times of prayer, application of prayer. There was many conferences, but little time given, if any time given to actually pray corporately or in small groups. OUt of this time came the understanding that prayer was greatly lacking among SBC pastors and churches. Out of those times, it was sought to seek where and who is praying; and how are they praying. Ten years ago, it was found out the sinful state of the SBC churches and pastors that were guilty of prayerlessness. This was done by asking and communicating with them about the prayer life.
To answer the question, 'how do we do that?' It was the same situation, go and ask them. Upon asking them, communicating with them, we would be able to discern where exactly the prayer life of the SBC is. It would be necessary to go ask pastors, laymen, associational directors, state officers, state convention executives, seminary presidents, and leaders of the SBC entities. Tell us, 'how is your prayer life?' 'What are you doing? or not doing in the realm of prayer?" Beginning this conversation on prayer is a rare theme. And the results confirm what our pre-conceived thoughts are on the SBC prayer life. We do not have 'houses of prayer'; nor are we a praying people.
And so, for the last decade this same notion of the prayer life of most of Christianity in the US has remained. But there has been efforts among the SBC to encourage more prayer and increase it. Always rejoicing in prayer groups, individuals or churches that testify that they are praying and prevailing. Going to these groups, conferences and meeting with these leaders to hear from them their heart and share whats on mine to increase the prayer life among the body of Christ is a great encouragement. This battle to see a healthy prayer life among the SBC is a huge undertaking and an uphill battle. The uphill battle is due to the fact of some of the following issues:
--schedules are too busy and prayer is generally the first thing or one of the first things neglected and cut;
--many are defensive when questioned about this;
--too many testify that they know that they should pray more and do more, but they do not; James 4:17;
The prayer life of the SBC is greatly guilty of the sin of prayerlessness. To know and not do, it is sin. There must be a renewed fire to prevail at the altar of God for our families, for souls, for His kingdom and for our future. For all of these things are in jeopardy and the need is great.
Out of these things came the need to access just where is the prayer life of the SBC; what can be done to help; where are we and where do we need to go.
This article is a report to those findings, to those that have had a conversation on their prayer life among SBC. Gathering information and answering the questions on prayer. This information is not a comprehensive study, but a search to find out the norm pattern of SBC prayer. This was to be gathered from SBC entities - IMB, NAMB, ERLC, BGR and the Executive Committee; from the 6 seminaries; from the 41 state conventions and the suggested percentage of the 45,000 SBC churches.
This is too large of a group and not enough time to invest in more accurate results of the prayer life among SBC. However, I believe that a small gathering of info and numerics would prove identifying of where we are and what we are doing in regards to prayer. Now the overall emphasis to me is in the following issues:
1. Identifying the personal prayer life vs. the corporate prayer life of the church and/or small groups. Seeing that this is for the denomination study/church study, the focus of this is not so much about the personal prayer life but to stay focused on the corporate. Although I affirm that the corporate prayer life is a direct result of the private prayer life of individuals. Out of the secret closet comes the blessings and overflow in the corporate setting.
2. Examine what they are doing and how they are doing prayer among the body, the church. Now this is simply done by asking the question: ''Tell me what you are doing for prayer and how." Note the frequency of it, per week? per month? per quarter? semi-annual or annually? Who is faithful and consistent in this?
3. Note how those that are praying, in how this came to be. Was they discipled? was they mentored? What moved them to begin to pray?
Most of these questions and personal dialogue with leaders helped shape and form the perspective of where we are. but more importantly, 'why' we are here. some where along the line prayer was lost, not taught, not demonstrated - and then 'out of sight, out of mind'. The damage that this has cost our Lord's kingdom will never be revealed till we stand at judgement. but seeing the last 20 years of our nation, and the SBC convention are revealing enough to me.
6 seminaries - This is almost a given that each seminary has employed the following: one semester of spiritual formations to cover the disciplines, which includes prayer; prayer focuses on issues following chapel services; shared issues to pray about via mail/email/text; special emphasis, such as missions to pray for;
New Orleans - 8 AM prayer call for seminary family;
Southwestern - recently having prayer groups to pray as search for a new president is sought; Had Life Action group come do a 2- 3 day services in Oct. 2018;
Gateway - chapel services, followed by prayer;special emphasis of missions and or specific needs shared among campus; weekly - at noon, one day a week;
Midwestern - chapel, prayer emphasis; Need Oriented; Specificity of needs and shared requests;
Not known of any small groups praying on campus or off.
