Saturday, May 14, 2016


"But there came a man of God to him saying, O king, let not the army of Israel go with thee; for the Lord is not with Israel to wit, with all the children of Ephraim. v. 8 But if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for the battle:  God shall make thee fall before the enemy:  for God hath power to help, and to cast down."  II Chronicles 25: 7 - 8

A Response to President Obama and all the minions of hell that continue to Come Against Our Nation, Future & Church

We see in this chapter that the king of Judah is going against the enemy, the Edomites.  He had rallied and prepared over 300,000 troops from Judah and Benjamin.  He had made further plans for allied forces in paying mercenary money to 100,000 of the children of Ephraim.  The Lord did not tell him not to go fight the Edomites, but He did tell him not to use the children of Ephraim.  For the children of Israel had forsaken and walked contrary to the Lord and His commandments for a long time.  Judah was to rely on the Lord and look to the Lord in this battle.  

But Amaziah's heart was not right.  We read in verse 2, that 'he did right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.'  We see his imbalance and tendency to fall already in place.  Satan simply leans or pushes and they crumble and fall.  Therefore, let us learn, we are to do that which is right in the sight of the Lord and do it with a perfect heart.   Let us not give ground to Satan by our imperfect hearts.  This will require a great deal of heart searching, contrition and brokeneness, sorrow and anguish, confession and repentance. 

The battle is in front of us.  They have played their hand to jump ahead of the game and assault and attack the public school system, the innocent and impressionable children  Herein is found the future generations; the future of our nation and what they will think and live.   And if they can subvert them, then they can dictate and control it all. 

'But if thou wilt go, then do it, be strong for the battle'
Herein is the reply of the Lord, that if you decide to fight, then do it and be strong in this conflict.  This is not a quick, over night fight.  It is for the long haul; no doubt lasting all the rest of our days.  This battle is so advanced in this war on culture, and this skirmish is a major decider for our future. 
We lost the battle of alcohol - 1933;
We lost the battle of Bible in public schools - 1963;
We lost the battle of abortion - 1973;
We lost the battle of homosexuality - 2013;
Are we prepared to continue this lost defeatism?  ARe we willing to lay down and simply allow 'whatever to be, will be'? 
Do we not see the handwriting on the wall of all these things that have provoked the Lord to anger? 
Will He withhold forever? Will He not respond in judgment and wrath?  And could not this last action tip the scale? fill up the last drop of the dregs in His cup of wrath? 
Woe to the cowards! to the spineless!  that is more willing to be happy and content rather than rise up and fight for that which is right and good.  

this is a two fold battle - physical/political & spiritual.  Not everyone in church leadership seems to understand this truth.  Many will simply look at the president and his employment of this transgender bathroom use, but that is only one step in the forward progress of evil.  But under all these actions of North Carolina and its state law vs. the president and his agenda is the more important battle, eternity warfare.  IT is not simply about bathroom signs  and useage; it is not about confused and mixed sexuality of people; it is about souls and eternal destination; it is about heaven and hell.  God is giving us over to 'a reprobate mind' in this society and generation.  This is on our watch and under our responsibility for this generation.  The vast majority of this population in our nation of 300 million are being given over to this great evil.  He is allowing for evil out of hell to continue to occupy and crumple our society and future.  The church should understand, see it, and respond to it. 

Some may ask, 'if God is allowing it, then why are we responding to it'?  One, God has not told me or any others that I know of to stop praying for this nation or our future.  and in the midst of a praying people, God can respond in mercy and power.  Note verse 7 'God has the power to help or cast down'.  And in Joel 2:14, 'who knows if the Lord will return and repent and leave a blessing behind Him?'  Are we not there? who knows?  Therefore let us seek Him while we can.  secondly, I know that the Lord in the power of real revival is able to undo the wickedness and evil of men in a few hours what we have been desiring for decades  He is able; but revival only comes by a prevailing people.  Therefore let us prevail in prayer. 


Now this part of battle is where people tackle this on the means of man.  They work through government, petitions, lobbying etc.  The church is always two steps behind on this.  Their evil agenda is always being ascerted for their overall plans of conquest and domination of evil. 

I am a problem solver, meaning that as I see this attack, I seek a remedy for it.  Now I know that my labor in prayer on my knees is where the real battle is fought.  Amaziah was allowed to go fight; but his trust must be in the Lord for victory.  Moses sent Joshua to fight, but it was when MOses held the rod up that they gained favor.  and when his arms grew weary it was Aaron and Hur who steadied his arms up for complete victory.  Men fight the battles through their methods and means, but victory is secured in the Lord.  It is not one or the other, but both are to be engaged in.

The Physical battle, I view in this manner. 
President Obama issues to the every department of education across the nation.  Immediately go to every state board of education and see where they stand.  Go to the govenors and legislatures to see where they stand  Money is tied to this; as they have threatened to pull federal funds to force the implementation of this agenda.  Many a man and group have fallen prey to the force of money. 

Note again Amaziah after he had paid money to secure the mercenaries:  'what shall I do for the money I paid for their services?  The prophet answered, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this."  But trusting and faithful to know the Lord is able to provide and is waiting to see those that may fall by the pressure of monetary impulse. 

Check all authority legally by lawyers and US Senate and US House of Representatives if the President is allowed to do such a thing. 
Each state convention of the SBC to check with state department of education and implore to do that which is right in the sight of the Lord.  Each association and church to check local board of educations and implore for a proper response. 

Checklist for each one of us:
1. Local - school principals to be asked of their position and reaction;  county/city school board to be required to respond;
2.  State - response from governor and legislature; state public school boards to be contacted; 
3.  US Senators and House of Representatives to be contacted and seek for their response to stop this illegal action of Pres. Obama;

Checklist for SBC, Pastors and church's:
1.  Immediate Call to prayer against this evil; confession, fasting and specific times of prayer to combat this evil;
2.  A collective voice and response from local churches, associations, state conventions and SBC entities to the President, congressional leaders state govenors requiring immediate withdrawal of this edict.  Further action must be taken to prohibit future attempts.
3.  Continued updates to inform pastors, churches of what these things mean, what could be played out and needful responses to be taken.  

Of course, locally and state wide, this is about electing board of education members and state leaders that have a moral fabric about them that in such times they do that which is right.  You cannot elect minions of hell and expect godly results. 
Note, the prophet said the Lord forbade Amaziah from using the children of Ephraim, 'the Lord is not with them'. 
Electing of state senate and house of delegates to make sure state department of education adheres to the good and right way across the state.  Governor and state officials to be in-toe of this as well.

But ultimately a church fasting and weeping and on its faces and bended knees will secure the Lord to help in His power against such foes.  Our confession is that we have lost battle after battle because of our prayerlessness and response.  And we are left to answer, 'Are we willing to concede yet another battle front to the forces of hell for the souls of our future?" 

Your response and reaction is your answer to that question.

'It is time for You to work, O Lord'

dan biser

Started:  May 14, 2016

Continued:  5/17;


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