Thursday, January 25, 2018

PRAYER BLOG - January 25, 2018


We are in the midst of another wave of remedial judgements.  Remedial judgements are sent and allowed by God for the correction of a sinful people, a nation and/or His church.   Let us learn a warning from the following passage:

"Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord?  therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord.  Nevertheless there are good things found in thee, in that thou hast taken away the groves of the land, and hast prepared thine heat to seek God."  II Chronicles 19:2 - 3

Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.  these verses in chapter 19 are following where Jehoshaphat had joined and aligned himself with Ahab.  In Chapter 18:1, 'he joined affinity with Ahab.'   It is a dangerous thing to join with those that stand opposed to our Lord.  the warning from the prophet comes in 19:2, 'love them that hate the Lord?'  Now we are to pray for our enemies, we are to love them as Christ loved them for the saving of the soul.  But too many Christians go outside this understanding of 'love' and bless their sin, bless and compromise with their evil choices.  I see this too much today.  Take heed of the warning that Jehoshaphat received.

Now he was doing right in many ways.  Yet, it was this one thing that led to war for his nation in chapter 19.  Much of this in verse 2 - 3 sounds like Jesus speaking to the 7 churches in Revelation 2 -3.  But let us understand for the conditions of the church there is this great need of knowing when the 'wrath upon thee from before the Lord' for our allowance, practice and compromise with sin.  Too many excuse it away because it is accepted by society, or other churches;  accept it because its a family member and they cannot speak honestly to them about their sin.   thus the sin remains, undealt with and the wrath of God is upon thee for allowance of it.  This is no small matter.  'the wages of sin is death';  and even though we may not fear death for our salvation, we must understand that when the righteous accept sin, it costs others their lives and their eternity because we blinked out.

The following are issues of why wrath is gone out against us in our nation.  this season of remedial judgements is most troubling because of what we saw in 2017.  And there seems to be a mentality of acceptance of sin, that we will continue 'to get out of trouble'.  Let us see what needs to be corrected:
1.  Holiness is all but abandoned;  the church and the Christian must seek 'to be holy, as He is holy';  nothing short of this is permitted or allowed.   Wrath is upon those that allow and permit sin for any reason.
2.  Once sin is accepted on any status or means, rationalized, reasoned with, compromised etc. sin is like a cancer.   Sin eats away at the fabric of holiness, righteousness and faithfulness.  The longer it remains, the greater the damage done.  Understanding this is key to understanding why God's wrath is gone out against us.  sin has not been condemned but allowed; thus provoking the Lord to anger.  For His people, the church, have accepted, loved, what God would never love, but hates; sin.
3.  The escalation of this acceptance of sin, this loving what God hates, and hating what God loves, has higher issues of the church.   This sin allowed, causes us to cease loving the things God loves;  all the spiritual disciplines are affected.  This is the reason baptisms are down;  church attendance is down; the power of God is absent;  Holy Spirit grieved, limited and resisted.   This is the nature of the church in its struggles today.

We read that Jehoshaphat continued and strengthened himself in the Lord.  The Lord delivered him and Judah out of the attack from the enemy.  Yet he aligned himself again with Ahabs son where their works were destroyed.  Yet, he drew near and stayed near to the Lord and found His mercy.  If we are to see an end to these remedial judgements it will be because the church has understood what and why these things are happening and draw nigh unto Him.  There in His Presence, filled with confession, broken and contrite there will be grace and mercy.  The restoration of power will come when holiness is restored to individual, family and church.  This will usher in revival, which will proceed judgement.  

Prayer Targets:
--police officers killed;  thus far this year, every 3 - 5 days there has been the murder of a police officer; and multiple others shot and wounded;  This assault on officers shows the decay of order, decency and erodes the balance  away.  This will lead to anarchy and chaos, uncivilized conditions on the streets, public and home.
--murder-suicides; This plague on our society is as devasting as any I believe.  In this evil, a sole individual goes beyond suicide to kill others that are innocent and usually chidlren.   This mass of death and dying is a plague, a scourge on family, communities, affected on all levels.  Any one at any time is capable of being influenced and led by Satan to do this.  Protection and deliverance from such evil is removed by the Lord.  This is spiritual warfare to protect and deliver from minds and hearts being swayed to do evil.
--drugs; this evil has increased each year in this century;  Yet scarcely a word of spriitual warfare is issued against this evil that is again apart of death and dying.  It is removing whole generations.   In the year of 2016 over 60,000 deaths; not counting the affects of health care and damage done from overdoses.  In 2017, expected over 70,000.  This demonic hold over so many souls, is defined as mental and addictive, rather than demonic.   so long as it is perceived as such, we will not understand the true warfare here.
--natural disasters;  7.9 near Alaska;  increase of acitvity;  after seeing back to back hurricanes, wildfires in CA;  we are not done in this area of remedial judgements.  ONly the Lord knows what He will do and allow, but we will face these same, heightened increase of destruction upon our land.
--plagues; The flu is killing many this winter.  Dozens have died, and hundreds are being affected.  A quick increase can go to 100's dying and 1000's being affecting  in no matter of time.   Also, lysteria outbreak;  cancer;  flesh eating bacteria;  etc. 
--economy; Dow Jnes continues to surge and set records over 26,000.  How long?!  this has to explode and erupt at some point.
--teacher/student sex; One man studying this called it a 'phenomenon'   But we should understand and know the gravity of this sin of lusts, lasciouviousness upon our children and generation.  This is only another venue of the sin of fornication and adultery which is deep rooted in our nation and the church.  Flesh, lusts and evil destroys us and every fabric of home, personal lives around us.
--war;  where evil is found, we must fight it, through physical means of army;  See where the evil is - North Korean president and huge evil against the church, and against their own people;  ISIS is all but defeated, but its evil still remains and continues in other means to attack and kill;  and Boko Haran, this man has killed over 20,000 and gone against the church.  Destroy it, or it will destroy you.   And I have no doubt that at some point a major war or conflict will happen as continued judgement on our nation.

--video of warning uploaded 'Special Broadcast' to youtube page;  Pleaded with several prayer leaders to see and address this season we are in.  'they have ears to hear, eyes to see, but refuse to respond.'
--new works on of prayer helps; and this prayer blog;
--sermons from Sunday uploaded to youtube page;  Preached this past Sunday my heart out of II Kings 17, 'Are we not HEre?'  And where I believe our nation is in the sight of God.
--first 500 pages read of bible, just over 800 to go;  and about the same pace for completing all my notes out of my old bible into new one, 160 pages to go;  should finish both around the end of April for 47th & 48th time through; I may reach 50 times reading through before my 50th birthday


Started:  January 25, 2018



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