ERLC - at the height of an event, legislation, or court edict, calls to prayer will be issued;
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - a day of prayer set on SBC calendar; believe that they cannot mandate set calls to prayer;
42 state conventions; only a few of these states have been able to maintain a state office for "Prayer and/or Spiritual Awakening"; 4 states have one that I know of, there may be 5 or 6; but it would still be under 15% have this office. Many states that had such an office,have cut that office, due to downsizing and finances. Those that had those offices have had to divert to multiple hats of responsibilities and generally was said, that prayer is not the priority as it gets bumped to the back.
Now the encouraging part that has been implemented since Ronnie Floyd was president of the SBC for two years, was that the prayer movement seemed to largely increase in interest and particiaption. This was done, by a set of 2 day prayer gatherings to lead the people to pray and engage in prayer. Although this was a small number in Dallas, and Atlanta, the hope was for those impacted to return to their offices, churches and continue that spirit of prayer. He also, implemented this during the SBC convention onTuesday night sessions for time to be given to pray corporately and in small groups.
From that time there have been a number of state conventions that have embraced for their annual meetings themes on prayer and times of prayer during those days.
WV & NY - among these 2 state conventions we have 20 associations; and around 750 churches. found was 1 of the 20 associations that had any corporate prayer meetings per year (this association had 2 corporate prayer meetings; semi-annually); Of the churches there was none that could be spoken for that had any kind of 1 hr of corporate prayer meeting per month. (my 2 churches Keyser, and Fox's Hollow do it several times a month, but that was not known to leadership. This again is a problem of not being able to identify every praying group. therefore to give credit for those missed, I sought to round up at least 5 - 8 %) That would mean that 700 of these 750 churches have no monthly corporate hour of prayer.
KY - associations and regional ministers oversee and work with church and pastors; one regional minister said, 'I have had people call for church discord; pastor burn-out; deacon ministry. But in all these years I have never had someone call and ask for help for their prayer or the prayer life of the church." Of this same individual, multiple associations covered, about 100 churches and he did not know of 1 out of 100 that had any corporate prayer meeting for one hour per month, or for the year.
SBCV - social media has shown that they have over the last several years employed quarterly and semi-annually prayer meetings for churches and/or pastors;
AL - Mike Jackson was prayer coordinator, but due to restructuring lost that title and took on other responsibilities; 68 counties; 75 associations; 3248 churches; 65 state staff workers; Feb. - May NDP, rallies held by churches on court steps; daily emails with prayer prompts; NW - annual gathering of churches with other denominational churches on day before NDP; constant outreach to pastors of how state staff can help and pray for them individually; Noted a few churches and their corporate prayers times.
Out of the state conventions I have found that TX, AL, SBCV, CO, OK, IL and NC have the greatest state prayer initiatives to set times, places, emphasis and calls for prayer among their associations, churches and pastors.
So again we see, that around 20% of state conventions are active in promoting prayer initiatives, emphasis and calls to prayer. Now this does not mean that they are praying, but that there is an effort to bring it before the people.
The other state conventions of around 20% (7 or 8 out of 42) have a week of prayer for state missions, prayer emergency requests, and/or a regional prayer time/conference/retreat.
And out of these states that may not be as active as the states mentioned above, they have within their regions, associations, group of churches and pastors that pray. They seek times and places to gather and have prayer. these are encouraging testimonies among the SBC.
thus leaving us with almost 60% of our state conventions deficiency in this most needed area of prayer for our churches, families, states, regions, nation and our Lord's kingdom. When wondering why baptism rates have dropped for almost 2 decades herein at the heart is found the sin of prayerlessness.
Lastly, among the over 45,000 churches the percentage drops severely down under 15% of activity. Now here is a hard thing to consider, "how do you define the prayer life within a church?" Is there an active prayer meeting weekly, monthly? Is there a small group/remnant that prays and seeks the Lord for the church, families, souls , communities etc?
