Monday, April 25, 2016


Evil in the Midst of our Nation, Homes, Churches and in our Own Hearts

"But they knew not that evil was near them." - Judges 20:34
"For they saw that evil was come upon them." - Judges 20:41
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" - Romans 1:28

How did we get here?  How did we get to such a time, such a nation such a people filled and practicing such evil, unlike anything which we have heard or seen in our lifetime?  The opening verses should teach us this truth of our reality in United States of America today.

I.  What is the evil in our midst?

Recent reports and activities have shown a consistent state of evil in our land.  It is filled with some of the most horrible, vile, evil works of man.  Here are a few example:
--at least monthly it is reported of the horrible abuse of children under the age of 5 being raped by teenagers and adults;  directly linked to those that are in authority and care of them;
--continued reports and accounts of abuse by authority figures of our children;  Catholic Priests abusing boys;  every week now it seems a teacher in public school having sexual relationships with teenage boys/girls; 
--murder of children;  we read where step parents and parents kill their children; 
--evil of murder-suicides filling our nation, wide-spread across communities, cities;  Soon it will have impacted every family in some way or another.

II How did we get here?

The two verses in opening give us the directive of how this all materialized and why it is happening on such a wider, faster scale in most recent months. 
1.  "They did not know that evil was near them" - the general population perhaps had been suckered punched by the influx of evil.  They didnt' see anything wrong with violent patterns, drug addictions, abusive relationships.  The naïve belief that it was isolated incidents would not impact the whole.  But over due to their inability to see that those initial early steps have led to the full out assault of the evils mentioned above.  The silent, abusive, distorted normalcy of a childhood ravaged by evil means and men has played into this full out society of wickedness. 

It may have started with baby steps, but they have grown, matured, deepened and are now running from one place to the next.  None are exempt, all are affected in this hotly pursued avalanche of evil.

2.  In Romans it states that they gave up the knowledge of God.  When that was 'given up', then a void was created.  Every void will be filled with something.  And in this case it was the reprobate mind.  The knowledge of God holds the mind, even in a lost man, do some standard of decency and moral ability.  but erase that knowledge of God, then there is no restraint to the evil that Satan can wield and create in individuals.  Legion becomes the norm, rather than the exception.   

III.  Who are the ones doing this evil?

WE would conclude, in general that evil, lost men do these things  However in this present day, where the church has lost its 'straight and narrow' path and is more comfortable with a broader path, we now see it among the church too much. 

1 Lost men - My dad always said 'A lost man is capable of doing anything.'  I have always agreed and man have proved that point time and time again  But the difference in our day, of seeing much worser actions and reactions of men must be seen for what it is.  The capability of evil is always present with them.  The practice of it with no restraint is a deadlier scenario. 
In the Gospels we see multiple accounts and reports of demon possessed people.  There are men, women, children demon possessed and bringing harm to themselves and others

IV.  What is the needful response?

Started: April 25, 2016

Continued:  4/26;


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