Thursday, January 25, 2018

PRAYER BLOG - January 25, 2018


We are in the midst of another wave of remedial judgements.  Remedial judgements are sent and allowed by God for the correction of a sinful people, a nation and/or His church.   Let us learn a warning from the following passage:

"Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord?  therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord.  Nevertheless there are good things found in thee, in that thou hast taken away the groves of the land, and hast prepared thine heat to seek God."  II Chronicles 19:2 - 3

Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.  these verses in chapter 19 are following where Jehoshaphat had joined and aligned himself with Ahab.  In Chapter 18:1, 'he joined affinity with Ahab.'   It is a dangerous thing to join with those that stand opposed to our Lord.  the warning from the prophet comes in 19:2, 'love them that hate the Lord?'  Now we are to pray for our enemies, we are to love them as Christ loved them for the saving of the soul.  But too many Christians go outside this understanding of 'love' and bless their sin, bless and compromise with their evil choices.  I see this too much today.  Take heed of the warning that Jehoshaphat received.

Now he was doing right in many ways.  Yet, it was this one thing that led to war for his nation in chapter 19.  Much of this in verse 2 - 3 sounds like Jesus speaking to the 7 churches in Revelation 2 -3.  But let us understand for the conditions of the church there is this great need of knowing when the 'wrath upon thee from before the Lord' for our allowance, practice and compromise with sin.  Too many excuse it away because it is accepted by society, or other churches;  accept it because its a family member and they cannot speak honestly to them about their sin.   thus the sin remains, undealt with and the wrath of God is upon thee for allowance of it.  This is no small matter.  'the wages of sin is death';  and even though we may not fear death for our salvation, we must understand that when the righteous accept sin, it costs others their lives and their eternity because we blinked out.

The following are issues of why wrath is gone out against us in our nation.  this season of remedial judgements is most troubling because of what we saw in 2017.  And there seems to be a mentality of acceptance of sin, that we will continue 'to get out of trouble'.  Let us see what needs to be corrected:
1.  Holiness is all but abandoned;  the church and the Christian must seek 'to be holy, as He is holy';  nothing short of this is permitted or allowed.   Wrath is upon those that allow and permit sin for any reason.
2.  Once sin is accepted on any status or means, rationalized, reasoned with, compromised etc. sin is like a cancer.   Sin eats away at the fabric of holiness, righteousness and faithfulness.  The longer it remains, the greater the damage done.  Understanding this is key to understanding why God's wrath is gone out against us.  sin has not been condemned but allowed; thus provoking the Lord to anger.  For His people, the church, have accepted, loved, what God would never love, but hates; sin.
3.  The escalation of this acceptance of sin, this loving what God hates, and hating what God loves, has higher issues of the church.   This sin allowed, causes us to cease loving the things God loves;  all the spiritual disciplines are affected.  This is the reason baptisms are down;  church attendance is down; the power of God is absent;  Holy Spirit grieved, limited and resisted.   This is the nature of the church in its struggles today.

We read that Jehoshaphat continued and strengthened himself in the Lord.  The Lord delivered him and Judah out of the attack from the enemy.  Yet he aligned himself again with Ahabs son where their works were destroyed.  Yet, he drew near and stayed near to the Lord and found His mercy.  If we are to see an end to these remedial judgements it will be because the church has understood what and why these things are happening and draw nigh unto Him.  There in His Presence, filled with confession, broken and contrite there will be grace and mercy.  The restoration of power will come when holiness is restored to individual, family and church.  This will usher in revival, which will proceed judgement.  

Prayer Targets:
--police officers killed;  thus far this year, every 3 - 5 days there has been the murder of a police officer; and multiple others shot and wounded;  This assault on officers shows the decay of order, decency and erodes the balance  away.  This will lead to anarchy and chaos, uncivilized conditions on the streets, public and home.
--murder-suicides; This plague on our society is as devasting as any I believe.  In this evil, a sole individual goes beyond suicide to kill others that are innocent and usually chidlren.   This mass of death and dying is a plague, a scourge on family, communities, affected on all levels.  Any one at any time is capable of being influenced and led by Satan to do this.  Protection and deliverance from such evil is removed by the Lord.  This is spiritual warfare to protect and deliver from minds and hearts being swayed to do evil.
--drugs; this evil has increased each year in this century;  Yet scarcely a word of spriitual warfare is issued against this evil that is again apart of death and dying.  It is removing whole generations.   In the year of 2016 over 60,000 deaths; not counting the affects of health care and damage done from overdoses.  In 2017, expected over 70,000.  This demonic hold over so many souls, is defined as mental and addictive, rather than demonic.   so long as it is perceived as such, we will not understand the true warfare here.
--natural disasters;  7.9 near Alaska;  increase of acitvity;  after seeing back to back hurricanes, wildfires in CA;  we are not done in this area of remedial judgements.  ONly the Lord knows what He will do and allow, but we will face these same, heightened increase of destruction upon our land.
--plagues; The flu is killing many this winter.  Dozens have died, and hundreds are being affected.  A quick increase can go to 100's dying and 1000's being affecting  in no matter of time.   Also, lysteria outbreak;  cancer;  flesh eating bacteria;  etc. 
--economy; Dow Jnes continues to surge and set records over 26,000.  How long?!  this has to explode and erupt at some point.
--teacher/student sex; One man studying this called it a 'phenomenon'   But we should understand and know the gravity of this sin of lusts, lasciouviousness upon our children and generation.  This is only another venue of the sin of fornication and adultery which is deep rooted in our nation and the church.  Flesh, lusts and evil destroys us and every fabric of home, personal lives around us.
--war;  where evil is found, we must fight it, through physical means of army;  See where the evil is - North Korean president and huge evil against the church, and against their own people;  ISIS is all but defeated, but its evil still remains and continues in other means to attack and kill;  and Boko Haran, this man has killed over 20,000 and gone against the church.  Destroy it, or it will destroy you.   And I have no doubt that at some point a major war or conflict will happen as continued judgement on our nation.

--video of warning uploaded 'Special Broadcast' to youtube page;  Pleaded with several prayer leaders to see and address this season we are in.  'they have ears to hear, eyes to see, but refuse to respond.'
--new works on of prayer helps; and this prayer blog;
--sermons from Sunday uploaded to youtube page;  Preached this past Sunday my heart out of II Kings 17, 'Are we not HEre?'  And where I believe our nation is in the sight of God.
--first 500 pages read of bible, just over 800 to go;  and about the same pace for completing all my notes out of my old bible into new one, 160 pages to go;  should finish both around the end of April for 47th & 48th time through; I may reach 50 times reading through before my 50th birthday


Started:  January 25, 2018



Thursday, January 18, 2018



Word Studies:

Bring, Brought, Bringest, Broughtest
Come, Camest, Came
Do, Dost, Doeth, Doth
Give, Giveth, Givest
Know, Knowest, Knew, Knowledge
Make, Makest
See, Saw, Seest, 
Seek, Sought
Send, Sent
Until, Til


And God Said
Day & Night, D& N
Hear & See, or See & Hear - H & S;
Heaven & Earth
In that day
"I Will's of God"
Poor & Needy
Seek & Find
Small & Great
Take Heed
The Lord Commanded

