Thursday, November 29, 2012


(This is a rough draft about the issue of Marriage in America.  But the overall premise is there for you to glean and respond.  I will edit, correct and add other things as time permits.)

Please discern what is at stake here.  The hour is ever so crucial. 

Jeremiah 8:7, ". . .but My people know not the judgment of the Lord."
Jeremiah 9:3, ". . .for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not Me, saith the Lord."

Both descriptions of these verses of  'not knowing the Lord, nor the judgments of the Lord' are not of strangers and heathens, but the Lord's Own people.  Now this is found in Old Testament and deals directly with the children of Israel; specifically, the children of Judah and Jerusalem.  We know this becasue Israel had already been carried away into captivity by the Assyrians for the golden calves of Jereboam, who made Israel to sin and their disobedience to the word of the Lord by the prophets. 

But today, the church is found guilty of the exact same measure of disobedience and 'un'knowing of the Lord and His ways.  Now there is simply no other way to explain this except that God's people, the church, has left off the things that brings us to know Who He is.  "Be still and know that I am God" is given in Psalms.  Too many Christians would have a hard time to answer when the last time they spent an hour in His Presence being still.  What about a half hour? 15 minutes?  When did they spend 5 minutes in His PResence? 

And the second avenue that brings us to know God is in His Word.  And oh, the tragedy and many confessions of pastors, leaders, teachers and members of churches that declare they have never read His Word.  Nor do they make time to 'study to show themselves approved unto Him'.  We left off the Word of God a long time ago, due to excessive schedules of our own self interests.  And slowly but surely Satan made the Word of God to slip out of our personal lives, out of our homes and in many cases, out of the church.  All this has produced a lack of knowledge of Who God is and what He has done and can do for us today. 

We have been in a free fall state in the United States for many decades.  Those that do understand Scripture see the writing on the wall.  This is the image out of Daniel 5, where the night that the Babyloians mocked God and drank out of the vessels of the temple of Jerusalem, God's hand appeared on the wall and decalred and end to their kingdom.  'Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting'; 'thy kingdom's days are numbered and tonight thy soul shall be required of thee.'  All this came to pass, because they mocked and provoked the Lord God to wrath and anger. 

We stand in a similar place right now.  We have done in this nation just about everything we can to provoke God and mock His right ways of living.  He, the Lord God, has blest us so much; given so much; loved so much and we have spurned His good works toward us.  Here is what we have done:
--we have passed and allowed laws that are in direct revolt against His Holy Word, the Bible;
--we have allowed judges to pass rulings that are contrary to the ways of God;
--we have allowed generations to continue in going in the opposite way of God toward hell and sin;
--we have winked at sin in the public place;
--we have allowed for a few individauls to remove the foundation of God and Jesus Christ and Christian values and teachings to be our mandate;
--we allow for groups to remove crosses, fight us on Christmas, silence prayers and restrict the use of 'in Jesus Name, Amen';

And in opposite fashion of removing the 'good and right way' from our existence, we have replaced the vacum of goodness with evil.  WE have chosen evil over good in the following ways:
--we have allowed pride to be our normal way of thinking and living;
--we have embraced lusts and flesh in all manners of public display;
--we have reduced the church to an entertainment show to make it delightful for us;
--we have supported sin, and self to rule and reign over us;
--we have given time to the ways of the world;

In all these things we have done everything for decades to remove God and replace with that which satisfies the flesh.  And now, when we need God the most to help us and deliver us, there is only a remnant left who do truly know the good and right way.  The majority and the rest of the church has been subscribed to a watered down, half-hearted, luke warm Christianity that only provokes God further in His hot displeasure and anger towards us.  "I would that you were cold or hot; but because thou art lukewarm, I will spue you out of my mouth".  It is the church that must see and know God once again to begin a process of repentance, revival and restoration.  But if the church doesn't repsond rightly, then all hope is lost and we are finished.

