Thursday, January 23, 2020


"Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations"  Ezekiel 16:2

God calls the prophet to give an account of the abominations of Jerusalem.  Israel had already fallen into such abominations and their judgement had come by Assyria.  Carried away into captivity, destroyed by armies, plagued by famine, drought and disease, God brought their abominations into judgement.   Judah and Jerusalem, had been given reprieve, during such days of Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and Josiah.   but now, their abominations which had flourished would now be declared, God's judgement would fall in its severity of wrath, anger and fury of God against His Own people.

God  calls His people, priest, servants, to know their sin, so that it might be dealt with in 'brokenness and contrition".   And God, Who is rich in mercy, grace, and forgiveness, would pardon, cleanse and remove their sins.   This same call is upon us today for our nation and for the state of the church; God calls forth, 'cause them to know their abominations".

It is the worst of the worst.  The church and Christians are to be pleasing to the Lord; there is nothing greater than for the Lord to say, 'in you I am well-pleased', 'thou art greatly beloved'.  This is the mark of holiness; perfection; righteousness; faithfulness before God, and by God.   The opposite end of this spectrum is abomination.   Sin is breaking God's will and ways.  It is an open rebellion, filled with a constant disobedience against God.   And as that disobedience continues and deepens into further sins against God, the level of evil and wickedness done and practiced worsens.    The mind is given over to constant state of sin, self and Satan.   This causes it to be a consuming pattern and routine of life that takes it from sin to abomination; from one act of disobedience to a lifestyle of disobedience.

Scripture reveals to us the numerous terms used to define sin.  Terms of transgression, sin, iniquity and abomination are found to identify the disobedience and rebellion by sinners and God's children.  Any act done is defined by God as right or wrong; good or evil.  God has already spoken on what is sin.   Yet, men try to re-write and define it for their own purposes.   And this is the reason of 'woe unto men that call evil, good; and good, evil.'   God has already spoken on it and does not need the input of sinful men to edit or correct it.

As the defining of sin is revealed, men are left with the choice of to repent of it or to embrace it.   The sorrow


God has already spoken and revealed what is sin and what is right.   God has already spoken on what is pleasing to Him, and what is resented and hated by Him.   He has said, 'this is right in My sight"; and He has said, 'this is evil in My sight.'   Men need to know these truths for the sake of being delivered from sin and to be saved from sin.   This salvation, through Christ alone, delivers men from hell to heaven; delivers men from sin to holiness.   But when men do not know what sin is, then sin is continued, and worsened by individuals and upon societies, nations and the world.   So when God speaks and says, 'Cause them to know their abominations' it is needful to specifically define these sins and where in is their fruits and roots.

There are some great studies out there of those that identify these fruits and roots of sin.   Knowing this helps us pray better and fight better against the wiles of the devil and the spiritual warfare that is happening always within us and around us.   However, due to lack of knowledge of these fruits and roots men are left to deal with the consequences of these sins from God's wrath and anger. 

--Sexual sins;   mainly adultery & fornication;
--Idolatry;  took all the resources that God gave us - time, talents and tithes and gave them over to sins of self;
--Ungodly conversations & profanity;  vile, foul mouths cursing, taking Lord's Name in vain;
--Abortion;  sacrifice of children, innocent murdered;  
--Homosexuality;   perversion of men and women, seeking to corrupt and defile children; LGBT;
--Blood shed on land;  homicides/murder-suicides/suicides;   filling the land with blood every day;
--Forsaken of good and right way for evil and wicked ways of hell and men;
--Lovers of Self;  humanism;
--Lies;  almost a seeking to depart from whole truth to embrace half-truths and whole lies;
--Rebellion against God;   'rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft';
--Lasciviousness;  lust increased with sexual sins that cannot be satisfied;
--Hate;   love is forsaken and forgotten;  a rage of hatred toward others;
--Pride;  humility is forsaken;  lovers of self, increase in their pride toward self;
--Lovers of Money, Greed;   time, energy and life is given to possess money, wealth and possessions;   --Addictions of Drugs & Alcohol;   crisis of overdoses, deaths, destruction of health, homes and mind of men due to daily indulgences of these addictions;   

God's declared Word is to address the issue of His glory and the eternity of men's souls.   God has birthed within every living being a soul.   And that soul is given a life here on this earth to prepare for the next life.  During that time here on this earth, when the person reaches an age of understanding and accountability they must make a choice regarding that truth of sin.   This is the reason it is hard to understand when men declare they are saved, but they know not what they are saved from or saved too. 

