"The ruling of the Supreme Court ruling on Same Sex Marriage and its impact on our future"
Before chapter 19 in Genesis happens, and God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah; God and Abraham have a conversation in chapter 18.
"And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt Thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from Thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? And the Lord said. . . " Genesis 18:23 - 26
It has come! There are days in history that we look to as historic. They are days of celebration, days of mourning, days of conflict and days that determine the future. I have been prone to remind us of histroic days that have shaped and formed our present and future. I have sought to use these days gone by, in order that we might see and know the significance of this day. the impact of this day with the Supreme Court rulings, has the potential to go down in histroy as Roosevelt said of December 7, 'a day which will live in infamy'.
'this day of infamy' causes me to respond as follows:
1. As Abraham drew near to the Lord, so should You and I
We have no ability or power than that which the Lord imparts and demonstrates. Abraham could not run to Sodom and pull Lot out, he had to trust the Lord for this. Another sign of his great faith and one in which we must maintain for our families and for our nation is to trust in the Lord. He is able to save to and from the uttermost. We have tried the courts, political factions and parties, and legislation; let us draw nigh unto Him, Who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. Let us draw nigh to Him for He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Let us draw nigh to Him for there is no other refuge or strength that is suffecient or in comparison to Him. Let us draw nigh for He is right in all His ways and will do us no evil. Let us draw nigh for He is grace and mercy. Let us draw nigh to Him for He has commanded it, 'Come unto Me'.
Is there any other place of such glory and power as in drawing nigh unto Him?
2. Destruction is coming. And it is only a question of when and how it comes, not if it comes.
I am amazed at the trivialness, the lightness of the church during these days. Always something was more important than praying. Always other things of more need and required time than understanding eternal ends and God's response to evil in this world. Not all judgment is done in eternity. There is judgements now upon us for these actions of legalizing abominations.
3. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
It is the comfort of this question that we know the answer; God will do right.
4. And the Lord said. . . .
To hear what the Lord would say, it is needful for us to be still. Such a hard thing for Christians today to do that. So very few sit still and listen for the Lord to speak. Oh, there are many Christians that enter into prayer and they do all the talking, never leaving God time to respond or speak. If any one of us entered into a conversation with our family and friends like this, you would consider it to be the rudest conversation. How much more when we enter into His Presence and never allow for Him to speak or for us to listen?
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