Thursday, October 13, 2011



October 13, 2011
I think it to be noted, that church leaders and especially intercessors for our land should pay attention to what is going on day to day in our country. On Octoer 3, 2011, I began my work on "JUDGMENT' of all the instances in the Bible of: 1. Who was judged?; 2. Why they was judged? In other words, What was the sin they did to provoke the Lord to wrath and anger?'; 3. What was the judgment? 4. What was the response of or from the people?; 5. What was the response of God during or after the judgment?

From the beginning of this year through August there was natural disasters. The term 'record' disasters was what caught my attention. With such a word being used repeatedly, we need to see what God is doing and allowing to happen. We saw 'Record natural disasters':
-- in drought conditions across Texas and the southwest; drought conditions increased in southeast;
-- record outbreak of tornadoes and destruction; Joplin, Missouri was one of the most severe;
--record flooding across the northeast; while the south needed rain, rain was nonstop across New England; also flooding was across the Northern tier;
--although not a record, as far as size, an earthquake in the middle of Virginia woke everyone up to the unusal; a 6. 2 near Richomond;
Along with these natural disasters has continued an upheaval in the economy and the lucrative way of life the United STates has known. There is much uncertainty for the near future about where we are going.

All these things are reminders of our nations' continued state of rebellion against the Lord God Almighty. We see laws and judicial verdicts contrary to the Bible and the laws of God. There is an absence of humility and no sign of repentance among us.

Where does that leave us?
In my study of the judgments, I see the land is directly affected because of the sin of the people. Through war and pestilence God eventually strikes the people for their continued disobedience and apathy. I fear we are heading for such a catastrophe that will make 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina combined look like a pebble in a stone quarry. We have not heard from the church in a way that would meet the need of confession and repentance. There is no voice of leadership to warn the people. The old testament had the prophets who pronounce pending judgment unless there was a turn in behavior and way of living back to God. The church today continues as if 'they can fix it' attitude. I assure you that there is no fixing this without the simple plan that God has given to us - confess, repent and obey.

What I see right now happening in headlines alone should move us to action.
1. listeria - has now claimed 29 lives; small and seemingly insignificant deaths, but a sign of continued judgment and raises us to loss of life;
2. continued earthquakes on west coast over 4.0 and another 3.0 in Virginia; and at any given moment could be the next major earthquake;
3. although rain has come to Texas, there is still a pressing need;
4. A continued bug increase of abnormal porportions. In the last year, 'stink' bugs in MId-Atlantic; bed bugs cropping up after dormant for decades; 'swarming' ants in the south;
5. Economy is only held by a thread;
6. Terrorism is inflitrating deeper and deeper into the bland society;
7. Traditional Family is almost obsolete and non-existence in churches, communities and gone as far as the majority of America; this effect alone will decimate the next generation in 20 years;
8. Almost a flow of evil across the land with such violent deaths by family members toward one another; And such horrible murders of evil on our streets and homes; urban and rural. this is defintely a sign of increased demonic work, becuase the church's holiness is so weak to counter the on-slaught of hell.
How long do we have? No man knows; God is so merciful, and has been so long-suffering with a weak, humanistic church. Yet, we must surely know there comes a cutting off period, in which God must respond for the sake of His Name and kingdom. Since August, there has been little of 'record' judgments upon the land. In other words, there is a lull period. We don't know what time it is. Therefore, we must assume that we are limited with what time we do have to respond. No response during this period of time will provoke the Lord to an answer. The urgency and dire circumstances that we are in is not protrayed to many in the churches. He will not allow for us to remain 'as is' with so much blood shed in abortion and such wicked ways across the landscape.

Our Response
II Chronicles 7:14, is about the most relevant for us that I know of. In verse 13, when God is sending judgments, then our response is supposed to be verse 14. Four things for us to respond and lead others to respond in to turn away the wrath, anger and judgment of God:
--Humble ourselves;
--Seek My face;
--Turn from wicked ways;

I don't think the order here in this verse is nearly important as simply doing them all. The response from most is that they do not need to bow their knees. We are such a proud, self-seeking, self-saitsfying culture in the church, I don't know if we even recognize our sin of pride. One thing I have learned through reading the Scriptures and reading and hearing of the accounts of revival is: When God comes down, men must go down. The fear of the Lord makes men, even righteous men tremble and bow down. Yet not this generation, they won't bow the knee for anyone, let alone God. LEt's check the knees at the door so of the church to see if there is any 'Calloused knees' seeking God's mercy.

A continued prayer movement is in place and working to enlarge. But the majority believe that 'prayer' is happening. But a rampant effect of prayerless churches, prayerless families and a prayerless nation is the majority. The only way to understand this sin of prayerlessness is to find out just where we are right now. How many hours does the church pray corporately weekly? How much does an individaul pray daily? If the honesty of this is given, it will be revealed of just how far we are from 'praying rightly'.

'Seek My face' is a desire to worship, to know God and to daily be before Him. Henry Blackaby and Richard Owen Roberts declare that 'this is the most ignorant generation of Christians'. Tozer wrote, 'The Pursuit of God' and perhaps there needs to be another call to such a state of seeking after God for every Christian and church serving under the banner of Christ.

'Turn from wicked ways' - simply put, the sin must stop; Confession of specific sins and repentance from them.. A voice from the church condemning and announcing that this is sin in the eyes of God. There is way too much political correctness in the pulpits and among leadership. No turning away from our present course is sure to receive the full wrath poured out on us, our nation, our families, and 'removing from the earth'.

Brethren, take note to the things at hand. God is speaking clearly and loudly.
What say you?

dan biser


  1. Dan,

    As always, I am blessed by your passion and your biblical foundation. Has the Lord given you a specific action-step or two that implements the concern and call you have written about here?

  2. Today is day 18 of 40 Days of Prayer across the Baptist Convention of New York. (thanks for your encouragement and passion!)

  3. I was reminded of the warnings of this series yesterday when reading about the largest mass killings in U.S. history. May we turn away from our sins and turn to Jesus Christ the Lord who promised to save us from our sins.