Habakkuk 1:1 - 3,    Burden to be carried       violence    strife and contention 

Matthew 18:18 - 20

Matthew 21:20, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."    Answered prayer!  Victory!


Started:   January 23, 2020

Continued:  1/25;2/1;2/4;3/28;


Monday, January 20, 2020


"When the enemy shall come in like a flood; the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."   Isaiah 59:19

Within the last week, and especially within the last 72 hours, there has been a substantial increase in evil and death across our nation.  This letter is appealing to you to face this surge of evil in prayer.

There are two things that you pray:  1.  things you pray for;  2.  things you pray against.   God has told us numerous times in Scripture of 'asking', 'calling';  these are things that we are allowed to pray for.  God has also revealed what He hates, what He is against; what is termed in the bible, 'antiChrist'.   A church, a Christian is to set forth to know the mind and heart of God as He reveals these things from Scripture to our current society.  And we are to pray see what is to be prayed for and what is to be prayed against
God's Mind - "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus".  
God's Heart - "And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart."  

God sees and knows, not only the works and deeds of men; He also knows their intent.   And in our present plight we see the evil of men raging.  For they are consumed with darkness and evil of hell, consumed with sin and self.   And the Light of Christ from the church, from Christians, burns dimly.  Thus the Word of God, briefly, rarely shared; the refusal of men to go to church to hear the Word; pulpits refusing to preach the Word; has created a void within the minds and hearts of men in our nation.  And Satan has been ever so quick to fill that void with evil.  The only answer to this evil, is the Light of Christ.

Time has revealed that there are surges of evil that come.  They may lie dormant for a while, but at certain seasons they flourish and multiply.  Out of these have come some of our most horrifying, cataclysmic, awe-striking moments of history.    God knowing all things of past, present and future; sets His people to resist evil; to pray against the flood of evil.   This is the standard that God raises up, found within the above verses of Isaiah 59.   Failure of the church, the praying remnant gives place to evil raging and surging more.  Success of the church to pray against these things that God reveals, causes hell and evil to retreat.   We have seen these moments all within our last 20 years or so:
--1999 - Columbine school shooting;  a shock to our nation and one of our first mass school shootings;
--2001 - 9/11, terrorism that once again shook our nation;
--2005 - Hurricane Katrina - most devastating hurricane to hit;
--2008 - financial crisis; hours within world wide collapse of economy;
--2012 - Sandy Hook; mass school shooting;
--2017  - Las Vegas mass shooting;

Now there  are other numerous moments that have stunned and horrified us.   And the response of the church is generally, "Pray for. . . .".   This call to pray is 'after the fact'.  But this is not the full will of God.   For God sometimes reveals when surges of evil are upon us, or imminent.    And in these moments before evil strikes and hits. God moves His people to pray His mind and His heart for victory, deliverance, salvation.    "Deliver them from evil (Evil One)".  This does not always have to be after the fact, but is before the moment.

The warning has been coming since last year that evil was imminent.  In the fall of last year (2019), during prayer times the Lord was revealing that upon the horizon for 2020 there is much that is going to happen.  And this is not simply the election in November.  Threats of war, economy collapse, huge natural disasters, increase of death are all upon us.  But even as we turned the page into this new year, at the close of our 100 hours of prayer, the Spirit is still speaking of that 'which is to come'.  Evil is surging right now and I fear this is only the beginning without a faithful response from the praying remnant.

Within the last week, there has been a huge swell of death and killing.  Other destructions and judgements are consistent of daily happening, such as drugs and abortions, and other life threatening remedial events.

You are being asked to be a part of 'the standard' against this flood of evil.   Here is what is being asked of your:
1.  Recognize the flood of evil upon us;  What is it? 
      Surge of evil is found in the following:
     --66 suicides per day (avg.);
     --continued drug overdoses and death;
     --mass shooting/homicides/murder-suicides;   the rise within the last week is red flag warning;
     --police officers again being killed; 3 within last week;
     --natural disasters increase threats of areas;
     --first school shooting death in TX last week;
These just mentioned above are the symptoms of the disease.  Next is the cause of these symptoms. 

