Thursday, September 14, 2017


An Uganda pastor share what he had seen with the churches and his nation ravished, attacked, and a great slaughter of souls; and out of that devastation they prayed in desperation, he shared.  That same pastor asked the pastors of North America, "the question for the American church is, will you pray out of desperation or out of devastation?"  

The devastation has been 'record' and 'historic'.  Much need, money and time is given to help and recover; and which it should, restoring life and living conditions is priority.  But there is another issue that is not dealt with of greater consequences,'Why are these things happening?'  These are remedial judgements by God on our nation and the church for their failure to live life for His glory and honor.  We have not responded in brokenness and contrition; we have not acknowledged our sin before God.  Therefore, the judgements are getting worse.  You are called to respond immediately due to the sensitivity of the times.  Our failure to address, and respond to our great sin will only draw us closer to the next judgement or rounds of judgement.  Of which, after the next calamity, we may not have time and opportunity to respond rightly before the Lord.  Therefore, it is of the most urgent hour that we immediately assemble before Him;  call upon Him; confess before Him and repent of our sinful ways.    Many do not know and are not aware of our plight; therefore,  I come before you again pleading in urgency, let us come broken before the throne.  The hour is late, and the need is greater than it ever has been before in our lifetime.

You can only provoke the Lord so long before His wrath and anger is extended to a nation, to His church, to our families and to our own lives.  We cannot continue like this!

I have sent out a proclamation for a day of fasting and prayer on September 24.  The date is tentative, if there is a better option to allow greater impact for the churches and for our nation I am more than willing to work with them.  But in light of these judgements, we have not dealt with the cause of these judgements.  The following is my plea for a right response from the church to understand and acknowledge our plight:
1.  God is God; God of all things, this earth, and His ways are right and just.  He demands holiness from His people.
2.  We have through years and decades eroded the 'good and right way' of pleasing God in our nation, in the church, in our homes, and in our own hearts.
3.  These actions of sin and self have corrupted our society, damned souls to hell, destroyed the foundations of our nation and jeopardized the future of our nation.
4.  God requires of us to recognize our faults and failures.  We must understand wherein we have provoked the Lord to anger.  These things are found in His Word of that which is acceptable to Him, and that which is not.
5.  Confession of these sins specifically against God is necessary by the church that they may know wherein they have fallen.  Specific sins to be read, studied and confessed in the hope that He may turn from His fierce anger against us,  'in wrath remember mercy, O Lord'.
6.  To acknowledge these sins is one thing, God requires repentance, a complete turning away from these evils.  Failure to turn from these sins, nullifies the confession.  'You profess Me with your mouth, but your hearts are far from Me.'  the heart of repentance must match the words of the mouth in confession.
7.   A covenant to enter into with the Lord to do right, live right and serve Him with all that we are.  Sinners to be saved, back-sliders to be reclaimed and His church to be that which pleases Him.

This set day of prayer and fasting is to accomplish these goals of God's people getting before Him and waiting.  Having such a time of prayer and Scripture to address these things is necessary.  Other judgements are still coming, but let us remember that God is watching and listening, and stands ready to repent of the evil that He thought to do unto us, if we respond now, while there is time.  Failure to respond, delay, put it off, will only accelerate the remedial judgements upon us.  This is not just to 'get us out of trouble' but for God to be glorified in His church once again.  With such a right response by the church we could rise up in His power to finish the task of His kingdom's business and His Divine will.  'And when all nations have heard, then shall the end come.' 

I have sent out the Proclamation and am now pleading with you to respond.  The other blog posts is a suggested format and 'helps' to lead this day of prayer.  These materials are to aid in this time of assembling to worship - to confess - to hear the Word.   'Let us seek the Lord, for who knows if He will return and repent and leave a blessing behind Him.'  Today is the day, now is the accepting time.  Be faithful to respond brethren.

dan biser

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