Friday, December 2, 2016


On this day - December 2, 2016

In bible readings, coming through Jeremiah, each chapter and verse was speaking to the soul.  Needful to write it down, rehearse it, contemplate it and pray it.  For it the sorrow of nation, His church, my family and yea, my own heart;  And it is for TODAY
There are 3 things of interest in these 5 chapter, 14 - 18, that reveal the following:
1.  the sin of the people and the person;
2.  God's wrath and judgment - what He is going to do in response to the sin;
3.  God's power to deliver and heal - the prayer of Jeremiah should be our prayer;

Chapter  14

The Sins God specifies:

v. 3 - 'ashamed and confounded' - in Scripture it was due to the drought and famine and there want and need that caused this response;  But how much more is this of a sorrowful man, church or nation over their sins and failure.
v.7 -- 'our iniquities testify against us. . . backslidings are many, we have sinned against Thee' - 3 terms used for their failures before the Lord - iniquity, backslidings and sin;  But note the emphasis of multiple offences, huge continuing in sin against Him.  but the good side of this is that they recognize and confess.  There can be no advancement in our relationship with this first step of recognition of our high sorrow of sin.
v. 10 - 'they have loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet. . . He will now remember their iniquity and visit their sins' - the sin of wandering away from the Lord and roaming toward flesh, lusts and pride;  and even though warned and cautioned, they still would not refrain their feet from running to their own destruction.
v. 14 - 'the prophets prophesy lies, in My Name. . . prophesy false vision and divination. . .a thing of nought. . . and deceit of their heart' - the religionsist, the false preacher/teacher have no truth from the Lord, so they make up out of their own wicked, evil hearts false visions and divination;

The wrath and judgment of God

The land is judged and the people pay the price for their sins.
v. 2 - "Judah mourns, gates languish, cry of Jerusalem goes up' - great sorrow, affliction and desperation is upon them;  when God's hand goes out against them for their sins, this is the end result.  this is due directly to their unwillingness to confess and repent.
v. 3 - 'found no water. . .vessels empty. . .ashamed and confounded' - drought is upon them;  and even thought the Lord is judging the natural ground of earth, it is due to the sins fo the people contaminating it with their folly;  the people suffer through God judging the land.  Is there nothing worse than no water?  Nothing can survive without it.  Water is abundant for us now, but take heed;  easily given and easily taken away.
v. 4 - 'ground is chapt, for there was no rain in the earth' - He has withheld the clouds and rain for so long the ground cracks and there is no rain in sight.  This reveals that there is a durable time of duration that this judgment is upon them.  Even now, we have seen multiple droughts affecting our nation.  California and the west went through over 2 years of severe drought.  And for the last half of this year, the southeastern has been afflicted, coupled with wildfires.
v. 5 - 'calves are forsaking in the fields because there is no grass' - no rain, long period time of this affliction, ground is chapt, grass is withered, livestock is affected, stunted and death;  No water, no milk, no meat from cows, food and water, two essentials are now taken from man due directly to their sin.  How long before this comes to us?  Majority of nations and people around the world get up each morning wandering what they will drink and eat for today.  Not worried about tomorrow, just today.  We, as a nation, know nothing of this.  It will affect all the people.
verse 6 repeat of affliction upon wild asses;

God's power to Heal and Deliver

Verse 7 - 9 shows the hope and power of God through the prayer of His servant, Jeremiah;  and the same hope is found in God's praying people and intercessor;

Started:  December 2, 2016

Continued:  12/5;


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