Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An Open Letter to Answer Michael Catt

An Answer to Michael Catt:
Greetings brother,
I read your blog post for the call to pray and see revival. We continue to hear more and more about the desperate need of a spiritual awakening. Although there is not a true desperation yet. As you probably know there has been a few movements within the last year. One in Georgia, in Bartow County, where the county churches have come together for prayer and service together. Another one at Bill Elliff’s church in Little Rock; and then another deep prayer time which was almost simultaneous with Bill’s church in East Tennessee.
Both of these took place through April into May. Bill was very careful not to use the word ‘revival’. Perhaps a better term would be ‘a glorified prayer meeting’. Bringing confession, supplication, petition and intercession as churches should be practicing normally. We both know, or should be in agreement, that for the vast majority of the churches in America there is no prayer. The ‘house of prayer’ is not a place of prayer. I know that you have prayer at Sherwood which you shared with me. Deep and lasting prayer times are not evidence in our society today though.
For the last 6 years I have assembled and ran Broken Before the Throne. An 8 day prayer meeting, lasting 9 hours each day. I had many of the same speakers that you have used at Refresh. Many that we know of in our desire and pursuit for revival. Men such as: TW Hunt, Henry Blackaby, Al Whitthinghill, Greg Frizzell, to name a few. I went looking for what you mentioned in your blog, men who have seen and experienced real revival. I went and sat down with Dennis Kinlaw at Asbury to hear of the revival there in 1972. I went to the Canadian Revival Fellowship 35th reawakening time and heard the tesitmonies from that revival of 1971. I have gleaned from Duncan Campbell’s minister and messages telling of the 1949 revival in the Hebrides. I am concluding reading right now, the books on revival of Jonathan Goforth at the turn of the century in 1900 in China. Culpepper’s and Bertha Smith’s account of the Shantung Revival., I am also reading. All of these coupled with the deep desire to see it done here in this land.
There is only one thing to do. It is not talk about it; it is not simply pray for it. In all honesty, brother, if we really want revival, the very fullness of God’s glory to come down on the church then we will have to get before God and wait for it. Simply to pray for it and ask God to send it, is not the prevailing prayer necessary. Prevailing prayer of importunity is found only in saying, ‘I will not be denied this blessing. I will not let You go until You speak the words, ‘So let it be done’.” Are you willing for such a sacrifice? Are these 1000 pastors who tweeted you? Talk the talk, yes many of them do. They will say passionately, ‘We want revival.’ They profess it but there hearts are far from it. For the very thing that pleases God, is the dying to self and sin. Too many are daily in practice of selfish and sinful living. Entertainment, habits, hobbies, recreation, money, pleasures, food, etc, that does not bring glory but self-gratification.
I have sought the SBC leadership for 4 years to do something to set a mandate, make a proclamation. I made the motion last year for the call for the Solemn Assembly. And only 7% of SBC churches participated in that. Talk - yes they will; action - that is something else. I still appeal to Bryant Wright, Tom Elliff, Frank Page and Kevin Ezell that in order to win the masses at home and abroad, we must posses the power of God. No power, no Presence; no Presence, no power. I am no longer organizing for Broken Before the Throne, the Lord has given me another theme and title to employ, ‘A Serious Call to Prayer’. I am, of course, using a portion of William Law’s book, ‘A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life’.
If you truly would want to something, may you consider such things to implement. I am currently working with Greg Gordon from on his fall conference. It is based on the question, ‘Has the church lost the fear of the Lord?’ and will be this October in Atlanta. There is time to do something more readily if you are willing to help and speak on this. I will wait to hear from you for your thoughts on this.
I believe you take 2 weeks in August to be alone; do you still do that? Perhaps that time might be for seeing what the Lord would want to do through your ministry, mine and perhaps Life Action to coordinate something for ‘A Serious call to Prayer’.
Dan biser

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