Monday, March 21, 2011



William Law wrote, 'A Serious Call to a Holy and Devout Life'. Andrew Murray is one author that I love to read and that speaks to me of prayer and oneness with Christ. In reading Murray, he introduced me to Law and this book. As time has gone by in recent years, my study of prayer has broadened. I am intent on learning how, what and why people pray. With the desire to see prevailing prayer leading us to a revival that brings the fullness of God upon His people. In other writings and letters, I have shared some of those conclusions and confessions. And what we see in the Christian church today, is a poor reflection of prayer compared to that which Christ did and what the book of Acts reveals and demonstrates. The day of Pentecost came as a direct result of answered prayer. Christ had foretold the disciples that it was needful for Him to go away and He would send the Comforter. When He appeared unto them after His resurrection, He breathed on them and said, 'Receive you the Holy Ghost.' John 20:22 Upon His time to ascend back into heaven, our Lord gave them instruction to go and wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. Luke 24:49 And as the disciples obeyed the Lord they waited for 10 days in the upper room. Those that were believers and followers of Christ were 120 people. And upon the 10th day, the day of Pentecost, He came. We read throughout the rest of the book of Acts the same message over and over - 'they prayed, and He came'. Do we think that any of this has changed in 2000 years?

We are instructed in this life, that whatsoever we face we are to give ourselves unto prayer. Prayer is the staging ground of faith to be enacted for His glory. The greatest events of history have come from someone giving themselves unto prayer. The examples are numerous for us to glean this truth: Charles Finney preached and led great revivals and awakenings among the churches and lost people; but all the while there was his own prayers coupled together with Praying Nash and Abel Clary going before him wherever he went. Someone pointed out to me, that isn't it interesting that Finney's itinerant ministry stopped at the same time of Praying Nash's death. Praying John Hyde, went to India in place of his brother who had died. And before leaving an old man gave him a letter, instructing him to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit if he would be used of God there. He raged in anger at the old man's reproof. But when he settled that perhaps he was lacking power and the need of God's touch, he earnestly sought it and found it. And on and on I could go with Hudson Taylor, George Mueller, John Wesley, David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards and such like. All these gave themselves unto prayer and God Who was intreated with them, heard and answered. He came and worked wondrously in them and through them for His glory.  What does the Scripture say? 'For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.' Each of these saints sought and found Him and He poured out upon them His Holy Spirit that wrought great deeds for His kingdom and glory. What shall we say of the church today? Is there power? Is there prevailing prayer? Is there such wonders and miracles?

There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet. And almost 5 billion out of those 7 billion are lost and without Christ. We, as the church, have not gained the ground of so many people coming into this world as population continues to grow. As a matter of fact, the Christian church is actually losing ground in numbers compared to the population growth. Why? The excuses are given: 'Well, we don't have enough churches.' 'Well, we don't have enough money and resources.' 'Well, we don't have enough missionaries.' Wasn't it only 120 in the upper room that led to the 1,000's of people being born again that it was said of them: 'Here comes these ones that have turned the world upside down.'?

Numerical numbers, money, means, methods, and structure means nothing unless we have the power of the Holy Spirit upon us. When the Holy Spirit is upon His people, the people step up to go. The people give large sums of money for the work. The church responds with calling upon God day and night for Him to be glorified. Sin is put away from whole communities and the church is once again a 'house of prayer'. But if the Holy Spirit is resisted, grieved and quenched then they labor in vain that build the house. Brethren, we are in a strait of laboring in vain against God. We seek God's blessings for our work. It must be His work.

Humanism has gained access into the decisions and we are left null and void without the power of God upon us. Satan is sifting ministers, churches, families and the witness of the church because we are not armed with prevailing prayer. Without prevailing prayer we cannot tear down Satan's strongholds. Surely this has been demonstrated in the United States for long enough that we see how powerless we are against alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, money, emotions, courts, religion, legislatures and such like. They continue steamrolling this nation, while the church sits befuddled over our present condition. The answer to all this is found in 'a Serious Call to Prayer.'

Who is to call for this time of prayer?

As you read through the Old Testament you see leaders were raised up for such a call to prayer. When they saw the great sin of the people; when they saw the need that was at hand they called for an assembly of the people to call upon the Lord for His mercies. We see when the Assyrians came against Judah to destroy Jerusalem and carry Judah away into captivity, King Hezekiah called for prayer. The children of Israel had already been carried away because of their sin. Their was no one to intreat the Lord for His mercies there. But God always raises up a man to 'stand in the gap' for such times. Yet, there does come time when there is no voice calling for serious prayer to be made. 'I sought for a man, but I could not find one.'

