Friday, August 23, 2013


Despising the things of God due to a wicked heart

"And it came to pass as the ark of the covenant of the Lord came to the city of David, that Michal, the daughter of Saul looking out at a window saw king David dancing and playhing:  and she despised him in her heart."  I Chronicles 15:29

David has had a desire to bring up the ark of the covenant into the city.  Their first attempt of bringing up the ark failed miserably, and Uzza died.  there are several sins in this first attempt that we must recognize.  One, the ark of the covenant had been forsaking for years.  David even said, 'we did not seek to it during the days of Saul'.  It is even worse than that.  The last reference to the ark was during the days of Eli, when he and his sons walked contrary to the Lord.  And the Lord poured out His wrath on Elig and his two sons died in the battle with the Philistines.  The ark was captured, and Eli upon hearing of the news of the ark being captured on top of his sons dying, fell over backwards, broke his neck and died. 

Now when the ark returned to Israel due to God plaguing the Philisintes, it came to the city of Bethshemesh.  And upon its arrival the people of the city looked into the ark and scores died on that day.  On another occasion the ark is being transported, moved in a wrong way, and Uzza puts forth his hand to touch it and God strikes him dead. 

Why was She Not with Them in Worship?

Why was one of the queen's not with their king in worship?  What does this say about her?  about family worship?  David is dancing and playing before the Lord with all his heart; and one of his wives are glaring from the windwo with disdain about his actions.  Or more probably suited she disdianed him and this was simple a cause to resent him more.  But needless to say, her heart was not about God, but about self.  She did not honor the Lord, nor her husband, nor herself.  But this one act described tells us volumes about her heart and soul, it was not the Lord's but satan's.  'For from the heart proceedeth these things. . .' 

And is this not what Jesus said in prophecy and warning to us, 'I came not to bring peace but a sword.  And in the house shall be division; two against three and three against two.'  And is there not evidence of this all around in the church?  Here is a lonely mother, sitting in church all by herself.  Where is her husband and children?  they do not want to be there, they have no desire for the things of God.  They have forsaken the God of their mother. 

Why Did She Despise Him in her Heart?

Out of the heart proceeds these things.  It is her reaction that we must look at to understand what took place.  she is a reflection of responses today all around us.  And for some it is the same response that you have toward the things of God, you despise them.  It used to be a hard thing to find those who would openly hate, fume and spit at God; but they are becoming more prolific around us.  But the things of God are greatly abhorred today.  Let us consider as she despised David in her heart, so she was demonstrating her despising of the things of God and Go Himself.  This is what David was doing, he was worshipping the Lord before the ark of the covenant, the mercy seat.  And she out of the sin of her heart was not out there with him nor worshipping the Lord with him as a faithful wife should have.  Yet, she was from her window gazing and observing the worship scene with despising in her heart. 

Two things to consider from people today - Despising God and despising the things of God.
1. Despising God -

2.  Despising the things of God - the 'things' of God are His ordiances for the church; and the things that proceed from Him to benefit and help us draw night unto Him, learn of Him and know Him.  Here are a few of these things of God and there benefits:

--reading the bible; a great advantage to many of us who are able to read and who do have the traslations to glean from;  when you consider that 3/4 of the world do not have opporutunity or ability to read the Word, howmuch more precious and responsible should we be;  It is a great resource of the Spirit to speak and aid us in our daily walk with Him;
Thus, we can see why Satan would work to make men hate the Word, despise its instructions, because he despise its Author, the HOly ONe.  And men who love darkness rather than light demonstrate that same despising for the Word of God.  Just watch them agonize, revolt, and refuse on word from the Bible.

--prayer; thousands pray in almost every religion, but it is only Christiantiy that prevails or prospers from praying to a real God for His hand, mercy and power.  Prayer is the intimacy of men with God.  God reveals so much in the times of prayer.  Leading, guiding, instructing, providing, forgiving, healing, etc is all due to powerful times of prayer.  And so, Satan, our enemy knows this truth, he fights that much more against such a powerful, God glorifying weapon as prayer.  HE turns men's heart away from it and causes them to despise the very nature of real prayer. 

--church;  the body of Christ is the very bride of Christ and it has become so evident to be despised by the lost men of this world.  They have killed, burned, maimed, destroyed, set against in so many ways of governments, lands, nations and areas.  This assualt is again only proof that Satan hates anything of God and sets himself against the church body.  And as their father hates the church, so does the children of Satan hate and despise the church.  Christ said of the Phraisees and is the same true of those that despise the church, 'you are of your father, the devil'.  Christ died for the church, started the church and is coming back for His church.  And those that despise it shall not enter in, but will have their eternity in the lake of fire, with their father, the father of lies, Satan. 

--the good and right way;  'This is the way, saith the Spirit, walk in it'.  And do we not see such a blantant attack

What is the Despising today in Men's Heart?

And as we see her heart protraying and reflecting its evil, so in the hearts of men today it is the same.  Oh, how wicked, dark, vile, sinful and evil is the hearts of men today.  And how do we know this depth of evil?  Paul goes through those sinful actions and then says, '. . .and were not some of you?'  YEa, we were, wicked ot the core; born in sin; rebels against the God Who gave us life and a soul.  Ignorant of eternity and its full considerations.  But, oh, then that day; that day unlike any other when 'Jesus come passing my way. . .'  And old things were put away and all things became new in Him.  That day when Christ said, 'live' and dead sins and transgressions passed away.  But it is that needful reminder, 'and such were some of you'.  A Christian cannot ever forget where they came from.

And remembering what we was and where we were helps us to answer this question for today, 'what is it that men despise in their hearts today?  For should we not remember that which we did in our hearts and minds toward despising God and the things of God? 

Begun:  August 23, 2013
Update: 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29

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