2.   Understand that these remedial judgements and their severity is due directly to the abominations of our nation and the church;
      --recent prayer blog/email; sermon preached at Fox's Hollow yesterday regarding God's severe warning, "cause them to know their abominations" against God;
      --continued laws, judicial actions, daily practices, increased perversions provoke wrath, anger and fury of God;
       ---failure of the church to condemn these things, compromise with these things provokes the anger and wrath of God against the church;

3.   Right response is needed by church.   For as the church goes, so goes the nation. 
     --fasting and prayer;  secret closet and corporate times to confess, repent, plead and seek God;
     --daily and hourly cries to God for help, and deliverance;
     --faithful, steadfast, unmovable, loyal, before God on behalf of men, who will not pray for themselves;

Brethren, I am asking that we undertake this warfare for our Lord in a greater urgeny.  Souls perish in this onslaught of evil and exit from this world, largely unreached for the Gospel, and enter their eternity of hell for ever and ever.  The horrors of hell should move us, just as much as the glories of heaven raptures us.   See the masses, see our nation, see our future, God's wrath has gone out against us and He moves us to be the standard that will cause Him for His Own Name's sake to bring the invitation of salvation to the nations. 

It is my burden, as I have shared most recently with many of you, that God has laid on me the battle against minds and hearts given to the evil of suicides.  I am still struggling with this and all that it means.   But I am setting forth what I have gleaned thus far in the hopes that you will join me. 

God has given us His grace and mercy to seek Him, to find Him, to call upon Him for the sake of turning away His wrath against us.   "In wrath remember mercy" is constant in our prayer meetings.   Continue in prayer, and come along side of us in prayer against this flood of evil.    See the perishing of the lost into eternity.  Know that this is not God's will nor way for men to perish, but that all would be saved.    Pray for time, opportunity and Divine favor for these days. 

We continue the call for Concerts of Prayer each month.  But realize that so much more is needed in these days, day in and day out for a constant prayer offered up on behalf of this spiritual warfare.   This is my effort to respond to the Spirit pressing sore on me to pray against this evil and these evil days.  I have given you my heart of what I see and hear.  I am asking you to help me and join me in this call for fervent prayer. 

thank you,


Started:  Jan. 20, 2020



Wednesday, January 15, 2020


"Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations"  Ezekiel 16:2

'Cause their abominations to be made known'.   Part of the Concert of Prayer is confession of sin for the nation, for the church, for families and for own lives.   Too often many will praise the Lord (usually through music, rather than pronouncing) and many will petition for revival and things bestowed by God.  Yet, never realize that sin has caused their presence before the Lord to be blighted.  God is very clear that sin must be dealt with first, then petitions and approaching Him may occur.   The church continues to a great extent to do it in error.

There are too many numerous accounts in Scripture that reveal God's attention to our sins and our relationship with Him.  They go hand in hand;  right relationship is due to right living;  broken relationship is due to sinful living.  Sin by a nation causes great provocation and wrath from God;  sins of the church cause the same.  He withdraws, He departs, He removes His Presence and His power and His will and ways from us when we allow sin to remain.   The call here is for Ezekiel to make the people know wherein their sin was and why God destroyed Israel and Judah and Jerusalem. 

Israel's sin from the split of the kingdom, Jeroboam caused Israel to sin.  Of which rebellion they never recovered, nor repented of, until God's wrath and fury came upon them and the Assyrians carried them away into captivity.  their land had been ravaged by natural disasters, by plagues and disease, and war had come and taken away their young men and women.   And only a remnant remained to be carried away into captivity. 

For Judah, their existence was stayed a while, but their sins and abominations were just as horrific before the Lord.   And you may say, 'Why?"   Because ignorance is one thing for a nation, or a person;  but for God's people we are without excuse to why our nation and churches and families are in the condition we are in.   It is only if the church responds to the Word of God revealed to God's activity toward us.  For as much as God is willing and able to restore our relationship, He waits upon us for our right response to be broken and contrite. 

