Saturday, February 15, 2020


"And being in an agony He prayed more earnestly; . . . Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation."  Luke 22:44 - 46

The cause of Christ praying more earnestly came from the agony He had upon Him for the sins of the world.   The agony was for His Father's will and their kingdom in eternity.   Christ's agony was for His church, His bride that He would die and resurrect for.   Christ knowing what must be done, prayed to the Father for the cup to be removed, nevertheless, He surrendered and prayed,  His will be done.   Yet, the agony of what was about to happen was upon Him.   This agony caused Him to pray more earnestly.  There are agonies before us and upon us also, not to the decree of Christ, but they are ever present.

Does the agonies of this world cause you to pray more earnestly?  Do you know what that looks like?  Far too many I hear in conversations about prayer, 'say prayers'; 'pray generally'.  This is not earnest praying.  Earnest praying is the urgency and fervency of a matter combined to produce earnestness.  This earnestness is desperate; it is unflinching; it is challenged to have victory.   You can hear it when one is praying in eartness, you feel their resolve to prevail.  they will not be denied in this as they seek His face and call upon His name.   The agony swells within them as a raging fire, because of the urgency of the need.

When you receive that call of an emegency and know someone is in crisis, life and death crisis, you seek God earnestly for you know not if they shall still remain by morning light.   When you see and know that loved one is one breath away from eternity, and you know their eternal soul is lost and without Christ and they will burn in hell for ever, you rise and pray more earnestly.   You know this to be, not just for the one, but for the masses!  and you pray more earnestly. 

When you read of a murder-suicide in a home, among a family, and children and spouses are killed and removed from this earth, you pray more earnestly!   When you know that at this moment, some act of evil is being thought upon, plans are being made, guns are being loaded, you pray more earnestly to undo the evil set into motion.   When you know Satan is planting seeds, lying to their minds and heart, you pray more earnestly!    When that addict is getting ready to take their last drugs, for death is upon them, you pray more earnestly.    When you know  that one who has lost all hope is loading the gun to take their life in suicide, you pray more earnestly. 

When you see the false religions continue the plans of hell, you pray more earnestly!   When you see the masses of billions who have not heard nor received the Gospel, you pray more earnestly.   When you know this day matters to someone you pray more earnestly!   Ah Brethren!   What will it take for you to pray more earnestly today?    Does not our Father's and Savior's eyes run to and fro throughout all this earth, to show Himself mighty to him or her that prays more earnestly?    Does not His ears listen to that heart cry of anguish and agony over eternal, spiritual issues to answer them?   Does your agony prevail with God?! 

I am also, in my blog devotion/commentary at A Word, IN Isaiah 62:7, where God has set watchmen upon the walls and they give Him no rest day nor night.   Brethren, the enemy is at the gate and taking families, homes, cities, souls by the 1,000's    does this not cause you to pray more earnestly?    The enemy has come and is victorious over our nation and the American church, does this not cause you to pray more earnestly?     Even though God has said, 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church'; we have grieved, resisted and quenched His Holy Ghost from among us; does this not cause you to pray more earnestly? 

The rage in my soul over these things, produces an agony of great grief and sorrow.  And I hear His Spirit compel each of us in our prayer closets to pray more earnestly.   I hear Him say, 'war a good warfare';  'finish well'.   I am reminded of that poem:
"Fight on my men; a little I'm hurt; yet not yet slain.
I'll just lie down and bleed a while;
And then I'll rise and fight again."

do you remember the old hymn, 'Onward Christ soldiers"?   Pray more earnestly!
do you remember the old hymn, 'Marching to Zion, the beautiful city of God"?  Pray more earnestly.

Everything in this life and the one to come, hinges on this one unique phrase, did we just say prayers? or did we pray more earnestly, being in agony for the things of God? 
'Set your affections on things above" and herein pray more earnestly!

The hour is late; the need is great; pray so as to prevail!

Pray 365 - Kim Strickland is still in need of those who will fast and pray for a day for the elections this November and for our nation and leaders.  Pray for God's Divine will to help and lead us.

1.  Drugs & Alcohol - continued high number of overdoses and death;  continued, deepening trend of addiction, abuse and disease and death;

2.  Natural Disasters - record/historic storm in Atlantic hitting England and Europe, possible all time record setter;   Taal Volcano in Philippines;  snow in feet in Iran; locusts in east Africa, record/historic; 

3.   LGBT - 

4.   Children - neglect, abuse both physical & sexually; sex trade;

5.   Great Evil - This is my battle for the minds and hearts of men in our nation given to this great EPIDEMIC.    Scores of dozens each day; 66 suicides avg. per day;   wrestle with me brethren, I need you.  Praying against suicides - murder/suicides - homicides.   These are in the 100's each day.   Highest suicide rates are among military & police officers.   Target the major cities with the highest rates of homicides - Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, Memphis, & St. Louis. 

6.   Diseases - Chinese virus is global; over 60,000 cases, over 1500 deaths; however, the US flu season has topped 10,000 deaths;   Lassau fever in Nigeria has claimed 700 deaths;   there are numerous diseases and plagues even now producing death and dying on the nations; cancers; STD's among our young people; 

--bible reading - up through John; 200 pages to go; within the month should finish;   word study - "Rise" risen, arise, raised, etc.;
--The Activity of God - Isaiah 37;   making progress, just slow going;
--A Word - Isaiah 62;  started a few this month, only a few finished;
--sermons from Sunday uploaded to Youtube page;
--SBC controversy I am following;  Concerts of Prayer would have stepped into the gap to defend and deliver us from this, but their refusal allows for such divisions and disunity;  Leadership has tried to spin it and will continue this, but there is too much to address and answer over these last decades.   Deal with it rightly and let God return in power;  be ye holy and be endued with power from on high! 


Started:  February 15, 2020

Continued: 2/16;


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