Wednesday, July 12, 2017


"A Call for Holiness"

" And there is none that calleth upon Thy Name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of Thee:  for Thou hast hid Thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities." Isaiah 64:7

Holiness is the very glory of God.  Yet He also uses the Name and refers to Himself as, 'the Holy One of Israel'.  In the New Testament we see 'holy' again as referenced to the Name of Christ and the Spirit, 'Holy child', and 'Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit'.  And the command and directive is issued that as He is called Holy, because He is holy, He requires of His followers, His disciples, His children to be holy.  "Be ye holy as I am holy".  Holiness is defined by being Divine, exalted in perfection of godliness and righteousness.  Now we know, in our flesh dwelleth no good thing; and all our righteousness is as filthy rags.  Yet the command of 'be ye perfect' and 'be ye holy' is still given to His church.  Thus we recognize that being saved from our sinful, vile, lost estate gives us the place of the Divine residing within us, calling us and making us like Himself.  And He Who knew no sin, became our sin so we might be perfect with Him.  Holiness is to be void of sin and striving for perfection in Him and for Him.

Do you find this today among the church?  Do you hear this preached or taught?  Is this a standard or principle taught to live by and live for?  Where is holiness today among the people of God?  There must be a return to this that Christ lived and taught.  There must be this witness before the world that can be testified of us, 'they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus'.  And with so many false conversions, sinful, filled lives of Christians, claiming their salvation in Christ yet still living chained to the carnal and the world, there must be a calling out.  'Come ye out from among them and be ye separate.'  There is a necessity of a call for holiness in this day among the body of Christ.

What we see today in the church is an erosion of holiness.  Watered down Christianity that is so unrecognizable from the world, that religious people and lost people look and act the same.  Compromise on Christian principles, standards and ways are given into and allowance of  sin, evil, wickedness and abominations into the pulpits, pews, families and hearts  has become the norm.  A distinctive 'sweet smelling savor' (aroma) of holiness among God's people is replaced with the stench in His nostrils from the conduct, conversation and compromise of God's people.  He will not accept such behavior and choices of His people to run contrary to His already established standard of holiness.  It is not He Who will or must change, but we, His bride and church that must change and become more like Christ in holiness.

The Call for Holiness

The command to be holy is clear by Christ and in all of Scripture.  "Be ye holy, for I am holy".  Yet, we see in the church and Christian lives a variance away from holiness.  Holiness is hardly ever mentioned or spoke of; it would seem the conduct of holiness is rejected by the standards lived in today's churches and Christianity.  Holiness is rarely demonstrated consistently among believers. There should be that man/woman that has the other saints saying, 'I perceive that this is a holy person that walks before us'.   This substandard of holiness today is not the New Testament Christianity of resurrection power and spirit of overcoming through Christ and the Holy Ghost.  Something is not right.  And regardless of acceptance or not, holiness should be set forth before the church once again in teaching, example and clear priority of our daily living.  'For without holiness no man shall see the Lord'. 

1.  First, there must be the recognition that holiness has been departed from.

Holiness has been departed from, and too much of carnality, flesh, sin, and the world all abound in the Christian witness today.  "Love not the world, neither the things in the world; for all that is in the world is enmity against God."The embracing of sin and worldly ways that do not please God are chosen rather than the ways of sanctification.  The examination of the heart, of the actions and reactions of Christians today shows that there is more to be confessed of flesh, self and sin than holiness, righteousness and faithfulness.  And part of this issue is found in this understanding that most Christians do not know that they are to be faithful, righteous and holy in this world.  They have not be taught, told, preached to or shown the way and heart of the Christian to please their heavenly Father is to be holy, as Christ was and is holy. 

This proper instruction and teaching begins at the point of introduction of Christianity to the lost soul.  for the most part in today's evangelism moments it is only about getting them 'born again'.  The understanding of their receiving Christ and His ways is not fully explained.  And granted, it does not have to be.  "Sirs, what must I do to be saved? and Paul answered, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.'  Just as Saul, later to be named Paul; just as the Philippian jailer, they are making a change of their life from self to Him.  And they will follow Him in the paths of holiness if they are sincere about being a Christian.  Embracing the ways of Christ must be understood that they are dying to self, taking up a cross and following Him.  The ways of this world and the flesh that has produced sin in them and through them is not acceptable unto their Master. "Old things must pass away, and all things must become new".

Look upon Christ and see He is holy and has commanded His followers and children to be just like Him.  To be a Christian means to be Christ-like.  Christ likeness is void of sin.  'Be ye perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect is the command'.  Although this preaching, teaching, disciple making is almost unheard of today, it is quite the clear New Testament message and standard for His bride.  It is the clear teaching of Scripture for the church to be a bride pure and undefiled.  Upon learning the Holy Writ, the ways of Christ and the Father are clearly understood.  And when the Holy Scriptures are learned, taught and preached we become quite aware just how far we are from where the Lord would have us.  WE realize that as Judah and Israel departed, forgot, forsook, would not hear and obey the Lord, we are now in the same plight.  The very actions and reactions of Israel that caused them to be judged, condemned and sent into captivity is now our actions and reactions.  We know better, but we are not doing better.

And God in His mercy has continued to plead, to lead, to direct our ways to return to Him with all our heart, with all our soul. It is the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed.  And the opportunity to understand our fallen place is before us.  Yet, if we don't understand this plight, then we are doomed to repeat the history of Israel in the Old Testament.  For we have preachers, freedom to serve, technology and education to increase our understanding of His Word, and countless means of video, books etc. depicting the holy life of saints in days gone by.  All these open doors, yet, sin abounds, holiness dims and God's people are corrupt.

2.  There is the understanding that holiness is not to be lessened or comprised of something less than 'sinless perfection' in Christ.

The attitude of too many Christians and churches today is that sin is acceptable and expected.  This absolutely false according to Scripture:
--Deuteronomy 18:14, 'Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God";
--Matthew 5:48, 'Thous shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God';
--II Corinthians, "If any man be in Christ, old things are passed away, behold, all things become new."
--I John, "ye will not continue in sin";

3.  Therefore, the Christian must maintain a moment by moment pursuit of Christ and His way of holiness.

Too often the sad confession of Christians is that during a stretch of a month or a week, there is a time lapse of hours and days of departing from the 'good and right way' of the Lord.  Filled with self or sin ground is lost in their daily, momenttary walk with the Lord.  They have looked away from Christ and begun to sink. 

The Restoration to Holiness

When the soul, the body of Christ is made aware of just how far they have fallen, the Spirit grants them opportunity to restore that which has been lost.  It is the desire of the Lord to make us holy as He is holy.  And even though the church, the Christian individual has left 'their first love'; has departed from the good and right way, the Lord is ever pursuing to restore His people to what He always intended and wanted.  How many times do read in the Old Testament, 'I sent my prophets, rising up and sending them day and night'.  God was continually seeking them throughout the centuries of them rebelling against Him.  And how long God has come after His bride to restore, to renew, to revive in holiness has been constant.

God kindles the soul that triggers the 'hungering and thirsting after His righteousness'.  No man rises up one morning and makes and active choice to start to pursue holiness.  It is the Holy Spirit that enflames the soul, the heart, the mind to return in that which is right.  How far one goes down the path away from holiness is dependent on many factors, choices and situations.  Satan is always pursuing to get an individual, the church, to be removed from having holiness as their priority.  It is the greatest of victories when God overcomes all the activity of Satan, self and sin to cause the restoration of holiness to become first again in the heart and lives of His people.

Once the Holy Spirit ignites this pursuit of holiness again, what comes next?
First, with the recognition of this folly that has practiced and preferred sin, holiness is absent.  The restoration of holiness means the putting away of the sins.  Here the soul goes to the cross and sees and remembers the atonement.  They remember the price paid for their sins.  They know the Divine love that was poured out on Christ for the saving of the soul, and the forgiveness of sins through His precious blood.  That view of the cross, of the death of Christ reminds the soul of what they promised the Lord when they came to Him for salvation, for forgiveness, for eternity with Him.  They remember their oath, their covenant that they entered into with Him to be always with Him and serve Him and love Him.  And now they understand that they have failed.  They faltered at their sincere oath and the wrongs must be made right.  confession and repentance of these failures and faults are dealt with as the Spirit prompts and the Scripture leads.     

The Return to Holiness

What good does it do to call for holiness, if we do not return to holiness.  what good is it to know our lost way from holiness, if there is not a resolve to return to the Lord in holiness?  It is all vanity if this last action is not done.  Therefore let us be ever mindful of all that has been said about 'be ye holy, for I am holy' is our command.  And we will set this mark before us and strive to obtain.  Not striving in our own strength and means, not striving in religious duties but as He taught and commanded us.  Holiness is obtained in Him and through Him;  therefore we must abide in Him.  'For if you abide in Me, then I will abide in you."    


Started:  July 7, 2017

Continued:  7/20;7/29; 7/31; 8/4;


Monday, July 10, 2017

An Answer to: "An appeal to rightly apply II Chronicles 7:14

July, 2017

An Answer to Steve Gaines in his article, "an appeal to rightly apply II Chronicles 7:14


Recently an article by Steve Gaines was printed in the Baptist Press regarding the use of II Chronicles 7:14 for the church today in our nation.  In the title there is the instruction of 'rightly applying' this text of Scripture to our modern day issues and plight.  So I am under the assumption that the basis of presenting the article was to address where someone must have presented that II Chronicles should not be used to lead or pray for the church or our nation today.  There are those that have argued in days gone by, that this was only for Israel, and is not for the church in North America.  Brother Gaines worked through the verse to demonstrate the power of God, in His Word for all generations, and the work of the Lord's Kingdom for His purposes.

The Scripture of II Chronicles is a powerful verse, a great promise verse of God speaking and saying, that He is more than willing to do His part in helping and blessing if His people, if a nation, if the individual will do their part.  We are definitely in a great time of need today for God's help.  And this verse does have truth to be employed for the Lord to help us.  But there are other issues that must be addressed in 'rightly applying' the use of II Chronicles 7:14 before it can be sustained as a means of us appealing to the Lord for help.

This verse for all my ministry has been spoken, preached, taught, quoted, rehearsed and prayed for help in our times of need that we are facing as the church and as a nation.  Yes, I have memorized, quoted, prayed and studied it immensely for its relevance and importance to our day and times of events facing us.   I have not been prone to the argument that it is 'only for Israel' and not relevant for our day and time among the church in North America.  I even remember the first year of 'Broken Before the Throne'; the WV state meeting preceded the prayer conference.  And I believe that 3 different speakers preached the text of II Chronicle 7:14 during that short space of time leading up to the powerful week of prayer..  It is a powerful Word of promise and direction when applied rightly.

President Steve Gaines emphasized at the end of this article the importance of our part through 3 "h's" - humility, hunger and holiness.  All of these are of importance to the right application of this text to our prayers, lives and needs.  However, the strictness of this verse is found in man's reply to God.  Too often I fear, that men want the 3 reactions of God immediately, now and posthaste.  But I have found that they are far removed from doing their 4 actions to correct the problem.  What is the problem?  This passage is revealing that when God judges, sends remedial judgements on a people, on a nation, on a region, it is because they have rebelled against Him; they have chosen to sin against Him and His ways.  When those judgements comes, as God reveals in the verses that proceed verse 14, God is offering a correction to the sin problem through man's 4 responses.  When they do not correct their behavior of sin and rebellion, and after God's mercy and opportunities to correct is rejected, they find themselves in II Chronicles 36, 'til there was no remedy' at final judgement.