Questions of the Bible

Chapter 1
1:1 made; all; do;
1:2 Until; the day - day; after; given - give; that He through the Holy Ghost had given commandments - the Lord commanded;  through the Holy Ghost - HOLY:
1:3  after; seen - see; of them forty days - day; and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God - and God said;
1:4 commanded them - the Lord commanded; but; commanded them, saith He - and God said (2);
1:5 but; many days hence - day; the Holy Ghost - HOLY:
1:6 come; Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel? - great questions of the bible;
1:7 And He said unto them - and God said; know; power;
1:8 But; after; power; come; all; Holy Ghost - HOLY;
1:9 when He had spoken - and God said; beheld - behold;
1:10 looked - look; went; behold;
1:11 come; seen - see; go; Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? - great questions of the bible;
1:12 a sabbath day's journey - day;
1:13 come; went;
1:14 all;
1:15 And in those days - day;
1:16 before; which the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
1:18 Now; all;
1:19 known - know; all;
1:20 For it is written in the book of Psalms - and God said;
1:21 all; went;
1:22 unto that same day - day;
1:24 knowest - know; all;
1:25 go;
1:26 gave - give;
Chapter 2
2:1 And when the day of Pentecost - day; come; all;
2:2 suddenly; came - come; all;
2:4 all; gave - give; filled with the Holy Ghost - HOLY:
2:6 Now; came - come; because;
2:7 all (2); Behold;  Behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? - great questions of the bible;
2:8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? - great questions of the bible;
2:11 do;
2:12 all; what meaneth this? - great questions of the bible;
2:14 But; all; known - know;
2:15 seeing - see; the third hour of the day - day;
2:16 But;
2:17 And it shall come to pass; in the last days - day; saith God - and God said; I will pour out of My Spirit - I will's of God; all; see;
2:18 I will pour out in those days of My Spirit - I will's of God; in those days - day;
2:19 I will shew wonders in heave - I will's of God; Heaven & Earth, H&E;
2:20 before; that great and notable day of the Lord - day; come;
2:21 and it shall come to pass; come;
2:22 did - do; know; signs & wonders, S&W;
2:23 delivered - deliver;
2:24 because;
2:25 before;
2:26 did - do;
2:27 Because; see; suffer Thine Holy One - HOLY;
2:28 made; known - know; ways - way; make;
2:29 is with us unto this day - day;
2:30 knowing - know; that God had sworn with an oath to him - and God said;
2:31 seeing, see - see (2); before; did - do;
2:32 all;
2:33 now; see; hear & see, H&S; the promise of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
2:34 but; The Lord said unto my Lord - and God said;
2:35 Until; make;
2:36 all; know; made;
2:37 Now; do; Men and brethren, what shall we do? - great questions of the bible;
2:38 receive the gift of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
2:39 all; as the Lord our God shall call - and God said;
2:40 did - do;
2:41 were baptized and the same day - day;
2:43 came - come; done - do; signs & wonders, S&W;
2:44 all (2);
2:45 all;
2:46 did - do;
2:47 all;
Chapter 3
3:1 Now; went;
3:3 seeing - see; go;
3:4 Look;
3:5 gave - give;
3:6 but; give;
3:9 all; saw - see;
3:10 knew - know;
3:11 all;
3:12 saw - see; look; power; made; holiness - HOLY; Why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? - great questions of the bible (2);
3:13 delivered - deliver; go;
3:14 But; ye denied the Holy One - HOLY;
3:16 made; see; know; given - give; perfect; all;
3:17 now; did (2) - do (2);
3:18 But; before; all;
3:19 come;
3:20 send; before;
3:21 until; all (2); which God hath spoken - and God said; His holy prophets - HOLY;
3:22 all; He shall say unto you - and God said;
3:23 And it shall come to pass; come; will; destroyed - destroy;
3:24 all; after; foretold of these days - day;
3:25 made; all;
3:26 sent;
Chapter 4
4:1 came - come;
4:3 the next day - day; now;
4:4 which heard the word - and God said;
4:5 and it came to pass; came - come;
4:7 power; done - done; By what power, or by what name, have ye done this? - great questions of the bible;
4:8 filled with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
4:9 If we this day - day; done - do; made;
4:10 known - know; all (2); doth - do; before;
4:12 given - give;
4:13 Now; saw - see; knowledge - know;
4:14 Beholding - behold;
4:15 but; go;
4:16 do, done - do (2); all; What shall we do to these men? - great questions of the bible;
4:17 But;
4:18 all;
4:19 But; hear & see, H&S;
4:20 but; seen - see; hear & see, H&S;
4:21 go; finding - find; because; all; done - do;
4:23 go; went; all;
4:24 made; all; heaven & earth, H&E;
4:25 did - do; why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? - great questions of the bible;
4:27 against Thy holy child Jesus - HOLY;
4:28 do, done - do (2); before;
4:29 now; behold; all; speak Thy Word - And God said;
4:30 done - do; signs & wonder, S&W; of Thy Holy child Jesus - HOLY;
4:31 all; spake the Word of God - and God said; filled with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
4:32 but; all;
4:33 power; gave - give; all;
4:34 brought - bring;
4:35 made;
4:37 brought - bring;
Chapter 5
5:1 But;
5:2 kept - keep; brought - bring;
5:3 But; to lie to the Holy Ghost - HOLY; keep; Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the HOly Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land? - great questions of the bible;
5:4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? - great questions of the bible (3); after; power; but;
5:5 gave - give; came - come; all;
5:7 after; knowing - know; done - do; came - come;
5:8 Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? - great questions of the bible;
5:9 behold; How is it that ye have aggreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? - great questions of the bible;
5:10 came - come; found - find;
5:11 came - come; all;
5:12 all;
5:13 but;
5:15 brought - bring;
5:16 came - come; bringing - bring;
5:17 all;
5:19 But; brought - bring;
5:20 Go; all;
5:21 But; came - come; all; sent; brought - bring;
5:22 But; came - come; found - find;
5:23 found (2) - find (2); all; keepers - keep; before; but;
5:24 Now;
5:25 came- come; Behold;
5:26 went; brought - bring;
5:27 brought - bring; before;
5:28 did - do; behold; bring; Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this Name? - great questions of the bible;
5:31 give;
5:32 and so is also the Holy Ghost - HOLY; given - give;
5:34 all;
5:35 take heed; do;
5:36 before; these days - day; all; brought - birng;
5:37 After (2); all; in the days of the taxing - day;
5:38 now; will; come;
5:39 But; found - find;
5:40 go;
5:41 And they departed - depart;
Chapter 6
6:1 And in those days - day; because;
6:2 the word of God - and God said;
6:3 look; full of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
6:4 But; will; give; ministry of the Word - and God said;
6:5 full of faith and of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
6:6 before;
6:7 and the word of God - and God said;
6:8 power; did - do; signs & wonders - S&W;
6:10 resist;
6:12 came - come; brought - bring;
6:13 blasphemous words against this holy place - HOLY;
6:14 destroy; delivered - deliver;
6:15 all; looking - look; saw - see;
Chapter 7
7:1 Are these things so? - great questions of the bible;
7:2 before;
7:3 And said unto him - and God said; come;
7:4 cam e- come; now;
7:5 gave, give - give (2); after;
7:6 And God spake - and God said; bring;
7:7 will I judge - I will's of God; said God - and God said; after; come;
7:8 gave - give; the eighth day - day;
7:9 but;
7:10 delivered - deliver; all (2); gave - give; made;
7:11 Now; cam e- come; all; found - find;
7:12 But; sent;
7:13 made (2); known (2) - know (2);
7:14 sent; all;
7:15 went;
7:17 But; drew nigh - draw near; which God had sworn - and God said;
7:18 Till - until; knew - know;
7:22 all;
7:23 came - come;
7:24 seeing - see;
7:25 deliver; but;
7:26 And the next day - day; do; Sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye wrong one to another? - great questions of the bible;
7:27 But; did - do; made; Who made thee a ruler, and a judge over us? - great questions of the bible;
7:28 wilt thou kill me, as thou didst the Egyptian yesterday? - great questions of the bible; didst - do;
7:31 saw - see; drew near - draw nigh; behold; came - come; the voice of the Lord came unto him - and God said;
7:32 Saying - and God said; behold;
7:33 Then said the Lord - and God said;where thou standest is holy ground - HOLY;
7:34 seen (2) - see (2); come (2); now; deliver; send; I will send thee into Egypt - I will's of God; hear & see, H&S;
7:35 made; did - do; send; deliverer - deliver; Who made thee a ruler and a judge? - great questions of the bible;
7:36 brought - bring; after; signs & wonders, S&W;
7:38 the angel which spake to him - and God said; give;
7:39 but;
7:40 Make; go; before; brought - bring;
7:41 made; in those days - day;
7:42 gave - give; O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? - great questions of the bible;
7:43 made; I will carry you away beyond Babylon - I will's of God;
7:44 as He had appointed speaking unto Moses - and God said; make; seen - see;
7:45 cam e- come; after; brought - bring; before; the days of David - day;
7:46 found, find - find (2); before;
7:47 But;
7:48 made;
7:49 What house will ye build Me? - great questions of the bible; saith the Lord - and God said; heaven & earth, H&E; will;
7:50 Hath not My hand made all these things? - great questions of the bible; made; all;
7:51 do (2), did - do (3); ye do always resist the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
7:52 which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? - great questions of the bible; before; coming - come; now;
7:53 kept - keep;
7:54 But; looked - look; saw - see; being full of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
7:56 Behold; see;
Chapter 8
8:1 all;
8:2 made;
8:3 made;
8:4 went; every where preaching the Word - and God said;
8:5 went;
8:6 gave - give; seeing - see; did - do; hear & see, H&S;
8:7 came - come;
8:9 But; beforetime - before; giving - give;
8:10 all; gave - give; power;
8:11 because;
8:12 But;
8:13 beholding - behold; done - do; sign & wonders, S&W;
8:14 Now; had received the word of God - and God said; sent;
8:15 come; receive the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
8:17 they received the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
8:18 saw - see; given - give; laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given - HOLY;
8:19 give; power; he may receive the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
8:20 but; because;
8:24 come;
8:25 preached the Word of the Lord, preached the gospel - and God said (2);
8:26 go, goeth - go (2); way;
8:27 went; behold; all; come;
8:29 then the Spirit said unto Philip - and God said; go;
8:30 Understandest thou what thou readest? - great questions of the bible;
8:31 come; How can I, except some man should guide me? - great questions of the bible;
8:32 the scripture which he read - and God said; before;
8:33 and who shall declare his generation? - great questions of the bible;
8:34 I pray three, of whom speaketh the prophet this? or himself, or of some other man? - great questions of the bible (2);
8:36 went; way; came - come; see; doth - do; See here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?- great questions of the bible;
8:37 all;
8:38 went;
8:39 come; saw - see; went; way;
8:40 but; found - find; all; till - until; came - come;
Chapter 9
9:1 went;
9:2 found - find; way; bring;
9:3 came - come; suddenly;
9:4 a voice saying unto him - and God said; Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? - great questions of the bible;
9:5 Who art Thou, Lord? - great questions of the bible; and the Lord said - and God said;
9:6 Lord, what wilt Thou have me do? - great questions of the bible; and the Lord said - and God said; go;
9:7 but; seeing - see; hear & see, H&S;
9:8 saw - see; but; brought - bring;
9:9 he was three days - day; did - do;
9:10 and to him said the Lord in a vision - and God said; Behold;
9:11 And the Lord said unto him - and God said; Behold; go;
9:12 seen - see; coming - come;
9:13 done - do;
9:14 all;
9:15 But; the Lord said unto him - and God said; Go; way; before;
9:16 I will shew him how great things - I will's of God;
9:17 went; way (2); camest - come; sent; and be filled with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
9:19 certain days - day;
9:21 But; all; destroyed - destroy; came - come; bring; Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this Name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests? - great questions of the bible;
9:22 But;
9:23 after; many days - day;
9:24 But; known - know; watched the gates day and night - day, D&N;
9:26 come; but; all;
9:27 But; brought - bring; seen - see; way; that He had spoken to him - and God said; hear & see, H&S;
9:28 coming - come; going - go; IN/OUT;
9:29 but; went;
9:30 knew - know; brought - bring; sent;
9:31 all; and walking the fear of the Lord - fear of the Lord; comfort of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
9:32 and it came to pass; came (2)- come (2); all;
9:33 found - find; kept - keep;
9:34 maketh, make - make (2);
9:35 all; saw - see;
9:36 Now; did - do;
9:37 And it came to pass; came - come; in those days - day;
9:38 sent; come;
9:39went; come; brought - bring; all; made;
9:40 but; all; saw - see;
9:41 gave - give;
9:42 known - know; all;
9:43 And it came to pass; came - come; he tarried many days - day;
Chapter 10
10:2 one that feared God - the fear of the Lord; all; gave - give;
10:3 saw - see; ninth hour of the day - day; coming - come; an angel of god saying unto him - and God said;
10:4 looked - look; and he said unto him - and God said; come; before; What is it Lord? - great questions of the bible;
10:5 now; send;
10:6 do;
10:7 departed - depart;
10:8 all; sent;
10:9 drew nigh - draw near; went (2);
10:10 but; made;
10:11 saw - see; heaven & earth, H&E;
10:12 all;
10:13 came - come; a voice to him - and God said;
10:14 but;
10:15 and the voice spake unto him again - and God said;
10:16 done - do;
10:17 Now; seen - see; behold; sent; made; before;
10:19 the Spirit said unto him - and God said; Behold; seek;
10:20 go; sent;
10:21 went; sent; Behold; seek; come; what is the cause wherefore ye are come? - great questions of the bible;
10:22 one that feareth God - the fear of the Lord; all; send; by an holy angel - HOLY;
10:23 went;
10:24 after;
10:25 coming - come;
10:26 But;
10:27 went; found - find; come;
10:28 know; keep; come; but;
10:29 came - come; sent (2); what intent ye have sent for me? - great questions of the bible;
10:30 Four days ago - day; until; behold; before;
10:31 hear & see, H&S;
10:32 Send; cometh - come;
10:33 sent; well done; well; done - do; come; Now; all (2); before; all things that are commanded thee of God - the Lord commanded;
10:35 But; he that feareth Him - the fear of the Lord;
10:36 the word which God sent - and God said; sent; all;
10:37 That word - and God said; know; all; after;
10:38 power; went; doing - do; all; with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
10:39 all; did - do;
10:40 raised up the third day- day;
10:41 all; but; before; did - do; after;
10:42 And He commanded us to preach - the Lord commanded;
10:43 give; all;
10:44 all; them which heard the word - and God said; the Holy Ghost fell - HOLY;
10:45 cam e- come; because; was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
10:47 well; received the Holy Ghost - HOLY; Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? - great questions of the bible;
10:48 tarry certain days - day;
Chapter 11
11:1 received the word of God - and God said;
11:2 come;
11:3 wentest - went; didst - do;
11:4 But;
11:5 saw - see; came - come; heaven & earth, H&E, v. 5 - 6;
11:6 saw - see; heaven & earth, H&E, v. 5 -6; hear & see, H&S, v. 6 - 7;
11:7 heard a voice saying - and God said; hear & see, H&S, v. 6 - 7;
11:8 But;
11:9 But; the voice answered me - and God said;
11:10 done - do; all;
11:11 behold; come; sent;
11:12 go;
11:13 seen - see; which stood and said unto him - and God said; send;
11:14 all;
11:15 the Holy Ghost fell on them - HOLY;
11:16 the word of the Lord, how that He said - and God said; but; baptized with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
11:17 gave - give; did - do; what was I, that I could withstand God? - great questions of the bible;
11:19 Now; but; preaching the word - and God said;
11:20 come;
11:22 came - com;e sent; go;
11:23 came - come; seen - see; all; cleave;
11:24 full of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
11:25 seek; seek & find, S&F, v. 25 - 26; departed - depart;
11:26 found - find; brought - bring; And it came to pass; came - come; seek & find, S&F, v. 25 - 26;
11:27 in these days - day; came - come;
11:28 all; which to pass; came - come; in the days - day;
11:29 send;
11:30 did - do; sent;
Chapter 12
12:1 Now;
12:3 because; saw - see; the days of unleavened bread - day;
12:4 delivered - deliver; keep; bring; after;
12:5 kept - keep; but; made;
12:6 brought - bring; keepers, kept - keep (2); before;
12:7 behold; came - come;
12:8 did - do;
12:9 went; done - do; but; saw - see;
12:10 came - come; went; departed - depart;
12:11 come; Now; know; delivered - deliver; all;
12:12 came - come;
12:13 came - come;
12:14 knew - know; but; before;
12:15 But;
12:16 But; saw - see;
12:17 But; brought - bring; go; went; departed - depart;
12:18 Now; day;
12:19 sought- seek; found - find; keepers - keep; went; seek & find, S&F;
12:20 but; came - come; made; because;
12:21 a set day - day; made;
12:22 gave - give;
12:23 because; gave (2) - give (2);
12:24 But; the word of God - and God said;
Chapter 13
13:1 Now; brought - bring;
13:2 the Holy Ghost said - and God said; Holy Ghost - HOLY;
13:3 sent;
13:4 sent; by the Holy Ghost - HOLY; departed - depart;
13:5 preached the word of God - and God said;
13:6 gone - go; found - find;
13:7 desired to hear the word of God - and God said;
13:8 But; seeking - seek;
13:9 filled with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
13:10 all (3); ways - way; wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? - great questions of the bible;
13:11 now; behold; seeing - see; seeking - seek; went;
13:12 saw - see; done - do;
13:13 Now; came - come; departing - depart;
13:14 But; came - come; went; the sabbath day - day; departed - depart;
13:15 after; sent;
13:16 give;
13:17 brought - bring;
13:19 destroyed - destroy;
13:20 after; gave - give; until;
13:21 afterward - after; gave - give;
13:22 gave - give; found - find; after; all; shall  fulfill all My will - I will's of God;
13:24 before; coming - come; all;
13:25 Whom think ye that I am? - great questions of the bible; But; behold; cometh - come; after;
13:26 feareth God - the fear of the Lord; sent; is the word of this salvation - And God said;
13:27 because; knew - know; sabbath day - day;
13:28 found - find;
13:29 all;
13:30 But;
13:31 seen - see; many days - day; came - come;
13:32 made;
13:33 as it is also written in the second psalm - and God said; this day - day;
13:34 now; he said on this wise - and God said; I will give you the sure mercies of David - I will's of God; give;
13:35 He saith also in another psalm - and God said; see; Holy One - HOLY;
13:36 after; saw - see; by the will of God - I will's of God;
13:37 But; saw - see;
13:38 known - know;
13:39 all (2);
13:40 come;
13:41 Behold; I work a work in your days - day;
13:42 gone - go;
13:43 Now;
13:44 the next sabbath day - day; came - come; to hear the word of God - and God said;
13:45 But; saw - see;
13:46 the word of God - and God said; but; seeing - see;
13:47 For so hath the Lord commanded - the Lord commanded; saying - and God said;
13:48 glorified the word of the Lord - and God said;
13:49 And the word of the Lord was published - and God said; all;
13:50 but;
13:51 But; came - come;
13:52 filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
Chapter 14
14:1 And it came to pass; came - come; went;
14:2 But; made;
14:3 gave - give; testimony unto the word of His grace - and God said; done - do; signs & wonders, S&W;
14:4 But;
14:5 made;
14:9 beholding - behold;
14:11 saw - see; done - do; come;
14:12 because;
14:13 before; brought - bring; done - do;
14:15 Sirs, why do ye these things? - great questions of the bible; do; made; all; heaven & earth, H&E;
14:16 all; ways - way;
14:17 did - do; gave - give;
14:18 done - do;
14:19 came - come;
14:20 came - come; the next day - day; departed - depart;
14:21 preached the gospel - and God said;
14:24 after; came - come;
14:25 preached the word  - and God said; went;
14:27 come; all; done - do;
Chapter 15
15:1 came - come; after;
15:2 go;
15:3 brought - bring; way; all;
15:4 come; all; done - do;
15:5 But; keep;
15:6 came - come;
15:7 know; made; hear the word of the gospel - and God said;
15:8 knoweth - know; giving - give; did - do; giving them the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
15:10 Now; Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? - great questions of the bible;
15:11 But;
15:12 all; kept - keep; gave - give; signs & wonders, S&W;
15:13 after;
15:14 did - do;
15:15 the words of the prophets: as it is written - and God said;
15:16 After; I will return, and will build again, I will build again, I will set it up - I will's of God (4);
15:17 seek; after; all (2); doeth - do; saith the Lord - and God said;
15:18 Known - know; all;
15:20 But;
15:21 every sabbath day - day;
15:22 send;
15:23 after; send;
15:24 went; keep; gave - give;
15:25 send;
15:27 sent;
15:28 seemed good to the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
15:29 keep; do; well (2);
15:30 came - come; delivered - deliver;
15:33 after; go;
15:35 teaching & preaching the word of the Lord - and God said;
15:36 And some days after - day; after; go; see; do; we have preached the word of the Lord - and God said;
15:38 But; departed - depart; went;
15:39 departed - depart;
15:40 departed - depart;
15:41 went;
Chapter 16
16:1 came - come; behold; but;
16:2 well;
16:3 go; because; knew - know; all;
16:4 went; keep; delivered - deliver;
16:6 Now; gone - go; preach the word in Asia - and God said; were forbidden of the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
16:7 After; come; go; but;
16:8 came - come;
16:9 Come; help;
16:10 after; seen - see; go; the Lord had called us, to preach the gospel - and God said;
16:11 came - come; the next day - day;
16:12 abiding certain days - day;
16:13 went; made;
16:15 come;
16:16 And it came to pass; came - come; went; brought - bring;
16:17 way;
16:18 did - do; many days - day; But; I command thee in the Name of Jesus Christ - the Lord commanded; come, came - come (2);
16:19 saw - see; gone - go;
16:20 brought - bring; do;
16:23 keep;
16:24 made;
16:25 hear & see, H&S, v. 25 & 27;
16:26 suddenly; all;
16:27 keeper - keep; seeing  - see; would - will;  hear & see, H&S, v. 25 - 27;
16:28 But; do; all;
16:29 came - come; before;
16:30 brought - bring; do; Sirs, what must I do to be saved? - great questions of the bible;
16:32 spake unto him the word of the Lord - and God said; all;
16:33 all;
16:34 brought - bring; before; all;
16:35 when it was day - day; sent; go;
16:36 keeper  - keep; sent; go (2); now;
16:37 But; now; do; but; come; do thy thrust us out privily? - great questions of the bible;
16:39 came -come; brought - bring; departed - depart;
16:40 went; seen - see; departed - depart;
Chapter 17
17:1 Now; came - come;
17:2 went; three sabbath days - day; out of the scripture - and God said;
17:5 But; all; sought- seek; bring; seek & find, S&F, v. 5 - 6;
17:6 found - find; come; seek & find, S&F, v. 5 - 6;
17:7 all; do;
17:9 go;
17:10 sent; coming - come; went;
17:11 received the word, searched the Scriptures - and God said; all;
17:13 But; knowledge - know; came - come; that the word of God was preached - and God said;
17:14 sent; go; but;
17:15 brought - bring; all; come; departed - depart;
17:16 Now; saw - see; given - give;
17:18 will; What will this babbler say? - great questions of the bible; because;
17:19 brought - bring; know; May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest of? - great questions of the bible;
17:20 bringest - bring; know;
17:21 all; but;
17:22 all;
17:23 beheld - behold; found - find; unknown - know;
17:24 made (2); all; seeing - see; heaven & earth, H&E;
17:25 seeing - see; giveth - give; all 92);
17:26 made; all (2); before;
17:27 seek; after; find; seek & find, S&F;
17:30 but; now; all; but now commandeth - the Lord commanded;
17:31 because; a day - day; which He will judge the world - I will's of God; given - give; all;
17:32 will;
17:33 departed - depart;
Chapter 18
18:1 After; departed - depart; came - come;
18:2 found - find; come, came - come (2); because; all; depart;
18:3 because;
18:5 come;
18:6 will; go;
18:7 departed - depart;
18:8 all;
18:9 then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision - and God said; but;
18:11 teaching the word of God - and God said;
18:12 made; brought - bring;
18:14 now;
18:15 But; look; will;
18:17 all; before;
18:18 after;
18:19 came - come; but;
18:21 But (2); all; keep; cometh - come; will; if God will - I will's of God;
18:22 gone - go; went;
18:23 after; went; all (2); departed - depart;
18:24 came - come;
18:25 way; knowing - know;
18:26 way; perfectly - perfect;
18:27 come; helped - help;
18:28 shewing by the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ - and God said;
Chapter 19
19:1 And it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); finding - find;
19:2 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? - great questions of the bible; Holy Ghost (2) - HOLY (2);
19:3 Unto what then were ye baptized? - great questions of the bible;
19:4 come; after;
19:6 came - come; laid his hands upon the, the Holy Ghost came on them - HOLY;
19:7 all;
19:8 went;
19:9 but (2); way; before; departed - depart;
19:10 all; heard the word of the Lord Jesus - and God said;
19:12 brought - bring; departed - depart; went;
19:14 did - do;
19:15 know (2); but; Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? - great questions of the bible;
19:16 PREVAIL;
19:17 known - know; all (2);
19:18 came - come;
19:19 brought - bring; before; all; found - find;
19:20 grew the word of the Lord - and God said; PREVAIL;
19:21 after (2); go; see;
19:22 sent; but;
19:23 way;
19:24 made; brought - bring;
19:25 know;
19:26 see; but; all; made; hear & see, H&S;
19:27 but; all; destroyed - destroy;
19:31 sent;
19:32 knew - know; come;
19:33 made;
19:34 But; knew - know; all;
19:35 knoweth - know; what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down form Jupiter? - great questions of the bible;
19:36 Seeing - see; do;
19:37 brought - bring;
19:39 But;
19:40 for this day's uproar - day; give;
Chapter 20
20:1 after; go; departed - depart;
20:2 gone - go; given - give; came - come;
20:5 going - go; before;
20:6 after; came - come; the days of unleavened bread, in five days, abode seven days - day (3);
20:7 until; came - come; the first day of the week - day; depart;
20:10 went;
20:11 come; till - until; break of day - day; departed - depart;
20:12 brought - bring;
20:13 went; before; go;
20:14 came - come;
20:15 came (2) - come (2); the next day (3) - day (3);
20:16 because; the day of Pentecost - day;
20:17 sent;
20:18 come, came - come (2); know; after; all; the first day - day;
20:19 all;
20:20 kept - keep; but;
20:22 now; behold; go; knowing - know;
20:23 Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth - HOLY;
20:24 But;
20:25 now; behold; know; all; gone - go; see;
20:26 record this day - day; all;
20:27 all;
20:28 Take heed; all; made; which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers - HOLY;
20:29 know; after; departing - depart;
20:30 after;
20:31 warn every one night & day - day; Day & Night, D&N;
20:32 now; to the word of His grace - and God said; all;
20:34 know;
20:35 all; give; the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said - and God said;
20:36 all;
20:37 all;
20:38 all; see;
Chapter 21
21:1 And it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); after; and the day following - day;
21:2 finding - find; went;
21:3 Now;
21:4 finding - find; go; tarried there seven days - day;
21:5 went; way (2); all; brought - bring; till - until; had accomplished those days - day;
21:7 came - come; abode with them one day - day;
21:8 and the next day - day; came - come;
21:9 did - do;
21:10 tarried there many days - day; came - come;
21:11 come; deliver; thus saith the Holy Ghost - and God said; HOLY;
21:12 go;
21:13 what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? - great questions of the bible; but;
21:14 saying, The will of the Lord be done; I will's of God; done - do;
21:15 after; went; those days - day;
21:16 went; brought - bring;
21:17 come;
21:18 And the day following - day; went; all;
21:20 seest - see; all; hear & see, H&S;
21:21 all; after;
21:22 What is it therefore? - great questions of the bible; come (2); will;
21:23 Do;
21:24 all; know; but; keepest - keep;
21:25 keep;
21:26 the next day, the days of purification - day (2); until;
21:27 when the seven days were almost ended - day; saw - see; all;
21:28 help; all; brought - bring; this holy place - HOLY;
21:29 seen - see; before; brought - bring;
21:30 all;
21:31 went; came - come; all;
21:32 saw - see;
21:33 came - come; done - do;
21:34 know;
21:35 came - come;
21:36 after;
21:37 May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek? - great questions of the bible (2);
21:38 before; these days - day; madest - made; Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days, madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers? - great questions of the bible;
21:39 But;
21:40 given - give; made;
Chapter 22
22:1 make; now;
22:2 kept - keep;
22:3 brought - bring; perfect; all; this day - day;
22:4 way; delivering - deliver;
22:5 doth - do; all; went; bring;
22:6 And it came to pass; came, come - come (2); made; suddenly;
22:7 heard a voice saying unto me - and God said; Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? - great questions of the bible;
22:8 Who art Thou, Lord? - great questions of the bible; And He said unto me - and God said;
22:9 saw - see; but; the voice of Him that spake unto me - and God said; hear & see, H&S;
22:10 do (2); go; all; And the Lord said - and God said; What shall I do, Lord? - great questions of the bible;
22:11 see; came - come;
22:12 all;
22:13 Came - come; hear & see, H&S;
22:14 know; His will - I will's of God; see; Hear & see, H&S;
22:15 all; seen - see; hear & see, H&S;
22:16 now; why tarriest thou? - great questions of the bible;
22:17 and it came to pass; came, come - come (2);
22:18 saw - see; Make; will; And saw Him saying unto me - and God said;
22:19 know;
22:20 kept - keep;
22:21 And He said unto me - and God said; I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles - I will's of God; send; depart;
22:22 gave - give;
22:24 brought - bring; know;
22:25 Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a roman, and uncondemned? - great questions of the bible;
22:26 went; Take heed; doest - do;
22:27 came - come; Tell me, art thou a Roman? - great questions of the bible;
22:28 but;
22:29 departed - depart; after; knew - know; because;
22:30 because; known - know; all; brought - bring; before;
Chapter 23
23:1 beholding - behold; all; before; until; this day - day;
23:3 after; for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law? - great questions of the bible;
23:4 Revilest thou God's high priest?- great questions of the bible;
23:6 but;
23:8 but;
23:9 find; but;
23:10 go; bring;
23:11 the Lord stood by him, and said - and God said;
23:12 when it was day - day; till - until;
23:13 made;
23:14 came - come; will; until;
23:15 Now; bring; come; perfectly - perfect;
23:16 went;
23:17 Bring;
23:18 brought, Bring - Bring (2);
23:19 went; what is that thou hast to tell me? - great questions of the bible;
23:20 bring; perfectly - perfect;
23:21 But; do; will; till - until; now; looking - look;
23:22 See; depart;
23:23 Make; go;
23:24 bring;
23:25 after;
23:26 sendeth - send;
23:27 came - come;
23:28 known - know; brought - bring;
23:29 but;
23:30 sent; gave - give; before;
23:31 brought - bring;
23:32 go;
23:33 came - come; delivered - deliver; before;
23:35 will; come; kept - keep;
Chapter 24
24:1 after; five days - day;
24:2 Seeing - see; done - do;
24:3 all (2);
24:5 found - find; all;
24:6 gone - go;
24:7 But; came - come;
24:8 come; knowledge - know; all;
24:10 after; know; do;
24:11 Because; but; twelve days - day; went;
24:12 found - find;
24:13 now;
24:14 But; after; way; all;
24:16 do;
24:17 Now; after; came - come; bring;
24:18 found - find;
24:19 before;
24:20 found - find; doing - do; before;
24:21 in question by you this day - day;
24:22 perfect; knowledge, know - know (2); way; come; will;
24:23 keep; come;
24:24 after; certain days - day; came - come; sent;
24:25 come; Go; way; will;
24:26 given - give; sent;
24:27 But; after; came - come; willing - will;
Chapter 25
25:1 Now; come; after; three days - day;
25:3 send; way;
25:4 But; kept - keep; depart;
25:5 go;
25:6 ten days, the next day - day (2); went;
25:7 come, came - come (2);
25:8 all;
25:9 But; willing - will; do; go; before; Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me? - great questions of the bible;
25:10 done - do; well; knowest - know;
25:11 but; deliver;
25:12 go; Hast thou appealed unto Caesar? - great questions of the bible;
25:13 after; certain days - day; came - come;
25:14 many days - day;
25:16 dliever; before;
25:17 come; brought - bring;
25:18 brought - bring;
25:19 but;
25:20 because; go;
25:21 but; kept - keep; till - until; send;
25:23 come; brought - bring;
25:24 all (2); see;
25:25 But; found - find; send;
25:26 brought - bring; before (2); after;
25:27 seemeth - seem; send;
Chapter 26
26:2 because; this day - day; before; all;
26:3 because; know; all;
26:4 know; all;
26:5 knew - know; after;
26:6 now; made;
26:7 come; day & night - D&N, day;
26:8 Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead? - great questions of the bible;
26:9 do;
26:10 did (2) - do (2); gave - give;
26:12 went;
26:13 At midday - day; saw - see; way; heaven & earth, H&S, v. 13 - 14;
26:14 all; I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying the Hebrew tongue - and God said; Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? - great questions of the bible; heaven & earth, H&E, v. 13 - 14;
26:15 who art Thou Lord? - great questions of the bible; and He said - and God said;
26:16 But; make; seen - see; I will appear unto thee - I will's of God;
26:17 Deliverest - deliver; now; send;
26:18 power; light & dark, L&D;
26:20 but; all; do;
26:21 went;
26:22 help; this day - day; did - do; come; great & small - G&S;
26:24 doth - do; make;
26:25 But (2);
26:26 knoweth- know; before; done - do;
26:27 know; King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? - great questions of the bible;
26:29 but; all; this day - day;
26:31 gone - go; doeth - do;
Chapter 27
27:1 delivered - deliver;
27:3 the next day - day; gave - give; go;
27:4 because;
27:5 came - come;
27:6 found - find;
27:7 many days - day; come;
27:8 came - come;
27:9 Now (3); because;
27:10 will; but;
27:12 because; depart;
27:14 But; after;
27:16 come;
27:17 helps - help;
27:18 the next day - day;
27:19 And the third day - day;
27:20 many days appeared - day; all;
27:21 But; after; harm & loss;
27:22 now; but;
27:24 brought - bring; before; given - give; all;
27:27 but; come; drew near to some country - draw nigh;
27:28 found (2) - find (2); gone - go;
27:29 wished for the day - day;
27:33 And while the days was coming on, This day is the fourteenth day - day (3); coming - come; all;
27:35 gave - give; all;
27:36 all;
27:37 all;
27:39 when it was day - day; knew - know; but;
27:40 made;
27:41 but;
27:43 But; willing - will; kept - keep;
27:44 and so it came to pass; cam e- come; all;
Chapter 28
28:1 knew - know;
28:2 because (2);
28:3 came - come;
28:4 saw - see;
28:6 looked (2) - look (2); suddenly; but; after; saw- see; come;
28:7 lodged us three days - day;
28:8 And it came to pass; came - come;
28:9 done - do; came - come;
28:10 departed - depart;
28:11 after; departed - depart;
28:12 we tarried there three days' - day;
28:13 came (2) - come (2); after; one day, the next day - day (2);
28:14 found - find; went; seven days - day;
28:15 came - come; saw - see; hear & see, H&S;
28:16 came - come; but; kept - keep; delivered - deliver;
28:17 and it came to pass; came, come - come (2); after; three days - day; delivered - deliver;
28:18 go; because;
28:19 But;
28:20 see; because; hear & see, H&S;
28:21 came - come; hear & see, H&S, v. 21 - 22;
28:22 But; know; hear & see, H&S, v. 21 - 22;
28:23 cam e- come; till - until; morning & evening, M&E; appointed him a day - day;
28:25 departed - depart; after; Well; spake the Holy Ghost - and God said; HOLY;
28:26 Go; seeing, see - see (2); hear & see, H&S;
28:27 see;  hear & see, H&S (2);
28:28 known - know; sent; will;
28:29 departed - depart;
28:30 all; came - come;
28:31 all;

