Friday, April 12, 2019


"But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord."  II Samuel 11:27
"And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man"   II Samuel 12:7
"Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in His sight?"  
II Samuel 12:9

Coming through certain passages of Scripture, one just knows what is coming.   And in II Samuel, David is made king and established.   He is given victories and the statement just a few chapter preceding chapter 12, this statement is about David, "the Lord was with him wherever he went."  And as one reads in approaching chapter 11, the sin of adultery and murder by David is found.   And in chapter 12, God sends His prophet to call out his sin and make him give an account.   Now this is David, the man after God's Own heart.   And about David it is said, 'But the thing that David had done, displeased the Lord."    But what about us?  what about me?

Such things prompt and promote the prayer of confession.   For there is not a true child of God that reads those awful words, 'that thing done displeased the Lord' is now struck with conviction and sorrow.   For the Christian knows his failures, past and present.   The battle over self, death to self and life to victory is a lifelong warfare.  the flesh doesn't' want, for it was born in sin.   Satan doesn't want it, for he desires for us to sin and fail.   And the world has already comprised with both to the pleasing of self, rather than the pleasing of God. 

The true desire of the child of God is to please Him.  This is that powerful word/phrase study that I have marked all these verses that point out that which is pleasing to God and that which is not pleasing to Him.   and the examination of personal heart, family, community, church, and nation is to see that which is pleasing and that which is not pleasing.   For all this leads to the same sorrow that David walked through.   the condemnation, 'thou art the man';  the judgement, 'you have despised the what the Lord commanded';  and the judgement, 'you shall have wars the rest of your days and your child shall die'. 

Here is the reality and application for His church in the Prayer of Confession:

1.   What is the sin, the activity done that displeases the Lord?

One of the things for much of the church is the ignorance of the church regarding the Word of God.   They do not read it, nor study it.   And out of that comes the ignorance of not knowing the sins condemned by God in the Word, nor that which the Word condemns from God.   There is the 10 commandments.  There is the 17 sins of the flesh by Paul in Galatians 5.   There are the Gospels where Christ lists that which comes out of an evil heart.  All of these reveal to us from the Word of God that which is noted as sin.   Don't do it; don't be a part of it; don't allow it.   God is not pleased with such.   Do not let these things be named among you brethren.

Can we not hear the Lord's displeasure over the sins in the 7 churches in Revelation 2 & 3.   Although these 7 churches are found in Asia Minor, and named specifically there, are their same traits not named among us today?   And as much as this is awful that is said of David, 'the thing which he did displeased the Lord'; is it not the same, when Christ says to the 7 churches, "this I have against you.'   Know the sin that is named, and found among us and in our own hearts.  Recognize it for this truth, it displeases the Lord.   And any sin left unrecognized, unconfessed and still embraced will lead to deeper sin against the Lord.   Just as David's sin of lust, fell to adultery, fell to murder, fell to lies. 

2.   What does the sin bring to pass?

The lesson and account of David is severe and mirrors our plight today when we allow for sin to happen.   Death, destruction and decay are found in God's response to Davids' sin. 

3.   What is the remedy for the sin upon confession?

David found God's grace and mercy.  And that even though, the repercussions for his sin were in place, God did not kill him. 

Started:   April 12, 2019



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