Saturday, September 12, 2015

"An Open Letter to the Church Community"
September 12, 2015

The evil in the headlines and across our nation as greatly subsided and relinquished over the last few days.  This is no doubt a great answer to prayers that met this influx of evil from Satan and hell against our land, families and souls.  But what now?  As the pattern has gone, we pray and rally in the heat of the moment, but as soon as it begins to abate we return to the very things of flesh, carnality, neglects and sin that prompted for God to allow these judgments and punishments.  WE are such creatures of unfaithfulness and seem doomed for the path of destruction by our continued course of choices against Him. 

My burden over these years has been prevailing prayer for the power and Presence of God to come down upon HIs church and sweep the population.  The word that best describes the end result of this means of prayer is REVIVAL.  Revival, by my own personal description, means God's manifest Presence; it means God's fullness.  The reality of the church and Christianity to the greatest part of the church today is that we are 'settled upon our lees', content with just a little bit of God's Presence, just in case disaster or calamity comes.  I often regard it as the fire extinguishers red boxes which states -  'break glass in case of emergency'.  God is jealous and will not pandered to such immoral, unholy and low views of His Divine honor and glory.

This burden of prayer has led me to follow in uncharted waters of obedience to places and people that I had no idea at the time, but have a grasp now, of where it was leading.  At the center of my ministry  is Broken Before the Throne (BBtT).  We designed it in 2006 to be a prayer conference to teach/preach, gather and participate in prayer times for long protracted days.  Out of these opportunities I have continued to send to church and prayer leaders what God was saying and leading me to do.  There was also  band of others that followed and interchanged with me of about 70 that also was moved to seek in prayer the Lord's favor and leading. 

What I have seen and experienced out of these prayer times of BBtT has been marvelous for furthering the Lord's kingdom.  I know it to be right.  However, in my own 'humanistic' way, I have sought to promote and encourage BBtT upon many as the means to incorporate to get us to where I so desperately want.  All of this has been stopped at every turn.  Which always keeps taking me back to the Lord, 'what would You have me do?'  I always felt and still feel, this is right and needed.  I would see plans, other conferences and promotions and judge them that although good, not near the depth of BBtT achieved.  My response to show that we are not aiming high enough or deep enough has led to many that I am negative and my critique to harsh. 

This has led me to exist in where I am now.  My prayer ministry has continued through other means.  Throughout all this time of BBtT I pastored two small churches, now I only pastor the one.  But I took to the tech opportunites and social media to continue to promote and teach/preach on prayer.  I have three outlets that I use to do this:
1.  blog posts:  which is my blog for devotional and commentary status for those hungry and devouring the Word of God; is a blog that I use for letters, such as this, newspaper religious devotionals, addressing other issues of the day that I have sought to express the burden of the Lord on me for our nation, the state of the church and our own situations;
2.  Social media - via emails, facebook, twitter, and  'daily prayer emails' which was almost daily for a period of time, now bi-monthly to continue to teach, speak to the issues of our day by the means of our prayer lives;
3. Ustream - which is a cheap, easy means of broadcasting and streaming of sermons, appeals, and BBtT and other teachings on prayer; 

That which the Lord has revealed and spoken to me, I simply posts and promote in the hopes of it taking root and multiplying for this desired end of Revival.  It is a learning experience, of what is received and what is not, none of which I can change.  And regardless of whether I see revival or not, I must go each day and step to know that at the end of my days, I will have done that which was bidden me.  Until the goal is reached nothing short of it is acceptable to me. Thus the reason that I still do what I do and the way in which I do it.  We are running out of time, and responses are not near what they should be for the times in which we are. 

Thank you to those of you that have invested in my for this pursuit.  Thank you to those that have embraced BBtT and the other avenues that I have ventured in by faith.  Thank you to those pursuing and praying with me and for the same desired end.  Let us remain faithful to the end. 

dan biser

Sunday, September 6, 2015


September 1, 2015

Enough is enough church!!  As I left the church the other night, the fire alarms were sounding.  I drove just over 2 miles back to my house, and I passed cars and trucks, volunteer firefighters, with their red lights flashing to get to the fire house.  I saw fire trucks roaring out to the emergency and meet the need at hand.  The alarms sounded and people responded to meet the need. 