Here is the defining:
Is there an active corporate prayer meeting 1 time per month?
Now there may be a list, a church prayer text, a prayer chain and prayer offered over the offering, invocation and benediction. but this does not define a praying church. We would define as highly active 'house of prayer' as Brooklyn Tabernacle and their great Tuesday night prayer meeting. Or the city of Austin and those multi-denominational churches participating in active corporate prayer meetings for their city and region. They have there and in New Mexico a 24/7 prayer chain. These are highly engaged in the prayer life. SEattle, Washington also has a consistent prayer watch daily. (NOt sure of the churches/names/pastor) but I know they are 24/7 praying.
The traditional Wednesday night 'prayer meeting and bible study', even though the term may still be used, does not meet the definition of a prayer church. Let us look at a usual order of that night for many of these churches: this is based on an hour service:
start at 6 or 7 PM; first 5 minutes of opening prayer, announcements and/or song;
bible study and discussion for 35 to 45 minutes;
take prayer requests - 5 to 10 minutes;
Thus leaving only 5 - 10 minutes to actually engage in prayer. and generally, this is done by one person and not a corporate participation. (Although I know that many may wish to defi9ne as 'praying in agreement with that one person, it does not constitute corporate participation.)
Now for the most part these churches will define themselves as 'a house of prayer' but in reality they are not given to much prayer at all.
This is the norm of the SBC prayer life in the church body. We sing, or used to sing, the old hymn, 'Sweet Hour of Prayer'; but you would be hard pressed to find the church, the pastor, the laymen that actually spend an hour in prayer with their brothers and sisters.
We are not intentional about prayer.
Neglect and loss of time to pray is generally because there is no effort to employ time and energy to pray. Priorities are skewed; schedules are overloaded for carnal things rather than eternal things; and God condemns us with the same words to the disciples, 'What? Could you not watch with Me one hour?" the lack of focus to maintain and employ a daily prayer time personally and a weekly prayer time corporately is desperately needed. Without it our failures will continue and our circumstances worsen.
Willingness to pray and know that we should pray; but the sad confession of most, 'i do not pray enough' -
Perhaps this is what this is all about, to get us to see where we are in the sight of God. We are not spiritually as healthy as we should be. And allowance now to address where we are with the hopes of growing and digging deeper in prayer.
Grass Roots vs. Leadership Taught -
One of two responses were expressed by the majority of these addressed about prayer life. And their response was either they did not implement any prayer initiative for the sole reason that they wanted a grass roots movement to spring up. The opposite side, bolstered prayer initiatives because if prayer is never suggested, promoted or taught, it will die off. Of course, grass roots advocates would say that 'then prayer becomes mechanical, legalistic in approach; rather than Spirit formed and led'. I believe there is a fine line between these two that must be forged for a growth in prayer life.
simply left to a grass roots movement, prayer has died out in many of the SBC churches, and associations. I don't know whether the right phrase is, but certainly could make a point for 'out of sight, out of mind'. therefore I believe it necessary to continue to promote, plan, implement times of prayer to be taught, increased and deepened for the sake of the kingdom.
Defensive response by many in church leadership is that, "I do pray".
And again, when questioned on prayer, it does become a question of understanding what is meant by 'praying'. Is it the 1 hour a day alone in the secret closet? is it 2 hours? Prayer is to be defined by personal and corporate. Out of the corporate it is the whole body as well as small groups and the remnant. For example, you may have a church of 100 faithful; and out of that group only 5 people pray. Now that's only 5% are praying actively. But those 5 can transform the 100 and 'do great exploits for our Lord'.
The defensive positioning is largely conviction of not knowing just where they are in their prayer life, and are more largely convicted that they know that they should do more and be more targeted and specific in setting times and application of prayer among the church body and their own personal walk. the defensive positioning should be abandoned as pride. and replaced with a spirit of humbleness among the body to be taught, led and instructed into a deeper, greater prayer life for the cause of Christ and His kingdom.
