Friday, September 8, 2017


September 8, 2017
Proclamation for a Day of Prayer and Fasting before the Lord for our nation and the state of the church.
Let this day, of September 24, 2017, the Lord’s Day, be a day set aside for fasting and prayer by His people and/or the nation.  Let it be recognized that our nation is experiencing, one of the most troublesome times in our history.  Let us recognize that we have sinned against the Lord repeatedly as a nation and as His church.  By our sin, we have provoked the Lord to anger and wrath.  His anger and wrath is sent to a nation, a people, His church, our families, yea, our own individaul lives by punishment and remedial judgements.  We have provoked Him to remedial judgements by great sin.  These sins are found in our actions and neglects of: legalizing sin, compromising with sin and the world, leaving our first love and allowing for evil and wickedness to grow and multiply. 
We recognize that our sin, and the choices of our government, of the church body/bodies, families, businesses, schools and individuals have provoked the Lord to anger.  And we are set this day facing a deluge of remedial judgements by God on our nation, home’s and cities.  WE recognize that these judgments of wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, disease, drugs, and economic debt are allowed, sent, and commanded by God to move us to seek Him and turn to Him with all our hearts.  His past judgements upon our nation that we have experienced, due to our sin and folly we have only feignedly given time and attention too. We have not turned from our sin, we have not confessed our sin and we have not repented of our sins.  Thus, the wages of sin is still upon us. 
We understand that if we, as the church, do not respond to His provocative acts against our land, we may face even worse scenarios and greater tragedies and loss of life.  We know it is not God’s desire that ‘any should go from Him’; but that all ‘would be saved’ through His Son, Jesus Christ.
We cry out for mercy in this time of wrath.  We seek You, O God, for forgiveness, for help, for restoration, for cleansing that you might be pleased with us and not angry with us and forsake us. 
And we recognize that the church is not holy, as You would have us to be.  We are so carnal, worldly, and in the flesh .  We have failed You in our service to You.  Therefore, we set this day of fasting and prayer to seek You, call upon You, and renew ourselves in You.  “If I regard iniquity in my heart, You will not hear me.” 
Revive us again O Lord. Turn us unto You, and we shall be turned.  And let us finish Your kingdoms business and be what You want us to  be. 
The hour is late, and the needs are great; and we have no where else to turn but unto You. 
Hear our cry for help this day O Lord and work a work of redemption, restoration, recovery and repentance in us and through us.  

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