Thursday, August 18, 2016


Judgement of God

"Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" - Genesis 18

There is an  increase of evil in our land  Men continue to be submerged in sin and self.  Such reactions of men only provoke the Lord and anger Him.  AS God would have men to be saved and delivered from such selfishness and sin, He employs means to that end that they may 'consider their latter end'.  These are Divine moments of God's hand used to employ His grace and mercy.

But as His invitations and instructions are rejected and refused, God answers.  IN the book of Leviticus 26, God warns the children of Israel that if they continued 'to walk contrary unto Him, He would punish them seven times more for their sins.'  So as these judgments increase and escalate we should consider again what the Word of God teaches us on these things of God.   This increase and continuous judgments on our land is what I term 'the Progression of Evil'.

The Nature of God

God is the same in time, ways and His Own Personhood.  'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever" Hebrews 13:8.  "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed"  Malachi 3:6.  Spurgeon writes a great devotion in Morning & Evening on this attribute of God.  This is the great attribute of immutability, the God that changes not.

Now every attribute, characteristic, action and work of God is consistent with His Divine Holy nature.  These actions of God are consistent throughout Scripture and time.  That which He was and did, is the same in present time and will be the same in future.  To seek to divide from old and new is to not understand what He has declared about Himself and Who He is.

The same God that destroyed the world in Genesis 6 by flood, is the same God Who will destroy the earth by fire in II Peter 3  The same God Who created all things in Genesis 1 and 'it was good and man was very good'; is the same God Who will uncreate this world and man and recreate a 'new heaven and a new earth' and we (His children) shall be made new in Him.   Whereas Paul write, 'old things are past away behold all things become new'.

The same God that smote man because they sinned in Genesis 3 is the same God that smites men today because of their choice to sin against Him.  He is consistent in His ways.
--Adam sinned, 'God cursed him that he would have to toil the ground by sweat';
--Eve sinned, 'God cursed her that she would bring forth children in pain and travail';
--snake sinned, 'God cursed him to go on his belly and be at enemity with woman':
--men sin, 'The wages of sin is death;

Levels of Judgment 

A recent discussion stated that God's judgments are active or passive.  And that the God of the Old Testament was active, but the God of the New Testament and today was passive.  meaning that God was removed from directly unleashing His wrath and judgment on a person, people, or nation.  and that in the passive judgment God simple allows for men to reap what they sow.

I think it to be better defined in the following manner of 'levels of judgment's.

Started:  August 18, 2016



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