Saturday, March 31, 2018

PRAYER BLOG - March 30, 2018


"Awake, Awake, put on strength. . . "  Isaiah 51:9; 52:1
"Awake, Awake, stand up. . . " Isaiah 51:17

I am currently coming through Isiah 51 in my A Word blog posts.  Three times in this section the Lord calls for His people to Awake.  Now in this passages He is addressing the children of Jerusalem and Israel.  but we also know that the Lord when He speaks is not limited to time and place, but is able to speak to multiple people, places and times throughout history.   and multiple times He has come to a nation, to His Own people and spoken these same words over and over, 'Awake, Awake'. 
The only reason the Lord would have to say this, is because they are asleep.

How often in Scriptures and life do we see and know this truth.  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  The disciples sleeping on Jesus in His greatest hour; Christian in Pilgrims Progress falling asleep on the side of the mount and losing time and ground;  the watchmen that sleeps on the wall rather than staying alert and guarding; Jael nailing Sisera to the ground in the book of Judges;  Abner being asleep when David came in and could have killed Saul.  Over and over we see and know the times of our own life and times that we should have stayed awake, be on guard, but sloth and sleep prevailed. 

The church and Christians have been asleep for decades now.  and even though the remnant is stirred up in this hour, for there are many calls to pray, cries for revival.  We still are not awake to the crisis hour we are seeing in the minds and hearts of men.  Evil is running rampant, and the church is sleeping on it guard posts duty.  Bibles are largely neglected by many of the church.  Prayer meetings are held, but little wrestling is done spiritually.  Most prayer meetings are 90 -99 % physical needs, and the spiritual needs of salvation, Holy Ghost, warring a good warfare in the mind and hearts of men is not fought.  Eternal talking is not done among the perishing, all the while the church sleeps.

Their eternity is hastening on, and the church sleeps and dreams of them being saved.  But only to awake to the reality that they are lost and separated from God.  Satan holds them with a grip that cannot be broken by such slothful men.  Awake, Awake ye men of Christ;  put on your armour and go forth and set the captives free.  Not one soul shall be saved, all the while we give more time to our beds and ease than to the causes of Christ.  Herein is our condemnation for this church age.  Look at what it has produced. 

In the hours of crisis, one does not sleep nor rest.  Your house is on fire;  that phone call that your loved one is in ICU;  death is approaching to your loved one; tornado warnings are sounding -- one does not sleep in these moments, unless be counted as a fool.  But they rise and prepare, they watch, they hold forth a vigilant moment of prayer for the needs at hand.  You see it is a crisis hour and the call is issued Awake Awake.  Rise up dear Christian and see the hour of need.  We have slept enough and are as guilty as Peter, James and John for sleeping rather than watching and praying with our Lord's need.  The needs of our Lord, should be the heart cries of our prayers. 

Of all the sins we must answer for, let us awake awake and not be found guilty of this great sin of being asleep when Jesus needed us.   "And that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep:  for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  the night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works fo darkness, and let us put on the armour of light."  Romans 12

--another police officer shot and killed;  cops shot and killed a CA man who was unarmed;
--ISIS & Boko Haran continue in evil against Christians and a threat to all;  Satan uses them for death and destruction;
--drugs;  a continous plague on our land;
--escalation with Russia;  solider killed in Syria;  saber rattling among nations;  war is coming;
--flu resulted thus far in 133 children dying this winter;  another strain of flu is outbreaking now;  this does not count all the adults that have died;
--Planned Parenthood still funded;  great evil;
--supreme court cases rulings to affect Christians religious freedom;  no doubt with this venomous attacks, Satan will take these away from us; 
--LGBT agenda is another of these arms of Satan seeking to destroy our nation and future;  much ground and many souls have been lost to this evil that Satan has unleashed upon our society; 
--recent headlines tell of numerous women sending the school Shooter in FL letters and pics of affection for him and his evil;  This is a warning sign of how deep seated the evil is in our land;  so know this, that school shootings, vastly by white males, will be altered to include women. 
--murder-suicides peaked in January and February and subsided in March;  rest not on this continuing for at any moment, this evil will happen and spike again; 

--Bible readings;  up through Luke now;  120 pages to go and should finish in mid-April for 48th time;
--will start again through verse by verse and word by word to record all the Activity of God in what He did, how He did it;  This is to reveal and show the greatness of God;  He is immutable, He changes not;  and that which He did, He is able to do so again.  Also will record all the phrases that I haven't marked yet,  'the fear of the Lord'; 'poor & needy"; 'call & answer'; 'hear & see' which is a favorite of mine;  and 'PLEASE GOD";
--sermons uploaded to youtbue;  Good Friday service;   I have posted and uploaded  over 250 videos
--A Word - moving through Isaiah 51, first 10 verses started, 4 complete;  moving toward 2000 verses;
--Crisis Hour - latest blog posts and still working on to completion;


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