Started:  January 18, 2018

Continued: 1/19; 1/20; 1/21; 1/22; 1/23; 1/24; 1/25; 1/26; 1/27; 1/28; 1/29; 1/30; 1/31; 2/2; 2./3; 2/4;

Finished:  February 4, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018



"And they departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin."  I Kings 15:9, 18, 24, 28

Time has run out for Israel.  From the days of David around 1000 BC til here in the mid part of 700 BC, each king of Israel has this epitaph about them.  After David, Solomon is over all Israel, and he begins well in his walk with the Lord.  But he disobeyed, and the wives he married turned him away from the Lord.  He departed from the Lord to serve false gods.  And out of punishment for his choices, God divided the kingdom keeping Judah for Rehoboam; and giving Jeroboam the rest of the tribes.  And in his first act he drove Israel from following the Lord.  And they departed from the Lord and never returned.

God is ever so merciful.  So gracious in His appeals, wanting to save, wanting to bless.  But when a nation, when an individual, when His Own people depart from Him, or depart not from their sins, what response, reaction can God do?  God's response to Israel was that they refused to depart from their sins.  I do not see much of this in our day and age today.  Even in the church, Christians justify their sins, compromise with the sins of their family members and blink an eye at abominations fo our world.  Do you not know that 'the wages of sin is death? is hell for all eternity?  For these things chosen by men to live and enjoy is the very thing that is anti-God.  WE are to have no part of it as Christians as His church.

