Monday, April 4, 2016


April, 2016

"But I give myself unto prayer" - Psalm 109:4

The first 3 months, January - March, prayer targets were assigned to see the needs from world, to nation, to state, to community, to church and our own personal hearts. 

Samuel Chadwick - 'The secret of a prayer life is that it is a life of prayer'

For the next few months, let us see more specific needs of worship, confession and supplication

--list and adore the Names of God;  take time to examine and list the Names found in Scripture;
Robert Murray McCheyne says that there are over 100 Names of Christ found in the Scripture.  How many can you name and give time to adore Him in those Names?
A few of these Names are His Name which HE declares and His attributes:
--Exodus 34:5-  8, 'The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth'  Here we have the Name of God pronounced by Himself, and 5 attributes; 
--Psalm 118:28, 'Thou art my God, and I will praise Thee; Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee." - personal praise and worship;

I have around 100 verses of Scripture that gives the Lord's Names and attributes within my prayer notebook.  The Word of God feeds our worship and adoration and praise of Him. 

We do a great disservice to proper prayer when we generalize areas of prayer like worship and confession and supplications.  WE cry out, 'Lord forgive us' and the Lord fires back, 'which sins shall I forgive you?'  'Confess your faults one to another'.  And let our confession be more specific of wherein we have sinned against the Lord.
National sins - forsaken, forgotten Him;  unholy; vile; evil ways;  abortions; legalizing of abominations by our courts and legislatures;  whole families and generational (grandparents, parents and children) neglecting church, God and Word; innocent blood on streets, homes and across our land (Deut. 21:1-9)  no confession the sin remains and provokes the Lord; 
Church sins - sin of prayerlessness; lack of faith; neglect of 'studying to shew ourselves approved unto God; forsaking the house of the Lord; silence of speaking His Name to others about eternity;  humanism in our projects; water downed pulpits; no discipleship of spiritual disciplines;
Family Sins - no prayer; no sharing of God's Word; rebellious and unruly children;  parents unequally yoked; neglect of church as family; unholy movies, TV shows; vile social media apps with children/teenagers and adults;  use of money for unneedful things all the while neglecting use of money for our Lord's kingdom;
Personal sins - wherein the Lord reveals and convicts you of that which is offensive to Him;  I John 3:18 - 21;

--Specific requests of names of lost souls;
--specific names of sick/tests/cancer etc.
--cry for missionaries by name, region and place;
--prayer for pastors staff teachers etc. of local churches and across our state;
--SBC leadership; convention in June;
--preventive prayers against drug overdoses; murders in public places such as schools, churches, streets and workplaces;  murder-suicides; 
--protection of children;  rapid increase across our nation of parents killing their children;  this is coupled with the sexual violation of children;
--deliverance from evil - we may rest and take breaks/vacations, but our enemy does not;  we must continue to labor and 'fight the good fight';  somewhere tonight the enemy is plotting, and arranging for some great disaster and tragedy- our prayers can hinder and prohibit it.  

These are a few suggestions and guidance for prayers to go over our churches, communities, nation and our own brethren.  Let us continue to learn, grow and deepen our cries before the Lord.  How precious are the golden censers that offer up the incense of our prayers before us Holy throne. 

Direct corporate prayer meetings in small groups, congregational and 'teach us how to pray' Lord.

However, I may be able to help lead, direct or make suggestions for prayer times, please feel free to contact me. 

dan biser

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