Thus, to rightly apply II Chronicles 7:14 is an issue of God's people responding with faithfulness and obedience to do their 4 parts required:  Let us look at these 4 parts to rightly apply:

1.  "If My people, humble themselves. . . " - the very first act required by God's people, (note again this is not lost people, but people called by His Name);  in this context it was Israel, but for us today, it is the Christian church. the act of oneself, or the church in humbling itself  to burying itself before the Lord.  It is to go down, bow down, be brought down, so that He might be exalted and lifted up.  It is to die to self, in order that He may completely fill.  It is the absence of pride.

American Christianity is a very proud, boastful, humanistic, and self attaining movement.  It is almost void of humility.  The pronouns used to do the work of Christianity in this world of missions, church, discipleship, evangelism, is not pronouns of God; but of self, 'me, I, mine'.  Humanism is the governing ability of problem solving among church leaders today, which erases faith in God.  It is a major means of pride.  There might make the statement, 'that we trust in the Lord' or 'we depend upon the Lord'.  But the life of faith is hard to find in this self sufficient society and this humanistic filled churches.

And the very means of having God work for us to help us in this time of need depends on our 4 responses, it seems we fail in the first response to humble our selves.  We must confess, repent, recognize this high offense against the Lord and come before Him in true humility and baseness.  Forgetting all means of pride, self-sufficiency and have a complete trust in Him alone.  No more to simply say  the verse, 'I can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengthens me', and then go and seek our own inventions and ways.  We must live a life a faith and dependence on Him and allow for Him to glorify Himself in us by our humility.

In order for to see the Lord forgive, heal and help us in our land, in the church, in our homes, in our own hearts, let us renounce pride, self-righteousness, humanism in our means and methods of church and grovel prostrate before the throne, realizing just how much we need Him.  Let humility be our standard of others first, our own motives and needs secondary and show within the church as a witness to the world, 'this is a humble people'. 
2.  "If My people pray. . . " - As often as I have heard this quoted, prayed and taught, I have been amazed at how many times people have misquoted by leaving this one out. But the call is still there, 'His house is to be a house of prayer'; thus, we are to be a people of prayer.  And yet, we see that over 80% of most churches do not have any sort of corporate prayer times during a month of services.  And for the greater part of Wednesday night "prayer meeting & Bible study" it is only a prayer lists of physical sickness and only a few minutes is offered for prayer.  Spiritual prayer is rarely to be found to overcome the wicked one and his schemes in this world and upon our hearts and homes.

"If My people pray" but we are not praying.  We are not a people given unto prayer.  Time is more given to vain conversation of sports, entertainment, weather and politics than holy things  We make mental thoughts and considerations about people, moments and events, but we do not seriously pray these things before the Lord.  It is more of a mental note of a grocery lists, rather than a prayer lists that seeks to accomplish the Father's will in us and through us.  A people that prays comes before Him and speaks to Him and waits for Him to speak to them.  It is a holy conversation that has become in our day and time a one-sided affair.  and again, we desire for God to do His 3 parts, and yet, this most powerful thing called prayer is the least experienced, practiced and daily imposed on the church and the individual Christian.

Too often the confession of the church, of the Christian is, 'I know I ought to pray'; 'I know I should  pray'; 'I know I need to spend more time in prayer'; and yet, they are confessing that they have no sustainable prayer life or times.  we have 4 responsibilities to do in order for the Lord to do His 3 parts, and yet herein we see that we fail in being humble and being a people of prayer.  These can be corrected by the next two responses.

3.  "If My people seek My face. . ." - To seek the face of the Lord with humility and prayer is to seek for His will and His ways to be done to bring glory and honor unto His great name.  Seeking the face of the Lord means that our faces have turned away from the world and self; we no longer look to the same things that the heathen do.  We 'set our affections (our eyes & desires) on things above, not on things of this earth'.  We seek Him in silence, 'be still and know that I am God'.  We seek His face for we love Him, because He first loved us.  We seek His face because it is right and pleasing to Him.  Time is given to this practice and it is not a sporadic and hit and miss moment.

Seeking the face of the Lord is that which pleases Him and He desires for His people to seek Him out.  'If you seek for Me, ye shall find Me when you search with all your heart'.  What a great promise!  But alas! too often the Christian rather than seeking the face of the Lord, are seeking the hands of men.  Our priorities are skewed, we seek self and men, turn to the carnal; rather than the spiritual and eternal. And if we would see God hear us, heal us and help us, then we must be a geniune people in love with Him to give time to Him, to be before Him and adore Him.  Is this true of your heart? of mine? of the church?  It is not true of our nation.  Of the 4 things required of us, we must answer the question, 'are you seeking the face of the Lord?

4.  "If My people turn from their wicked ways. . . " - When God's people humble themselves, pray and seek Him then they will have no desire to have any wicked ways remain in them.  There will be no desire to practice, to give time and place to the sin that does so easily beset us. This will be a great witness of the full affect of repentance, complete turning 180 from sin to righteousness.  It will be observed by the nation, by the church, within the Christian heart and life, of this great transformation from wicked ways to good ways.  They will be a people, a person, pleasing to the Lord.  It will be said of them, 'Here comes these people that have turned the world upside down.'  It will be said of them, 'I perceive that this is a holy man of God that passes by us here.'

And yet how little this 'godly sorrow unto repentance is observed and testified too.  when it is, it is the greatest of rejoicing, 'Look what the Lord hath wrought'.  And yet, we see people come and make a decision for Christ, get baptized and as quickly as they came, they return to their old ways of sin.  'How quickly the dog returns to its vomit'.  they turn from their wicked ways on Sunday, and on Monday they have returned to their folly and sin.  This is not 'old things are passed way and all things are become new.'  This is not the fulfillment of our 4 points of responsibility in order for the Lord to do His part in grace and mercy.  There is something wrong in the minds of church leaders when they think that turning slightly to the Lord is sufficient.   Yea, even the Lord condemned them, 'you profess Me with your mouth, but your hearts are far from Me.'  Condemned them when 'you have not turned unto Me with your whole heart, but only feignedly'.  Let us do it exactly as He requires, turn from our wicked ways whole heartedly unto Him.

To rightly apply II Chronicles 7:14  to the people and/or the person of God :  God's ways are immutable, never changing.  And this same God of answering Solomon's prayers of petitions here in chapter 7 is the same for any that will 'call upon Him'.  'He is the same yesterday, today and forever.'  But just as Israel, just as Judah failed to do their 4 parts of responsibility in humility - prayer - seeking His face and turning from their wicked way; so too are we in failure.  Too many are expecting God to forgive, heal and restore our land, our ways of society, the power of the church.  Yet God is saying, "I can and will, when you do your part."  He is waiting on us.  It is vile and sinful to selfishly await for God's blessings while we continue in sin.  This is directly contrary to the ways of God;  God never has and never will bless sin. 

Therefore brethren, let us rightly apply II Chronicles 7:14 to its fullest capacity of revival and blessing to be restored on our own hearts, in the churches we serve and worship with.  Let us humbly bow down and pray before Him, confessing our iniquities of wicked ways and seek Him with all our hearts.  "Who knoweth if the Lord will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind Him?"  And if so,  then God, in His mighty hand will bring His power and glory to a nation and the nations.  We are under a day of wrath from Him for our neglect in rightly doing our 4 parts to serve and honor Him.  And yet, our great heart cry is, 'in wrath remember mercy O Lord'.  Brethren, let us each enter our secret closet and do our 4 parts; go before the church and instruct and invite them to do their 4 parts.  And then let us wait before Him till He does His 3 parts.  'Great is His faithfulness' to keep His Word, promises and instructions.  "My Word has gone out from Me, and it will not return unto Me void.' 

Started:  July 8, 2017;

Continued:  7/10; 7/19; 7/20; 7/22; 7/23;




Word Studies:

Bring, Brought, Bringest, Broughtest
Come, Camest, Came
Do, Dost, Doeth, Doth
Give, Giveth, Givest
Know, Knowest, Knew, Knowledge
Make, Makest
See, Saw, Seest, 
Seek, Sought
Send, Sent
Until, Til


And God Said
Day & Night, D& N
Hear & See, or See & Hear - H & S;
Heaven & Earth
In that day
"I Will's of God"
Poor & Needy
Seek & Find
Small & Great
Take Heed
The Lord Commanded