The Numbers -
I understand that many will be quick again with the defensive positioning of 'these numbers can't be right'. 'Well, this isn't a complete view of our SBC prayer life'. It is fine with any that may wish to do a more deeper study and gathering of numerics and stats for a better picture of our prayer life. but rather, what has been revealed should be alarming enough to be a catalyst for a response. Are we content to have less than 25% of our convention to shoulder the responsibility of prayer? Are we satisfied with less than 10% active in monthly/weekly times of prayer? We should be so ashamed and greatly agonizing. For we should understand that the fall of our nation, the baptism numbers that the SBC reports continues to decrease, understand that they are directly linked to our lack of prayer.
do you realize that the lack of evangelism among the SBC is due to the lack of prayer? There is no fuel for the fire! Do you realize that the low baptism numbers for decades is due to the lack of prayer? The absence of SBC being 'houses of prayer' is sin in the heart and God will not hear the prayers of those that regard iniquity in their heart. Do you realize that revival tarries because of the sin of prayerlessness? That if 50 - 80% of SBC churches and entities would immediately change their prayer status 'a mighty rushing Wind' would come from the heavens for a people that 'called, and He answered"; for a people 'that sought Him, found Him".
too many will promote or focus on the less than 20% that are engaged in great prayer. And these should be recognized and touted for their obedience and their prayer lives. There are great testimonies and blessings that comes out of these faithful ones. It is not the desire to neglect or shortchange them for their faithfulness to pray. But too often in this day, and I understand it not, that we are lopsided in our focuses. Always present the positive, but never address the negative. But the whole must be addressed, the good with the bad, to get a complete picture. Rejoice with those that are seeing great strides in prayer; but remember they are less than 20%. Sorrow over the 80% that are prayerless, for this the reason of Ichabod upon our nation and many churches.
Suggested Solutions:
1. SBC leadership should re-evaluate and employ help from Prayer Link to assist in making all 47,000 churches to be 'houses of prayer'. Yes, I know time and effort will be involved. But as David said, 'is there not a cause?'
2. Each entity should be willing to look and implement some sort of prayer initiative that our labor is not in humanism, not in the arm of flesh, but in the Spirit of the Lord. 'not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord". Each one and all of SBC must be intentional about prayer.
3. JD Greear has set the SBC convention for 2019 and cancelled all evening sessions. Prayer Link should capitalize on this and organize a time of prayer for the Lord's work among SBC.
4. A suggested call to prayer, much like Jonathan Edward and others promoted for the first Monday/Tuesday of each month. A day of fasting for revival and awakening.
5. To come along side of groups, associations, states and entities to speak much more about their prayer life. 'Where are you at brother/sister in your walk with the Lord? How is your prayer life? Can I pray with you and for you?"
6. Samuel Chadwick said, 'A prayer life is a life that prays". And we must concede that we have not had a prayer life because we have not prayed throughout life. And make a covenant with the Lord that we will be a people of prayer and we will have houses of prayer for His glory and honor.
Worship & Adoration:
--You are God; we are Yours' and You are ours';
--You are the God Who gave to us the means of prayer; Divine conversation from You to us and us to You;
--You are the God Who promises for us to 'call and You will answer'; 'ask and You shall give'; 'seek & You shall help and allow for us to find';
--You have created and ordained Your Bride, the body of Christ to e 'houses of prayer';
--where You have given us much in freedoms, time, opportunity and means to pray and prevail; we have not done as we should have to that which is pleasing unto You;
--our confession as a whole body is that we have sinned: 'to him that knoweth to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.'
--we do not have 'houses of prayer';
--for many our secret closets are dusty and filled with cobwebs due to our negligence;
--we are guilty of the sin of prayerlessness;
--these judgements and evils on our nation is a direct response of our failure to come before You;
Petitions & Supplications:
--Lord, makes us to be men and women of prayer;
--Lord, help us and hear our cry to make Your house a house of prayer;
--Grant to us that Spirit that will keep us praying without ceasing;
--give to us a spirit of empathy and not apathy;
--pour out Your Spirit on Your people and churches that we may see the mighty hand of God seek and save that which is lost; empower Your people and bring glory to Your Name;
Dan Biser
Started: September 17, 2018
Continued: 9/19; 9/20;9/21;9/24;9/25;10/17;
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