News reported WEdnesday, November 28, that the Supreme Court judges will meet on Friday, Novermber 30 to discuss of whether to take up the court decisions on what is 'marriage' in this land.  Their decision will allow for the following scenarios to play out:

The court has two motions to decide on - 1. California Proposition 8 was voted on by the people to define marriage 'as one man and one woman'.  But the federal court in California, overturned the vote of the people to say it was unconstituationl.  Christian lawyers then appealed to the Supreme Court to rule that the votes of the people was right.  And the court had no right to overturn the will of the people.  2.  DOMA - Defense of Marriage Act in many states is being challenged to declare each state has the right to decide what is viewed as 'marriage' between 'one man and one woman' or simpy 'between two people, regardless of sex'. 


1.  The court decides to reject both proposals, allowing for the federal court rulings to stand, as is.  This would overturn the vote in California, making homosexual marriage legal.  DOMA which has been ruled by states as unconstitutional between a man and a woman would be overturned as well.  Thus, allowing for state after state to continue to reject traditional marriage and force homosexual marriages on the nation.  The Supreme Courts silence, will allow for same sex marriage to become the law of the land.

2.  The court agrees to take up both issues.  They then will be in the place to make a final ruling over all the land as to that which is legal and that which is illegal.  Given the nature of the court, and the ways of this dark, sinful nation, they will rule that homosexuality is okay and make it the law of the land.  Thus, rendering our nation to allowing of abortion and homosexuality.  The certainty of both laws of the land will be our death knoll as a nation.  God will consume us if this happens. 

3.  Ruling on one or the other, will have diverse affects and only temporarily delay the final result of  Number 1 or 2. 
If they tackle DOMA and declare each state decides for itself.  The dominoe affect will be in place which we have already seen.  Almost 20% of the states allow for same-sex marriage.  And people will simply go to the state that legalizes it and eventually satureate the land with their evil and overturn the DOMA states.  This will accomplish nothing. 
If they tackle Prop 8 and declare agreement with the federal court, then it will nullify voters and the will of the people by a few perverted judges.  Voting, 'politicking', candiates, petitions are all void, when laws are determined the few, instead of the majority.  This is another assualt on our government and what it was contructed to do to preserve our ways. 
If they overturn Prop 8 and give the voters their rights, but allow DOMA to be decided by states, the vote of the people is rendered hapless, in that it will allow gay couples to be married in one of the other states. 

Remedy:  There is only one hope for us - REVIVAL.  There is no future, there is no hope without God working a great work in this land.  Now there is much prayer and emphasis on revival right now by the remnant.  Which leaves us with the question, 'why would God so move us to pray for this unless He was willing to do it?'  However, the response of the people is not in agreement with God's Word or ways at this point in prayer.  Many are praying, but all the while they pray, their hearts and lives are still saturated with the life of the world and self, thus  hindering God's Spirit from working. 

A true spirit of prayer and prevailing prayer will come when men and women die to self, embrace the cross and pray in agreement with God.  The turning of the nation back to God, will begin solely in the church to return to God and their first love. 

The church is needed to respond to this urgency, now!  I gave a plea over a year ago, to embrace this battle on our knees.  All to hushed silences and superficial answers of, 'I appreciate your heart brother'.  WE left off, doing right.  We quit praying rightly.  We have forgotten Who God is.  WE are guilty of not knowing Him or His ways. 

If the Supreme Court embraces DOMA state by state; overturns federal court ruling for Prop 8 and declares marriage has always meant to be, 'a man and a woman', thus making it the law of the land; we will have time to work.  It does not or would not undo the evil at hand and already in place; it will not remedy the darkness upon the land; nor will it advance the kingdom of our Lord.  It simply stops the further progression of evil in our land from furthering to infect and cause greater amount of souls to be destroyed by the overriding power of sin.  And that at the stopping of its advancement, we would have time to further the Gospel, Truth and cast forth Light into darkness to take back a nation, families, ordiances, and individaul lives. 

dan biser

written: 11/29/12
edited:  12/3/12

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