Questions of the Bible

Chapter 1
1:2 the word of the Lord - And God said; came - come; in the days of - day;
1:3 came - come; in the days of - day;
1:4 word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
1:5 Before (2); knew - know; camest - come;
1:6 behold;
1:7 But; the Lord said - And God said; go; all; send; I command thee - the Lord commanded;
1:8 saith the Lord - And God said; I am with thee to deliver thee - deliver;
1:9 the Lord said, My Words - And God said (2); behold;
1:10 see; this day - day;
1:11 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come; seest, see - see (2); What seest thou? - great questions of the bible;
1:12 said the Lord, My Word - and God said (2); weel; seen - see; I will hasten My Word - I will's of God;
1:13 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come; seest, see - see (2); What seest thou? - great questions of the bible;
1:14 the Lord said - And God said; all;
1:15 all (3); saith the Lord - And God said; I will call all the families - I will's of God; come;
1:16 I will utter My judgements - I will's of God; all;
1:17 all; that I command thee - the Lord commanded; before;
1:18 behold; made; this day - day;
1:19 but; saith the Lord - And God said; to deliver thee - deliver;
Chapter 2
2:1 the word of the Lord came to me, saying - And God said; came - come;
2:2 go; saying, Thus saith the Lord - And God said; wentest - went; after;
2:3 all; come; saith the Lord - And God said;
2:4 the Word of the Lord - And God said; all;
2:5 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; found - find; gone - go; after; What iniquity have your fathers found in Me, that they are gone far from Me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain? - great questions of the bible;
2:6 brought - bring; Where is the Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought, and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt? - great questions of the bible;
2:7 brought - bring; but; made;
2:8 know; after; do; Where is the Lord? - great questions of the bible;
2:9 I will yet plead with you, with your children's children will I plead - I will's of God (2); saith the Lord - And God said;
2:10 see (2); send;
2:11 but; doth - do; Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? - great questions of the bible;
2:12 saith the Lord - And God said;
2:14 Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave? why is he spoiled? - great questions of the bible (3);
2:15 made;
2:17 way; Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, when He led thee by the way? - great questions of the bible;
2:18 now; do (2); way (2); And now what hast thou to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor? or what hast thou to do in the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river? - great questions of the bible (2);
2:19 know; see; that My fear is not in thee - the fear of the Lord; saith the Lord God of hosts - And God said;
2:20 will;
2:21 how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto Me? - great question of the bible;
2:22 before; saith the Lord God - And God said;
2:23 gone - go; after; see; know; done - do; way, ways - way (2); How canst thou say, I am not polluted, I have not gone after Baalim? - great questions of the bible;
2:24 all; seek; find; seek & find, S&F; will; in her occasion who can turn her away? - great questions of the bible;
2:25 but; after; will; go;
2:26 found - find;
2:27 brought - bring; but; will;
2:28 but; made; But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? - great questions of the bible;
2:29 will; all; saith the Lord - And God said; Wherefore will ye plead with me? - great questions of the bible;
2:31 see; the word of the Lord - And God said; will; come; Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? a land of darkness? wherefore say My people, We are lords; we will come no more unto Thee? - great questions of the bible (3);
2:32 days - day; Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? - great questions of the bible;
2:33 way, ways - way (2); seek; Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love? - great questions of the bible;
2:34 found (2) - find (2); but; all;
2:35 Because (2); behold; I will plead with thee - I will's of God;
2:36 way; Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way? - great questions of the bible;
2:37 go;
Chapter 3
3:1 go; but; saith the Lord - And God said; shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? - great questions of the bible (2);
3:2 see; ways - way;
3:4 Wilt thou not from this time cry unto Me, My father, thou art the guide of my youth? - great questions of the bible;
3:5 Will He reserve His anger for ever? Will He keep it to the end? - great questions of the bible (2); Will He reserve, Will He keep - I will's of God (2); keep; behold; done - do;
3:6 the Lord said - And God said; in the days of Josiah - day; seen - see; done - do; gone - go; Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? - great questions of the bible;
3:7 And I said - And God said; after; done - do; all; but; saw - see;
3:8 saw - see; all; giveth - give; feared not - the fear of the Lord; but; went;
3:9 And it came to pass; came - come;
3:10 all; but; saith the Lord - And God said;
3:11 the Lord said - And God said;
3:12 go; saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); I will not cause Mine anger, I will not keep anger for ever - I will's of God (2);
3:13 ways - way; saith the Lord - and God said;
3:14 saith the Lord - And God said; I will take you, I will bring you to Zion - I will's of God; bring;
3:15 I will give you pastors - I will's of God; give; knowledge - know;
3:16  And it shall come to pass; come (2); saith the Lord - And God said; in those days - day; done - do;
3:17 all; after;
3:18 Int hose days; day; come; given - give;
3:19 But; I said (2) - And God said (2); give; How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? - great questions of the bible;
3:20 saith the Lord - And God said;
3:21 way;
3:22 Behold; come; I will heal your backslidings - I will's of God;
3:25 this day - day;
Chapter 4
4:1 saith the Lord - And God said;
4:3 thus saith the Lord - and God said;
4:4 come; because; doings - do;
4:5 go;
4:6 for I will bring evil from the north - I will's of God; bring;
4:7 come; way; gone - go; make;
4:9 And it shall come to pass; come; at that day - day; saith the Lord - And God said;
4:12 come; now; will I give sentence - I will's of God; give;
4:13 Behold; come; Woe;
4:14 How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee? - great questions of the bible;
4:16 Make; behold; come; give;
4:17 keepers - keep; because; saith the Lord - And God said;
4:18 way; doings - do; because (2);
4:19 maketh - make; because;
4:20 suddenly, in a moment - suddenly (2);
4:21 see; How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? - great questions of the bible; hear & see, H&S;
4:22 known, knowledge- know (2); do (2); but; good & evil, G&E;
4:23 heaven & earth, H&E; beheld - behold;
4:24 beheld - behold; all;
4:25 beheld - behold; all;
4:26 beheld - behold; all;
4:27 thus hath the Lord said - And God said; yet will I not make a full end - I will's of God; make;
4:28 heaven & earth, H&E; because; I have spoken it - And God said; and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it - I will's of God (2);
4:29 go;
4:30 do; make; will (2); seek; What wilt thou do? - great questions of the bible;
4:31 bringeth - bring; Woe; now; because;
Chapter 5
5:1 see; seek, seeketh- seek (2); now; know; find; I will pardon it - I will's of God; seek & find, S&F;
5:3 but (2); made; O Lord, are not Thine eyes upon the truth? - great questions of the bible;
5:4 know; way;
5:5 I will get Me unto the great men, and will speak unto them - I will's of God (2); known - know; way; but;
5:6 goeth- go; because;
5:7 How shall I pardon thee for this?  - great questions of the bible;
5:8 after;
5:9 saith the Lord - And God said; Shall I not visit for these things? and shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this?- great questions of the bible (2);
5:10 go; but; make;
5:11 saith the Lord - And God said;
5:12 come; see;
5:13 done - do;
5:14 thus saith the Lord, My words - And God said (2); because; behold; I will make My words in thy mouth fire - I will's of God;
5:15 I will bring a nation - I will's of God; bring; saith the Lord - And God said; knowest - know;
5:16 all;
5:18 in those days - day; saith the Lord - And God said; I will not make a full end - I will's God; make;
5:19 And it shall come to pass; come; doeth - do; all; Wherefore doeth the Lord our God all these things unto us? - great questions of the bible;
5:21 now; see; hear & see, H&S;
5:22 Fear ye not Me? though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?- the fear of the Lord; great questions of the bible (2); saith the Lord - And God said; will;
5:23 but; gone - go;
5:24 now; fear the Lord our God - the fear of the Lord; giveth - give;
5:26 found - find;
5:29 saith the Lord - And God said; Shall I not visit for these things? shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this? - great questions of the bible (2);
5:31 will; do; what will ye do in the end thereof? - great questions of the bible;
Chapter 6
6:2 comely - come;
6:3 come;
6:4 go, goeth - go (2); Woe; the day. . . the evening, (v.5) by night - day; day & night, D&N;
6:5 go;
6:6 thus hath the Lord of hosts said - And God said;
6:7 before;
6:8 make;
6:9 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; remnant;
6:10 I speak, the Word of the Lord - and God said (2); behold (2); give; To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? - great questions of the bible;
6:11 I will pour it out - I will's of God; full of days - day;
6:12 I will stretch out My hand - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
6:13 given - give;
6:15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? - great questions of the bible; all; saith the Lord - And God said;
6:16 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; ways, way - way (2); see; find; will; but;
6:17 but; will;
6:18 know;
6:19 behold; I will bring evil upon - I will's of God; bring; because; but; My Words - And God said;
6:20 cometh - come; To what purpose cometh there to me incense from Sheba, and the sweet cane from a far country? - great questions of the bible;
6:21 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will lay - I will's of God; before;
6:22 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; behold; cometh - come;
6:25 go; way;
6:26 make; suddenly; come;
6:27 know; way;
6:28 all (2);
6:30 because;
Chapter 7
7:1 The Word. . . from the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
7:2 the Word of the Lord - And God said; all;
7:3 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; ways - way; doings - do; I will cause you - I will's of God;
7:5 ways - way; doings - do;
7:6 after;
7:7 Then will I cause you - I will's of God; gave - give;
7:8 Behold;
7:9 will; after; know;
7:10 come; before; do; all; deliver; Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My Name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? - great questions of the bible verse 9 - 10;
7:11 Behold; seen - see; saith the Lord - And God said; Is this house, which is called by My Name, become a den o f robbers in your eyes? - great questions of the bible;
7:12 But; go; now; see; did - do;
7:13 now; because; done - do; all; but (2); saith the Lord, I spake - And God said (2); call & answer, C&A;
7:14 Therefore will I do unto this house - I will's of God; do, done - do (2); gave - give;
7:15 I will cast you out - I will's of God; all;
7:16 make; I will not hear thee - I will's of God; hear & see, H&S v. 16 - 17;
7:17 seest - see; do; Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? - great questions of the bible;
7:18 make; provoke;
7:19 provoke (2); do (2); saith the Lord - And God said; Do they provoke Me to anger? do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? - great questions of the bible (2);
7:20 thus saith the Lord - And God said; behold;
7:21 Thus saith the Lord of hosts - And God said;
7:22 I spake - and God said; in the day - day; brought - bring; nor commanded them - the Lord commanded;
7:23 But; this thing commanded I them, that I have commanded you - the Lord commanded (2); I them, saying - And God said; I will be your God - I will's of God; all; ways - way; well;
7:24 But; went;
7:25 the day, this day - day (2); came - come; sent, sending - send (2); all;
7:26 but; did - do;
7:27 all; but (2); will (2); call & answer, C&A;
7:28 But;
7:30 done - do; saith the Lord - And God said;
7:31 came - come; which I commanded them not - the Lord commanded;
7:32 behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; but; till - until;
7:33 heaven & earth, H&E;
7:34 Then will I cause to cease - I will's of God;
Chapter 8
8:1 At that time - in that day; saith the Lord - And God said; bring;
8:2 before; all; after; sought - seek; heaven & earth, H&E;
8:3 all (2); saith the Lord - And God said; life & death, L&D;
8:4 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Shall they fall, and not arise? shall he turn away, and not return? - great questions of the bible (2);
8:5 Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? - great questions of the bible;
8:6 but; done - do; What have I done? - great questions of the bible;
8:7 knoweth, know - know (2); coming - come; but;