Repentance in the minds and talks of men today are to much on simply sorry for one's sin, and even confessing of one's sin.  But to find them that depart from their sin is a hard thing today.  Repentance is departing from sin, and having nothing to do with it anymore.  And since we have continued as a nation, in the church much like Israel's stance, we too shall reap what they did.  The very things listed in II Kings as provoking the Lord to wrath and anger are in our midst today.  In the government, on the streets, in the homes, in the churches and birthed in the hearts of men;  refusing to depart from their sins.

REvival cleanses the heart from this evil.  And we are now at a point of revival or rejection from the Lord.   Woe to the nation found so far in sin, consumed by evil and practicing wickedness in all aspects of life.  The warning comes, 'depart from their sins'.  Oh, give ear, give place, let the heart expel the wickedness from within, and anchor on Christ and His sufficiency.  Cleanse Thou my hands, my heart, my head; renew a right spirit within me.  Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.  We are in difficult times.   Times of judgement are on us to warn us of the wrath to come.   And because the church has too long accepted sin, they are guilty of the same epitaph of Israel, 'they did not depart from their sins.'   Let this not be said of us.   But let us be heralded by the Lord, 'they departed from their sins with a whole heart unto Him.'

The following 'Prayer Targets' are consistent and increasing in affects upon our nation in every aspect because of this very devotional of II Kings.  Even though the prayer movement is said to be increasing, the judgement of God against our nation is even greater because we 'have not departed from our sins.'  Nothing has changed in our society except evil has grown.   Even the church who should know better, is not doing better.  I see greater sin in the church.   'To him that knoweth to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin'.  We are guilty and must own up to our folly. 

Prayer Targets:
--drugs; Cabell county in WV, record deaths in 2017 for US population proportions;  almost 200 in that one county;  looking and waiting to see if the number for the year is not 70,000 or greater;  legalization of drug use will continue;  wrong plan to fight drug use by legalizing drug use - lunacy of our age;
--LGBT agenda;  if there is one main group that Satan is using in this age it is this;  oblierates truth; seeks to silence church and compromise for their agenda against God's agenda;  infiltrated to every facet of society and home;  the end of a nation;  perversions escalate out of this toward 'reprobate minds';
--murder-suicides; - several happening each week so far this year; 
--homicides; mass shootings; terror; - Police officers being shot are several each week;  mass shooting was thwarted at NFL game in Pittsburg, we rejoice in this answered prayer;  but there is more terror on the heels of this, be much in prayer against this evil, that will rock our nation once again.   Warning to be mindful of where these have happened before and target these areas for prayer - in the churches; pray over every times and places of worship;  in the schools, for 20 years we have known the devastation of this evil of school shootings;  - in the public places, most recently in Las Vegas;   terror can reach the streets as we have seen in the cars driving into streets full of people;  this is an evil of great proportions and hard to be deduced where and when;  but know that Satan is filling the minds of evil men now to act out on this evil and our prayers are to thwart and overcome evil with victory for our Lord;  
--natural calamities; - wildfires in CA, followed by mudslides;  And as we saw record numbers of $$money, death and destruction last year in natural calamities, expect no less this year;   Earthquakes, floods, storms, fires, to cripple our nation for their sin;  the hand of the Lord has gone out against us, and we can expect nothing less till there is a 'departing from sin'. 
--Teach/Student sex;  this continues each week with more;  this is the perversion of our age; epidemic proportions;
--Boko Haran, ISIS and Kim Jong Un - three evils that are established and fulfilling warfare against the church;  person and governments that are used by Satan to assault the brethren of the church;  these are anti-Christ;
--economy; the greed and increase of the Dow should alarm everyone;  there is no way that this increase this fast can be justified, except someone is lining their pockets;  a bubble that is going to explode and crash the system;

--bible readings - if the Lord allows, for my 50th birthday I will have read through the Bible 50 times;  currently on #47 & #48;
--word/phrase study - finished John;  173 pages to go;
--sermons from Sunday uploaded;  Fox's Hollow - praying the 'P's;
--new works at
1.  Praying the 'H's;
2.  Praying the 'P"s;
3. Are we not Here?  - II Kings
--A Word - finally got one done for the new year;  Isaiah 49:22;


Started:  January 17, 2018

Continued:  1/18;



Are we not here, as a nation? His church?

II Kings 17
v. 7 ". . . had sinned against the Lord their God. . . feared other gods"
v. 8 ". . . walked in the statutes of the heath, whom the Lord cast out from before them"
v. 9 ". . . did secretly those things that were not right against the Lord, built high places"
v. 10 ". . . set them up images and groves in every high hill, & under every green tree"
v. 11 ". . . burnt incense as the heathen did. . . wrought wicked things to provoke the Lord to anger"
v. 12 ". . . for they served idols, when the Lord said, YE shall not do this thing"
v. 13 " the Lord sent His prophets to warn, but they would not hear"
v. 14 "Notwithstanding they would not hear, but hardened their necks. . . did not believe in the Lord"
v. 15 "and they rejected His statutes. . .and they followed vanity, and became vain, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the Lord had charged them, that they should not do like them."
v. 16 "And they left all the commandments of the Lord, and made idols and worshipped them"
v. 17 "Affected their children with their sin, and provoked the Lord to anger"
v. 21, and Jeroboam drave Israel from following the Lord, and made them sin a great sin" 

Throughout this chapter, it is the sorrowful outline of why God was getting ready to remove Israel.  Chapter after chapter through I Kings and through II Kings shows the kings of Judah and Israel.   As we read of the kings that followed King David, we see them all in comparison to him and his relationship with the Lord.  We go from Solomon, David's son, through almost 250 years of history of those kings that did not walk with the Lord as David.  This continued process of evil, leadership of evil, leads us to this moment in II Kings, where God says, 'and the Lord rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until He had cast them out of His sight."

It is needful for us to see, wherein their sin was.  The dual comparison between them and our nation and the church today is closely parallel.  And if God is the same yesterday as He is today, then we are on the same path of the Lord rejecting us.   All of this is due to the response of man that produces the response of God.  The Lord rejected His people, Israel, only because they had rejected Him.  And if our nation and the church continues to reject the Lord, then will receive the same response.  If there was ever a time to wake up and take notice it is now, in this late hour.

Are we not here?
Israel had rejected the word of God and place of God.  From the time of Jeroboam as king they had not had one good king, but all did evil in the sight of the Lord.  Our years and decades are now continuing to show our plight that we are failing in major ways before the Lord.  Our elected officials demonstrate that God gives us what we deserve, men of self, greed and power.   Our laws reflect this, as we have legalized just about every abomination in the Scriptures.  And our courts and judicial edicts are consistent in their reflection of these same follies that go against God and for men's devious choices.  Are we not here?  Have we not learned anything from Israel?

And so we see the contrast of these two nations, Israel and the US;  we see it in the spiritual comparison as well between the children of God, Abraham's seed and the church today in North America of disobeying the Word of the Lord.  the church has been impacted due to two things:
1.  Christian priority of holiness and perfection in Christ has been rejected for casual, worldly and selfish choices that are not pleasing to the Lord.
2.  Much of the church population are not truly regenerated Christians, yet they bear the name of Christian and reflect the church as a witness.  And their witness, being lost souls, is sinful and vile and much like the world, for they are still of the world.  

Started:  January 17, 2018

Continued:  1/24;


Monday, January 15, 2018


Praying the words starting with "P" from I Kings 5 - 8


It seems the Lord is revealing a new emphasis of prayer targets for me to consider.  As I share this with you I pray that it helps focus your prayer times.  So many have a hard time praying for long periods of time before the Lord;  very few undertake the 'hour of prayer'.  May something  like this aid and help you pray more deeper and fuller.  At the end of last year into the new year, there was several word studies that I had done, and was doing that led me to 'Praying the "D's"'.  I have adopted 5 central areas of praying topics:  Future; Nation; Church: Family/Home & Personal/Individual.

Praying the words of D then led me to praying words that started with H.  The 'D's were generally from previous word studies that I have done in bible reading.  But the "H's were more visible aroudn Solomon's prayer from I Kings 8.  And now most numerous is this which  is also generally in I Kings 8, that I share with the words that begin with "P".   Each of them to direct the mind and heart to pray the Lord's will and way into these 5 areas of our life.  And each word of P to cause us to pray spiritual, kingdom prayers.  May this be an asset and help to you for focus, change of pace or develop deeper paths of prayer.  But whatever the case may be, we are in a spiritual warfare and need to war a good warfare.  The power of prevailing prayer is the answer, may we obey and fulfill it.


I Kings 5:18, "so they prepared timber and stones to build the house"

Prepare, it is probably the best way to begin in focus of prayer and prayer times.  Solomon was getting ready to build the house of the Lord.  A house unlike anything else every constructed or made for the Lord.  And it was to be a 'house of prayer'.  He set about to prepare for that which would be needed, just as David had done.  All physical things were being prepared for the building of this temple.   And as we prepare to enter into the throne of God, we must prepare ourselves in minds, souls, body and heart for what is getting ready to take place.

Prepare the heart and mind to focus.  Flesh and Satan will come to distract and disrupt us in our thoughts and sensitivity to the Spirit.  Prepare for this, by knowing before hand what will happen and what we need to do to overcome it.   Andrew Murray said it this way to prepare, "A glance at Christ will save; but the gazing at Christ will sanctify."  Knowing to Whom we are approaching, and for is at stake in this prayer time is a way of preparing and focusing for the moments to come.  Haphazard thoughts, hearts, words and focus will not succeed in the prayer closet;   it will be a constant state of chaos, disruptions, distractions and unfocused jumbling of thoughts, targets, and words.   It won't prevail this way.

but the focus of 'looking at Jesus' with a gaze that beholds, to Whom we are approaching, the Lord God; Father, Son & Holy Ghost.  There gathered before the grace and mercy to obtain help and answers for this time of need and requests.  This is the prayer that shall prevail; for it is all about Him and His will.   Too often we are looking at self, or the circumstances, or temporal, earthly things;  but rather may the gaze of Christ prepare us to hear, believe and pray His heart.   Proper preparation too often is not done and pray time becomes a task, often frustrating.


I Kings 6:21; 8:6, 8, 10, 'The holy place"

There are two other places mentioned later in this prayer and chapter that we will identify later on.  But for now let us examine this place, 'the holy place'.

Solomon was building the temple unto the Lord God.  Never had He had a place like this to come down and for them to gather to worship and sacrifice.  This was a holy place.  God is holy, and all that proceeds from Him is holy.  At the end of Solomon's prayer, the Lord came down in Holy Presence and filled the 'holy of holies'. 

3.  PURE
I Kings 6:20, 21; 7:49, 50 - made; "made of pure gold";

The word 'pure' throughout this segment of chapter 6 -8 is only used 4 times.  And in all these references it used to the physical, no spiritual item of gold.  Pure gold is higher, and more rare than gold.  So that it is when we come across its use, we may quickly pass over it.  But in light of the 'P' words it stops us to pray for it.  And definitely not in the sense of pure gold, but pure saints, and a pure church.  For the very reality of pure in the midst of the body of Christ in our own personal lives means that we are right and at one with Christ. 

We see that praying for a pure nation can never be.  The world that we live in is cursed.  It was cursed and has been cursed since the garden of Eden.  Purity is a rare and hard thing to find among the sons of men.  Born in sin, practicing sin, loving sin and eroded by sin is the norm.  The mind, heart, body and soul is all affected by this impurity of thoughts, words and deeds.  The Christian is delivered from impurity and purged from sin by the blood of Christ.  'What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus"; herein is the purity of a life and soul.  "let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" is the purging fo the mind of evil thoughts, of impure thought.  But the whole of creation will never know that state of perfected pureness that it held before the fall of Eve.  We shall see utter purity in heaven, but not till then. 

The purity of a nation can have many aspects to get to this point of pureness.  The way its society lives, thinks, operates all has a hand in it.  Yet, most nations have evil leaders, evil pracitces and pureness is alienated from its prioity.  And where you have the vast majority of over 200 nations throughout the world, and a small percentage is Christian, being pure is obsolete from the nations.  They are evil, they practice evil, and generall hate and defy any that stand for purity. 

Yet when we view the church, here is our target that can and should seek for purity.  Just as we know the command, 'be ye holy, for I am holy'; such a state of holiness means that one is pure.  They have been cleansed and they continue to maintain and work toward that end of being pure within and without and all around within the body of Christ.   the power of the Holy Ghost upon the body of Christ can allow for the church to be pure by their actions, thoughts and intents.    We see this from the day of Pentecost and throughout the book of Acts that the church cleansed itself of impurities and sought unto this state of pureness.  During great days of revival, the church was made pure again.  But the prayer for being pure must be sought again in the midst of the state of the church

4.  PART
I Kings 6:24 'uttermost part'; 6:33 'fourth part';


I Kings 7:48, 'all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord';


I Kings 8:10 - 11, 'Presence of the Lord came down';



9.  PRAY
I Kings 8:26, "and now, O God of Israel, let Thy word, I pray Thee, be verified, which Thou spakest unto Thy servant David my father"; v. 28, "Yet have Thou respect unto the prayer of Thy servant and to his supplication, O Lord, my God, to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer; which Thy servant prayeth before thee to do"; v. 29 "that Thou mayest hearken unto the prayer which Thy servant shall make toward this place"; v. 30 "And hearken Thou to the supplication of Thy servant, and of Thy people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place"; v. 33 "and shall confess Thy Name, and pray and make supplication unto Thee in this house"; v. 35 "if they pray toward thi splace, and confess Thy Name"; v. 38, "What prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, or by all Thy people Israel"; v. 42 "when he shall come and pray toward this house"; v. 44, "and shall pray unto the Lord toward the city which Thou hast chosen"; v. 48, "and pray unto Thee toward their land, which Thou gavest unto their fathers"; v. 49 "Then hear Thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven Thy dwelling place"; v. 54 "when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the Lord" 9:3, "And the Lord said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication that thou hast made before Me"


10.  PLACE

I Kings 8:29 - "that Thou mayest hearken unto the prayer which Thy servant shall make toward this place."
I Kings 8:30, "when they shall pray toward this place; and hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling place"

Earlier in number 2 we examine 'place' directly in the phrase, 'the holy place'.  Now we return to the same word for its reference to the direction of place.

Two places are identified here by Solomon in his prayer unto the Lord.  The place where the prayer is offered, in the holy house of God; generally at the altar.  and the holy place where the prayer is received, in heaven.  These two places of prayer are the point of understanding the concept of prayer between God and man.  God stirs men to seek and speak unto Him.   Men seek God to hear them and hear from Him.  God hears and answers for the purpose of His Divine will and glory.  Men pray for God's will to be done and His Name glorified.  