Sometimes the call for prayer is by the individual. We see Daniel praying alone for 3 weeks over the sins of the people. We see Ezra and Nehemiah standing alone at first and then assembling the people. but the burden began alone. We see Christ Himself bringing his disciples with Him into the garden. Then bringing Peter, James and John even closer; but at last, He withdrew to be alone. We see Noah all alone; we see Jeremiah alone; and such is the case in awful times when the people give themselves unto sin. God gives them up to their lusts and judgment is quick to follow.

Leadership is to make such a call. You that are burdened for the sake of Christ are to issue the call. Across denominations there are leaders in place to make such a call. Ministers, pastors, and other leaders in churches, and other areas should join in in agreement with such a call. Unity was found at Pentecost and in order for such a call of prayer to be done rightly, unity should prevail as well. But do not let leadership fail in making the call. We have seen many years go by, and there has been no serious call to prayer among the brethren. Even world wide there has been no call for the Christian church to call upon the Lord for the nations to be won into service of the King of Kings. We have lost much time. And if the call is not issued with definite purpose and end results to prevail with God, how much more will be lost for His glory?

What is a 'Serious call to prayer'?

Many will want to argue about such a call. They feel that prayer is already being offered. I would be quick to point out when the last revival was experienced. There were seasons of refreshing in Canada and at Asbury college in 1971. But nothing that changed the landscape of towns, counties and states. We have been without a mighty move of God for over a 100 years now in the United States.  Surely such a tract record should prove to us that 'our praying' is not the needed 'Serious Call to Prayer'.  In 1949 - 1951 the Hebrides Revival happened which was the entirety of those English islands. But the last world wide effect of revival was from 1904 that came out of the Welsh Revival. Its affects moved throughout the world. Why has it been so long? Because since that time prayer has continued to be less and less of a priority in the church and Christian life. Confessions of pastors and churches reflect this sinful truth, the house of prayer is no longer a house of prayer. Prayer time has become vain repetition or removed altogether.  Statements about prayer reflect the mind set and motives of people in the church: 'It is not exciting enough'; or no time to interfere with their bands jamming out or whatever other nonsense they use as excuses to remove prayer. The simple fact is that prayer in churches today is very hard to find. Show me the church that prays an hour a week. One hour out of 168 hours in a week. Many churches won't pray 1 hour in a month's time.

A serious call to prayer is to turn all this around. The facts are before us, we have no other resource that God will honor but prevailing prayer. This is how He has designed and honored that He will work. Why even argue over the fact of another way to win souls or build churches? Prayer is the method and means by which God bestows His power upon His people. No prayer, no power; no power, directly related to no prayer. A serious call recognizes this sin; it addresses the need for confession among God's people; it recognizes the need for repentance and a need to wait before Him.

It is a yielded time to be still and know that God is God. Many children of God do not know anything about God. They have not studied the Scriptures. Almost all the time spent by churches is geared for social groups, entertainment and recreation. They have not been taught about God's attributes and ways because there is not much time given to this. The time has been given to drawing the crowds in with their methods and means. But they have not been still before Him to learn of Him. And time is needful to give to this challenge. In essence, God's people don't know God. How can this be? Prayer that directly brings us to God has been erased from the daily lives of His saints. And an intimate fellowship is not daily practiced by many Christians today. such a Call to Prayer would bring us together and have us to wait in His Presence. It has been so long since such things have been talked about, let alone done.

Let us not look at the small measure of prayer done today and think that it equals the given need of the hour. I know most will be offended at these remarks. They accuse the brethren, that prayer is being done in some circles. Praise the Lord for those circles. Praise the Lord for those pastors and intercessors that give time to God. But as a whole, surely it is not to be contested that the church majority do not and have not given quality time to prayer. To use as a recent example: out of 44000 churches in the Southern Baptist - all were called to hold Solemn Assemblies. Calling throughout associations and state conventions, a survey was taken that revealed less than 10 % participated, actually closer to 5% did. Are we content then to say, 'Well at least 10 % did'; or do we see the truth (reality) of the situation - 90 % did not. Another example, 7 pastors and leaders out of an association of 20 churches. They were asked, 'Tell me about your quiet time'. the reply on average was less than 15 minutes given to study and prayer. Now add that up! 15 X 7 = 105 minutes per week; less than 2 hours out of 168 hours per week. Now tell me what percentage we have of men that lead in quiet time. Not time spent in preparing for messages and lessons. But time spent alone with God. Can you not see the enormous vacancy of sin in our lives? How much we need to spend quality time with God on a daily basis. How much more could be done with a body of believers yielded and surrendered to God?