8:8 do; made; How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? - great questions of the bible;
8:9 the word of the Lord - And God said; what wisdom is in them? - great questions of the bible;
8:10 Therefore will I give their wives - I will's of God; give, given - give (2);
8:12 all; saith the Lord - And God said; Where they ashamed when they had committed abominations? - great questions of the bible;
8:13 I will surely consume them - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said; given - give;
8:14 do; given - give; because; Why do we sit still? - great questions of the bible;
8:15 looked - look; but; came - come; behold;
8:16 come; all;
8:17 behold; I will semd serpents - I will's of God; send; will; saith the Lord - And God said;
8:19 Behold; because; Is not the Lord in Zion? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked Me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities? - great questions of the bible (3);
8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of My people recovered? - great questions of the bible (2);
Chapter 9
9:1 day & night, D&N;
9:2 go; all;
9:3 but; know; saith the Lord - And God said;
9:4 Take ye heed - take heed; will (2);
9:5 will (2);
9:6 know; saith the Lord - And God said;
9:7 thus saith the Lord - And God said;Behold; I will melt them - I will's of God; do; how shall I do for the daughter of My people? - great questions of the bible;
9:8 but;
9:9 saith the Lord - And God said; Shall I not visit them for these things?- great questions of the bible;
9:10 For the mountains will I take up a weeping - I will's of God; because; gone - go;
9:11 I will make Jerusalem heaps, I will make the cities of Judah desolate - I will's of God (2); make (2);
9:12 the Lord hath spoken - And God said; Who is the wise man that may understand this? who is he to whom the mouth of the Lord hath spoken, that He may declare it, for what the land perisheth and is burned up like a wilderness, that none passeth through? - great questions of the bible (2);
9:13 the Lord saith - And God said; because; before;
9:14 But; after (2);
9:15 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will feed them - I will's of God; give;
9:16 I will scatter, I will send a sword - I will's of God (2); known - know; send; after; till - until;
9:17 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; come (2); send;
9:18 make;
9:19 because (2);
9:20 the word of the Lord - And God said;
9:21 come;
9:22 thus saith the Lord - And God said; after;
9:23 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
9:24 But; knoweth - know; saith the Lord - And God said;
9:25 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will punish all them - I will's of God; all;
9:26 all (3);
Chapter 10
10:1 the word which the Lord speaketh - And God said;
10:2 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; way;
10:5 but; because; go; do (2); good & evil, G&E;
10:7 Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? - great questions of the bible; not fear thee - the fear of the Lord; doth - do; all (2);
10:8 but;
10:9 brought - bring; founder - find; all;
10:10 But;
10:11 Thus shall ye say - And God said; made; heaven & earth, H&E (2);
10:12 made; power; heaven & earth, H&E;
10:13 maketh - make; bringeth - bring; heaven & earth, H&E;
10:14 knowledge - know; founder - find;
10:16 all;
10:18 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will sling out, and will distress - I will's of God (2); find;
10:19 Woe; but; I said - And God said;
10:20 all; gone - go;
10:21 sought - seek; all;
10:22 Behold; come; make;
10:23 know; way;
10:24 but; bring;
10:25 know; made;
Chapter 11
11:1 The word that came from the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
11:3 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
11:4 Which I commanded you (2)- the Lord commanded (2); in the day - day; brought - bring; do; all; I will be your God - I will's of God;
11:5 I have sworn - And God said; give; this day - day;
11:6 the Lord said - And God said; all; do;
11:7 in the day, this day - day (2); brought - bring;
11:8 but (2); I will bring upon them - I will's of God; bring; all; do, did - do (2); which I commanded them - the Lord commanded;
11:9 the Lord said - And God said; found - find;
11:10 My Words - And God said; went; after; made;
11:11 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will bring evil upon them, I will not hearken unto them - I will's of God (2); bring;
11:12go; but; all;
11:14 I will not hear them - I will's of God;
11:15 seeing - see; do, doest - do (2); What hath My beloved to do in Mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? - great questions of the bible;
11:16 The Lord called - And God said;
11:17 For the Lord of hosts, hath pronounced - And God said; done - do; PROVOKE;
11:18 given - give; knowledge, know - know (2); doings - do;
11:19 but; brought - bring; knew - know;
11:20 but; see;
11:21 thus saith the Lord - And God said; seek;
11:22 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will punish them - I will's of God;
11:23 remnant; for I will bring evil - I will's of God; bring;
Chapter 12
12:1 Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? - great questions of the bible (2); doth - do; way; all;
12:2 bring; near/far, N&F;
12:3 But; knowest - know; seen - see; the day of slaughter - day;
12:4 because; see; How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? - great questions of the bible;
12:5 do; If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan? - great questions of the bible (2);
12:6 after;
12:7 given - give;
12:9 come (2); all;
12:10 made;
12:11 made (2); because;
12:12 come; all;
12:13 but (2); because;
12:14 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; all; Behold; I will pluck them out - I will's of God;
12:15 And it shall come to pass; come; after; bring; I will return, I will bring them again - I will's of God (2);
12:16 And it shall come to pass; come; will; ways - way;
12:17 But; will; I will utterly pluck up - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God;
Chapter 13
13:1 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;go;
13:2 the word of the Lord - And God said;
13:3 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
13:4 go;
13:5 went; as the Lord commanded - the Lord commanded;
13:6 and it came to pass; came - come; after; many days - day; the Lord said - And God said; go; which I commanded you - the Lord commanded;
13:7 went; behold;
13:8 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said;
13:9 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; after; will I mar - I will's of God;
13:10 My words - And God said; after;
13:11 saith the Lord - And God said; but;
13:12 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; do; know; Do we not certainly know that every bottle shall be filled with wine? - great questions of the bible;
13:13 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will fill all the inhabitants - I will's of God; all (2);
13:14 I will dash them one against another, I will not pity - I will's of God (2); saith the Lord - And God said; but;
13:15 give; the Lord hath spoken - And God said;
13:16 give; before (2); look; make; light & dark, L&D;
13:17 but; will; because; hear & see, H&S;
13:18 come;
13:19 all;
13:20 Behold; come; given - give; where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock? - great questions of the bible;
13:21 What wilt thou say when he shall punish thee? shall not sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail? - great questions of the bible (2);
13:22 come; made; Wherefore come theses things upon me? - great questions of the bible;
13:23 do (2); good & evil, G&E; Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? - great questions of the bible;
13:24 will I scatter them - I will's of God;
13:25 saith the Lord - And God said; because;
13:26 will I discover thy skirts - I will's of God;
13:27 seen - see; Woe; made; wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once be? - great questions of the bible (2);
Chapter 14
14:1 The Word of the Lord - And God said; came - come;
14:2 gone - go;
14:3 sent; came- come; found - find;
14:4 Because;
14:5 because;
14:6 did (2) - do (2); because;
14:7 do;
14:8 why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night? - great questions of the bible;
14:9 Why shouldest thou be as a man astonied as a mighty man that cannot save? - great questions of the bible;
14:10 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; doth- do; He will now remember - I will's of God; now;
14:11 Then said the Lord - And God said;
14:12 I will not hear their cry, I will not accept them, I will consume them - I will's of God (3); but;
14:13 behold; see; but; I will give you assured peace - I will's of God; give;
14:14 The Lord said, neither spake unto them - And God said (2); sent; have I commanded them - the Lord commanded;
14:15 thus saith the Lord - and God said; sent;
14:16 because; I will pour their wickedness upon them - I will's of God;
14:17 tears night and day - day & night, D&N;
14:18 go (2); behold (2); know;
14:19 Hast Thou utterly rejected Judah? hath Thy soul lothed Zion? why hast Thou smitten us, and there is no healing for us? - great questions of the bible (3); looked - look; behold;
14:21 do (2);
14:22 give; will; made; all; Are there any among the vanitites of the Gentiles that can cause rain? or can the heavens give showers? art not Thou He, O Lord our God? - great questions of the bible (3);
Chapter 15
15:1 said the Lord - And God said; before; go;
15:2 And it shall come to pass; come; go; Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Whither shall we go forth?- great questions of the bible;
15:3 saith the Lord - And God said; I will appoint over them four kinds - I will's of God; heaven & earth, H&E;
15:4 I will cause them to be removed - I will's of God; because; all; did - do;
15:5 go; doest - do; For who shall have pity upon thee, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan thee? or who shall go aside to ask how thou doest? - great questions of the bible (3);
15:6 saith the Lord - And God said; gone - go; therefore will I stretch out My hand against thee - I will's of God;
15:7 I will fan them with a fan, I will bereave them of children, I will destroy My people - I will's of God (3); ways - way;
15:8 brought- bring; suddenly;
15:9 given - give; gone - go; yet day- day; of them will I deliver to the sword - I will's of God; deliver; before; saith the Lord - and God said;
15:10 Woe; doth - do;
15:11 the Lord said - And God said; well (2); remnant; I will cause the enemy to entreat thee well - I will's of God;
15:12 Shall iron break the northern iron and the steel? - great questions of the bible;
15:13 thy treasures will I give to the spoil - I will's of God; give; all (2);
15:14 I will make thee to pass - I will's of God; make; knowest - know;
15:15 knowest, know - know (2);
15:16 Thy Words, Thy word - And God said (2); found - find; did - do;
15:17 because;
15:18 Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed? wilt Thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail?  - great questions of the bible (2);
15:19 thus saith the Lord - And God said; then will I bring thee again - I will's of God; bring; before; but;
15:20 I will make thee unto this people - I will's of God; make; but; saith the Lord - And God said; deliver;
15:21 I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, I will redeem thee - I will's of God (2); deliver;
Chapter 16
16:1 The word of the Lord, saying - and God said; came- come;
16:3 For thus saith the Lord - And God said;
16:4 but; heaven & earth, H&E;
16:5 For thus saith the Lord, saith the Lord - And God said (2); go;
16:6 great & small, G&S; make;
16:7 give;
16:8 go;
16:9 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will cause to cease - I will's of God; in your days - day; hearing & seeing, H&S;
16:10 And it shall come to pass; come; all (2); the Lord pronounced - And God said; Wherefore hath the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the Lord our God? - great questions of the bible (3);
16:11Because; saith the Lord - And God said; after; kept - keep;
16:12 done - do; behold; after;
16:13 Therefore will I cast you out, where I will not shew you favour - I will's of God (2); know; day & night, D&N;
16:14 behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; brought - bring;
16:15 But; brought, bring - bring (2); all; I will bring them again - I will's of God; gave - give;
16:16 Behold; I will send for many fishers, will I send for many hunters - I will's of God (2); saith the Lord - And God said; after; send (2);
16:17 all; ways - way;
16:18 I will recompense - I will's of God; because;
16:19 the day of affliction - day; come;
16:20 make; Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods? - great questions of the bible;
16:21 behold; I will this once cause, I will cause them to know - I will's of God (2); know (3);
Chapter 17
17:3 I will give thy substance - I will's of God; give; all (2);
17:4 gave - give; knowest - know; I will cause thee to serve thine enemies - I will's of God;
17:5 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; maketh - make;
17:6 see; cometh - come; but;
17:8 see; cometh - come; but;
17:9 all; know; who can know it? - great questions of the bible;
17:10 give; ways - way; doing - do;
17:11 in the midst of his days - day;
