Tuesday, December 11, 2012






A Call for Prayer . . .

If the Supreme Court, in June of 2013, makes a judicial edict that ‘same sex’ marriage is morally and legally permissible by the citizens of each state and this nation, it will be the end of our nation.  This decision by the Supreme Court is not simply a matter of state rights, or legal rights of citizens; it is a decision for God or against God.  Let there be no misunderstanding about this, no nation, nor man can provoke God and get away with it.  Not in this life, nor in the life to come.  We are left to draw a line in the sand, and proclaim not one more inch to be given to sin.

For you see, our nation has been on a downward spiral since the end of 1945 and the end of World War II.  Wars, political agendas, power and money have all contributed to take us away from being a nation for God to a nation against God.  Humanism has driven us in every way and even into the church.  So let us give a moment to understand the calamity that we are in and respond appropriately to this. 

I am appealing to each of you to respond in whatever way you may be able to do so and stand with me at this most crucial hour. I have heard all my life, ‘where was the church when Madalyne Murray O’Hair took the Bible out of the public schools?’  ‘where was the church when the Supreme court ruled that abortion was okay in 1973 with Roe vs. Wade?’  IN which has left an entire generation removed by the killing of (estimated to be) over 50 million babies since 1973.  Where are you church and how will you respond that, here and now, we are called to action ‘for such a time as this’.  And at the end of these 180 days when the ruling is given, we can say with clear conscience, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith and I have finished my course.’  And for the Lord to say, “Well done”.  And know this certainty, God will not say, ‘well done’, to those that have not ‘done well.’ 

There are under 200 days left before the Supreme Court may make a ruling on this.  I again present before you, this is not about legislation, or citizen rights or state rights.  This is about a spiritual battleground of whether Satan rules and reigns for the destruction of this nation.  Or whether God rules and reigns and brings glory to His Name.  Satan’s directive is simple, destroy everything that can honor and glorify God.  We are His creation, so the devil works in us and through us to destroy the flesh, the life and the existence of any civilization to enlarge His kingdom. 

Our prayers and labors must be to undo the actions that the devil has done and prevail against hell’s advance against our nation.  Just as any threat must be met, we must take up arms to defend ourselves, and not so much for our own selves, but much more for our future generations.  Not weapons of this world, but spiritual weapons for this spiritual battle.  ‘We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’  Because if this ‘same sex’ marriage becomes the law of the land, there will be no future.  It is documented and recorded that every empire, kingdom, nation or people that has embraced homosexuality and abortion (innocent murdered) they have been removed from the earth. 

Let us pray, incorporate prayer warriors, fast, weep, and inform the people of this dire tragedy that is steam-rolling towards us, even now.  First, you must be convinced and aware of these words that I am sharing is not an emotional appeal, but absolute truth from God’s Word.  Secondly, we should agree that prayer is our only avenue of support and help.  ‘Help Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, and the faithful fail from among the sons of men.’  There is not a moment to lose!  Last, we must organize and implement now an action of daily crying out and not relent until we prevail with God for the sake of our children, grandchildren and above all for His Name sake. 

I would be quick to agree that for me to pray for self-preservation is more about me than God.  Praying for my children and grand children may be dangerously close to that appeal as well.  However, it is my belief that this nation has been blest with finances, technological advancement, support groups in churches and ministries and overall an ability to accomplish God’s desired end that all the earth be reached with the Gospel and His Name exalted and made known to the ends of the earth.  The removing of this nation because of our abominations of abortion and same sex marriage works for Satan and hell to stop that from happening.  Our future generations can be used of God to complete that end. 

So I appeal to you to respond to a most urgent need with ‘effective praying specifically for this end’ and with ‘fervency to intreat the Lord for His mercies’. 

You or others may respond to effective materials, call for fasts, conference calls, daily devotions and instructions.  All of which needs to happen to literally flowed the church with the dire need at hand and an appropriate response of obedience by God’s people. 

I Confession and Recognition of Sin must be addressed and responded to;

II A humbling, repented spirit among us for our failures and neglects that has led us to this place;

III  A pleading with God for His very nature to sustain and help us, He is merciful and gracious, long-suffering and Divinely loving to us and His creation;

IV A great faith that God’s Manifest Presence may come and restore us to the place the church needs to be with a holy passion for Him and His kingdom;

V A lifting up of this most crucial hour before Him, interceding and prevailing for the sake of this nation to be used of Him and for Him;

VI Resolved that if God sees fit to destroy us, God is God and there is no sin nor evil nor mistakes within Him;

VII Let us be resolved to be One during these days – One heart, One cry, One faith in One Lord God Almighty;

I await your reply,


Dan Biser

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