Why have a Serious Call to Prayer?

To put it simply, we cannot go on without it. Without God's full Presence upon leaders, workers, and the church, nothing can be done. One of the things that has tainted this generation is the excessive force of relying on numbers. Numbers are relevant to reveal the direction that things are going in. But numbers causes many leaders to lie and cheat to maintain a status of success. We bring sin into our numbers by lying. 'How many baptisms did you have?' The reply, 'Oh, we had 200 baptisms last year.' They did baptize 200 but 1o0 of those was also baptized the year before. and 75 had been baptized in other places and joined into the church. So in actuality only 25 were new converts. Yet the numbers are skewed to show success. How many churches did we start last year? Example: 'Oh, we started 500 new churches.' Wonderful right!? But how many churches did we lose? 'Oh, 250 churches closed or are getting ready to close their doors.' So in actuality what is the truth (reality)? That really only 250 churches were started. You see, it is not the whole truth; it is only a half truth. And as one old preacher preached it, 'A half truth is a whole lie.' To show success is pride, it is arrogance, it is the sin of vanity. A serious call to prayer brings us to humility. It removes the pronouns of what "I" can do, or what 'WE' can do. Instead it reveals to us what the Lord can do. 'Not by might, nor by strength but by My Spirit saith the Lord'. The why of such a call is to draw nigh unto God. We are separated from Him and our current status in this world shows that clearly. Any revival in the Bible or in church history reveals the impact on nations, families, churches and individuals. We don't see that in our land today. The why of the serious call is to get back to God; Its' His desire for us to be near Him. He desires to show Himself mighty on our behalf.

The why is because we cannot go any longer without Him. With all these new directions and visions being cast for our future. How can we possibly believe that we can accomplish anything in our own abilities? May our tongue and teeth fall out if we dare say or think 'we' can do it as we currently are in our spiritual condition. The sins of this nation are against God and His Word. The practices of churches and families are unspiritual and ungodly in their daily practices. The Lord has said clearly, 'If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us.' We must have a serious time to reveal the sin, expose the sin and repent of the sin. This cannot be done in a 30 minute meeting. A long, protracted time to gather together and seek the Lord is what is needed.

What can be done in such a meeting?

Pentecost. A revival the like of which none of us have ever seen. A revival that we have only heard tales about or read about in days gone by. What can happen? churches can be filled, nations can be reached, prayers can be answered, sins can be removed, the captives can be set free. This is what we need. This is what we must seek for. Would we know what do to with 10,000 men and women signed up and ready to go to the nations of the world? Would we know what to do with $10 billion given to evangelize the world? How much greater could things be than what I simply have suggested. 'There is nothing too hard for God.' 'My ear is not heavy, nor is my arm shortened that I cannot answer and reach to save'. 'But'. . .but what? 'But your sins and iniquities have separated you from Me.' Such a time of prayer and confession is needed to remove the sin and make us holy by His holy blood and Holy Spirit. Isn't His glory what we want in our day and age? Aren't you jealous for His glory to be manifested to the 4 corners of the earth? Then surely you know that what I have written is the truth. That the only way that God has ever ordained His fullness among His people, is when they sought Him with all their heart. 'And you shall seek Me, and find Me; when you search for Me with all your heart.' Do not approach this with religious rhetoric. do not approach this with good gestures.

Issue the call. Make the effort first and foremost before you send them out and start your labors. Wait upon Him until all of us are endued with power from on high.


Some will ask, 'What are you suggesting then?' an immediate time of prayer to be called for.   Every state, every leader, every agency, and every church to issue the call and respond to the call. Upon the conclusion of the weeks prayer time at whatever designated place it would be held, there would be a suggested format of how to do this. Let's be honest, most Christians labor to pray for one hour, how are they going to pray for a week? A suggested format to be laid out for an example or pattern.

1. Set the date - Octobe 30,2011; It is a Sunday, declare a fast and the entire day to prayer.  Pastors and others to lead prayer times, others to help in making it a day of supplication, intercession and confession. 

2.  Help with instruction to fill the hours of what must be prayed for.  Most can't pray 15 minutes, let alone a whole day.  Details and helps must be supplied to show specific needs, sins, and pleadings for family, churches, our nations, before the Lord. 

3. Present the burden and the need to as many other denominations to respond for a complete sweep among the church today. This would lead to a world wide revival for His glory and honor among all the people.

What say you?

As for me, 'I will give myself unto prayer' so long as I have breath to breathe. I gave my life to Him, as you did. I must obey what He has commanded in the Scriptures, as you must as well, 'Pray without ceasing.'

Dan Biser

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