Far too often this is not dealt with nor thought upon.  Where are our prayers going?  To Whom are they being received or rejected? and why?  The place of prayer is where, here on earth, the prayer are issued from.  Yes, the prayers issue from within us, our souls, heart and mind.  That truly is another study of the places of prayer.  But for now, the physcial place of prayer from which the saint offers his petitions, supplications, thanksgivings, intercession and pleas.  Solomon had build a holy place from which prayers were to be sent and offered before the Lord.  For us today, we recognize the church building, the place of which the church gathers and assembles together.  The place that is consecrated within most church, whether, generally at the front of the church, an altar.

in the private home, or smaller gathering of the saints, the designated place of gathering in a home, room, out in the field, consecrates a place where the knees bow, the gathering takes place and that is constitiued as the holy ground of the altar.  The altar is a holy place from which men bow and God.  It may not be the purity of gold, or elaborate design, it may be the simpleness of a step, chair or stump of wood.  But is it a designated place from which the saint offers his prayers unto the Lord God.

And somehow, as only God can do, He assembles and collects the thoughts, intents, and words of the saint and the prayers, as described in Revelation, are offered as incense before Him from the golden censer.  No doubt, prayers that are 'asking amiss', prayer that are from unclean hearts and hands, are not received  but rejected. 


I Kings 8:61, "Let your heart therefore be perfect with the Lord our our God";  

The close of the chapter and all these events leads us to the last 'P' word of perfect.  The command is for the heart to be perfect with the Lord.  And we understand that if the heart be right with God, the rest will be right with God.  But if the heart is not right, then neither will the rest.  'Perfect', probably one of the words that the church and Christians try to stay away from as much as possible.  At the mere mention of it, the church begins its defense against its command: "No one is perfect"; "No one can be perfect, why bring it up or teach it"  And yet the Word of God does teach it and does command it!   IN Deuteronomy 18:13, 'thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God'.   

And it is needful for us to understand this in order to pray for it rightly.  Perfect means to be complete.  For us, in our spiritual definition it is to be complete in Christ.  When we read through the Bible we read of the saints, that even though they had sin mentioned in their lives, it is said of them, they were 'perfect with God.'
--Noah; "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with God"
--Abraham; "I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be thou perfect"
--Asa; "nevertheless Asa's heart was perfect with the Lord his God all his days";
--Hezekiah; "remember O Lord how I have walked before Thee with a perfect heart"

The call and attainment of being perfect with the Lord, during our days here on earth is found in the heart of the individual.  And the one characteristic of each of these that are marked as 'being perfect with the Lord' is that they walked with God.   Therefore the prayer for perfect must be in praying for the healthy, holy, righteous, faithful walk of the soul before God and with God.  Pray for the desire to attain unto perfection.  For even the Apostly Paul said it and prayed it, "Having not attained unto perfection, yet striving unto it" and then later on in these verses, 'Although I have attained unto it".  Oh, how much more is there for the church, for the Christian if they would understand that there is more than 'just getting by'.

Pray for the church to set that high standard of Paul, of Christ, of so many great saints that set that mark of Christ before them and said in their heart and soul, 'To be like Christ'.  that priority is largely missing from the church and from families and individual Christians.  The prayer of intent and purpose and priority is to be ushered before the Lord.  "Lord, make Your people like You." the understanding of the Christian and church is to be holy like He is holy; to be perfect, like He is perfect.   Too many settle for something less than what God intended, desires and wants.  The warning is giving in Revelation 3, not to settle for less, for it leads to the 'luke-warm heart" which is spued out by God.

Now praying for a perfect nation, future is not of this world.   For there are many in history that sought for perfection through 'uptopia's'  Uptopias are not possible in the nations.  For the reality of our existence is that men cannot be perfect with the Lord, outside of walking and fearing the Lord.   Few there be that find it;  many there be that don't.  The nations are largely made up of heathens, of lost souls that follow their leader Satan into darkness and hell.  These can never be a part of perfection for they are the very opposite, imperfect.  Nothing is complete in them, for they are of the devil and of sin, and know nothing of complete in Christ, for Christ or by Christ.  Chaos, disorder, vile, evil are their traits; these have nothing to do with perfection in God.

And as for our future; it is praying amiss to ask for this.  For the Lord said, that there would always be war, rumours of war, death, dying, pestilences for the sins of the nations against Him and His Father.  These are days of triublations and there will no perfection until we arrive safely hom in heaven with Him for all eternity.  There can and should be the prayer of perfection for the soul, for the family, for the church but that is as far as it goes.

Days of revival in nations, locations give a glimpse of perfection in society, as God intended, but still comes short.   society, nations without crime, without hate, without divisions, such a rare thing to read of and hear of in days of revival, but demonstrates that with God all things are possible.   and without God nothing is possible. 

Started:  January 15, 2018

Continued: 1/16;1/22; 1/27; 1/30; 1/31;


Saturday, January 13, 2018

PRAYING THE "H's" - I Kings 8

Praying the H's

Reading through the Scriptures we find truths that repeat themselves and truths that are only mentioned once.  Whether one or many times spoken and shared it is all truth that leads us unto His Holy throne.  Seeing things in Scripture to incorporate into our prayer life is needful to keep us ever mindful of Him and His ways.  We thank God when He reveals more ways, ways that are inexhaustible to better and enrich our prayer lives.

I have found singular words to be a prayer theme, regardless of where in the Scripture that one word is praying the will of God.  When there are several words in a short passage or spread abroad throughout the Scriptures it is still teaching and leading us to pray His Divine will for His Divine glory.  In the short passages of I Kings chapter 6 - 8 I found a repeated useage of words that began with the letter "H".   and in each one of these words was a directive to pray.

Now our focus has been for this year thus far, the 5 subjects, prayer targets:  FUTURE; NATION; CHURCH; FAMILY/HOME & PERSONAL/INDIVIDUAL.  Let us see these 5 "H" words and how to pray them over these 5 prayer targets.


1.  HOLY
I Kings 7:50; 8:4, 6, 8, 10 - 'the HOLY place';
The number one priority of the Christian and the church is to be holy.  It is commanded by our Lord, 'be ye holy; for I am holy'.  And this holy place is what we are to strive for, obtain and maintain in our own lives, and for the body of Christ.  David prayed, 'Create in me,  a clean heart O God';  he desired to be holy.  Holiness means to be void of sin.  But I do not hear much of this among Christians today;  I do not hear it prayed for very often in the prayer meetings.  Satan distracts us from this pursuit that pleases God and is God-like.  Let us see the need and the responsibility for us to pray over the 5 targets this word and means of a 'holy place'.

Future - the year is before us;  its uncertainty for what shall be is certain.  We do not know what awaits, but the Lord does.  The Lord is Omnipresent and Omniscient and there is no secrets or uncertainty to Him, only to us.  Therefore we are to seek Him for 'what shall be', our future.  And in this future we are to seek His priority, His existence, yea, His name, 'Thou Who art called, HOLY'; we are to seek holiness for our future.   And this pursuit of holiness for our future will cover the other 4 areas of nation, church, family and personal heart.

The Prayer:  O, Holy God the Father, go before us in Your holiness.  Just as your glory Shekinah went before the children of Israel in cloudy pillar by day, and the fiery pillar by night, let Your glory go before leading us in all our ways.  and keep and  maintain this pleasing desire and attribute, as well as Your Name, in holiness.   Cover us and keep us holy, as You are holy  all our days, hours, minutes and moments this year and the years to come.  Let not any of our future be found without You, against you, or found worse yet, unholy.

Nation - recognize the truth about what we are and where we are;  Our nation is unholy.  Vile and sinful, provoking the Lord continually with our ways, laws, edicts, and choices, all of which are contrary to Him and His holiness.  Our nation, desperately close to 'be given over to a reprobate mind' is steam rolling toward annihilation for its unholy living.

Church - if any of these 5 prayer points are to be holy, this subject above all is to be, the Bride of Christ;  'Be ye holy; for I am holy';  unholy church constitutes the absence and fullness of the Holy Ghost.   His Word is holy; His Spirit and Presence is holy, the saved, redeemed people that have received His Word and Spirit are to be holy.   And when there is no holiness, there is an absence of these things to be found.  Something has replaced or restrained them.  The utter prayer becomes, 'Make Your people holy as You are holy.   Let them be void of sin, filled with Thee and holy in all their ways.' 

Family/Homes - to the establishment which God ordained in marriage and children and family, we have all but utterly departed from that;  in fact today, it is almost impossible to find anything that bears resemblance to God's ordained, blessed family homes.   How much then is needed for family and homes to prayed over and be filled with holiness unto the Lord.      

I Kings 8:17 - 18; "And it was in the heart of David. . . Whereas it was in thine heart. . . thou didst well that it was in thy heart."
The heart, is such a needed subject of prayer.  And here in this great prayer and dialogue of Solomon, the heart of David is observed and spoken of.   The Lord commented on David's heart, 'a man after My Own heart'.  Oh, what a heart this is!  and the compliment of the Lord for David's heart, 'thou didst well that it was in thine heart.'   Herein is our priority to make sure our hearts and the hearts entrusted to us, in many of these other topics of house, church and nation, that their hearts are right in the sight of the Lord.

Future - the heart of men, as Jesus told us is wicked, desperately wicked;  Out of the heart proceeds great evils of our day.   

Nation - the heart of the nation has not done well in a right heart after God;  But the nation has a heart after sin, and self.

Church - where is the heart of the church?  Is it wholeheartedly after the Lord?  Is it a divided heart?  Is it a heart that is aflame?  or found to cold and dormant?  luke warm?

Family - what is the hearts that are in the homes of today?  what do they rise up and go after?  what is their heart pursuit?  And again, the homes are broken, generally because of adultery, sin, wantonness of flesh and self.  Divided, priorities of entertainment and ease and money, all of which drives us away from God and full into the world.   Homes are so hurting and the affects are seen in the increase of broken homes, broken lives, broken marriages 



5.  HEAVEN  

Started:  January 13, 2018

Continued: 1/14; 1/15; 1/18;


Wednesday, January 10, 2018



No longer called 'prayer email' but 'prayer blog'.  It will take me awhile to adapt to this change.  I don't know how long I have been doing this, but it must be close to a decade that I did the prayer email.

"Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised Me. . . and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem.   And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David. . . " II Samuel 12:10, 31; 13:1

My focus for prayer has been on the 'D' words.  Here we have two that I have not covered, 'depart' & 'despise'.  David has sinned greatly against the Lord.  And as we know, sin has consequences.  Oh, how we thank Him for forgiveness, for the blood that cleanses; sin that He never remembers any more.  However, understand that does not or  may not erase and remove the punishment and consequences for sin(s).  Our nation has not understood this yet, and the church isn't much better.

David sins against the Lord by committing adultery with Bathsheba;  she becomes pregnant; David ends up killing Uriah the HItite and taking her as his wife.  God sends Nathan the prophet to him to rebuke him and to tell him what his punishment will be.
--Death; the child shall die;
--Depart; the sword shall never depart from you;
--Despise; David despised God;

And immediately at the close of chapter 12, the child has died; Davids enemies abroad, especially the Ammonites have been defeated.  The very next verse, the punishment of God begins and lasts for the next 6 chapters within his own home.  The Lord had said, 'You did this secretly, I will do it before all to see.'  There is rape, betrayal, death and treason from his own household.  And at the center of most of this sin is Absalom, who we are introduced to in verse 1.  How quickly it all turns because of sin.

I fear there is much of the sins of 2017, left unaddressed, undealt with and unatteneded too, that has carried over with us into 2018.  Our moments of severe remedial judgements in 2017, was all but ignored and swept under the rug.  The sin still remains and it looks like Mt. Everest swept under the rugs of life for our nation and the church.  Unconfessed, unrepented of and I believe, generally because we are ignorant of our high offense against the Lord.  David knew his sin; and it costs him two sons deaths, Amnon, and Absalom.and our sins will cost us much. 

Brethren, I would warn you not to fall to the folly that God rebukes David of, 'thou hast despised Me'.  How could David despise the Lord?  how could any of us that are called by His Name and owe Him everything?  Yet, we have and do.  But how severe is this that David, the man after God's own heart, despises Him.  we would all walk more humbly, more broken and contrite for such high offenses against the Lord God.  How light we view sin; how little we think of its consequences.

Sin has not departed from our land, or from the church house or from hearts.  Remedial judgements in the first full week of this year reminds us that for despising the Lord's Word and ways, they have not departed from us.  Death of drug overdoses, plagues, murders, murder-suicides, are all happening and bringing too many souls to death and out into eternity without being made ready.  How long will we despise the ways and Word of God?

Let us humble ourselves before Him; seek His face with daily, intimate times before Him.  Let us plead for our future, of this year, that lays before us;  let us pray for our nation; pray for the church to be holy and understand these truths.  Bring your homes, family and examine your own personal walk with the Lord to make sure that He cannot nor will say of us, 'You despise Me'.    

24/7 prayer chain -  This is a sign up for 1/2 hour intervals of prayer.  You are being asked to join and particiapte with us for this year.  It is the greatest need of our hour.  There are many 24/7 prayer chains happening and growing and this is encouraging.  This prayer chain is directly for the spiritual warfare needed for our land, and time.  all praying souls are needed each day for whatever time your schedule may allow.   Please, I ask of you to sign up and join each day and week for this needed prayer time of advancing our Lord's kingdom and pushing back hell's agenda.  Copy and paste the web site in your search and go sign up today.  thank you

Prayer Targets:
--drugs;  it will take a few months before estimates  come in for overdose deaths for 2017;  expecting 70,000;  first week into January and we had 2 here in Keyser area;  Vermont set on passing recreational marijuana - lunacy of our day; almost all drug deaths has started right here and lawmakers continue lunacy to increase drug use;
--murder-suicides - rampant increase;  already 4 or 5 confirmed across the nation for the first week of the year;
--natural calamities;  after the record wildfires in CA; flooding and mudslides have taken over a dozen lives and destroyed more property and homes;   told you an immense earthquake was near and last night a 7.6 off Honduras coast hit;
--first of the year Pentagon began allowing transgenders to enlist in Army;  continued LGBT agenda advancing, with little rebuff by church;
--continued teacher/sex abuse each week across nation; epidemic numbers;
--two police officers have been slain already this year and this will increase as well;  this is directly linked with the blood shed on our streets of record homicides;
--related to this and the murder-suicides will be this month another public shooting, mass shooting in a school, church etc. And as we have heard reported terrorism of this extreme death is always a fear.  But this evil is upon us and will be repeated due to the failure of the church.  The prayers exercised in the 24/7 prayer time is to counter and wrestle to prevail against this evil.  Too often we, as the church, are praying or calling for prayer after the tragedy;  it is high time to be obedient and pray before to stop it the evil.  