17:13 all; because;
17:15 Behold; the word of the Lord - And God said; come; now; Where is the Word of the Lord? - great questions of the bible;
17:16 neither have I desired the woeful day - day; woeful - woe; knowest - know; came - come; before;
17:17 the day of evil  - day;
17:18 but (2); bring; the day of evil - day;
17:19 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; come; go (2); all;
17:20 the word of the Lord - And God said; all (2);
17:21 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Take heed; the sabbath day - day; bring;
17:22 the sabbath day (2) - day (2); as I commanded your fathers - And the Lord commanded; but;
17:23 but (2); made;
17:24 And it shall come to pass; come; saith the Lord - And God said; bring; but; do; the sabbath day (2) - day (2);
17:26 come; bringing (2) - bring (2);
17:27 But; will; the sabbath day (2) - day (2); then will I kindle a fire - I will's of God;
Chapter 18
18:1 The word . . .from the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
18:2 go; My words - And God said; I will cause thee - I will's of God;
18:3 behold; went;
18:4 made (2); make;
18:5 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
18:6 do; saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; cannot I do with you as this potter? - great questions of the bible;
18:7 I shall speak - And God said;
18:8 I will repent of the evil - I will's of God; do;
18:9 I shall speak - And God said;
18:10 do; I will repent of the good - I will's of God; I said - And God said; good & evil, G&E; hear & see, H&S;
18:11 now (2); go; thus saith the Lord - And God said; behold; way, ways - way (2); make; doings - do;
18:12 but; will (2); after; do;
18:13 thus saith the Lord - And God said; now; done - do;
18:14 will; cameth, come - come (2); Will a man leave the snow of Lebanon which cometh from the rock of the field? or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken? - great questions of the bible (2);
18:15 Because; ways, way - way (2);
18:16 make;
18:17 before; the day of their calamity - day; I will scatter, I will shew them the back - I will's of God (2);
18:18 come (2); give;
18:19 give;
18:20 before; shall evil be recompensed for good? - great questions of the bible; good & evil, G&E;
18:21 deliver;
18:22 bring; suddenly;
18:23 knowest - know; all; but; before;
Chapter 19
19:1 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
19:2 go; the words that I shall thee - And God said;
19:3 the word of the Lord, Thus saith the Lord - And God said (2); Behold; bring; I will bring evil upon - I will's of God;
19:4 Because; known - know;
19:5 which I commanded them not - the Lord commanded; came - come;
19:6 behold; saith the Lord - And God said; come; but; the days come - day;
19:7 I will make void, I will cause them, carcases will I give to be meat - I will's of God (3); make; before; seek; give; heaven & earth, H&E;
19:8 I will make this city desolate - I will's of God; make; because; all;
19:9 I will cause them to eat the flesh - I will's of God; seek;
19:10 go;
19:11 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; will I break this people - I will's of God; made; till - until;
19:12 Thus will I do unto this place - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said; do; make;
19:13 because; all (2);
19:14 came - come; sent; all;
19:15 Thus saith the Lord, My Words - And God said (2); Behold; I will bring upon this city - I will's of God; bring; all (2); because;
Chapter 20
20:1 Now;
20:3 And it came to pass; came - come; brought - bring; but;
20:4 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold (2); I will amke thee a terror to thyself, I will give all Judah - I will's of God (2); all 92); make; give;
20:5 I will deliver all the strength of this city, will I give into the hand of their enemies - I will's of God (2); deliver; all (4); give;
20:6 all 92); go; come;
20:8 because; made; the word of the Lord - And God said;
20:9 will; make; but; His Word - And God said;
20:10 will (2); all;
20:11 But;
20:12 But; seest, see - see (2);
20:13 deliver;
20:14 the day (2) - day (2);blessing & cursing, B&C;
20:15 brought - bring; making - make;
20:17 because;
20:18 came - come; see; my days - day; Wherefore came I forth out of the womb to see the labour and sorrow, that my days should be consumed with shame? - great questions of the bible;
Chapter 21
21:1 The Word, from the Lord, saying - And God said; sent; came- come;
21:2 maketh - make; the Lord will deal with us according to all His wondrous works - I will's of God; all; go;
21:4 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; I will turn back the weapons, I will assemble them - I will's of God (2); Behold;
21:5 I Myself will fight against you - I will's of God;
21:6 I will smite the inahbitants of this city - I will's of God;
21:7 afterward - after; saith the Lord - And God said; I will deliver Zedekiah - I will's of God; deliver; seek;
21:8 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; before; way (2);
21:9 but; goeth - go;
21:10 saith the Lord - And God said; given - give; good & evil, G&E;
21:11 the word of the Lord - And God said;
21:12 thus saith the Lord - And God said; deliver; go; because; doings - do;
21:13 Behold; saith the Lord - And God said; come; Who shall come down against us? or who shall enter into our habitations? - great questions of the bible (2);
21:14 But; I will punish you, I will kindle a fire in the forest - I will's of God (2); doings - do; saith the Lord - And God said; all;
Chapter 22
22:1 thus saith the Lord, this word - And God said (2); go;
22:2 the word of the Lord - And God said;
22:3 Thus saith the Lord -  And God said; deliver; do (2);
22:4 do;
22:5 But; will; saith the Lord - And God said;
22:6 thus saith the Lord - And God said; I will make thee a wilderness - I will's of God; make;
22:7 I will prepare destroyers against thee - I will's of God;
22:8 done - do; Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this great city? - great questions of the bible;
22:9 because;
22:10 but; goeth - go; see;
22:11 thus saith the Lord - And God said; went;
22:12 But; see;
22:13 Woe; giveth - give;
22:14 will;
22:15 because; did, do - do (2); well; shalt thou reign because thou closest thyself in cedar? did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him? - great questions of the bible (2);
22:16 well; know; saith the Lord - And God said; poor & needy, P&N; was not this to know Me? - great questions of the bible;
22:17 But (2); do;
22:18 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
22:20 go; all;
22:21 I spake unto thee - And God said; but; will;
22:22 all (2); go; ashamed & confounded A&C;
22:23 makest - make; come;
22:24 saith the Lord - And God said;
22:25 I will give thee - I will's of God; give; seek;
22:26 I will cast thee out - I will's of God;
22:27 but;
22:28 know; Is this man Coniah a despised broken idol? is he a vessel wherein is no pleasure? wherefore are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not? - great questions of the bible (3);
22:29 the word of the Lord - And God said;
22:30 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; in his days - day;
Chapter 23
23:1 Woe; saith the Lord - And God said;
23:2 thus saith the Lord, saith the Lord - And God said (2); behold; I will visit upon you - I will's of God; doings - do;
23:3 I will gather the remnant, and will bring them again - I will's of God (2); remnant; all;
23:4 I will set up shepherds over them - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
23:5 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will raise unto David - I will's of God;
23:6 in his days - day;
23:7 behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; brought - bring;
23:8 But; brought - bring; all;
23:9 because (3); all;
23:10 because;
23:11found - find; saith the Lord - And God said;
23:12 way, ways - way (2); I will bring evil upon them - I will's of God; bring;saith the Lord - And God said;
23:13 seen - see;
23:14 seen - see; doth - do; all;
23:15 thus saith the Lord - And God said; behold; I will feed them with wormwood - I will's of God; make; gone - go; all;
23:16 Thus saith the Lord- And God said; make;
23:17 The Lord hath said - And God said; after; come;
23:18 His Word (2) - And God said (2); For who hath stood int he counsel of the Lord, and hath perceived and heard His Word? who hath marked His Word, and heard it? - great questions of the bible (2);
23:19 Behold; gone - go;
23:20 until, till - until (2); in the latter days - day; perfectly - perfect;
23:21 sent; I have not spoken - And God said;
23:22 But; My Words - And God said; way; doings - do;
23:23 saith the Lord - And God said; Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? - great questions of the bible;
23:24 see; saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); heaven & earth, H&E; Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? do not I fill heaven and earth? - great questions of the bible (2);
23:26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? - great questions of the bible;
23:28 My Word (2), saith the Lord - And God said (3); What is the chaff to the wheat? - great questions of the bible;
23:29 My Word, saith the Lord - And God said (2); Is not My Word like as a fire? and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? - great questions of the bible (2);
23:30 Behold; saith the Lord, My Words - And God said (2);
23:31 Behold; saith the Lord - And God said;
23:32 Behold; saith the Lord (2) - And God said; do; sent; nor commanded them - the Lord commanded; all;
23:33 I will even forsake you - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said; What is the burden of the Lord? What burden? - great questions of the bible (2);
23:34 I will even punish that man and his house - I will's of God;
23:35 What hat the Lord answered? What hath the Lord spoken? - great questions of the bible (2); the Lord answered, the Lord spoken - And God said (2);
23:36 the words of the living God - And God said;
23:37 What hat the Lord answered thee? what hath the Lord spoken? - great questions of the bible (2); the Lord answered, the Lord spoken - And God said (2);
23:38 But; thus saith the Lord - And God said; because; sent;
23:39 Behold; I will utterly forget you, I will forsake you - I will's of God (2); gave - give;
23:40 I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you - I will's of God; bring;
Chapter 24
24:1 behold; before; after; brought - bring;
24:3 said the Lord - And God said; seest - see; good & evil, G&E; What seest thou, Jeremiah? - great questions of the bible; 
24:4 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
24:5 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; so will I acknowledge them - I will's of God; sent;
24:6 I will set Mine eyes upon them for good, I will bring them again, I will build them, I will plant them - I will's of God (4); bring;
24:7 I will give them an heart to know Me, I will be their God  - I will's of God (2); give; know;
24:8 thus saith the Lord - And God said; So will I give Zedekiah the king - I will's of God; give;
24:9 I will deliver them to be removed - I will's of God; deliver; all (2);
24:10 I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence - I will's of God; send; till - until; gave - give;
Chapter 25
25:1 The word that came to Jeremiah - And God said; came - come; all;
25:2 all (2);
25:3 this day - day; the Word of the Lord, saying - And God said; 
25:4 sent; sending - send; all; but;
25:5 now; way; doing - do; given - give;
25:6 go; after; I will do you no hurt - I will's of God; do; PROVOKE; 
25:7 saith the Lord - And God said; PROVOKE;
25:8 thus saith the Lord, My Words - And God said (2); because;
25:9 Behold; I will send and take all the families, will bring them against his land, will utterly destroy them - I will's of God (3); all (2); send; saith the Lord - And God said; bring; make;
25:10 I will take from them the voice of mirth - I will's of God;
25:12 and it shall come to pass; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will punish, will make it perpetual desolations - I will's of God (2); make;
25:13 all (3); bring; My words - And God said; I will bring upon that land - I will's of God;
25:14 I will recompense - I will's of God;
25:15 thus saith the Lord - And God said; all; send;
25:16 because; I will send among them - I will's of God; send;
25:17 made; all; sent;
25:18 make; this day - day;
25:19 all;
25:20 all (3); remnant;
25:22 all (2);
25:23 all;
25:24 all (2):
25:25 all (3);
25:26 all (2); after; far & near, F&N;
25:27 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; because; I will send among you - I will's of God; send;
25:28 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
25:29 bring; I will call for a sword - I will's of God; all; saith the Lord - And God said; should ye be utterly unpunished? - great questions of the bible;
25:30 all (2); give;
25:31 come; He will plead with all flesh, He will give them - I will's of God (2); give; all; saith the Lord - And God said;
25:32 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; go;
25:33 at that day - day;
25:34 for the days of your slaughter - day;
25:35 way;
25:37 because;
25:38 because (2);
Chapter 26
26:1 this word from the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
26:2 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; all (2); come; that I command thee - The Lord commanded;
