Wednesday, July 12, 2017


"A Call for Holiness"

" And there is none that calleth upon Thy Name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of Thee:  for Thou hast hid Thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities." Isaiah 64:7

Holiness is the very glory of God.  Yet He also uses the Name and refers to Himself as, 'the Holy One of Israel'.  In the New Testament we see 'holy' again as referenced to the Name of Christ and the Spirit, 'Holy child', and 'Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit'.  And the command and directive is issued that as He is called Holy, because He is holy, He requires of His followers, His disciples, His children to be holy.  "Be ye holy as I am holy".  Holiness is defined by being Divine, exalted in perfection of godliness and righteousness.  Now we know, in our flesh dwelleth no good thing; and all our righteousness is as filthy rags.  Yet the command of 'be ye perfect' and 'be ye holy' is still given to His church.  Thus we recognize that being saved from our sinful, vile, lost estate gives us the place of the Divine residing within us, calling us and making us like Himself.  And He Who knew no sin, became our sin so we might be perfect with Him.  Holiness is to be void of sin and striving for perfection in Him and for Him.

Do you find this today among the church?  Do you hear this preached or taught?  Is this a standard or principle taught to live by and live for?  Where is holiness today among the people of God?  There must be a return to this that Christ lived and taught.  There must be this witness before the world that can be testified of us, 'they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus'.  And with so many false conversions, sinful, filled lives of Christians, claiming their salvation in Christ yet still living chained to the carnal and the world, there must be a calling out.  'Come ye out from among them and be ye separate.'  There is a necessity of a call for holiness in this day among the body of Christ.

What we see today in the church is an erosion of holiness.  Watered down Christianity that is so unrecognizable from the world, that religious people and lost people look and act the same.  Compromise on Christian principles, standards and ways are given into and allowance of  sin, evil, wickedness and abominations into the pulpits, pews, families and hearts  has become the norm.  A distinctive 'sweet smelling savor' (aroma) of holiness among God's people is replaced with the stench in His nostrils from the conduct, conversation and compromise of God's people.  He will not accept such behavior and choices of His people to run contrary to His already established standard of holiness.  It is not He Who will or must change, but we, His bride and church that must change and become more like Christ in holiness.

The Call for Holiness

The command to be holy is clear by Christ and in all of Scripture.  "Be ye holy, for I am holy".  Yet, we see in the church and Christian lives a variance away from holiness.  Holiness is hardly ever mentioned or spoke of; it would seem the conduct of holiness is rejected by the standards lived in today's churches and Christianity.  Holiness is rarely demonstrated consistently among believers. There should be that man/woman that has the other saints saying, 'I perceive that this is a holy person that walks before us'.   This substandard of holiness today is not the New Testament Christianity of resurrection power and spirit of overcoming through Christ and the Holy Ghost.  Something is not right.  And regardless of acceptance or not, holiness should be set forth before the church once again in teaching, example and clear priority of our daily living.  'For without holiness no man shall see the Lord'. 

1.  First, there must be the recognition that holiness has been departed from.

Holiness has been departed from, and too much of carnality, flesh, sin, and the world all abound in the Christian witness today.  "Love not the world, neither the things in the world; for all that is in the world is enmity against God."The embracing of sin and worldly ways that do not please God are chosen rather than the ways of sanctification.  The examination of the heart, of the actions and reactions of Christians today shows that there is more to be confessed of flesh, self and sin than holiness, righteousness and faithfulness.  And part of this issue is found in this understanding that most Christians do not know that they are to be faithful, righteous and holy in this world.  They have not be taught, told, preached to or shown the way and heart of the Christian to please their heavenly Father is to be holy, as Christ was and is holy. 

This proper instruction and teaching begins at the point of introduction of Christianity to the lost soul.  for the most part in today's evangelism moments it is only about getting them 'born again'.  The understanding of their receiving Christ and His ways is not fully explained.  And granted, it does not have to be.  "Sirs, what must I do to be saved? and Paul answered, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.'  Just as Saul, later to be named Paul; just as the Philippian jailer, they are making a change of their life from self to Him.  And they will follow Him in the paths of holiness if they are sincere about being a Christian.  Embracing the ways of Christ must be understood that they are dying to self, taking up a cross and following Him.  The ways of this world and the flesh that has produced sin in them and through them is not acceptable unto their Master. "Old things must pass away, and all things must become new".