--started the new year despite cold temperatures and sicknesses around for the 2 church at Fox's Hollow and Keyser church;  prayer meetings at Fox's Hollow on 2nd & 4th Saturdays of every month and first sunday of month during Sunday school hour;  bible study on Monday night;
--bible readings;  already up through II Samuel 22; 47th times through;
--word/phrase study of transferring all my notes, and word studies from old bible to new bible ;  this has been a 3 year project;  nearing conclusion in next 100 days;  done up through John 8;
--New Year 2018 video uploaded to youtbue page from Joshua 22:5 & Judges 1 & 2 the place of Bochin;  this is the needed response of the church to recognize where we are and why these things are happening and what to expect in 2018;
--sermons from Sunday sermons being uploaded and streamed;
--A Word - have all but came to  a snails pace from the close of the year through first 10 days of this year;  only a few verses started in Isaiah 49 but none completed;   I did have a publishing house call about but never any follow through;
--Praying 6 "D's" over the new year for the 5 areas of our prayer life - Future; Nation; Church; Family/Home & Personal   I am almost finished this and it is on the blog


Started:  January 10, 2018

Continued:  1/11; 1/12;


Thursday, January 4, 2018



Word Studies:

Bring, Brought, Bringest, Broughtest
Come, Camest, Came
Do, Dost, Doeth, Doth
Give, Giveth, Givest
Know, Knowest, Knew, Knowledge
Make, Makest
See, Saw, Seest, 
Seek, Sought
Send, Sent
Until, Til


And God Said
Day & Night, D& N
Hear & See, or See & Hear - H & S;
Heaven & Earth
In that day
"I Will's of God"
Poor & Needy
Seek & Find
Small & Great
Take Heed
The Lord Commanded

Questions of the Bible

Chapter 1
1:1 was the Word, and the Word, and the Word - And God said (3);
1:3 all; made (3);
1:5 light & darkness - L&D;
1:6 sent;
1:7 came - come; all;
1:8 but; sent;
1:9 cometh - come;
1:10 made; knew - know;
1:11 came - come;
1:12 But; gave - give; power;
1:13 will (2); but;
1:14 And the Word - And God said; made; beheld - behold; grace & truth - G&T;
1:15 cometh - come; before (2); after;
1:16 all;
1:17 given - give; but; came - come; grace & truth, G&T;
1:18  seen - see;
1:19 sent; Who art thou? - great questions of the bible;
1:20 but;
1:21 Art thou Elias? Art thou that prophet? - great questions of the bible (2);
1:22 give; sent; Who art thou? What sayest thou of thyself? - great questions of the bible (2);
1:23 Make; way;
1:24 sent;
1:25 Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet? - great questions of the bible;
1:26 know; but;
1:27 coming - come; after; before;
1:28 done - do;
1:29 The next day - day; seeth - see; coming - come; Behold;
1:30 After; cometh - come; before (2);
1:31 knew - know; but; made; come;
1:32 saw - see;
1:33 knew - know; but; sent; the same said unto me - And God said; see; with the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
1:34 saw- see;
1:35 the next day - day; after;
1:36 looking - look; Behold;
1:38 saw - see; seek; And saith unto them - And God said; What seek ye? Master, where dwellest Thou? - great questions of the bible;
1:39 He saith unto them - And God said; come, came  - come (2); see, saw - see (2); with Him that day - day;
1:41 findeth, found - find (2);
1:42 brought - bring; beheld - behold; He said - and God said;
1:43 The day following - day; findeth - find; and saith unto him - And God said; go;
1:44 Now;
1:45 findeth, found - find (2);
1:46 come (2); see; Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? - great questions of the bible;
1:47 saw - see; coming - come; and saith of him - And God said; Behold;
1:48 knowesth - know; Before; saw - see; Jesus answered and said unto him - And God said; Whence knowest thou me? - great questions of the bible;
1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, I said - And God said (2); Because; saw, see - see (2); Because I said uno thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? - great questions of the bible;
1:51 And He said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said (2); see; ascending & descending - A&D;
Chapter 2
2:1 And the third day - day;
2:4 Jesus saith unto her - And God said; do; come; Woman, what have I to do with thee? - great questions of the bible;
2:5 do;
2:6 after;
2:7 Jesus saith unto them - And God said;
2:8 And He saith unto them - And God said; now;
2:9 made; knew (2) - know (2); but;
2:10 doth - do; well; but; until; kept - keep; now;
2:11 did - do;
2:12 After; went; there not many days - day;
2:13 went;
2:14 found - find;
2:15 made; all;
2:16 And said unto them that sold doves - and God said; make;
2:17 remembered that it was written - And God said;
2:18 seeing - see; doest - do; What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that Thou doest these things? - great questions of the bible;
2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them - And God said; in three days - day; I will raise it up - I will's of God; Destroy;
2:20 in three days - day; And wilt Thou rear it up in three days? - great questions of the bible;
2:21 But; He spake of the temple of His body - And God said;
2:22 His disciples remembered that He had said this unto them, and the Word which Jesus had said - And God said (3);
2:23 Now; in the feast day - day; saw - see; did - do;
2:24 But; did - do; because; knew - know; all;
2:25 knew - know;
Chapter 3
3:2 came, come - come (2); know; do, doest - do (2);
3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee - And God said (2); see;
3:4 How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his  mother's womb, and be born? - great questions of the bible (2);
3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily I say unto thee - And God said (2);
3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee - And God said;
3:8 but; cometh - come; goeth - go;
3:9 How can these things be? - great questions of the bible;
3:10 Jesus answered and said - And God said; knowest - know; Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest no these things? - great questions of the bible;
3:11 Verily verily I say unto thee - And God said; do; know; seen - see;
3:12 If I have told you, if I tell you - And God said (2); heaven & earth, H&E; If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? - great questions of the bible;
3:13 but; came - come;
3:15 but;
3:16 gave - give; but;
3:17 sent; but;
3:18 but; because;
3:19 come; because; light & dark, L&D;
3:20 doeth - do; cometh - come;
3:21 But; doeth - do; cometh - come; made;
3:22 After; came - come;
3:23 because; came - come;
3:26 came, come - Come (2); behold; all;
3:27 given - give;
3:28 but; sent; before;
3:29 but; because;
3:30 but;
3:31 cometh - come; all (2); heaven & earth, H&E;
3:32 seen - see; hear & see, H&S;
3:34 sent; giveth - give; speaketh the Words of God - And God said;
3:35 given - give; all;
3:36 see; but;
Chapter 4
4:1 knew - know; made;
4:2 but;
4:4 go;
4:5 cometh - come; gave - give;
4:6 Now;
4:7 cometh - come; Jesus saith unto her - And God said; give;
4:8 gone - go;
4:9 How is it that Thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? - great questions of the bible;
4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, saith to thee - And God said (2); knewest - know; give, given - give (2);
4:11 Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep:  from whence then hast Thou that living water? - great questions of the bible;
4:12 Art Thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? - great questions of the bible; gave - give;
4:13 Jesus answered and said unto her - And God said;
4:14 But (2); give (2);
4:15 give; come;
4:16 Jesus saith unto her - And God said; go; come;
4:17 Jesus said unto her - And God said; well;
4:18 now;
4:21 Jesus saith unto her - And God said; cometh - come;\
4:22 know (2);
4:23 But; cometh - come; now; seeketh - seek;
4:25 know; cometh, come - come (2); all; He will tell us all things - I will's of God;
4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am He - And God said (2);
4:27 came - come; seekest - seek; that He talked with the woman - And God said; What seekest thou? Why talkest Thou with her? - great questions of the bible (2);
4:28 went; way;
4:29 Come; see; all; did - do; is not this the Christ? - great questions of the bible;
4:30 went; cam e- come;
4:32 But; He said unto them - And God said; know;
4:33 Hath any man brought Him ought to eat? - great questions of the bible; brought - bring;
4:34 Jesus saith unto him - And God said; do; sent; the will of Him that sent Me - I will's of God;
4:35 cometh - come; behold; look; Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? - great questions of the bible; I say unto you - And God said;
4:36 sow & reap, S&R;
4:37 sow & reap, S&R;
4:38 sent;
4:39 He told me all that ever I did - And God said; all; did - do;
4:40 come; sought - seek; there two days - day;
4:41 because; of His Own Word - And God said;
4:42 Now; because; know; Hear & See, H&S, v. 42 &45;
4:43 Now; after; went; two days - day;
4:45 come; seen - see; all; did - do; went; hear & see, H&S, v. 42 & 45;
4:46 came - come; made;
4:47 come (2); went; hear & see, H&S, v. 47 & 48;
4:48 Then said Jesus unto him - And God said; see; hear & see, H&S , v. 47 & 48; signs & wonders, S&W; will;
4:49 come;
4:50 Jesus saith unto him, the word that Jesus had spoken unto him - And God said (2); go; way (2); went;
4:51 now; going - go;
4:53 knew - know; Jesus said unto him - and God said;
4:54 did - do; come;
Chapter 5
5:1 After; went;
5:2 Now;
5:4 went; after; made;
5:6 saw - see; knew - know; now; He saith unto him - and God said; Wilt thou be made whole? - great questions of the bible;
5:7 but; coming - come; before;
5:8 Jesus saith unto him - And God said;
5:9 made; on the same day was the sabbath - day;
5:10 the sabbath day - day;
5:11 made; the same said unto me - And God said;
5:12 which said unto me - And God said; Which man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk? - great questions of the bible;
5:14 Afterward - after; findeth - find; and said unto him - and God said; Behold; made; come;
5:15 made;
5:16 did, done - do (2); sought- see; because; the sabbath day - day;
5:17 But; Jesus answered them - And God said;
5:18 sought  - seek; because; but; but said also - And God said; making - make;
5:19 then answered Jesus and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said (2); do (2), doeth (2) - do (4); but; seeth - see;
5:20 all; doeth - do; and He will shew Him - I will's of God;
5:21 whom He will - I will's of God;
5:22 but; all;
5:23 all; sent;
5:24 Verily, verily I say unto you, My Word - And God said (2); sent; come; but; life & death, L&D;
5:25 Verily, verily, I say unto you - and God said; coming - come; now; life & death, L&D;
5:26 given - give;
5:27 given - give; because;
5:28 coming - come; all;
5:29 come; done (2) - do (2);
5:30 do; seek; because; sent; Mine Own will, the will of the Father - I will's of God (2);
5:32 know;
5:33 sent;
5:34 but (2); these things I say - And God said;
5:35 willing - will;
5:36 but; given - give; do; sent;
5:37 sent; seen - see; hear & see, H&S;
5:38 His Word - And God said; sent;
5:40 will; come;
5:42 But; know;
5:43 come (2); will;
5:44 seek; cometh - come; How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? - great questions of the bible;
5:45 Do; I will accuse you to the Father - I will's of God;
5:47 But; My Words - And God said; how shall ye believe My Words? - great questions of the bible;
Chapter 6
6:1 After; went;
6:2 because; saw - see; did - do;
6:3 went;
6:5 saw - see; come; He saith unto Philip - And God said; Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? - great questions of the bible;
6:6 And this He said to prove - And God said; knew - know; do;
6:9 but; but what are they among so many? - great questions of the bible;
6:10 and Jesus said - And God said; make; now;
6:11 when He had given thanks - And God said; given - give;
6:12 He said unto His disciples - And God said;
6:14 seen - see; did - do; come;
6:15 come; make;
6:16 now; come; went;
6:17 went; now; come;
6:19 see; drawing nigh - draw nigh;
6:20 but; He saith unto them - And God said;
6:21 willingly - will; went;
6:22 the day following - day; saw - see; went; but; gone - go;
6:23 came - come; did - do; after; given - give;
6:24 saw - see; came - come; seeking - seek; v. 24 - 25, seek & find, S&F;
6:25 found - find; camest - come; Rabbi, when camest Thou hither? - great questions of the bible; v. 24 - 25, seek & find, S&F;
6:26 Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said (2); because (2); seek; saw - see; did - do; but;
6:27 but; give;
6:28 do; What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? - great questions of the bible;
6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them - And God said; sent;
6:30 see; dost - do; What sign shewest Thou then, that we may see, and believe Thee?  What dost Thou work? - great questions of the bible (2);
6:31 gave - give; did - do;
6:32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you - and God said (2); gave, giveth - give (2); but;
6:33 cometh - come; giveth - give;
6:34 give;
6:35 And Jesus said unto them - and God said; cometh - come; hunger & thirst, H&T;
6:36 But; seen - see; I said unto you - and God said;
6:37 all; giveth - give; come, cometh - come (2); I will in no wise cast out - I will's of God;
6:38 came - come; do; but; sent; Mine Own will, the will of Him that sent Me - I will's of God (2);
6:39 this is the Father's will - I will's of God; all; sent; given - give; but; the last day - day;
6:40 this is the will of Him, I will raise him up - I will's of God (2); sent; seeth - see; the last day - day;
6:41 because; came - come; because He said - and God said;
6:42 Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that He saith, I came down from heaven? - great questions of the bible (2); know; came - come; that He saith - And God said;
6:43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them - And God said;
6:44 come; sent; I will raise him up - I will's of God; the last day - day; draw him - draw nigh;
6:45 all; cometh - come; v. 45 - 46, hear & see, H&S;
6:46 seen (2) - see (2); v. 45- 46 hear & see, H&S;
6:47 Verily, verily I say unto you - And God said;
6:49 did - do;
6:50 cometh - come;
6:51 came - come; give (2); I will give is My flesh, I will give for the life of the world - I will's of God (2);
6:52 give; How can this man give us His flesh to eat? - great questions of the bible;
6:53 then Jesus said unto the, Verily, verily I say unto you - And God said (2); eat & drink;
6:54 eat & drink; I will raise him up - I will's of God; the last day - day; flesh & blood;
6:55 flesh & blood;
6:56 eat & drink; flesh & blood;
6:57 sent;
6:58 came - come; did - do; life & death, L&D;
6:59 These things said He in the synagogue, as He taught - And God said (2);
6:60 This is an hard saying; who can hear it? - great questions of the bible;
6:61 knew - know; He said unto them - And God said; Doth - do; Doth this offend you? - great questions of the bible;
6:62 see; before; What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before? - great questions of the bible;
6:63 the Words that I speak unto you - And God said; spirit & flesh, S&F;
6:64 But; knew - know;
6:65 And He said, said I unto you - And God said (2); come; given - give;
6:66 went;
6:67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve - And God said; Will ye also go away? - great questions of the bible;
6:68 go; the Words of eternal life - And God said; Lord, to whom shall we go? - great questions of the bible;
6:70 Jesus answered them - And God said; Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? - great questions of the bible;
6:71 He spake of Judas - And God said;
Chapter 7
7:1 After; because; sought - seek;
7:2 Now;
7:3 see; doest - do;
7:4 doeth, do - do (2); seeketh - seek; known - know;
7:5 did - do;
7:6 Then Jesus said unto them - And God said; come; but;
7:7 but; because; I testify of it - And God said;
7:8 Go (2); come;
7:9 when He had said these words - And God said;
7:10 But (2); gone - go; went;
7:11 sought - seek; Where is He? - great questions of the bible;
7:12 but;
7:14 Now; went;
7:15 knoweth - know; How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? - great questions of the bible;
7:16 Jesus answered them, and said - And God said; but; sent;
7:17 If any man will do Hiw ill He shall know - I will's of God (2); do; know; I speak of Myself - And God said;
7:18 seeketh (2) - seek (2); but; sent;
7:19 Did - do; give; keepeth - keep; go; did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill Me? - great questions of the bible (2);
7:20 goeth - go; who goeth about to kill Thee? - great questions of the bible;
7:21 Jesus answered and said unto them- And God said; done - do; all;
7:22 gave - give; but; because; the sabbath day - day;
7:23 the sabbath day (2) - day (2); because; made; If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at Me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day? - great questions of the bible;
7:24 but;
7:25 seek; Is not this He, whom they seek to kill? - great questions of the bible;
7:26 But; He speaketh boldly - And God said; Do; know; Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ? - great questions of the bible;
7:27 know, knoweth - know (2); but; cometh - come;
7:28 Then cried Jesus, as He taught, saying - And God said; know(3); come; but; sent;
7:29 But; know; sent;
7:30 sought - seek; but; because; come;
7:31 cometh - come; do, done  - do (2); will He do more miracles than these which this Man hath done - I will's of God;will He do more miracles than these which this Man hath done? - great questions of the bible;
7:32 sent;
7:33 Then said Jesus unto them - And God said; go; sent;
7:34 seek; find; come; seek & find, S&F;
7:35 Whither will He go, that we shall not find Him? will He go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles? - great questions of the bible (2); will He go (2) - I will's of God (2); go (2); find;
7:36 that He said - And God said; seek; find; come; seek & find, S&F; What manner of saying is this that He said, ye shall seek Me, and shall not find Me; and where I am, thither ye cannot come ? - great questions of the bible;
7:37 In the last day, that great day - day (2); Jesus stood and cried, saying - And God said; come;
7:38 as the Scripture hath said - And God said;
7:39 But; this spake He - And God said; given - give; because; for the Holy Ghost - HOLY;
7:41 But; come; shall Christ come out of Galilee? - great questions of the bible;

