Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A CALL TO PRAYER - my observation

This is a rough draft of my observation of what took place.  It is also my thoughts on what needs to be done following this time.    I will proof read and update as time permits



I am going to attempt to share what happeneed during this time of prayer, what needed to happen and what may be the product from this time. My observation of prayer times is definitely not the same as others. And my definitions are more critical of our approach, participation and results of such said prayer times.

1. The Overall coniditons of what took place;
I believe the final registration of this was at 177 SBC pastors. Ronnie Floyd was the over-all pastor that was led to set this up and implement such a time of prayer. This came from 5 pastors who met and visited the Billy Grahams' the Cove and upon seeing the crusade pictures and history in that place were generally moved of our great need of a revival for our day. All these pastors know that prayer is the only way in which this is to happen. And out of that moment came this event. (An event - a given place, time and happening to accomplish a direct purpose) (A Divine moment - orchestrated by God for His purposes) It is unclear yet whether this was an event or a Divine moment. I believe this will depend on our response. No doubt, God is willing and able to work out of such an event to accomplish His purposes. And it will be revealed in time whether this was a Divine moment or not. I believe we have had many an event, and missed the Divine One in His fullness for what He was wanting and longing to do. 

It is an historic moment that is without question. I have issued 'A Call to Pray' for 6 years among my brethren. The Broken Before the Throne conferences, although touted by spiritual giants as 'exactly what we need' was never embraced nor implemented among the churches, assocations, states or convention. I have issued 3 motions on the SBC floor for such moments to be embraced where we cried out to God. Only to be told through legalities that my motion was out of order, or voted down. I sat there thinking Monday night as the prayer times were happening, 'what if they would have gave heed 5 years ago? How much difference would that have made for our churches, nation, families?' But, alas, it was not heeded.  But alas, how much more shame to me, for not giving heed sooner in my life to be all to Him as well.  Ah, the endless torrment of regrets.  But to see this come to pass and so many with the same desire and burden it was a joy to know that God is able.  TW Hunt always reminded me, 'Dan, there is always a remnant.'  This was the remnant present here.  And not just here, we heard and knew of others that were praying with us and for us.  This was a wide spread happening across our nation for this 'call to pray'. 

2. I have been in, led, and participated in numerous prayer conferences, meetings, telephone conference calls, and corporate settings. So for me, the structure of what happens is important. I told Ronnie Floyd in an email when learning about this call to prayer that I was not willing to pay for a flight, hotel to come and do worship, and hear messagees and pray very little, if at all. He assured me that we would be praying and giving our time to prayer.

Breakdown of time:
Monday night - time was set for 6:30 to 10 PM - 3 and 1/2 hours for prayer;
Tuesday morning was time from 8:30 AM to Noon - again 3 and 1/2 hours; Total 7 hours to pray

Here is the general break down of how things went:
Monday night - Singing - 40 minutes Messages - 7(?) speakers, 88 minutes Prayer - 61 minutes ( 15 minutes at the very end of the evning over two with cancer - Dave and Josh Smith's wife were prayed for healing)
Tuesday morning - no singing;(thank the Lord) Messages - 5 speakers, 52 minutes; Prayer - 42 minutes;
Conclusion given to prayer for the nations and following a time giving to share what the Lord had said to them during this time.
(As you can see in the math, I don't have every minute accounted for. And again that was not my purpose, it was to gauge how much time was spent on prayer)
Out of 7 and 1/2 hours, roughly 2 hours was given to prayer;

3. How was the praying?
--there was humilty; men got down on their knees and some prostrate; a very refreshing time;
--the praying was correct, praying rightly; it was not humanistic, or religious, but urgent, desperate and with passion;
--everybody there was participating, unity was experienced in this; WE all sensed and knew why we was there.
--there was worship, confession, pleading, supplications, petitions and thanksgiving;
--coverage of the prayers topics included - pastors, churches, nation, nations, and pleading for revival;
--there was tears, sorrow and great longing of desire;  Tears, not fostered, or emotinoal, but pure heart of spiritual are great revealer of God in the midst. 