"Cause us to know our sin" is a cry you may never hear from the church.  But woe to the pulpits that never pronounces it either.   God says, 'Cause them to know their abominations" that have separated us from Him.   And restore the life of pursuing Christ; the life of holiness; the life of righteousness and faithfulness before Him and in Him.   For when the sin is known, it is to be put away, repented of and removed from our time and place.   But if it continues, the sin reaps the wrath of God.   And time is an issue with the response of the nation, of the church, of loved ones.   God is gracious in His time to cause us to come back and restore.   Yet, there is a time that comes, when the last grain of sand falls through the hour glass.  Urgency & Fervency - we are in the last grains of sand in the hour glass!

God's full wrath upon our nation is imminent!   The call to fasting and prayer is not a a new wave in the church, it is God moving to restore us before its too late!   Our failure to reach prevailing status is key to this!   Just because we fast, pray, read our bibles, does not mean that we have prevailed for our nation or the state of the church.   For the Pharisees did the same thing, and we know what happened to them. "Woe to you Pharisees!"   Christ rebuked them and cursed them; and told them they were worse than the heathen and it would be better for the heathen on judgement day than them.   Is the church in the US in the same plight?   WE better discern and answer this quickly, for time is an issue.

'Cause them to know their abominations" and provoke the people to respond rightly.  For failure to respond rightly with brokenness and contrition, will cause God to respond.   And His response, determined by our response will determine our future as a nation, and our opportunity for the kingdom in these last days.   Much is at stake for eternity for the mass population.  Much is at stake for His Name sake among the nations.   WE have failed in our life time to reach holiness and pursue it.   But one more opportunity comes to restore it as it should be.    God is warning our nation and the church - "Time's Up".   What will you do in these last hours before I send another round of remedial judgements that may be our last?   While there is time today, seek the Lord, call upon His Name; sorrow before Him for the nation, for the church, for our families and for His glory.    Cause the sins to be known, that they may be put away.   Seek and find Him for it is He that is drawing us!

1.  Worship - Know God;  His Names & Attributes;  His promises; His deeds;  seek His Presence and His glory;
2.  Confession - Know our Abominations;  Lists from A - Z of sins declared and made known in the Bible that have provoked, angered and caused His fury and wrath against humanity;  and remember, the 'wages of sin is death";  sins of nation - sins of church - sins of family - sins of my heart, mind and hands;
3.   Petition/Supplication - great need for God;  lost souls; nations; church; revival; deliverance; 'in wrath remember mercy';

1.  Natural Disasters:  Australia wildfires; Philippines volcano; Puerto Rico earthquakes;  still no 7.0 but a month overdue for one;  US - tornadoes and strong storms last week;
2.  Great Evil -  suicides near a 1000 in US in two weeks of the new year;  homicides are at 562;  1st school shooting in Houston, 1 dead;   all pointing to something worse ahead coming;  Alarm still upon churches from recent church shooting in TX;   greater persecution upon Christians abroad;
3.  LGBT - agenda has stalled but know that they already have an inroad and it continues to indoctrinate the next generation;
4.  Diseases - cancers; flu/pneumonia;  unidentified Chinese illness causing death, with flu like, now in Japan;   another world wide epidemic;   STD's continue from sexual sins;
5.  Children - more horrible headlines of Brooklyn, NY and sex slave houses on the streets of US;  MD - abuse and neglect in death of young children (2); 

Greater Wrath to come since sins have not been dealt with.   Economy -- War -- plagues -- until sin is dealt with, God's wrath to still be upon us in greater judgements.   Why does the church not get this!?

--sermons last Sunday fell in suit with the above theme;   sermon at Fox's Hollow from Deuteronomy 28 - The Curses only recorded 28 min.  about 1/2 of it;  not uploaded to youtube;  Keyser Church - "God Remembered & God's Mind - Jeremiah" - uploaded to youbue;
--The Activity of God - Isaiah 16;
--A Word - Isaiah 62;  started into new chapter, first 2 verses; trying to finish chapter 61;
--Concerts of Prayer - silence!!


Started:   1/14/20

Continued:  1/15;1/18;


Saturday, January 11, 2020


Prayer Against Evil

--Identifying the Evil:
Acts of Evil - Causes & Affects

--Praying Against Affects of Evil

--Scriptures regarding this:

Deuteronomy 28:62, "left few in number";  28:63, "rejoice over you to destroy you and bring to nought"; 28:65, "Lord shall give thee a trembling heart, and failing of eyes and sorrow of mind"; 28:66, "And thy life shall hang in doubt before that . . . and shalt have none assurance of thy life. . . "

Started:   January 11, 2020

