Thursday, April 5, 2012



"Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men."
Psalm 12:1

A call to prayer is going out to each church, each family and each individual soul.  We are in crisis right now across our county and we are in desperate need of the Lord God.  The situations we hear and see across our country is being experienced right here in our own county.  Crumbling families, children being raised without morals, without a knowledge of God, drug and alcohol deaths and habitual issues of dependency, adultery, fornication, gambling is every week and every day happening all around us.  And the one people that should be able to help, the church, seems blind and unwilling to meet the need at hand.  The church is powerless and in need of a mighty moving of the Spirit of God upon us.  We need revival! 

Instead of the churches being full and overrunning with crowds and people, the jail and entertainment places are filled and overflowing.  In the summer time, the river has more people than the house of God.  We see a crisis at hand that has the potential for worsening over the next weeks, months and years unless the church rises up and responds to what is going on.  Satan and hell are having their way with our young people and families.  With a population of 24,000 (estimated) people in our county, on any given Sunday worship services, only about 3,000 are in church.  That means almost 90% of our population is out of church.  No doubt, this is directly related to our present condition of problems.  A change needs to happen.

Almost a year ago, we began a monthly prayer meeting for the sole purpose of seeking God's mercy and help for our county, families, and churches.  This prayer meeting was increased to two Saturday evenings each month.  We will continue with those Saturday night prayer meetings.  But Zoar Baptist church is desiring to increase prayer as well.  Most churches have a Wednesday night bible study.  Zoar's has always been on Tuesday night.  At 6 PM an hour of prayer,followed by bible study at 7 PM.  They wish to cancel bible study and make Tuesday night each week a prayer meeting for all churches and Christians to come and pray for the conditions of our county. 

We are inviting you to come and join us for this needful time of prayer.  Prayer is the very directive that God has commanded His people to do.  'My house shall be called a House of Prayer'; 'Pray without ceasing';  'continue in prayer'.  If we would be honest most churches never have a serious prayer meeting.  There is a lot of prayer concerns mentioned, a lot of sickness prayed over, but very little of prayer for the sins and lostness upon our county.  We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to respond to this time of prayer.  Pastors, you lead the way;if you don't pray, little can be hoped that your church will pray.  And to the band of intercessors out there, we need you to come and join us. 

Zoar Baptist Church is located in Augusta on Ford Hill Road; roughly 4 miles off of Route 50 (across from Dr. Hott's Animal Hospital).  This will begin May 1, 2012 at 6 PM;  if work or other restraints are an issue and you cannot come til 7 PM, come when you can. 

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