Thursday, November 15, 2012


Urgent Appeal to Church Leaders and Prayer Leaders to a Call to Prayer for the end of this year:

Judgments are happening faster than can be reported and contemplated.  The church is powerless to do much about the evil in our communities and homes.  Souls are perishing faster than we can reach them.  And the one thing that is most needed - PRAYER, is limited, neglected and forsaken by much of the church. 
There is a moving right now to pray, and for that we give thanks and rejoice.  But compared to the issues at hand, the spirit of prevailing prayer is much unheard of.  This spirit of prevailing must burden and break us today before it is too late.  We are closely approaching a catastrophe in our land of epic and historic proportions due to our unrepentative spirit in the church.  Scores of 100's and 1000's may be lost in a moment and ushered out into eternity.  An eternity for which they are not prepared.  The following letter is another attempt to seek for leadership to lead:

November, 2012
We are at a very crucial place in our labors for the Lord. The elections have disheartened much of the church because ‘their candidate’ did not win. But there is much to rejoice in: --there was an historic prayer movement leading up to the elections of (at least) 16 prayer groups; --there is still an urgency about the future of our country; --revival is growing in the thoughts and intents of the church in North America. These are things to rejoice in.
However, I am approaching you because the dangers that loom ahead will be historic things. There is the reality of the church continuing to downsize in numbers and spiritual power. Perhaps, we must be completely bankrupt to our own ways, before we will surrender fully everything unto Him. The economic collapse is stream-rolling towards us, some predicting within 6 months. And then there are the judgments that are unfolding constantly upon us and around us. Here is my blog containing the links to my YouTube videos about the “Seven levels of judgment”:
The particular ones that I wish to bring to your attention is Level #7, and the ‘Proper and Improper Messages of the Church to Respond to God’s Judgment on us’. We are in crisis and due for a cataclysmic and catastrophe upon this land, unlike we have seen in our lifetime. All the signs are pointing to the consistency of God’s wrath against a people, against our nation and the church for failing to repent and trust in Him alone for help. As bad as the drought has hit us, housing market shook us, Hurricane Sandy rocked us, the next level of judgment will be scores of souls killed and removed from the earth. And we know the certainty that these many souls are not ready for eternity.
I am imploring you to consider these things, to meditate on these videos and words that I am sharing with you. That, as historic as the prayers leading up to the election have been; we are not out of danger or His wrath. We continue to face judgments of murder/suicides, weather destruction, economic upheaval, the church being persecuted in ways we never thought we would see and a political movement being controlled by everything anti-God.
This is our reality in which we are living. We serve a mighty God, and He has the power to work in the midst of such times, as the history of the church reveals. But we must wait upon Him for power, for a restoration of unity and seek Him for a manifest Presence of revival that glorifies His Greatness’. God be praised for all those that are and those that continue a call of ‘waiting upon the Lord’.
It is a time of unparalleled prayer. As Jonathan Edwards called it, ‘A Call for United, Extraordinary Prayer”, that where we are and where He wants us to be, there is a great distance for the body of Christ. Prevailing prayer is needed in these days.
Therefore, I am appealing to you, once again, time and time again, I have come to you as leaders to make the call and set the agenda for prayer. Thank you to those that have given ear and are faithful to recognize and respond in the ways that you have. Come together, make the mandate, set the day, time and issue the reality of our situation; we cannot afford to go forward anymore without the Presence of God. Let us not be as Samson, ‘who knew not the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him’. Why so many judgments? Why so many lost people, seemingly unable to reach them? Why our percentage of Christians, in this population, continues to go down and down? Is it not because the power of Almighty God is absent from our midst? Then let us assemble and seek the Lord. Let us wait upon Him to come and restore His house to a house of prayer. Let us stand in the gap for a wicked nation, that is on the verge of destruction and cry out to Him, “In wrath remember mercy, O Lord”.
There are less than 50 days left in this year. And I know that Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays detract because of programs and agenda and calendars. But I am beseeching you once again, to give heed to the burden that God has placed on me, we are running out of time. There must be a response from you to call for the church to ‘humble themselves (pride and self reliance must go and die); pray (effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much); seek His face (time to Him and not to self, world or sin) and turn from wicked ways (a full testimony of repentance among God’s people).
Now as there was a call for much prayer for ‘your candidate’ to win, I implore you to set the rest of this year leading up to the New Year as a special time to pray and seek His face for mercy in these day.
I am set to hold a Watch Night time of prayer from Dec. 30 – Jan. 1. Do you remember the account of God coming down on John Wesley, George Whitefield and others on their Watch Night:
“About three in the morning, as we were continuing instant in prayer, the power of God came mightily upon us insomuch that many cried out for exceeding joy and many fell to the ground. As soon as we were recovered a little from that awe and amazement at the presence of His majesty, we broke out with one voice, 'We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord”
This dear brethren is what we need. It only comes by ‘waiting upon ‘Him. Let us be obedient to the heavenly calling and respond rightly before it is too late for our generation and the ones to come.
Issue the call for the next 50 days leading into the New Year of our Lord, 2013, to do the following:
--seek the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul;
--pray with urgency and desperation for a people that has forsaken and rejected Him;
--humble ourselves and be rid of pride in self and our ways and trust in Him alone;
--turn from our wicked ways of love of the world, lusts, self, entertainment, money and all the other things that have ‘quenched, grieved, resisted, and limited the Holy One’ from coming down upon us, His church
I would be grateful for your response and to discuss and answer any questions or considerations that you might have for this most needful work.
Dan Biser

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