4. What was missing that I was looking for?
--a 'crying out' - I have been in those prayer times, and there was a fullness of those gathered they everyone knew their high offense against God and pleaded for His mercy; weeping and sorrow for our failures; a labor of travilaing in prayer was in essence of what I was looking for; And it seemed everytime prayer was offered and there was a ' spirit of prayer' from the one praying, that it ws immediately broken by the music and they went to singing. I believe that in a spirit of prevailing prayer needs to be maintained and continous til we 'punch' through to His glory. I believe that the start/stop method does not allow for a 'pray withou ceasing'. Actually it such start/stop praying 'restrains' the Spirit of God.
--'we are here til it comes' attitude; 'Go into Jerusalem and wait until you be enuded' no one asked how long, they just did it. We have the 'fighting up stream' problem of being too busy, and schedules. This time was so needed and the call for it was great. But our time restraint hurts us in pursuing. We have all faced the task of how to deal with this. 
The word that is often removed from prayer meetings or prayer time is 'protracted prayer times'.  Which is extended periods of time before the Lord.  How short, how quick, how faint are most prayer times today.  They are little, therefore they accomplish little.  And we just can't or won't do it. And with our predicament upon us, it may be the needed time to finally get to that place - "Lord, I'm not leaving till you come'.  Soemone quoted Jonathan Edwards 'call to pray' book title, and in that title is the key, 'extraordinary'. 
Such protracted and extraordianry prayer times is the Divine answer for prevailing in prayer.

5. What did I take away from this time of prayer?
Ronnie asked several to share what God was saying to them during this time. Most of those was good to hear.
AS many of you know, I keep a notebook with me at all times to write down what the Lord is saying, so I don't forget or miss it. Too many times I have missed it and later forgotten because I didn't write it down.
1. At 9 pm last night Steve Gaines was leading in prayer and he was confessing sins of pastors - pride, identity, discontent jealousy, envy and unbelief; During this prayer time as I was searching the Lord spoke to me on my own heart, my own self, my own sins - 'I will not protect you anymore' - a stark rebuke for me to quit playing games and no the high costs of any and all sins in my thoughts, ways, actions, words and deeds

2. The second time of prayer at 9:33 following James Merritt;
I think the one biggest struggle I have in my own personal walk, prayer and spiritual understanding is 'Time'; And again, the one thing I know I need to do more of but have not done, is 'ONe thing to die too - Time'; it is not my time, but Yours O Lord.
I thought much about this throughout the rest of the night - Time! How it stung over and over like a snake bit, a bee sting - wasted time, foolish time, gesturing on time but all of it lost for vanity and self. I thought of the man in Zion, Illinois that Ravenhill mentioned Rex Andrews that prayed for 30 years from 10 Pm to 5 am interceding for the united States and died Feb. 1 1976 when Jimmy Carter took over. WE have been in free fall ever since then. OH, I know things were going down since the 1950's, but we released the emergency break in 1976 and started to free fall then. I'm not going to argue it, its just a fact. And probably more so, it is becasue it is my lifetime. I can't answer for the 50's because i wasn't born yet. But I can answer for the 80's to present. And I will answer before the Lord. 'What did you do with what time I gave you, while you was there?' Woe is me!!
If none pleads, I will plead. I will not allow for the Lord to speak His truth, 'I sought for a man but could not find one'. while I have breath. This is my greatest passion and longing.

What needs to happen now?
This spirit of prayer needs to continue in greater opporutnities and settings.
It was said several times this is what the SBC convention needs to look like. Did I not make a motion the last 3 out o fthe last 5 years? Did I not work with presidnets, executive committee and parlimentarian to do it right? Did I not appeal that it needed done after the convention business hours were done at 9 PM? There are numerous ways this could be done. But are they talking? or are they serious about it being done?
Pastor's Conferece - time can be built within the conference for not only sound, Spirit filled preaching, but also time of corporate prayer; and if that is not enough to really devleop a time to pray then proceed at 9 PM on Sunday and Monday night to 'cry out'. Especially on Monday night before the convention begins. If we prevail Monday night, the convention will be different all the way around.
SBC Convention - business and parlimentary procedures must be done; however, I believe it to be foolish to have that many pastors and convention leaders together and not pray. What a waste of time and opporutnity! Excuses - 'we have meetings', 'we have fellowship time' Hey folks, the nation is sinking, the church is imploding and families are exploding - its time to make the main thing the main thing. Pray while we are together. This is why they call it 'extraordianry prayer' for such seasons and such a time as this!
And as I have said before the SBC wants to seek and get God's blessing on our agendas.  But how can the Lord be glorified and bless sin.  Yes we need to confess before the Lord. We have not been the people God wanted us to be. We need to acknoweldge this, repent, confess and plead with the Lord for all our pride, humanism and selishness. Many a pastor, leader, and memeber do not know what it is to be specific in confession.  This time together allows for it to be so.

Conclusion - This was a great time. A Needed time. It accomplished a good format to present a need before us. We all knew why we was there. There was no lack of clarity of our situation in this day and time. That same passion in all of us is needed for more to join.