26:3 will; way; because; doings - do;
26:4 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; will before;                      
26:5 sent; sending - send; but;
26:6 Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse- I will's of God (2); make (2); all;
26:7 all;
26:8 Now; it came to pass; came - come; made; all (3); the Lord had commanded him - the Lord commanded;
26:9 why hast thou prophesied in the name of the Lord, saying, This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant? - great questions of the bible; all;
26:10 came- come;
26:11 all;
26:12 all (3); sent;
26:13 now; ways - way; doings - do; the Lord will repent Him of the evil - I will's of God; He hath pronounced - And God said;
26:14 behold; do;
26:15 but; know; bring; sent; all;
26:16 all;
26:17 all;
26:18 in the days of Hezekiah - day; all; Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
26:19 did (2) - do (2); all (2); fear the LOrd; Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death? did he not fear the Lord, and besought the Lord and the Lord repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them? - great questions of the bible (2);
26:20 all;
26:21 all (2); sought - seek; but; went;
26:22 sent;
26:23 brought - bring;
26:24 give;
Chapter 27
27:1 came this word from the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
27:2 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; make;
27:3 send; come;
27:4 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
27:5 made; power; given - give;
27:6 now; given (2) - give (2); all;
27:7 all; until; come;
27:8 and it shall come to pass; come; will (2); will I punish - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said; until;
27:11 but; bring; those will I let remain still in their own land - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
27:12 all; bring;
27:13 will (2); the Lord hath spoken - And God said; why will ye die, thou and thy people, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lord hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon? - great questions of the bible;
27:15 sent; saith the Lord - And God said;
27:16 all; Thus saith the Lord - and God said; behold; now; brought - bring;
27:17 Hearken not unto them; serve the king of Babylon, and live:  wherefore should this city be laid waste? - great questions of the bible;
27:18 But; the Word of the Lord - And God said; now; make; go;
27:19 For thus saith the Lord - And God said;
27:20 all;
27:21 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
27:22 until; the day that I visit them - day; saith the Lord - And God said; then will I bring them up - I will's of God;
Chapter 28
28:1 And it came to pass; came - come; all;
28:2 Thus speaketh the Lord - And God said;
28:3 within two full years will I bring again - I will's of God; bring; all;
28:4 I will bring again, I will break the yoke - I will's of God (2); bring; all; went; saith the Lord - And God said;
28:5 all;
28:6 do; bring; all;
28:7 now; all;
28:8 before (2);
28:9 shall come to pass; come; known - know; sent;
28:11 all (2); thus saith the Lord - And God said; will I break the yoke - I will's of God;
28:12 the word of the Lord, saying - and God said; came - come; after;
28:13 go; thus saith the Lord - And God said; but; make;
28:14 thus saith the Lord - And God said; all; given - give;
28:15 now; sent; but; makest - make;
28:16 thus saith the Lord - And God said; behold; I will cast thee from off the earth - I will's of God; because;
Chapter 29
29:1 Now; sent; all;
29:2 after;
29:3 sent;
29:4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts - And God said; all;
29:6 give;
29:7 seek;
29:8 thus saith the Lord of hosts - And God said;
29:9 sent; saith the Lord - And God said;
29:10 thus saith the Lord - And God said; after; I will visit you - I will's of God;
29:11 know; saith the Lord - And God said; give; good & evil, G&E;
29:12 go; I will hearken unto you - I will's of God; call & answer, C&A;
29:13 seek; find; seek & find, S&F; all;
29:14 I will be found of you, I will turn away your captivity, I will gather you from all nations, I will bring you again - I will's of God (4); found - find; saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); all (2); bring;
29:15 because;
29;16 know; all; gone - go; saith the Lord - And God said;
29:17 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will send upon them, and will make them like vile figs - I will's of God (2); make; send;
29:18 I will persecute them, and will deliver them to be removed - I will's of God (2); deliver; all (2);
29:19 because; saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); sent; sending - send; but;
29:20 the word of the Lord - And God said; all; sent;
29:21 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchanezzar - I will's of God; deliver; before;
29:22 all; make;
29:23 Because; which I have not commanded - the Lord commanded; know; saith the Lord - And God said;
29:25 Thus speaketh the Lord - And God said; because; sent; all (2);
29:26 made; maketh - make;
29:27 Now; maketh - make; why hast thou not reproved Jeremiah of Anathoth, which maketh himself a prophet to you? - great questions of the bible;
29:28 sent;
29:30 came - come; the word of the Lord - And God said;
29:31 Send; all; Thus saith the Lord - And God said; because; sent;
29:32 thus saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); Behold (2); I will punish Shemaiah, I will do for My people - I will's of God (2); because;
Chapter 30
30:1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
30:2 Thus speaketh the Lord, saying, I have spoken unto thee - And God said (2); all;
30:3 the days come - day; come; saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); bring; gave - give; I will bring again the captivity of Judah, I will cause them to return to the land - I will's of God (2);
30:4 these are the words that the Lord spake - And God said;
30:5 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
30:6 now; see (2); doth, do - do (2); all; Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? - great questions of the bible (2);
30:7 for that day is great - day; but;
30:8 For it shall come to pass; come; in that day - day; saith the Lord - And God said; I will break his yoke, and will burst thy bonds - I will's of God;
30:9 But; I will raise up unto them - I will's of God;
30:10 saith the Lord - And God said; I will save thee from afar - I will's of God; make;
30:11 saith the Lord - And God said; make (2); all; yet will I not make a full end of thee, I will correct thee, and will not leave thee - I will's of God (3); but;
30:12 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
30;14 all; seek; because;
30:15 because; done- do; why criest thou for thine affliction? - great questions of the bible;
30:16 all (3); go; that prey upon thee will I give for a prey - I will's of God; give;
30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, I will heal thee of thy wounds - I will's of God (2); saith the Lord - And God said; because; seeketh - seek; after;
30:18 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; behold; I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents - I will's of God; bring; after;
30:19 make; I will multiply them, I will also glorify them - I will's of God (2);
30:20 before; I will punish all that oppress them - I will's of God; all;
30:21 I will cause him to draw near - I will's of God; draw near - draw nigh; saith the Lord - And God said; for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto Me? - great questions of the bible;
30:22 I will be your God - I will's of God;
30:23 Behold; goeth - go;
30:24 until (2); done- do; in the latter days - day;
Chapter 31
31:1 saith the Lord - And God said; will I be the God fo all the families of Israel - I will's of God; all;
31:2 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; found - find; went;
31:3 The Lord saying - And God said; have I drawn thee - draw nigh;
31:4 I will build thee - I will's of God; go; make;
31:6 there shall be a day - day; go;
31:7 thus saith the Lord - And God said; the remnant;
31:8 Behold; I will bring them from the north country - I will's of God; bring;
31:9 come; way; with supplications will I lead them, I will cause them to walk - I will's of God (2);
31:10 Hear the word of the Lord - And God said; He that scattered Israel will gather him - I will's of God; keep; doth - do;
31:12 come; all;
31:13 I will turn their mourn, and will comfort them - I will's of God (2); make;
31:14 I will satiate the soul - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
31:15 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; because;
31:16 Thus saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); come; hear & see, H&S;
31:17 saith the Lord - And God said; come;
31:19 after (2); because; did - do;
31:20 Is Ephraim my dear son? is he a pleasant child? - great questions of the bible (2); I spake against him, saith the Lord - And God said (2); do; I will surely have mercy - I will's of God;
31:21 waymarks, way - way (2); make; wentest - went;
31:22 How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? - great questions of the bible;
31:23 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; bring;
31:24 all; go;
31:26 behold;
31:27 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will sow the house of Israel - I will's of God;
31:28 And it shall come to pass; come; so will I watch over them - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
31:29 in those days - day;
31:30 but;
31:31 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will make a new covenant - I will's of God; make;
31:32 made; in the day that i took them by the hand - day; bring; saith the Lord - And God said;
31:33 but; I will make with the house of Israel, I will put My law and will be their God - I will's of God (3); after; make; those days - day; saith the Lord - And God said;
31:34 know (2); all; saith the Lord - And God said; I will forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin no more - I will's of God;
31:35 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; giveth- give; day & night, D&N;
31:36 before (2); saith the Lord - And God said;
31:37 Thus saith the Lord, saith the Lord - And God said (2); heaven & earth, H&E; I will also cast off - I will's of God; all (2); done - do;
31:38 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said;
31:39 go;
31:40 all;
Chapter 32
32:1 The word that came, from the Lord - And God said; came - come;
32:3 dost - do; thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will give this city into the hands - I will's of God; give; Wherefore dost thou prophesy and say- great questions of the bible;
32:4 but; behold; delivered - deliver;
32:5 until; saith the Lord - And God said;
32:6 The word of the Lord came saying - And God said; came - come;
32:7 behold; come;
32:8 came - come; the word of the Lord, the word of the Lord - And God said (2); knew - know;
32:12 gave - give; before; all;
32:13 before;
32:14 Thus saith the Lord of hosts - And God said; many days - day;
32:15 thus saith the Lord of hosts - And God said;
32:16 Now; delivered - deliver;
32:17 behold; made; heaven & earth, H&E; power;
32:18 after;
32:19 all; ways (2) - way (2); give; doings - do;
32:20 sign & wonder, S&W; this day (2) - day (2); made;
32:21 brought - bring; sign & wonder, S&W;
32:22 given, give - give (2); didst- do;
32:23 came, come - come (2); but; all (2); that Thou commandest them - the Lord commanded; done, do - do (2);
32:24 Behold (2); come (2); is come to pass; because; given - give; seest - see; Thou hast spoken - And God said;
32:25 Thou hast said - And God said; given - give;
32:26 then came the Word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
32:27 Behold; all; is there any thing too hard for Me? - great questions of the bible;
32:28 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will give this city into the hand - I will's of God; give;
32:29 come; PROVOKE;
32:30 done - do; before; saith the Lord - And God said; PROVOKE;
32:31 the day, this day - day (2); before; PROVOKE;
32:32 Because; all; done - do; PROVOKE:
32:34 But;
32:35 came-  come; whom I commanded them not - the Lord commanded; do
32:36 now; thus saith the Lord - And God said; delivered - deliver;
32:37 Behold; all; bring; I will gather them, I will bring them, I will cause them - I will's of God (3);
32:38 I will be their God - I will's of god;
32:39 I will give them one heart - I will's of God; give; way; after; fear Me - the fear of the Lord;
32:40 I will make an everlasting covenant, I will not turn away, I will put My fear in their heart - I will's of God (3); make; do; but; My fear in their hearts - the fear of the Lord; good & evil, G&E;
32:41 I will rejoice over them, I will plant them - I will's of God (2); do;
32:42 thus saith the Lord - And God said; brought, bring - bring (2); all (2); good & evil, G&E; so will I bring upon them all the good - I will's of God;
32:43 given - give;
32:44 I will cause their captivity to return - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
Chapter 33
33:1 the word of the Lord, saying - and God said; came - come;
33:2 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; maker - make, The Name of God;
33:3 I will answer thee - I will's of God; knowest - know; call & answer, C&A;
33:4 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
33:5 come; but; all;
