Saturday, January 5, 2019



"Now will I shortly pour out My fury upon thee, and accomplish Mine anger upon thee:  and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations."  Ezekiel 7:8

Two things are standing out in Bible readings, 'God's anger and fury'; and "ways and abominations".   The remedial judgements are deepening on our nation and our future is bleak, due to the churches refusal to be broken and contrite over our ways and abominations.  Now even despite this response by our nation and the church, I am still believing that the next great world wide revival is close.   Remember, revival is done by God's sovereignty.   He does it for His glory, and for His purposes. 
--This past week, in our US Senate the first bisexual entered there, 1st in our history.
-- A continued promotion of cities here in WV trying to have city councils open public bathrooms to anyone and make them non-gender.
--Planned parenthood still funded, operating and killing.
--new laws across the board in states legalizing drugs;  as alcohol, they will legalize it completely;
--chicago & baltimore deaths already in first 5 days of new year are 1 per day;

How can one in the church, knowledgeable of the bible not see the 'ways and abominations' of our nation?  And how can the church not be greatly grieved?   How can prayer lives be casual? tearless? not broken?    Will it take for us to see what Ezekiel saw, to be aghast at the 'anger and fury of God'?   Death was pronounced by the Lord and being executed right in front of Ezekiel, so much so that he cried out in Ezekiel 8:8, 'Ah Lord God! wilt Thou destroy all the residue of Israel in Thy pouring out of Thy fury upon Jerusalem?"    Death happening all around us.   do you see it?  are you aware of it?  death on the streets?  death in the home?  death in the public place?  death in the secret place?   Yes, death is all around us as the hand of God goes out against our nation for the great abominations and ways of our nation for decades against Him.  And the churches response of, 'its just the way things are' or 'its always been this way', is not acceptable.   It is ignorance to why and what is happening.  

The sin of abortion, God has to make us answer for.  Yea, the very blood shed on the land cries out, 'How long Lord? before You avenge us?"    The increase in suicides, murder-suicides, drug overdoses, cancers, and homicides are not a simple casual happening.   they are so increased, that our age expectancy is lessening rapidly.   Our population is not re-producing to maintain an existence.  but within a few decades we will be like Europe and Russia in 'phasing out' as more die, and there is none born to replace and maintain population existence.   We've killed, through abortion, an entire generation that would have maintained a healthy existence and population.  Now add the drug, alcohol, cancer, suicide deaths and homicides, you remove another 1/2 generation.  God is allowing us to reap what we have sown in death.   "you kill the innocent; you die' - the wages of sin is death.

There are two points in prayer times that need to be considered for our new year. More time allotted and given to this:
1.  Recognition of where we are and why we are here.   'Our ways and abominations' are not acceptable in the sight of the Lord at all.  If you go back and read Ezekiel chapter 8, God took Ezekiel and showed him all the idolatry that was going on publicly and privately in Jerusalem and the temple.   God knew it , saw it, and brought it to the attention of Ezekiel.   God looks for a man to stand in the gap.   But at this point, it was to late; God's hand was stretched out and killing all those that did not have the ink mark in their foreheads.  Remember a parallel moment comes in Revelation in the wrath of God poured out on the earth.   What of our nation? of our families? of our churches?   Do we recognize that the hand of the Lord has gone out against us?  Do we see His judgements on us in every fabric of our society?    this should be a moment in every prayer meeting corporate and secret closet that causes us to anguish and break down in tears, lamenting our current plight.  
2.   God's anger and fury.    If we have provoked Him? if we have caused His anger to wax hot against us? if His fury is fierce against us?   Should we not deal and seek Him for restraint and mercy?   should it not be time to exercise 'in wrath remember mercy'?      the loss of knowing God has produced an ignorance among the church to ignore, reject and forget these truths of God's nature.  God is loving, but God also hates;  God is just; but God also judges;  God will forgive, but God will also recompense.   We only seem to hold, preach, and pray the side for our betterment, not the side of God's will and way. 

You cannot pray for healing, blessings, gifts, salvations, when our abominations and ways have increased and multiplied His anger and fury.    We must be broken and contrite over our lack of holiness before Him as His church.   our nation will never be remedied nor helped, so long as the church continues its message of humanism.   If the church, worship and the prayer meeting are supposed to be about God, then why is 90% of it geared for our needs and wants?    Let us recognize our plight; let us sorrow and agonize over our great sins before Him that He sees and knows; let us confess and repent before Him;   let us seek His hand of restraint while there is still time.

time is a luxury too many are counting on; when in reality we are running out of time.   too many have already been escorted out into eternity, and horrifying that they have entered hell for all eternity because of the churches neglect and absence in the minds, hearts and souls of our nation, family and fellow man.   'No man cared for my soul'.

1. Drugs/Alcohol
2. Cancer
3. Great Evil
5. Children
6.  Natural Disasters

World Crisis:
I have a world map that I have picked up, which is laminated.   This allows for me to use thumb tacks to put into the map and they hold where these crisis areas are that causes me to be reminded of where to pray.  God sees and hears the cries of these needs which are physical and spiritual.  Pray God's heart for these souls of His creation in need of bread & Bread of lfie.
1.  Venezuela
2.  Yemen;
3.  Ukraine;
4.  Thailand;
5.   Indonesia;
6.  Syria;
7.   Democratic Congo

--bible readings - up through Ezekiel;
--the Activity of God - I Kings 11;
--A Word - Isaiah 57: 1 - 17;
--sermons uploaded on youtube;
--Dan Biser blog - working out this 'God's Anger and Fury'


Started:   January 5, 2019



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