Saturday, September 16, 2017


"Watchman, what of the night?  Watchman, what of the night?" Isaiah 21:11

"I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at My mouth, and warn them for Me." - Ezekiel 33:7

I remember listening to the SBC convention tape, over and over of Evangelist E J Daniels preaching this text to our convention.  Thundering away the warning not to be silent, not to be negligent, not to be disobedient unto our Lord.  Almost 40 years later, here we are as a nation, as His church, His bride, facing the most uncertain and perplexing of times in our history.  In these 40 years we have not gained ground for our Lord, but have lost considerable ground.  The mighty moves of old have sustained us, but are absent from our midst these days.    It is time to warn the people of our plight.

It is not popular to sound the warning, but it is biblical.  The Lord is judging our nation with remedial judgements.  Our gross sins have been legalized, passed with judicial edicts, with a multitude that live for sin and self.  All the while the clear Gospel message is waterdowned, largely unknown what it is to die to self and lives that are not holy and pleasing to our Lord.  Great sin is found in the pulpits and pews of the Lord's people.  We have 'left our first love'; we have been prayerless for a long time; we have been silent about eternity for the souls of men; we have surrendered much ground to Satan and hell.  These disasters are historic, record setting and worst yet, they are not over yet.

These remedial judgements are sent, caused, allowed and permitted by God to come upon our nation, to speak directly to the church.  Remedial means to correct to make better.  It is God's desire that we understand these truths and embrace them for our correction so that He may get the greater glory out of us.  Failure to acknowledge this only precipitates His greater anger and wrath.  He waits for His church to respond.

You, my beloved brethren, are in a place of leadership for such a time as this.  You are there to set the tone, to lead by example, and to mandate the right response for these times.  You know the Scripture; 'failure to warn the people means their blood is on your hands.'  None of us would ever want this.  So warn them!  Let us understand that the hand of the Lord has gone out against us in a way never known nor seen before by us.   And we, as Daniel, read the 'writing by God's hand on the wall'.   but God's not done with us.  He is speaking for us to respond.

How marvelous to go through Scripture and see that when God's people humbled themselves and sought Him, He was found of them.  His mercy extended, power given and renewal in His image was done to His church.  Many of us have long sought for revival, real revival.  where God shows up, His Manifest Presence is dominate and all our ways are forsaken, so that God gets the glory.   For His power can take back the ground surrendered; His glory can cleanse us wholly; His Spirit can empower us to finish the work of His kingdom to the nations.  We are so close to reaching all nations, all people.  One more mighty move of God in revival can complete it.  'When all men have heard, then the end shall be.' Matthew 24:14

You have a seat, a voice, an opportunity to 'warn the people' of God's anger against us. He is staying His hand right now, waiting to see what you will or will not do with this Divine moment of time.  I plead with you hear the warning, see the warning and know God's anger against us.  Too long have we forsaken and forgot Him and now it is time to seek the Lord with all our hearts.

I have submitted my Proclamation and my appeal to leadership to respond.  Brethren, I await to hear from you! 

dan biser

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