Well, for our nation, future, families, lost souls and the state of the church today, the alarms are sounding but I do not see the needed response by the church to meet the need.   I believe the need is met through prevailing prayer.  In my video on my ustream page, I spent over 50 minutes the other night to address the issues behind these alarms.  I will not spend great time here writing about them, but state them briefly for our understanding of what is happening for our needed response. 
Here is the link to that video broadcast:

I.  What is happening?
--ISIS; a continued evil group being used by Satan for death, destruction and dread;
--Planned Parenthood videos over the last weeks have shown that their butchery of innocent lives is as evil as ISIS;
--police officers being gunned down at a record pace;
--uneasiness between police and society, leading to anarchy and increased crime in many places; a vigilante stance is coming;
--county clerk, and other businesses' and workers being sued, arrested, fired for religious freedom views against homosexuality and the legalizing of this abomination;
--murder-suicides continue;
--public executions at schools, military bases, work place and on the streets;
--judgments through weather phenomena; record heat, drought, and floods;
--judgments through pestilence and disease; mumps, legionnaires disease, bubonic plague, and brain/flesh eating bacteria;

II Why is this happening?
One simple word, sin.  We know this is the reason of these judgments and great evils unfolding.  Let us see these sins mentioned by name, and by recognizing them we might be able to confess and repent and pray against these evils:
--abortion, on going legalized means for over 40 years; 60 million babies and their blood filling the land;  planned (death)parenthood has only gone one step more in their evil;
--homosexuality legalized after years/decades of tv shows laughing at it, knowing of it and now accepting of it; 'a little leaven, leavens the whole' now in our families, schools, workplace, sports and churches; transgender is the next step of evil infiltrating even now;
--murder-suicide, an epidemic across our land, filling the nation and families, communities with death and dying of the greatest sorrow and horror;  once again filling the land with blood to defile the land;
--increased with goods and have need of nothing; a very fat, self-indulging, too rich and spoiled, selfish and humanistic attitude toward life and others;
--the 4 great sins of the book of Jeremiah that Judah and Jerusalem was condemned with is now ours
1. we have forsaken the Lord:
2. we have forgotten the Lord;
3. having ears to hear we do not hear;
4. worship of false idols
--of course these are only a few mentioned, but a specific identification must be understood by the church to enter into prayer times to pray effectively;  may we be led to make these specifics known to the body, who seems to be oblivious to specific praying;

III.  What is being suggested for a solution to this?
1.  Monthly meeting of prayer for churches on the 4th Sunday of each month; during some time on this Sunday time for corporate, small group or individual times of prayer for revival, confession, worship/adoration of God, restoration of church;
2.  One other day during the month, besides Sunday to occupy for specific purpose to come together to pray against these evils and for our Lord's kingdom;
3.  Fast - a fasting of food/water/other for one time per month/or per week;
4.  Protracted meetings to meet for longer than whatever has been done before.  We sing 'Sweet Hour of Prayer' but most never pray 1 hour.  LEt us first achieve at least 1 hour in prayer and then advance to greater depths of staying before the Lord til He comes.  Protracted meetings through all night prayer meetings.  Broken Before the Throne prayer times that lasted 3 - 7 days of continual time together and prayer. 
5.  A need to pray for where deaths have occurred and beseeching the Lord for mercy and forgiveness for the blood upon the land that has defiled it.  This should take place in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis/Ferguson, New Orleans and Washington, DC to name a few that have seen record numbers of homicides.
6.  24/7 prayer chain;  devised to combat evil through prevailing prayer;  following the great 100yr. prayer meeting that 'prayed without ceasing' with Zinzendorf's group in Germany.  Ultimately to have 2 - 3 people per every hour that not one hour surrendered to Satan that has not been prayed over and prayed through. 

You are being asked to sign on to this and help promote this great response to meet the alarms that are sounding.  This is only an outline seeking to start a greater involvement, awareness and action in the face of these times of alarms.  And I am sure that there are others that are promoting and other activity that I am not aware of.  I am simply saying, that I am not aware of any direct outflow to the churches to seek for local churches, individuals, groups to counter this great rise of evil that is happening.  I would be glad to hear and know of these activities.
No response, we allow and permit Satan and his evil ways to continue to swallow up our nation and future. 

dan biser