Wednesday, August 26, 2020


"And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste; for they said, We be all dead men."

Our nation and the church is under severe judgement from the Lord.  Too many dismiss the happenings of this day, and the current events as other means, chance, or accidental.  But the Scripture and those that 'do know their God' know that HE has said, "I cause these things", "I will send these things".  God is Sovereign in all the happenings of our day and time; HE is the same yesterday, today and forever.  It is God that sent the plague of death into Egypt and all the firstborn died.  And this major national crisis caused the Egyptians to fulfill God's desire all along, that they would let His people go so that God may bring them into the promised land, as He promised Abraham.   God judged Egypt for 400 years of slavery of His chosen people, of butchering the children when they were born to control population and to impact those that were slaves, with the threats of their life.  God judged them.

God is judging our nation.  He has sent the plague; He has been judging us for decades through remedial judgements and through what has now become, EPIDEMICS.  There were 9 plagues that came upon Egypt, and in all these Pharaoh hardened his heart against Moses and God.  He refused to obey and chose to rebel against the power and the word of God.   And then came that final judgement, the judgement of death.  The judgement that changed the course of everything.  That Pharaoh, who had hardened his heart against the Lord, now gave in to all the commands of Moses for the people of God.  God has last say over everything.

Our nation has been on a continual spiral away from God for decades.  God has sent remedial judgements to shake our nation, our people, and our circumstances to bring us back to Him.  And even though some, may have had some affect in humbling us, it did not last long.  And our latter response was worse than our former.  We have continued to grow worse and worse against God.  Everything is coming to a head.  In the darkness, God may shine His marvellous light; but God may also extinguish all light for our nation and we will be removed from the earth, like other evil nation and people.

Everything is at stake right now.  Everything is coming apart.  And on this current trend, death, dying, destruction and desolation will be our present and future.   The images of cities in riots, looting, crime, homicides, shootings, will hit every locale.   Police and government will not be able to defend, nor stop the mobs, bent on serving themselves.  They know this now, that they cannot be stopped, and they are willing to continue to press into all of our society.   It will come to a head.  And it will be a bloody, deadly conflict.   It will be complete anarchy.

The church in the midst of this, will suffer immensely.  Targeted, attacked, persecuted and blamed, any gathering will come with a costs.  Every Christian will be targeted and sought after with their hateful, evil intent to take everything, including lives.  Religious freedom will be no more.  And every known advantage that we have had as a nation will be removed and we will be a hissing to all the world.   How much more worse can it get than this?!

All means of survival of food, shelter, health, technology will be gone.  It will be a society where the strong survive and the weak are preyed upon.  It will be the worst nightmare for old and those left alone.  And all this will have happened as the cause of our rebellion and hardness of hearts against the Lord.  That darkness has not come, there is still time, and light.   But it is the last moments, and we must labor to suit our circumstances.   Herein is why I believe the Lord has called me to organize and assembly these speakers and this time to prayer so as to prevail.  

It is the last hours, and the greatest need is for us to prevail.  For what comes in the remaining 4 months of this year and into the new year will be unlike anything that we have ever seen.  The happenings now are a clear picture of how bad it will become, unless God intervenes.  And God only intervenes when His people pray.  And they not just say prayer, but pray so as to prevail.   Thus, our emphasis of these days of prayer is focused on this point, "PREVAILING PRAYER."

Why is there no urgency with all that we have seen and experienced?  Why is there such a lethargy by the church to understand just how desperate we need to be to ask for God's intervention and Divine help.  "Come boldly before the throne, to obtain mercy and find grace to help in this time of need."   If ever there was a time, it is NOW!   Yet, men go on to work, to sports, to normal life as if everything will self correct.  It will not; only God can help us!   

I send this word to you, to express to you my urgency for our nation and the state of the church.  I plead with you to join us and gather as many as you can to cry out for His Divine help.  For if we do not prevail, we fail for our nations future.   God gives moments for a Divine response, will you respond rightly in this hour? 

"A Call for a Solemn Assembly II"
August 28 - 30;
Live stream on facebook and youtube channels on pages  for "A Call for a Solemn Assembly".  Like and subscribe to these pages to receive and follow and share the live stream.
Friday evening 6 PM - 9 PM (EST);
Saturday - 9 AM - 9 PM (EST):
Sunday - 1 PM - 9 PM (EST);
Speakers - Doug Small; Bill Elliff; Dai Sup Han; Bob Bakke; Edgar Reich; John McGregor; Dan Biser; Pierre Bynum David Ford and Sammy Tippit;


Dan Biser

Started:  August 22, 2020



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