Monday, May 28, 2018



"For now I will stretch out My hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence;  and thou shalt be cut off from the earth."  Exodus 9:15

I'm coming through my word/phrase study of "The Activity of God - Exodus", and here as God is bringing forth the plagues upon Egypt, I come to this verse.  It is a verse that is repeated in several other spots throughout the Bible.  The wickedness of nations, kings, people, individuals and His church that God ushers such a severe warning, "I will judge you, and then I will cut you off and remove you from the earth."  This is only the 6th plague, there are still 4 to go, but by the time the 10th plague comes, death has come, and they have been judged, and they have been cut off from the earth for their disobedience and wickedness.

God warns, and the people respond, or fail to respond rightly before the Lord.  It is my prayer and thought process of our current plight in 3 areas:  Nation (US);  Church (SBC)   and our future.
The warnings of remedial judgements have come, and they have increased and been much upon us, just like the plagues of Egypt.  Judgement of God against our land (naturally), calamities of floods, storms, wildfires, earthquakes, and volcanoes.  Judgement against man (naturally), of pestilence of addictions, cancer, disease, and have only increased.  Judgements against man (mentally), of addictions, lusts, lasciviousness,  evil acts, abuse, apathy, neglect and hardened hearts.  Judgements against the church (spiritually) of increasing sin among the body; carnal; unbelief; prayerlessness; Word-less;  pride; humanism; and not whole hearted to the Lord.  In all these things that God has brought upon us by remedial judgements, it is of our own choices and lack of hearing Him calling us to confess, repent and return unto Him with a whole heart of surrender. 

and now, because He has warned, and we have not heeded, now reap that which is set into motion of being cut off from the earth.  I think our greatest warning came last fall when we had back to back hurricanes, which had never happened before, plus other judgements of mass shooting in October.  The warning and pleading I did to SBC and prayer leaders to respond, and their failure to heed, has only precipitated the increase of school shootings, police shooting, mass shooting, drugs, etc.  We should have heeded to the call to humble ourselves, repent, confess and recognize wherein our high offense against the Lord is and was and changed course of actions.  And now we are threatened in the next generation and near future of being cut off from the earth.  How?  You say;  it has now been self-evident of our own self-annihilation:

--US population - 330 million;  in order to continue existence, where 1 is born and 1 dies, more than likely that is not self-suffecient to maintain population and growth;  a healthy state is 1 dies, 3 is born (or 2);  we are now under this, 1 dies, .08 is born;  this is not sustainable for civilization existence;  we are phasing out of existence;  Due to:
---abortions estimated since 1973 - 60 - 70 million;
--cancer and major disease - 1 million per year;
--drugs/suicide - 100,000 of gnerally the younger generation, thus removing the generation that reproduces for a nation;

What you see here is the removal of a nation, due to directly to our sin against God.  By our own hand of abortion, addictions and sinfulness, we are now under the needed reproduction of a nation to continue to grow and reproduce.  We have removed an entire generation by abortion.  And the generation remaining, being lost and sinful and vile, they cut themselves off by drug OD's, and suicides.   Thus, at this continued rate in 3 to 4 generation in our near future, our nation, will phase out in reproduction.

Russia and Europe started this self-destruction as well, but they have generally been saved by immigrants, as we may also be.  These immigrants are Muslims,  and they will repopulate our nations with their false religions.    So we are in a dreadful place, of not only being cut off from the earth for our future generations of children and grand children and great grand children, but to be replaced by the anti-Christ of hell, Islam.   Without a major response by the church in repentance, restoration and revival from God's hand of mercy and grace, this is the path we are on.  And only God can work it for His purpose, will and Name sake.

I am not prepared to let this happen.  Thus, the Lord, by His Holy Spirit, gives me an urgent pleading of His power and Presence needed for the church.  For long before our population issues become an issue of greater importance, the church will have lost its freedoms, impact, voice and moral compass.  'Unless you repent I will come and remove your candlestick'.  the church, and my SBC, is on the brink of this.   surely you know had, Hillary Clinton, won the presidency, we would be further down the road of 'cut off from the earth' for the evil of these people in abortion, LGBT, abominations being legalized, all as provocations before the Lord.  We have been given a short window of grace.  Last fall, was our warning shot over the bow.  We heard it, we knew it, but too many church and prayer leaders didn't know what to do about it.  And my calls for immediate calls to solemn assemblies and right response before the Lord by God's people was not heeded. 