7:42 Hath not the Scripture said - and God said; come; Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? - great questions of the bible;
7:43 because;
7:44 but;
7:45 came - come; why have ye not brought Him? - great questions of the bible; brought - bring;
7:46 Never Man spake like this Man - And God said;
7:47 Are ye also deceived? - great questions of the bible;
7:48 Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on Him? - great questions of the bible;
7:49 but; knoweth - know;
7:50 came - come;
7:51 Doth, doeth - do (2); before; know; Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth? - great questions of the bible;
7:52 look; Art thou also of Galilee? - great questions of the bible;
7:53 went;
Chapter 8
8:1 went;
8:2 came (2) - come (2); all; and taught them - And God said;
8:3 brought - bring;
8:5 Now; but; what sayest Thou - and God said; but what sayest Thou? - great questions of the bible;
8:6 but;
8:7 He lifted up Himself, and said unto them - And God said;
8:9 went;
8:10 saw - see; but; He said unto her - And God said; Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? - great questions of the bible (2);
8:11 And Jesus said unto her - and God said; do; do;
8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying - And God said; but; light & dark, L&D;
8:14 Jesus answered and said unto them - And God said; know; but; go (2); came, come - come (2);
8:15 after;
8:16 but; sent;
8:18 sent;
8:19 Where is Thy Father? - great questions of the bible; Jesus answered - and God said; know, known (2) - know (3);
8:20 These words spake Jesus, as He taught in the temple - And God said (2); come;
8:21 Then said Jesus again unto them - And God said; go (2); way; seek; come;
8:22 Will He kill Himself? - great questions of the bible; Will He - I will's of God; because; He saith - And God said; come; go;
8:23 And He said unto them - And God said;
8:24 I said therefore unto you - and God said;
8:25 Who art Thou? - great questions of  the bible; and Jesus saith unto them, I said - And God said (2);
8:26 things to say and to judge of you, I speak to the world - And God said (2); but; sent;
8:27 He spake to them of the Father - And God said;
8:28 Then said Jesus unto them, I speak these things - and God said (2); know; do; but;
8:29 sent; do; PLEASE GOD;
8:30 As He spake these words - And God said;
8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, in My Word - And God said;
8:32 know; make;
8:33 how sayest Thou - And God said; how sayest Thou, Ye sahll be made free? - great questions of the bible; made;
8:34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said (2);
8:35 but;
8:36 make;
8:37 know; but; seek; because; My Word - and God said;
8:38 I speak that - and God said; seen (2) - see (2); do;
8:39 Jesus saith unto them - And God said; do;
8:40 but; now; seek; did - do;
8:41 do;
8:42 Jesus said unto them - and God said; came (2) - come (2); but; sent;
8:43 do; because; My Word - And God said; Why do ye not understand My speech? - great questions of the bible;
8:44 will; do; because;
8:45 because; I tell you - and God said;
8:46 And if I say the truth - and God said; do; And which of you convinceth Me of sin? why do ye not believe Me? - great questions of the bible (2);
8:47 God's words - and God said; because;
8:48 well; Say we not well that Thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? - great questions of the bible;
8:49 Jesus answered - and God said; but; do;
8:50 seek, seeketh - seek (2);
8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, My saying - And God said (2); keep; see;
8:52 now; know; and Thou sayest, My saying - and God said (2); keep;
8:53 makest - make; Art Thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead:  whom makest Thou Thyself? - great questions of the bible (2);
8:54 Jesus answered - and God said;
8:55 known, know (3) - know (4); but (2); I should say, His saying - And God said (2); keep;
8:56 see, saw - see (2); My day - day;
8:57 seen - see; Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast Thou seen Abraham? - great questions of the bible;
8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you - and God said (2);
8:59 but; went; going - go;
Chapter 9
9:1 saw - see;
9:2 did - do; Master, who did sin this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? - great questions of the bible;
9:3 Jesus answered - and God said; but; made;
9:4 sent; it is day - day; cometh - come; day & night, D&N;
9:6 He had thus spoken - And God said; made;
9:7 And said unto him - And God said; go; sent; went; way; came - come; seeing - see;
9:8 before; seen - see; Is not this he that sat and begged? - great questions of the bible;
9:9 but;
9:10 How were thine eyes opened? - great questions of the bible;
9:11 made; go; went; and said unto me - And God said;
9:12 Where is He? - great questions of the bible; know;
9:13 brought - bring;
9:14 made; the sabbath day - day;
9:15 do; see;
9:16 because; keepeth - keep; the sabbath day - day; do; How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? - great questions of the bible;
9:17 What sayest thou of Him, that He hath opened thine eyes? - great questions of the bible;
9:18 But; did - do; until;
9:19 doth - do; now; see; Is this your son, who ye say was born blind? how then doth he now see? - great questions of the bible (2);
9:20 know;
9:21 but; now; seeth - see; know (2);
9:22 because; did - do;
9:24 give; know;
9:25 know (2); now; see;
9:26 did - do; What did He to thee? how opened He thine eyes? - great questions of the bible (2);
9:27 did - do; will; wherefore would ye hear it again? will ye also be His disciples? - great questions of the bible (2);
9:28 but;
9:29 know (2); that God spake unto Moses - And God said;
9:30 know;
9:31 Now; know; but; doeth - do; His will - I will's of God;
9:32 hear & see, H&S;
9:33 do;
9:34 dost - do; Thou wast altogether born in sin, and dost thou teach us? - great questions of the bible;
9:35 found - find; Dost - Do; He said unto him - and God said; Dost thou believe on the Son of God? - great questions of the bible;
9:36 who is He, Lord, that I might believe on Him? - great questions of the bible;
9;37 and Jesus said unto him - and God said; seen - see; hear & see, H&S;
9:39 and Jesus said - and god said; come; see (3); made; hear & see, H&S v. 39 & 40;
9:40 heard theses words - and God said; Are we blind also? - great questions of the bible; hear & see, H&S, v. 39 & 40;
9:41 Jesus said unto them - And God said; but; now; see;
Chapter 10
10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said; but; way;
10:2 but;
10:4 goeth- go; before; know;
10:5 will 92); but; know;
10:6 this parable spake Jesus unto them, which He spake unto them - And God said (2); but;
10:7 then said Jesus unto them, verily, verily I say unto you - and God said (2);
10:8 all; came - come; before; but; did - do;
10:9 go; find;
10:10 cometh, come - come (2); but; destroy;
10:11 giveth - give;
10:12 but; seeth - see; coming - come;
10:13 because;
10:14 know, known - know (2);
10:15 knoweth, know - know (2);
10:16 bring;
10:17 doth - do; because;
10:18 but; power (2); this commandment have I received of My Father - the Lord commanded;
10:19 for these sayings - And God said;
10:20 why hear ye Him? - great questions of the bible;
10:21 the words of Him - And God said; Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? - great questions of the bible;
10:24 came - come; dost - do; make; How long dost Thou make us to doubt? - great questions of the bible;
10:25 Jesus answered them, I told you - and God said (2); do;
10:26 but; because; I said unto you - And God said;
10:27 know;
10:28 give;
10:29 gave - give; all;
10:32 Jesus answered - and God said; do; for which of those works do ye stone Me? - great questions of the bible;
10:33 but; because; makest - make;
10:34 Jesus answered them, I said - and God said (2); Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? - great questions of the bible;
10:35 If He called, the word of God - and God said (2); came - come;
10:36 sent; because; I said - and God said; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified; and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest:  because I said, I am the Son of God? - great questions of the bible;
10:37 do;
10:38 but; do; know;
10:39 sought - seek; but;
10:40 went;
10:41 did - do; but; all;
Chapter 11
11:1 Now;
11:3 behold; sent;
11:4 He said - and God said; but;
11:5 Now;
11:6 two days - day;
11:7 after; that saith He to His disciples - And God said; go;
11:8 sought - seek; goest - go; Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest Thou thither again? - great questions of the bible;
11:9 Jesus answered - and God said; in the day - day (2); because; seeth - see; day & night, D&N, v. 9 - 10;
11:10 But; because;
11:11 these things said He, that He saith unto them - and God said (2); after; but; go;
11:12 do; well;
11:13 Jesus spake of his death, He had spoken - and God said (2); but;
11:14 Then said Jesus unto them - and God said;
11:15 go;
11:16 go;
11:17 came - come; found - find; four days - day;
11:18 Now;
11:19 came - come;
11:20 coming - come; went; but;
11:24 know; the last day - day;
11:25 Jesus said unto her - and God said; life & death, L&D;
11:26 life & death, L&D; Belivest thou this? - great questions of the bible;
11:27 come;
11:28 went; way; come; and calleth for thee - and God said;
11:29 came - come;
11:30 Now; come; but;
11:31 saw - see; went; goeth - go;
11:32 come; saw - see;
11:33 saw - see; came - come;
11:34 And said - and God said; Where have ye laid him? - great questions of the bible; come; see;
11:36 behold;
11:37 Could not this Man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died? - great questions of the bible;
11:38 cometh- come;
11:39 Jesus said - and God said; four days - day;
11:40 Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee - And God said (2); Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? - great questions of the bible;
11:41 And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said - And God said;
11:42 knew - know; but; because; I said it - And God said; sent;
11:43 He thus had spoken, He cried - And God said (2); come;\
11:44 came - come; Jesus saith unto them - And God said; go;
11:45 came - come; seen - see; did - do;
11:46 But; went; ways - way; done- do;
11:47 do, doeth - do (2); What do we? - great questions of the bible;
11:48 all; will; come;
11:49 all;
11:51 but;
11:52 but;
11:53 from that day - day;
11:54 but; went;
11:55 went; before;
11:56 sought - seek; that He will not come - I will's of God; come; What think ye, that He will not come to the feast? - great questions of the bible;
11:57 Now; given - give; knew - know;
Chapter 12
12:1 six days - day; before; came - come;
12:2 made; but;
12:5 given - give; why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? - great questions of the bible;
12:6 but; because;
12:7 Then said Jesus  - And God said; the day of My burying - day; kept - keep;
12:8 but;
12:9 knew - know; came - come; but; see;
12:10 but;
12:11 Because; went;
12:12 the next day - day; come, coming - come (2);
12:13 went; cometh - come;
12:14 found - find; as it is written - And God said;
12:15 behold; cometh - come;
12:16 but; things were written of Him - And God said; done - do;
12:18 done - do;
12:19 behold; gone - go; after; Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? - great questions of the bible; PREVAIL;
12:20 came - come;
12:21 cam e- come;
12:22 cometh - come;
12:23 And Jesus answered them saying - and God said; come;
12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said; but; bringeth - bring;
12:25 keep; love & hate;
12:26 him will My Father honour - I will's of God;
12:27 Now; but; came- come; what shall I say - And God said; Now is My soul troubled, and what shall My soul say? - great questions of the bible;
12:28 came -  come; a voice from heaven, saying - And God said; and will glorify it again - I will's of God;
12:30 Jesus answered and said, This voice came forth - And God said (2); came - come; because; but;
12:31 Now (2);
12:32 will draw all men unto Me - I will's of God; all;
12:33 This He said - and God said;
12:34 how sayest Thou - And God said; and how sayest Thou, The Son of man must be lifted up? who is this Son of man? - great questions of the bible (2);
12:35 Then Jesus said unto them - and God said; come; knoweht - know; goeth - go; light & dark, L&D;
12:36 These things spake Jesus - And God said; did - do;
12:37 But; done - do; before;
12:38 Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hat the arm of the Lord been revealed? - great questions of the bible (2);
12:39 because;
12:40 see;
12:41 saw - see;
12:42 but; because; did - do;
12:44 Jesus cried and said - and God said; but; sent;
12:45 seeth (2) - see (2); sent;
12:46 come; light & darkness, L&D;
12:47 hear My Words - and God said; came - come; but;
12:48 receiveth not My Words, the word that I have spoken - and God said (2); in the last day - day;
12:49 For I have not spoken, what I should say, I should speak - and God said (3); but; sent; gave - give; He gave Me a commandment - the Lord commanded;
12:50 know; that His commandment - the Lord commanded; I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto Me, so I speak - and God said (3);
Chapter 13
13:1 Now; before; come; knew - know;
13:2 now;
13:3 knowing - know; given - give; all; come; went;
13:5 After;
13:6 cometh - come; dost - do; Lord, dost Thou wash my feet? - great questions of the bible;
13:7 Jesus answered and said unto him - and God said; do; knowest, know - know (2); now; but;
13:8 Jesus answered him - and God said;
13:9 but;
13:10 Jesus said to him - and God said; but (2); all;
13:11 knew - know; all; therefore said He - and God said;
13:12 after; He said unto them - and God said; know; doing - do; Know ye what I have done to you? - great questions of the bible;
13:13 we;;
13:15 given - give; do, done - do (2);
13:16 Verily, verily, I say unto you - and God said; sent (2);
13:17 know; do;
13;18 I speak - and God said; all; know; but;
13:19 Now I tell you - and God said; Now; before; come (2); it is come to pass;
13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you - and God said; send, sent - sent (2);
13:21 When Jesus had thus said, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you - And God said (3);
13:22 doubting of whom He spake - and God said; looked - look;
13:23 Now;
13:24 it should be of whom He spake - and God said;
13:25 Lord, who is it? - great questions of the bible;
13:26 Jesus answered - and God said; give, gave - give (2);
13:27 after; Then said Jesus unto him - and God said; doest, do - do (2);
13:28 Now; knew - know; intent He spake this unto him - and God said;
13:29 because; Jesus had said - and God said; give;
13:30 went;
13:31 gone - go; Jesus said - and God said; Now;
13:33 seek; as I said unto the Jews, now I say to you - and God said (2); go; come; now;
13:34 A new commandment I give unto you - the Lord commanded; give;
13:35 all; know;
13:36 Lord, whither goest Thou? - great questions of the bible; goest, go - go (2); Jesus answered him - and God said; now; but; afterwards - after;