33:6 Behold; I will bring it health, I will cur them, will reveal unto them - I will's of God (3);
33:7 I will cause the captivity, will build them - I will's of God (2);
33:8 I will cleanse them, I will pardon them - I will's of God; all (2);
33:9 before; all (4); do;
33:10 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
33:11 bring; I will cause to return - I will's of God; saith the Lord  -- And God said;
33:12 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; all;
33:13 saith the Lord - And God said;
33:14 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will perform that good thing - I will's of God;
33:15 In those days - day; will I cause the Branch - I will's of God;
33:16 In those days - day;
33:17 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
33:18 before; do;
33:19 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
33:20 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; of the day and night, day and night (2) - D&N (2);
33:22 so will I multiply - I will's of God;
33:23 the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
33:24 Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the Lord hath chosen, He hath even cast them off? - great questions of the bible; before;
33:25 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; day and night, D&N; heaven and earth, H&E;
33:26 Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, I will not take any of his seed, I will cause their captivity to return - I will's of God (3);
Chapter 34
34:1 The word, from the Lord, saying - And God said; all (4); came - come;
34:2 Thus saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); go; behold; I will give this into the hand of the king of Babylon - I will's of God; give;
34:3 but; behold; go; delivered - deliver;
34:4 the word of the Lord, thus saith the Lord - And God said (2);
34:5 but; before; will; saith the Lord - And God said;
34:6 all;
34:7 all;
34:8 this is the word, from the Lord - And God said; came - come; after; made; all;
34:9 go;
34:10 now; all (2); go (2);
34:11 but; afterward - after; go; brought - bring;
34:12 Therefore the word of the Lord, saying - And God said; came - come;
34:13 thus saith the Lord, saying - And God said; made; in the day - day; brought - bring;
34:14 go (2); but;
34:15 now; done - do; made; before; hear & see, H&S v. 14 & 15;
34:16 but; brought - bring;
34:17 thus saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); behold; I will make you to be removed - I will's of God; all;
34:18 I will give the men that have transgressed My covenant - I will's of God; give; made; before;
34:19 all;
34:20 I will even give them inot the hand of their enemies - I will's of God; give; seek; heaven & earth, H&E;
34:21 his pinces will I give into the hand of their enemies - I will's of God; give; seek; gone - go;
34:22 Behold; I will command, I will make the cities desolate - I will's of God (2); the Lord commanded; saith the Lord - And God said; make;
Chapter 35
35:1 The word from the Lord saying - And God said; came - come; in the days of Jehoiakim - day;
35:2 go; bring; give;
35:3 all;
35:4 brought - bring; keeper - keep;
35:5 before;
35:6 but; will;
35:7 but; all; your days, many days - day (2);
35:8 all (2); our days - day;
35:10 but; done - do; all;
35:11 but; came (2), come - come (3); it came to pass; go;
35:12 came - come; the word of the Lord, saying - And God said;
35:13 thus saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); go; will; will ye not receive instruction to hearken to My words? - great questions of the bible;
35:14 this day - day; but (2); I have spoken unto you - and God said;
35:15 sent; sending - send; all; now; way; doings - do; go; after;given - give;
35:16 because; but;
35:17 thus saith the Lord God, I have pronounced, spoken I have called - And God said; behold; bring; all (2); because; but (2); I will bring upon Jerusalem - I will's of God;
35:18 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; because; kept - keep; all 92); done - do;
35:19 thus saith the Lord - And God said; before;
Chapter 36
36:1 And it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); this word from the Lord, saying - And God said;
36:2 all (2); the words that I have spoken, I spake - And God said (2); the day, the days, this day - day (3);
36:3 will all; do;
36:4 all; the words of the Lord, which He had spoken - And God said;
36:5 go;
36:6 go; the words of the Lord - And God said; the fasting day - day; all; come;
36:7 will; before; way; the Lord hath pronounced - And God said;
36:8 did - do; all; the words of the Lord - And God said;
36:9 And it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); before; all (2);
36:10 all;
36:11 all; the words of the Lord - And God said;
36:12 went; all (2);
36:13 all;
36:14 all; sent; come, came - come (2);
36:15 now;
36:16 Now; it came to pass; came - come; all (2); will;
36:17 now; didst - do; all; how didst thou write all these words at his mouth? - great questions of the bible;
36:18 all;
36:19 go; know;
36:20 went; but; all;
36:21 sent; all;
36:22 now; before;
36:23 And it came to pass; came - come; until; all;
36:24 all;
36:25 made; but;
36:26 but (2);
36:27 the word of the Lord - And God said; came - come; after;
36:28 all;
36:29 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; come; Why hast thou written therein, saying, The king of Babylon shall certainly come and destroy this land, and shall cause to cease from thence man and beast? - great questions of the bible;
36:30 thus saith the Lord  - And God said; day & night, D&N;
36:31 I will punish him, I will bring upon them - I will's of God (2); bring; all; but; I have pronounced - And God said;
36:32 gave - give; all;
Chapter 37
37:1 made;
37:2 but; did - do; unto the words of the Lord, which He spake - And God said;
37:3 sent; now;
37:4 now; came - come; went; 
37:5 come;
37:6 came- come; the word of the Lord, saying - And God said;
37:7 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; sent; Behold; come; help;
37:8 come;
37:9 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
37:10 but;
37:11 and it came to pass; came - come;
37:12 went;go;
37:14 but; brought - bring;
37:15 made;
37:16 many days - day;
37:17 sent; Is there any word from the Lord? - great questions of the bible; delivered - deliver; word from the Lord - And God said;
37:18 what have I offended against thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have put me in prison? - great questions of the bible;
37:19 now; come; where are now your prophets which prophesied unto you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land? - great questions of the bible;
37:20 now; before;
37:21 give; until; all;
Chapter 38
38:1 all;
38:2 Thus saith the Lord - and God said; but; goeth - go;
38:3 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; given - give;
38:4 all; seeketh - seek; but;
38:5 behold; do;
38:6 but;
38:7 now;
38:8 went;
38:9 done (2) - do (2); all;
38:10 before;
38:11 went;
38:12 now; did - do;
38:14 sent;will;
38:15 give; If I declare it unto thee, whilt thou not surely put me to death? and if I give thee counsel, wilt thou not hearken unto me? - great questions of the bible (2);
38:16 made; will (2); give; seek;
38:17 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; go;
38:18 but; go; given - give;
38:19 dliever;
38:20 But; deliver; well;
38:21 But; go; the word that the Lord hath shewed me - And God said;
38:22 Behold; all; brought - bring;
38:23 bring; all; but;
38:24 know;
38:25 but; come; now; will;
38:26 before;
38:27 came - come; all (2);
38:28 until; the day - day;
Chapter 39
39:1 came - come; all;
39:2 the ninth day - day;
39:3 all (2); came - come;
39:4 And it came to pass; came - come; all; saw - see; went (2); way (2);
39:5 but; after; brought - bring; gave - give;
39:6 before; all;
39:9 remnant;
39:10 but; gave - give;
39:11 now; gave - give;
39:12 look; well; but; do (2);
39:13 sent; all;
39:14 sent;
39:15 now; the word of the Lord - And God said; came - come;
39:16 go; thus saith the Lord, My words - And God said (2); behold; bring; I will bring My words upon this city - I will's of God; in that day - day; before;
39:17 but; I will deliver thee - I will's of God; deliver; in that day - day; saith the Lord - And God said; given - give;
39:18 I will surely deliver thee - I will's of God; deliver; but; because; saith the Lord - And God said;
Chapter 40
40:1 The word, from the Lord - And God said; came - come; after; all; go;
40:3 Now; brought - bring; done - do; as He hath said - And God said; because; come;
40:4 now; behold (2); this day - day; come (3); will; look; well; but; all; before; go (2);
40:5 now; gone, go (4) - go (5); made; gave - give;
40:6 went;
40:7 now; all; made;
40:8 came- come;
40:9 well;
40:10 Behold; will (2); come; but;
40:11 all (2); remnant;
40:12 all (2); came - come;
40:13 all; came - come;
40:14 Dost - do; know; sent; but; dost thou certainly know that Baalis the king of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to slay thee? - great questions of the bible;
40:15 go; will; know; all; remnant; wherefore should he slay thee, that all the Jews which are gathered unto thee should be scattered, and the remnant in Judah perish? - great questions of the bible;
40;16 but; do;
Chapter 41
41:1 Now; it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); did - do;
41:2 made;
41:3 all; found - find;
41:4 And it came to pass; came - come; after; knew - know; the second day - day;
41:5 came - come; bring;
41:6 went (2); all; and it came to pass; came, come - come (2);
41:7 came - come;
41:8 But; found - find;
41:9 Now; all; because; made;
41:10 all (2); go;
41:11 But; all (2); done - do;
41:12 all; went; found - find;
41:13 Now; it came to pass; all (2); saw - see;
41:14 all; went;
41:15 but; went;
41:16 all (2); remnant; after; brought - bring;
41:17 go;
41:18 because (2); made;
Chapter 42
42:1 all (2); came - come;
42:2 before; all; remnant; but; do; behold;
42:3 way; do;
42:4  behold; will (3); and it shall come to pass; come; keep;
42:5 do; all; send;
42:6 good & evil, G&E; will; send; well;
42:7 And it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); after; ten days - day; the word of the Lord came - And God said;
42:8 all (2);
42:9 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; sent; before;
42:10 will; will I build you, I will plant you - I will's of God (2); done - do;
42:11 saith the Lord - And God said; deliver;
42:12 I will shew mercies - I will's of God;
42:13 but; will;
42:14 but; will (2); go; see; hear & see, H&S;
42:15 now; the word of the Lord, thus saith the Lord - And God said (2); remnant; go;
42:16 it shall come to pass; come; after;
42:17 all; go; I will bring upon them - I will's of God; bring;
42:18 thus saith the Lord of hosts - and God said; see;
42:19 the Lord hath said - And God said; remnant; go; know; this day - day;
42:20 sent; all; will; do; the Lord our God shall say - and God said;
42:21 now; this day - day; but; sent;
42:22 now; know; go;
Chapter 43
43:1 and it came to pass; came - come; made; all (3); the words of the Lord - And God said; sent;
43:2 all; sent; go;
43:3   but; deliver;
43:4 all (2);
43:5 But; all (3); remnant;
43:7 came (2) - come (2);
43:8 came - come; the word of the Lord, saying - And God said;
43:10 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar, and will set his throne upon these stones- I will's of God (2); send;
43:11 cometh - come; deliver;
43:12 I will kindle a fire in the house of the gods of Egypt - I will's of God; go;
Chapter 44
44:1 The word that came, saying - And God said; came - come; all;
44:2 Thus saith the Lord - and God said; seen - see; all (2); brought - bring; behold; this day - day;
44:3 Because; went; knew - know;
44:4 sent; sending - send; all; do; saying - And God said;
44:5 but;
44:6 at this day - day;
44:7 now; thus saith the Lord - And God said;
44:8 gone - go; all; v. 7 & 8 "wherefore commit ye this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain: v. 8 In that ye provoke Me unto wrath with the works of your hands, burning incense unto other gods in the land of Egypt, whither ye be gone to dwell, that ye might cut yourselves off, and that ye might be a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth? - great questions of the bible;
44:9 Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah and the wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness and the wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem? - great questions of the bible;
44:10 this day-  day; before (2);
44:11 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will set My face against you - I will's of God; all;
44:12 I will take the remnant of Judah - I will's of God; remnant; go; all;
44:13 I will punish them - I will's of God;
44:14 remnant; gone - go; but;
44:15 all (3); knew - know;
44:16 will;
44:17 but; will; do, done - do (2); goeth- go; well; saw - see;
44:18 but; all;
44:19 did - do; make; And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?- great questions of the bible;
44:20 all (2); given - give;
44:21 did - do; came - come; did not the Lord remember them, and came it not into His mind? - great questions of the bible;
44:22 because (2); at this day - day;
44:23 because (2); at this day - day;
44:24 all (3); the word of the Lord - And God said;
44:25 Thus saith the Lord, saying - And God said; will (2);