Was it the right response?
1.  Sins of the nation, the church, the family, the heart must be identified in Scripture as our own sins;  'We have done this';  'I have done this'.   Name the sin and the offense against the Lord;
2.  Confession and repentance of these sins;
3.  Renewed vows and surrender before the Lord in our priorities, habits, lifestyles, choices and decisions.  'Take heed and do it'
4.  Revival - Spirit filled, empowered by the Holy Ghost anointing and fresh wave of power, holiness and hunger for the things of God to be restored and revived among God's people.   There is no other option now, but unless God intervenes for blessing instead of cursing.

How is this to be done?
1.  Each local church should hold forth a solemn assmelby.
2.  Each region/assocation of churches coming together in a city, county surrounding area for such a gathering.
3.  Each state convention should hold an annual time to address this and come together to seek for their own state, coutnies, cities, populations.
4.  Our convention, SBC, which only meets 1 times a year for generally 2 - 4days of the Pastor's Conference and/or SBC meeting.   In this allotted time it is a time of prayer and hosting a solemn assembly.   Years gone by when I pleaded for that Tuesday night to be used for such purposes, they dismissed for 'family' time, 'Vacation' time and fellowship.  Then they hosted the 'movie' times.  Very grateful that Ronnie Floyd had prayer time.   But now, with all the most recent fall out of sin revealed, the time of deep examination of who we are, what we are doing, and Whose we are should be brought forth to restore us to holiness, faithfulness and Anointed by His Spirit to finish the task.  

But this much is certain, yes, I believe another revival is coming to the church.  This is to purify and restore holiness among His bride.  Last of the elect and nations to hear and be saved and engrafted into the tree.   But a greater onslaught before the final judgment of man and earth unfolds as we see in Revelation.  But what I don't know or is unforseen is whether we will still be her or not.  will God meet the US church?  will He spare us?  or shall we be cut off due to our sin, just like Judah was in II Chronicles 36?   These are the things I ponder and wonder.

But whatever God does is right.  'Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"  Yes He will and has!   But I , and you, while we have time are able to seek and call upon Him for mercy, restraint, help, revival.   And we must do it with the utmost urgency, fervency for this time of emergency.  Time is not a bonus for us;  time is running out and the increase of judgements on our nation and the church are clear signs of this.   But the response of the people, especially His church does not meet the right response to please God.  There is prayer, but there is not repentance, there is not humbleness.

God has given us a warning.  He has told us what we must do in a right response to Him and for Him.   But we have not done it, therefore our sin still remains.   I read this morning of Achan and his sin and God told Joshua: "Get up off the ground ,there is sin in the camp;  Put away the sin and I will go with you against your enemies"  Are we not here? 

 For the past month of May we have seen an heightened increase in remedial judgements that are warnings to us to recognize and repent of.   Here are the remedial judgemtns that we engage in prayer for preventive prayers that 'who knows if the Lord will hear and return and leave a blessing behind Him for us"  --
-cops being shot;  Baltimore cop shot and killed;  SC officer run over and killed;
--school shootings;  those lilke Santa Fe that lost lives; but more alarming is those that were thwarted and stopped before greater calamity happened, these are on the increase;
--war;  imminent;  spiritual awakening among soldiers for salvation before death in time of war and terrorism;
--economy;  collapse;  electric - internet - hackers and national terrorism  these only continue to increase and heighten as a means of collapsing society;
--North Korea talks  --  this is not about nuclear nation, but this is about the borders opening for missions to finally be allowed for Light to shine in this evil, dark place;
--Iran/China increase of evil activity;
--supreme court rulings on LGBT, religious freedom are set to be revealed in the next month;   what I learned was that multiple states, and other courts are inundated with mass amount of cases pushing LGBT agenda;  they will not stop till they make their way normal;
--SBC - meeting in Dallas, is so important;   their lack of response is root cause in all this;  failure to respond pushes us forward to our candlestick being removed;
--Sermonindex Conference in October;

--bible reading up through Joshua 12;
--The Activity of God - Exodus"  up through Exodus 10;
--sermons from Sunday uploaded - 'Making Memorials as Inidivudals' - Acts 10;
--A Word - Isaiah 53:   started into this and need to finish up the many that have been started;
--24/7   prayer chain is in need of you to join us and sign on;  for what I have shared with you here, everything is at stake and only a prevailing spirit of prayer will see God's Divine power and hand of mercy;   failure to pray and prevail forfeits ground to Satan and the end result of our removal;


Started:  May 28, 2018



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