Look upon Christ and see He is holy and has commanded His followers and children to be just like Him.  To be a Christian means to be Christ-like.  Christ likeness is void of sin.  'Be ye perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect is the command'.  Although this preaching, teaching, disciple making is almost unheard of today, it is quite the clear New Testament message and standard for His bride.  It is the clear teaching of Scripture for the church to be a bride pure and undefiled.  Upon learning the Holy Writ, the ways of Christ and the Father are clearly understood.  And when the Holy Scriptures are learned, taught and preached we become quite aware just how far we are from where the Lord would have us.  WE realize that as Judah and Israel departed, forgot, forsook, would not hear and obey the Lord, we are now in the same plight.  The very actions and reactions of Israel that caused them to be judged, condemned and sent into captivity is now our actions and reactions.  We know better, but we are not doing better.

And God in His mercy has continued to plead, to lead, to direct our ways to return to Him with all our heart, with all our soul. It is the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed.  And the opportunity to understand our fallen place is before us.  Yet, if we don't understand this plight, then we are doomed to repeat the history of Israel in the Old Testament.  For we have preachers, freedom to serve, technology and education to increase our understanding of His Word, and countless means of video, books etc. depicting the holy life of saints in days gone by.  All these open doors, yet, sin abounds, holiness dims and God's people are corrupt.

2.  There is the understanding that holiness is not to be lessened or comprised of something less than 'sinless perfection' in Christ.

The attitude of too many Christians and churches today is that sin is acceptable and expected.  This absolutely false according to Scripture:
--Deuteronomy 18:14, 'Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God";
--Matthew 5:48, 'Thous shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God';
--II Corinthians, "If any man be in Christ, old things are passed away, behold, all things become new."
--I John, "ye will not continue in sin";

3.  Therefore, the Christian must maintain a moment by moment pursuit of Christ and His way of holiness.

Too often the sad confession of Christians is that during a stretch of a month or a week, there is a time lapse of hours and days of departing from the 'good and right way' of the Lord.  Filled with self or sin ground is lost in their daily, momenttary walk with the Lord.  They have looked away from Christ and begun to sink. 

The Restoration to Holiness

When the soul, the body of Christ is made aware of just how far they have fallen, the Spirit grants them opportunity to restore that which has been lost.  It is the desire of the Lord to make us holy as He is holy.  And even though the church, the Christian individual has left 'their first love'; has departed from the good and right way, the Lord is ever pursuing to restore His people to what He always intended and wanted.  How many times do read in the Old Testament, 'I sent my prophets, rising up and sending them day and night'.  God was continually seeking them throughout the centuries of them rebelling against Him.  And how long God has come after His bride to restore, to renew, to revive in holiness has been constant.

God kindles the soul that triggers the 'hungering and thirsting after His righteousness'.  No man rises up one morning and makes and active choice to start to pursue holiness.  It is the Holy Spirit that enflames the soul, the heart, the mind to return in that which is right.  How far one goes down the path away from holiness is dependent on many factors, choices and situations.  Satan is always pursuing to get an individual, the church, to be removed from having holiness as their priority.  It is the greatest of victories when God overcomes all the activity of Satan, self and sin to cause the restoration of holiness to become first again in the heart and lives of His people.

Once the Holy Spirit ignites this pursuit of holiness again, what comes next?
First, with the recognition of this folly that has practiced and preferred sin, holiness is absent.  The restoration of holiness means the putting away of the sins.  Here the soul goes to the cross and sees and remembers the atonement.  They remember the price paid for their sins.  They know the Divine love that was poured out on Christ for the saving of the soul, and the forgiveness of sins through His precious blood.  That view of the cross, of the death of Christ reminds the soul of what they promised the Lord when they came to Him for salvation, for forgiveness, for eternity with Him.  They remember their oath, their covenant that they entered into with Him to be always with Him and serve Him and love Him.  And now they understand that they have failed.  They faltered at their sincere oath and the wrongs must be made right.  confession and repentance of these failures and faults are dealt with as the Spirit prompts and the Scripture leads.     

The Return to Holiness

What good does it do to call for holiness, if we do not return to holiness.  what good is it to know our lost way from holiness, if there is not a resolve to return to the Lord in holiness?  It is all vanity if this last action is not done.  Therefore let us be ever mindful of all that has been said about 'be ye holy, for I am holy' is our command.  And we will set this mark before us and strive to obtain.  Not striving in our own strength and means, not striving in religious duties but as He taught and commanded us.  Holiness is obtained in Him and through Him;  therefore we must abide in Him.  'For if you abide in Me, then I will abide in you."    


Started:  July 7, 2017

Continued:  7/20;7/29; 7/31; 8/4;


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