44:26 the word of the Lord, saith the Lord - And God said (2); all (2); Behold;
44:27 Behold; I will watch over them for evil - I will's of God; all; until;
44:28 all; remnant; gone- go; know;
44:29 saith the Lord, My words - And God said (2); I will punish you - I will's of God; know;
44:30 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will give Pharaohhophra - I will's of God; give, gave - give (2); seek, sought - seek (2);
Chapter 45
45:2 Thus saith the Lord - and God said;
45:3 didst - do; Woe; now; find;
45:4 The Lord saith - And God said; behold; that which I have built will I break down, I will pluck up - I will's of God (2);
45:5 seekest, seek - seek (2); behold; I will bring evil upon all flesh, but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey - I will's of God (2); And seekest thou great things for thyself? - great questions of the bible; all (2); give; goest - go; but; saith the Lord - And God said;
Chapter 46
46:1 The word of the Lord - and God said; came - come;
46:3 draw near - draw nigh;
46:5 Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away back? - great questions of the bible; seen - see; look; saith the Lord - And God said;
46:7 cometh - come; Who is this that cometh up as a flood, whose waters are moved as the rivers? - great questions of the bible;
46:8 will (3); go;
46:9 come (2);
46:10 the day of the Lord, the day of vengeance - day (2); made;
46:11 go;
46:13 The Word of the Lord - And God said; come;
46:15 Why are thy valiant men swept away? - great questions of the bible; because; did - do;
46:16 made; go;
46:17 did - do; but;
46:18 saith the Lord - And God said; come;
46:19 go;
46:20 but; cometh (2) - come (2);
46:21 did - do; because; the day of their calamity - day; come;
46:22 go; come;
46:23 saith the Lord - And God said; because;
46:24 delivered - deliver;
46:25 The Lord of hosts, saith - And God said; Behold; I will punish the multitude of No - I will's of God; all;
46:26 I will deliver them into the hand of those that seek their lives - I will's of God; deliver; seek; afterward - after; the days of old - day; saith the Lord - And God said;
46:27 but; behold; I will save thee from afar off - I will's of God; make;
46:28 saith the Lord - And God said; I will make a full of end, I will not make a full end of thee, will I not leave thee wholly unpunished - I will's of God (3); all; but (2); make (2);
Chapter 47
47:1 The Word of the Lord - And God said; came - come; before;
47:2 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; all (2);
47:3 look;
47:4 Because; the day- day; cometh - come; all; helper - help; remnant; the Lord will spoil the Philistines - I will's of God;
47:5 come; remnant; how long wilt thou cut thyself? - great questions of the bible;
47:6 will; how long will it be ere thou be quiet? - great questions of the bible;
47:7 seeing - see; given - give; How can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a charge against Ashkelon, and against the sea shore? - great questions of the bible;
Chapter 48
48:1 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Woe;
48:2 come;
48:5 going (2), go - go (3);
48:7 because; go;
48:8 come; as the Lord hath spoken - and God said;
48:9 Give;
48:10 doeth - do; keepeth - keep;
48:11 gone - go;
48:12 behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; that I will send unto him wanderers - I will's of God; send;
48:14 How say ye, We are mighty and strong men for the war? - great questions of the bible;
48:15 gone (2) - go (2); saith the King- And God said;
48:16 come;
48:17 all (2); know;
48:18 dost - do; come (2);
48:19 way; done - do; What is done? - great questions of the bible;
48:21 come;
48:24 all; far or near, F& N;
48:25 saith the Lord - And God said;
48:26 Make;
48:27 found - find; For was not Israel a derision unto thee? was he found among thieves? - great questions of the bible (2);
48:28 maketh - make;
48:30 know; saith the Lord - And God said; but;
48:31 Therefore will I howl for Moab, I will cry out - I will's of God (2); all;
48:32 I will weep for thee - I will's of God; gone - go;
48:33 joy and gladness, J&G;
48:35 I will cause to cease in Moab - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
48:36 because;
48:37 all;
48:38 all; saith the Lord - And God said;
48:39 all;
48:40 For thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold;
48:41 at that day - day;
48:42 because;
48:43 saith the Lord - And God said;
48:44 for I will bring upon it - I will's of God; bring;
48:45 because; but; come;
48:46 Woe; sons & daughters, S&D;
48:47 Yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab - I will's of God; bring; in the latter days - day; saith the Lord - And God said;
Chapter 49
49:1 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; doth - do; Hath Israel no sons? hath he no heir? why then doth their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities? - great questions of the bible (3);
49:2 behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord (2) - And God said (2); I will cause an alarm of war - I will's of God;
49:3 go;
49:4 Wherefore gloriest thou in the valleys, thy flowing valley, O backsliding daughter? Who shall come unto me? - great questions of the bible (2); come;
49:5 Behold; I will bring a fear upon thee - I will's of God; bring; saith the Lord - And God said; all;
49:6 afterward - after; I will bring again the captivity - I will's of God; bring; saith the Lord - And God said;
49:7 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Is wisdom no more in Teman? is counsel perished rom the prudent? is their wisdom vanished? - great questions of the bible (3);
49:8 I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him, I will visit him - I will's of God (2); bring;
49:9 come; will; till - until; If grapegatherers come to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? - great questions of the bible;
49:10 But; made;
49:11 I will preserve them alive - I will's of God;
49:12 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; goo (2); but; art thou he that shall altogether go unpunished? - great questions of the bible;
49:13 saith the Lord - And God said; all;
49:14 sent; come;
49:15 I will make thee small - I will's of God; make;
49:16 make; I will bring them down - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
49:17 goeth - go; all;
49:18 saith the Lord - And God said;
49:19 Behold; come; but; I will suddenly make him run away - I will's of God; will (2); suddenly; make; before; And who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like Me? and who will appoint Me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before Me? - great questions of the bible (4);
49:20 make;
49:22 Behold; come; at that day - day;
49:226 all; saith the Lord - And God said; in that day - day;
49:27 I will kindle a fire - I will's of God;
49:28 thus saith the Lord - And God said; go;
49:29 all;
49:30 saith the Lord - And God said;
49:31 saith the Lord - And God said;
49:32 all (2); saith the Lord - And God said; bring; I will scatter into all winds, I will bring their calamity from all sides - I will's of God (2);
49:34 The word of the Lord came, saying - And God said; came - come;
49:35 Thus saith the Lord of hosts - And God said; Behold; I will break the bow of Elam - I will's of God;
49:36 upon Elam will I bring the four winds, and will scatter them - I will's of God (2); bring; all; come;
49:37 I will cause Elam to be dismayed, I will bring evil upon them, I will send the sword after them - I will's of God (3); before (2); bring; saith the Lord - And God said; send; after; till - until;
49:38 I will set My throne in Elam, I will destroy - I will's of God (2); saith the Lord - And God said;
49:39 But; it shall come to pass; come; in the latter days - day; I will bring again the captivity - I will's of God; saith the Lord - And God said;
Chapter 50
50:1 The word that the Lord spake - And God said;
50:3 cometh - come; make;
50:4 in those days, in that time - day (2); saith the Lord - And God said; come; going, go - go (2); seek;
50:5 way; come;
50:6 go, gone - go (2);
50:7 all; found - find; because;
50:8 go; before;
50:9 I will raise and cause to come up - I will's of God; come;
50:10 all; saith the Lord - And God said;
50:11 because (3);
50:12 behold;
50:13 because; but; goeth - go; all;
50:14 all;
50:15 given - give; done, do - do (2);
50:18 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will punish - I will's of God;
50:19 I will bring Israel - I will's of God; bring
50:20 In those days, in that time - day (2); saith the Lord - And God said; sought - seek; found - find; I will pardon them whom I reserve - I will's of God; seek & find, S&F;
50:21 go; saith the Lord - And God said; do; all; the Lord commanded;
50:24 found - find; because;
50:25 brought - bring;
50:26 Come;
50:27 all; go; Woe; for their day is come - day; come;
50:29 all (2); done, do - do (2);
50:30 all; in that day - day; saith the Lord - And God said;
50:31 Behold; saith the Lord God - And God said; for thy day is come - day; come; that I will visit thee - I will's of God;
50:32 I will kindle a fire - I will's of God; all;
50:33 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; all; go;
50:34 give;
50:35 saith the Lord - And God said;
50:37 all;
50:40 saith the Lord - and God said;
50:41 Behold; come;
50:42 will;
50:44 Behold; come; but; I will make them suddenly run away - I will's of God; make; will (2); suddenly; before; And who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like Me? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before Me? - great questions of the bible (4);
50:45 make;
Chapter 51
51:1 Thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will raise up against Babylon - I will's of God;
51:2 And will send unto Babylon fanners - I will's of God; in the day of trouble - day;send;
51:3 all;
51:6 deliver; He will render unto her a recompence - I will's of God;
51:7 made; all;
51:8 suddenly;
51:9 but; go;
51:10 brought - bring; come;
51:11 Make; because;
51:12 make; done - do; that which He spake - And God said;
51:13 come;
51:14 The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying - and God said; I will fill thee with men - I will's of God;
51:15 made; power; heaven & earth, H&E;
51:16 heaven & earth, H&E; maketh - make; bringeth - bring;
51:17 knowledge - know; founder - find;
51:19 all;
51:20 will I break in pieces, with thee will I break in pieces - I will's of God (2);
51:21 will I break in pieces, with thee will I break in pieces - I will's of God (2);
51:22 will I break in pieces, with thee will I break in pieces - I will's of God (2);
51:23 I will also break in pieces, with thee will I break in pieces, will I break in pieces - I will's of God (3);
51:24 I will render unto Babylon - I will's of God; all (2); done - do; saith the Lord - And God said;
51:25 Behold; saith the Lord - And God said; all; I will stretch out Mine hand, and will make thee a burnt mountain - I will's of God (2); make;
51:26 but; saith the Lord - And God said;
51:27 come;
51:28 all (2);
51:29 make;
51:33 thus saith the Lord - And God said;
51:34 made;
51:35 done - do;
51:36 thus saith the Lord - And God said; Behold; I will plead thy cause, I will dry up her sea - I will's of God (2); make;
51:39 I will make their feasts, I will make them drunken - I will's of God (2); make (2); saith the Lord - And God said;
51:40 I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter - I will's of God; bring;
51:42 come;
51:43 doth - do;
51:44 I will punish Bel, I will bring forth out of his mouth - I will's of God (2); bring;
51:45 go; deliver;
51:46 come (2); after;
51:47 Behold; the days come - day; come; I will do judgement upon - I will's of God; do; all;
51:48 heaven & earth, H&E; all; come; saith the Lord - And God said;
51:49 all;
51:50 go; come;
51:51 because; come
51:52 Behold; the days come - day; come; saith the Lord - And God said; I will do judgement - I will's of God; do; all;
51:53 come; saith the Lord - And God said;
51:54 cometh - come;
51:55 Because; do;
51:56 Because; come;
51:57 I will make drunk her princes - I will's of God; make; saith the Lord - And God said;
51:58 Thus saith the Lord - And God said;
51:59 went;
51:60 all (2); come;
51:61 comest - come; see; all;
51:62 O Lord, Thou hast spoken - And God said; but;
51:63 made;
51:64 I will bring upon her - I will's of God;
Chapter 52
52:2 did, done - do (2); all;
52:3 it came to pass; came - come; till - until;
52:4 And it came to pass; came (2) - come (2); in the tenth day - day; all;
52:6 in the ninth day - day;
52:7 all; went (2); way (2); now;
52:8 But; after; all;
52:9 gave - give;
52:10 before; all;
52:11 till - until; the day of his death - day;
52:12 Now; in the tenth day - day; came- come;
52:13 all (2);
52:14 all (2);
52:16 But;
52:17 all;
52:18 all;
52:20 made; all;
52:21 did - do;
52:22 all;
52:23 all;
52:24 keepers - keep;
52:25 found (2) - find (2);
52:26 brought - bring;
52:30 all;
52:31 and it came to pass; came - come; and twentieth day of the month - day; brought - bring;
52:33 did - do; before; all; the days of his life - day;
52:34 given - give; until; all; every day, the day of his death, the days of his life- day (3)

Started:  July 10, 2017

Continued:  7/12; 7/13; 7/16; 7/18; 7/19; 7/20; 7/21; 7/22; 7/23; 7/24; 7/28; 7/29; 7/30; 7/31; 8/1; 8/2; 8/4; 8/5; 8/6; 8/7; 8/8; 8/9;8/11; 8/12; 8/13; 8/14; 8/16; 8/17; 8/19; 8/20; 8/24;8/25; 8/26; 8/27;

Finished: August 27, 2017