Wednesday, March 14, 2018



". . . that your prayers be not hindered"  I Peter 3:7

Most do not pay attention in the Scriptures to what they say about prayers being heard and prayers being not heard.  The false teaching, or half truth that circulates through the Sunday School classes and even from the pulpits is that 'God hears all prayers'.  And close on its heels is the false truth, therefore 'God answers all prayer'.  Well that is not truth; and if a half-truth, or not truth, then it is a lie.  And lies proceed from the father of lies, from hell itself, the devil.  These Scriptures should teach us and remind us that prayer is dependent on many things of whether it is heard and whether it will be answered.

Are we asking amiss?  Is it the Lord's will?  Who gets the glory from this prayer answered or not?  Is it consistent with God's Word and ways?  Such questions determine, by Scripture, whether we are praying aright.  Such questions generally are not asked, nor addressed.  When their prayers are not answered, they get angry with God; they blame God; they accuse God.   But God answers that by saying, 'This is not My will nor for My glory.'  Prayers are hindered, limited, restrained and left unheard and unanswered by many a praying person.

This particular section in I Peter, is that prayers are hindered because the husband was not treating his wife right.  Sin was present and engaged;  sin hinders prayer.  Psalms tells us that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us.  Unheard prayers by God are due to the sin of men.  And if the prayers are not received by God, then there is no answering to them.  The promise of Jeremiah 33:3, 'Call unto Me, and I will answer you', is a lesson tied into this truth.  You can call as much as you want - this is for those that become defensive when they are questioned about their prayer times and life; 'I pray all the time'; 'God hears all my prayers'; or 'God answers all my prayers'.   To such people as this, I warn you, stay away from them and avoid at all costs.  For such like this, do not understand the Word of God.

But it is necessary to understand the prayers received and the prayers rejected.  And if received, why; and if rejected, why.  The charatceristics are of utter importance to a successful prayer life.  A few guidelines for our praying rightly:
--pray God's heart, not your heart;
--pray with holy, clean hands, hearts and tongues, not with defiled, sinful bodies;
--pray in faith with belief, not in the sin of unbelief or doubt;
--pray according to God's revealed will in His Word and in history;
--pray more for spiritual than fleshly, eternal than temporal;

And recognize that God's will is right, good and perfect.  If there is a reason of timing, delay, not yet you are not defiled, unbelieving, or seeing it answered, there is a reason.  Trust in God, He cannot fail.  Yet, His timing is not ours'.  Be not half-hearted, occasionally, doing it, but be resolved to daily, moment by moment, be much in prayer with a whole heart to see it done for His glory.  Too many fail in this discipline of praying because of time and energy to invest.  Prevailing prayer cannot come from weak-kneed or half-heartedness.   

And understand this truth, that the means of praying is so as to prevail with God.  To be satisfied with unanswered prayer demonstrates that something is wrong.  In such a day as ours', we must pray;  and not just pray, but prevail in prayer.   Everything is in the balances of our nation, the church, families, our very own future; and prayer is the means to secure God's favor and blessings for His kingdom's work.  To fail in this, only allows for Satan to have his will and way.  Brethren, pray!  And pray that your prayers be not hindered.

Prayer Targets
--quite apparent, I believe, that war is imminent for our nation;  this remedial judgement is again a means of judgement on our nation for its 'forgetting and forsaking the Lord'; and our enemies may get the best of us again due to our sins;  But even though North Korea situation seems to be diffusing, the issues in Syria and the antagonist of China and Russia are at an all time high again.
--drugs;  numbers accumulating for 2017 and showing the numbers to be greatly increasing for emergency OD and one would believe the death rate to run with that increase; legalization of drugs for drugs as a remedy is the lack of discernment for our day;
--murder-suicides; tragically someone sent to me out of Pensacola, FL of a pastor/educator at a Christian college that took the lives of his two teenage children, and then killed himself;   in the church out of the church we are susepctible to this evil;
 --LGBT;  this evil will continue and the attacks and warfare will get worse against Christians and the church;  prepare and war a good warfare now;
--Boko Haran & Isis;  great evil still working, although limited, still killing, maining and stealing;
--New Guinea; earthquakes shook for 2 weeks this area;  complete devastation and loss of life there;  
--Lassau Fever - Nigeria;  over 1000 affected;  deaths increasing at this fever that has no remedy;

--word/phrase study - 47th time through, just finishing up I Peter, 30 pages to go;  so excited;
--bible reading - 48th time through, finishing Daniel;
--sermon from Sunday service at Keyser did not record;  no uploads;  Fox's Hollow service, my two boys, Jacob and Philip stepped in for me;  nothing but praises and good reports from their job;
--A Word; only 2 verses to finish Isaiah chapter 50,  starting into chapter 51;
--24/7 prayer chain still in need of prayer partners for each week;  
--no other work done on


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