13:37 Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now? - great questions of the bible; now; will;
13:38 Jesus answered him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee - and God said (2); Wilt thou lay down thy life for My sake? - great questions of the bible; till - until;
Chapter 14
14:2 I would have told you - and God said; go;
14:3 go; I will come again - I will's of God; come;
14:4 go; know (2); way;
14:5 know (2); goest - go; way; Lord, we know not whither Thou goest; and how can we know the way? - great questions of the bible;
14:6 Jesus saith unto him - and God said; way; cometh - come; but;
14:7 known (2), know - know (3); seen - see;
14:9 Jesus saith unto him - and God said; Have I been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? - great questions of the bible; known - know; seen (2) - see (2); hear & see,H&S, v. 9 - 10;
14:10 the words that I speak unto you, I speak not of Myself - and God said (2); but; doeth - do; hear & see, H&S, v. 9 - 10;
14:12 Verily, verily I say unto you - and God said; do (3); because; go;
14:13 that will I do - I will's of God; do;
14:14 I will do it - I will's of God; do;
14:15 keep; My commandments - the Lord commanded;
14:16 I will pray the Father - I will's of God; give;
14:17 because; seeth - see; knoweth, know - know (2); but;
14:18 I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you - I will's of God (2); come;
14:19 seeth, see - see (2); but; because;
14:20 At that day - day; know;
14:21 He that hath My commandments - the Lord commanded; keepeth - keep; I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him - I will's of God (2);
14:22 Lord, how is it that Thou wilt manifest Thyself unto us, and not unto the world? - great questions of the bible;
14:23 Jesus answered and siad unto him, My words - and God said (2); will; keep; come; make; My Father will love him, and we will come unto him - I will's of God (2);
14:24 keepeth - keep; not My sayins, and the Word - and God said (2); but; sent;
14:25 have I spoken unto you - and God said;
14:26 the Father will send - I will's of God; send - sent; all (2); bring; I have said unto you - and God said; which is Holy Ghost - HOLY;
14:27 give (2), giveth - give (3);
14:28 how I said unto you, because I said - and God said (2); go (2); come; because;
14:29 it come to pass (2); come (2); now; I have told you - and God said; before;
14:30 I will not talk much with you - and God said; I will not talk much with you - I will's of God; cometh - come;
14:31 But; know; gave - give; go; do; Father gave Me commandment - the Lord commanded;
Chapter 15
15:2 bring;
15:3 Now; the word which I have spoken unto you - and God said (2);
15:5 bringeth - bring; do;
15:7 and My Words abide in you - and God said; will; done - do;
15:10 keep, kept - keep (2); keep My commandments, I have kept My Father's commandments - the Lord commanded (2);
15:11 These things have I spoken unto you - and God said;
15:12 this is My commandment - the Lord commanded;
15:14 do; whatsoever I command you - the Lord commanded;
15:15 knoweth, known - know (2); doeth - do; but; all; made;
15:16 but; go; bring; give;
15:17 These things I command you - the Lord commanded;
15:18 know; before;
15:19 but (2); because; love & hate, L&H;
15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, kept My saying - and God said (3); will (2); kept, keep - keep (2);
15:21 but; all; will; do; because; know; sent;
15:22 come; and spoken unto them - and God said; but; now;
15:24 done, did - do (2); but; now; seen - see;
15:25 But; this cometh to pass; cometh - come; that the Word might be fulfilled - and God said;
15:26 But; come; Whom I will send unto you from the Father - I will's of God; send; He shall testify of Me - and God said;
15:27 because;
Chapter 16
16:1 These things have I spoken unto you - and God said;
16:2 cometh - come; will; doeth - do;
16:3 will; do; because; known - know;
16:4 But; these things have I told you, And these things I said unto you  - and God said (2); come; because;
16:5 Whither goest Thou?- great questions of the bible; but; now; go; way; sent;
16:6 but; because; I have said these thing unto you - and God said;
16:7 I tell you - and God said; go (2); the Comforter will not come unto you, I will send Him - I will's of God (2); come; but; depart; send;
16:8 come; He will reprove the world - I will's of God;
16:9 because;
16:10 because; go; see;
16:11 because;
16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you - and God said; but; now;
16:13 come (2); all; He will guide you, He will shew you things to come - I will's of God (2); for He shall not speak of Himself, that shall He speak - and God said (2);
16:15 all; therefore said I - and God said;
16:16 see (2); because; go;
16:17 He saith unto us - and God said; see (2); go; because; What is this that He saith unto us, A little while, and ye shall not see Me:  and again, a little while, and ye shall see Me:  and, Because I go to the Father? - great questions of the bible;
16:18 what is this that HE saith, A little while? - great questions of the bible; that He saith, what He saith - and God said (2);
16:19 Now; knew - know; Do; see (2); to ask Him, and said unto them, that I said - and God said (2); do ye enquire among yourselves of that I said, A little while, and ye shall not see Me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see Me? - great questions of the bible;
16:20 Verily, verily I say unto you - and God said; but (2);
16:21 because; come; but; delivered - deliver;
16:22 now; but; I will see you again - I will's of God; see;
16:23 And in that day - day; Verily, verily, I say unto you - and God said; HE will give it you - I will's of God; give;
16:25 I spoken unto you in proverbs, speak unto you in proverbs - and God said (2); but (2); cometh - come;
16:26 At that day - day; and I say not you - and God said; I will pray the Father for you - I will's of God;
16:27 becaus;e come;
16:28 came, come - come (2); go;
16:29 now; speakest Thou plainly, and speakest no proverb - and God said (2);
16:30 Now; knowest - know; all; camest - come;
16:31 Jesus answered them - and God said; Do; now; Do ye now believe? - great questions of the bible;
16:32 Behold; cometh, come - come (2); now; because;
16:33 I have spoken unto you - and God said; but;
Chapter 17
17:1 These words spake Jesus, and said - and God said (2); come;
17:2 given (2), give - give (3); power; all;
17:3 know; sent;
17:4 gavest - give; do;
17:5 now; before;
17:6 gavest (2) - give (2); kept - keep; Thy Word - and God said;
17:7 Now; known - know; all; given - give;
17:8 given, gavest - give (2); the Words - and God said; known - know; came - come; didst - do; send;
17:9 but; given - give;
17:10 all;
17:11 now; but; come; keep; given - give; come to Thee Holy Father - HOLY;
17:12 kept (2) - keep (2); gavest - give; but;
17:13 now; come; these things I speak in the world - and God said;
17:14 given - give; given them Thy Word - and God said; because;
17:15 but; keep;
17:17 Thy Word is truth - and God said;
17:18 sent (2);
17:20 but;
17:21 all; sent;
17:22 gavest, given - give (2);
17:23 made; perfect; know; sent;
17:24 I will that they also - I will's of God; given (2) - give (2); behold; before;
17:25 known (3) - know (3); but; sent;
17:26 I have declared, will declare it - and God said (2; and will declare it - I will's of God;
Chapter 1818:1 Jesus had spoken - and God said; went;
18:2 knew - know;
18:3 cometh - come;
18:4 knowing - know; all; come; went; and said unto them - and God said; seek; Whom seek ye? - great questions of the bible;
18:5 Jesus saith unto them - and God said;
18:6 as He had said unto them - and God said; went;
18:7 Then asked He them again - and God said; Whom seek ye? - great questions of the bible; seek;
18:8 Jesus answered them, I told you - and God said (2); seek; go; way;
18:9 which He spake - and God said; gavest - give;
18:11 Then said Jesus unto Peter - and God said; given - give; which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it? - great questions of the bible;
18:14 Now; gave - give;
18:15 did - do; known - know; went;
18:16 but; went; known - know; kept - keep; brought - bring;
18:17 kept - keep; Art not thou also one of this man's disciples? - great questions of the bible;
18:18 made;
18:20 Jesus answered him, I spake openly, I said nothing - and God said (3);
18:21 Why askest thou Me? - great questions of the bible; behold; I have said, what I said - and God said (2); know;
18:22 And when He had thus spoken - and God said; Answerest Thou the high priest so? - great questions of the bible;
18:23 Jesus answered him, If I have spoken - and God said (2); but; well; If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why smitest thou Me?- great questions of the bible;
18:24 Now; sent;
18:25 Art not thou also one of His disciples?  - great questions of the bible;
18:26 Did - do; see; Did not I see thee in the garden with Him? - great questions of the bible;
18:28 went; but;
18:29 went; bring; What accusation bring ye against this man? - great questions of the bible;
18:30 delivered - deliver;
18:32 That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which He spake - and God said (2);
18:33 Art Thou the King of the Jews? - great questions of the bible;
18:34 Jesus answered - and God said; Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of Me? - great questions of the bible;
18:35 delivered - deliver; done - do; Am I a Jew? what hast Thou done? - great questions of the bible (2);
18:36 Jesus answered - and God said; delivered - deliver; but; now;
18:37 Art Thou a king then? - great questions of the bible; Jesus answered - and God said; came - come;
18:38 What is truth? - great questions of the bible; went; find; all;
18:39 But; will; will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? - great questions of the bible;
18:40 all; but; Now;
Chapter 19
19:4 went; Behold; bring; know; find;
19:5 came - come; Behold;
19:6 saw - see; find;
19:7 because; made;
19:9 went; but; gave - give; Whence art Thou? - great questions of the bible;
19:10 knowest - know; power (2); Speakest Thou not unto me? Knowest Thou not that i have power to crucify Thee, and have power to release Thee? - great questions of the bible (2);
19:11 Jesus answered - And God said; power; all; given - give; delivered - deliver;
19:12 sought - seek; but; go; maketh - make;
19:13 brought - bring; but;
19:14 Behold;
19:15 But (2); shall I crucify your King? - great questions of the bible;
19:16 delivered - deliver;
19:17 went;
19:21 but; that He said - and God said;
19:23 made; now;
19:24 but; did (2) - do (2); that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which saith - and God said;
19:25 Now;
19:26 saw - see; HE saith unto His mother - and God said; Behold;
19:27 Then saith He to the disciple - and God said; Behold;
19:28 After; knowing - know; all; now; saith - and God said;
19:29 Now;
19:30 He said - and God said; gave - give;
19:31 because; the sabbath day, for the sabbath day, an high day - day (3);
19:32 came - come;
19:33 But; came - come; saw - see;
19:34 But; came - come;
19:35 saw - see; knoweth - know;
19:36 done - do; that the Scripture should be fulfilled - and God said;
19:37 And again another Scripture saith - and God said; look;
19:38 after; but; gave - give; came - come;
19:39 came (2) - come (2); brought - bring;
19:41 Now;
19:42 because; of the Jews' preparation day - day;
Chapter 20
20:1 The first day of the week - day; cometh - come; seeth - see;
20:2 cometh - come; know;
20:3 went; came - come;
20:4 did - do; came - come;
20:5 looking - look; saw - see; went;
20:6 cometh - come; went; seeth - see;
20:7 but;
20:8 went; came - come; saw - see;
20:9 knew - know;
20:10 went;
20:11 but; looked - look;
20:12 seeth - see;
20:13 woman, why weepest thou? - great questions of the bible; Because; know;
20:14 saw - see; knew - know;
20:15 Jesus saith unto her - And God said; woman, why weepest thou?  whom seekest thou? - great questions of the bible (2); seekest - seek; will;
20:16 Jesus saith unto her - and God said;
20:17 Jesus saith unto her - and God said; but; go;
20:18 came - come; seen - see; that He had spoken these things - and God said;
20:19 Then the same day, being the first day of the week - day (2); came - come; Jesus stood in the midst and saith unto them - and God said;
20:20 And when He had so said - and God said; saw - see;
20:21 Then said Jesus to them again - and God said; sent, send - sent (2);
20:22 And when He had said this, and saith unto them - and God said (2); Receive ye the HOly Ghost - HOLY;
20:24 But; came - come;
20:25 seen, see - see (2); but; will;
20:26 after; eight days - day; came - come; then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood int he midst, and said - and God said;
20:27 Then saith He to Thomas - and God said; Behold; but;
20:29 Jesus saith unto him - and God said; because; seen (2) - see (2);
20:30 did - do;
20:31 But;
Chapter 21
21:1 After;
21:3 go (2); went;
21:4 But (2); now; come; knew - know;
21:5 Then Jesus saith - and God said; Children, have ye any meat? -  great questions of the bible;
21:6 And He said unto them - And God said; find; now;
21:7 Now; did - do;
21:8 came - come; but;
21:9 come; saw - see;
21:10 Jesus saith unto them - and God said; Bring; now;
21:11 went; all;
21:12 Jesus saith unto them - and God said; come; knowing - know; Who art Thou? - great questions of the bible;
21:13 cometh - come; giveth - give;
21:14 now; after;
21:15 Jesus saith to Simon Peter, He saith unto him - and God said (2); knowest - know; Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more than these? - great questions of the bible;
21:16 He saith to him again the second time, He saith unto him - and God said (2); knowest - know; Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? - great questions of the bible;
21:17 He saith unto him the third time, Jesus saith unto him - and God said (2); because; knowest (2) - know (2); Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? Lovest thou Me? - great questions of the bible (2); all;
21:18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee - and God said; but;
21:19 This spake He, And when He had spoken this, He saith unto hi - and God said (3);
21:20 seeth - see; Lord, which is he that betrayeth Thee? - great questions of the bible;
21:21 seeing - see; do; Lord, and what shall this man do? - great questions of the bible;
21:22 Jesus saith unto him - and God said; till - unto; come; If I will that he tarry - I will's of God; what is that to thee? - great questions of the bible;
21:23 went; Jesus said not unto him - and God said; but; till - until; come; If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? - great questions of the bible;
21:24 know;
21:25 did -do;  

Started:  January 4, 2018

Continued:  1/5; 1/6; 1/8; 1/9; 1/10; 1/11; 1/12; 1/13; 1/14; 1/15; 1/16; 1/17; 1/18;

Finished:  January 18, 2018