Thursday, February 22, 2018


"Now therefore perform the doing of it;  that as there was a readiness to will so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have."  II Corinthians 8:11

I wonder how often the Spirit inspires a 'will of the Lord' to do, to accomplish some great thing for His kingdom; and how much of that is done and how much is not done?  How often you hear, "I feel the Spirit is telling me to do. . . "; and yet there is no follow up or follow through.  Only in eternity will we know the fulness of this scope of how much was left undone by the church.  So you here you see it, 'Now therefore perform the doing of it'.  That which you willed to do by the inspiration of the Spirit, now do it.  There was a readiness to jump and go, now perform it.  For surely, as quickly as the inspiration came, it will pass; for we are too fickle in our flesh.

Now regarding this truth for our focus in prayer, let us examine it.

'Perform the doing of it. . .''  found as a confession and testimony of many in the church and churches, is this call to pray.  The church is to be a 'house of prayer'.  To perform the doing of it, means, as Samuel Chadwick said, 'A secret of a prayer life is a life that prays'.  David said in the Psalm, 'I give myself unto prayer'.  And the command and example of Christ, of Paul of any of the great saints is that they 'performed the doing of it'.  Not just read about it; not just whimsically particiapte it, not sporadically engage in it; but to perform it by doing it each day.  'Morning and evening' the sacrifice was to be brought, and how much more should the prayer life be brought numerously throughout the day, and the best of each morning and at the close of each day.  Daniel prayed 3 times a day; David wrote in Psalm 119, 'seven times a day do I lift up my praise unto Thee'.  the prayer life is for each of us to examine and make sure that we are just thinking about it, not just talking about it, but doing it.

Too many talk about being 'in prayer', 'praying' but something is missing.  They talk about, they seem to know the truths of it.  But the actual performing  of it is not to be found in faithfulness.  Too many Christians and churches have sporadic prayer times.  This is not 'performing the doing of it'.  all the example of life is found in the day in and day out of doing it.  Athletes training, musicians practicing, workers engaged daily in the performance of their calling and task.  Haphazard and lazy indulgences to pray is not performing of it in acceptance to the Lord.  A confession needs to be redenered by the church for its act of disobedience.  

Far too often in our nation and among church and prayer leaders is the widely held moment that after tragedy as occurred, we give ourselves to pray.  I wonder had we been praying more fervently, effectually and urgently before the tragedy how many tragedies would have been averted?

The Lord came and continues to come to His children and His Spirit moves them to be like the Son, like Christ, 'Who makes intercession for the transgressors';  like the Holy Ghost, 'Who maketh groanings which cannot be uttered by men'.  He calls us to pray.  and that Divine birth that draws us out to seek Him, be with Him, speak to Him is a Divine gift to pray.  Many that are men and women of prayer knows this special calling.  Now all the church, all His servants are called to pray, but there are those that like the prophets, like preachers, teachers, etc. that have gifts for His kingdom and they exercise it as such.  These know that God has called them to pray, to be intercessors, to be watchmen on the wall.  This is that 'readiness of will' to do preform it and do it for His Name sake and His kingdom.

Many having this call, knowing these truth profess and confess, 'I know I ought to pray more'; 'I don't have a prayer life';  'I just don't pray as I should'.  Churches and Chjristians that have this 'readiness of will' to do it, but do not perfomr the doing of it, are found guilty of sin. 'For to him that knoweth to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.'  They know, but they don't do it, they/we fail our Lord.  And in a prayer movement today that is so prone to 'pat themselves on the back' that they are praying.  Yet, they have not prevailed in their praying.  How can we celebrate with evil so vile and growing?   Do we not know that the Lord has stirred up His church to pray with this readiness of mind and will to perform the doing of it? 

Our resolve must be the performing of it to do it for our time is greatly in need of it.  Far too lng we have gone for decades without prayer that prevails.  Satan has taken the ground, he has destroyed our nation and evil flourishes among these that are bragging that they are praying.  What good does it do to pray, if hell is advancing?  I believe that prayer is to stop the advancement of hell and their agenda. 

Let us be resolved that in these days 'we will perform the doing of it' for all things are in jeopardy.  Our very future is on the balance of being destroyed if we do not do the performing of it, so as to prevail. 

Prayer Targets:
--police officers shot & killed;  apparently so far this month - 9 have been shot and killed across the US;  that is 1 every 3 days;  This has been and continues to be the upward trend.  Where is the prevailing against this evil?
--school shootings, church shootings, mass shootings - a push right now for guns to be targeted, schools to be safer;  but no voice from the church on the evil that causes men to do this;   And because of this, this evil will continue and increase.  the 17 killed in FL is near record numbers; and no doubt, records of school shootings, church shootings and mass shootings will be broken as time goes on.  all because the evil of men has not be dealt with by the church.
--disease; flue deaths in the 100's;  in Europe a measels outbreak has killed dozens;
--natural disasters;  7.-earthquake last week in Mexico;  a steady 1 a month is the norm for this;  but as we flood here on the east coast, 2/3 of the nation is in drought conditions;
--economy;   fluctuation in the dow;
--War;  I believe war is on our horizon.  We have long been watching North Korea.  but I fear that Syria and all the fall out of so many nations in such a small area, will lead to a world wide conflict this year;   There has been too many numerous incidents, and a major one is all but sure to come.
--drugs; the wretchedness and foolishness of our states is to fight the drug problem with drugs for the sole purpose of money;  death and destruction have been in its wake;
--ISIS & Boko Haran - continued source of hell's weapons causing 'to steal, to kill and to maim' for the regions, churches and humanity;  I marvel that there is no sense of justice or judgement by the ruling nations to end this evil.

--bible readings up through Isaiah;
--word/phrase study - T - 80 pages to go;  middle of Ephesians;
--A Word - a better more steady work coming through and nearing completion of Isaiah chapter 50;
--sermons from Sunday uploaded to youtube;   Both sermons were on my focus "PREVAIL";  the sermon at Fox's Hollow was probably my best of presenting this burden the Lord has placed on me;  I was able to relieve the pressure somewhat;
--24/7 prayer times and great need to fight in this spiritual warfare;
--sermons from Sunday services at Keyser and Fox's Hollow are uploaded to my youtube page and broadcast on my ustream account/userpage;
--PREVAIL - this has been my recent focus for weeks; after meditating on it for awhile, now I am writing it out on my blog and preached two sermons Sunday to cover it;  the sermon from Fox's Hollow, has a fuller sermon of my heart on this;


Started:  February 21, 2018

Continued:  2/22;


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