Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Praying in the midst of spiritual conflict with Satan, hell and sin.

We see it all around us and in us, it is the presence of evil.  It is the thing that condemns men to hell, for in following after evil they reject God's grace and mercy.  And for the Christian it is the one thing our Lord never allowed nor permitted in His Own self while here on this earth or reigning in heaven.  Christ died to undo evil and deliver men from it.  Therefore, Christians that have embraced Christ and all His ways hate evil and desire to see it undone.

Now in ourselves as the church and as individuals, we have no power to undo evil.  'Why could we not cast the demon out?'  was the question that the disciples asked Jesus when they was confronted by a demon possessed child and could not remove the demon from the boy.  Perhaps they was trying in their own flesh and stength, but they had cast out demons before.  But Jesus said, 'this kind can come forth but nothing but prayer and fasting'. 

This was direct and specific instructions by Christ to His discplies in engaging in this conflict, this war against evil. 

Purpose:  the purpose of all things is for God to be glorified and His kingdom to come and be done on earth as it is in heaven

Satan is set to undo all that brings glory to God.  He hates God and all things that glorify Him, including us and the church as a whole.  He sets himself against it, not to limit it or defame it, but to destroy and annihlate it.  Who stands against our enemy and this onslaught for all that is holy, and good and right?  We are called to serve our Lord's purposes and be glorified.  But if there is none that takes up this warfare, then Satan wins and our Lord is not glorified, but we 'give an occassion against Him'.  'Choose you this day Whom/whom you will serve?'  Therein lies your purpose for living, loving and serving. 

Where is the conflict at?

There are numerous locations where this battle takes place.  WE see instances of this in Scripture, as well as all around us.  Let us examine a few:
Conflict in heaven, before the throne of God:
1.  in the story of Job, Satan must appear before God, this is not the first time, but we learn a continual thing.  He who is under Him must appear and give an account to Him.  'Where have you been?'  And here before the throne of God, not once, but twice, the very witness and soul of Job is the prize of this battle.  Satan sought to destroy him, God sought to deliver and be glorified in all of it.  And the end result?  'In all this, Job sinned not. . .in all this, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away blessed be the Name of the Lord.'  HE was glorified!

2.  Again before the throne of God, we read that there Satan is 'accusing the brethren' against Joshua the high priest.  There he stood bringing railing accusations against the Lord's anointed.  Once again, God silences our accuser and robes us in His righteouseness.  What can Satan say against the perfect righteousness of our Lord and Savior?  God is glorified in His Own right hand of salvation. 

3.  Two other passages in Scripture tells us of Satan's activity against us before the throne of God.  I Timothy 4:13, 'the accuser of the brethren'.  and also in Revelation 12:10, 'the accuser of our brethren'.  Accusing not for correction, or for edification or for reproof, but to destroy our witness and walk for the Lord. 

Conflict in earth:
1.  The garden of Eden, Satan entered to destroy creation of God.  There he engaged in battle for Eve's and mankinds existence. 

2.  a lying spirit in the prophets for the destruction of King Ahab.  Satan is the father of lies, and we know this to be him, who would seduce lies out of the prophets to destroy Ahab in the battle. 

3.  Satan entered to tempt Christ during the forty days of fasting in the wilderness with 3 temptations.  God was glorified as Christ overcame all temptations. 

4.  It is not mentioned of Satan's direct presence in the garden of Gethsemanne, but there was much wrestling there of flesh and spirit.  Conclusion, 'nevertheless not My will be done, but Thy will be done.' 

5.  'Our enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walking about seeking whom he may devour'.   This is also demonstrated in the account of Job.  'Where have you been?" the Lord asked Satan.  He replied, 'walking to and fro throughout the earth'. 

Conflict in the mind, heart and soul of men:
1.  'And Satan entered into him. . .'

2.  Judas, the son of perdition, the son of the damned was sealed by Satan's devices and means to betray Christ.  Thus, sealing the death of Christ and the destruciton of the soul of Judas for all eternity. 

3.  My name is Legion, for we are many.  We see numerous accounts of demonic entering of demons into mankind.  their work is simple, it is to destroy the life and lives being impacted of the one that they possess.  They seek to fight against God's kingdom and His good works.  They speak lies, to undo truth; they cast forth darkness to shroud the Light of the world.

How has Satan worked?

We see Satan, as all things, consistent in many of his actions to destroy and undo God's good works.  Lies, whether half-truths or whole deceptions is a main-stay of his to lead men away from truth and right. 

How is Satan working now?

It has been within the last 100 years of the United States history that we hav seen such a huge rise in Satanic power and dominance over the lives, thoughts and ways of our nation.  This is also demonstrated in churches and religion.  For decades there has been the patient, contemplating attacks of Satan to undo a nation to destruction.  Again, Satan's devices is for one purpose, to destroy.  In destroying this nation, there is lost a great resource for Israel, for world-wide missions, including people, money, technology and advancement.  He sees us as one of his greatest needs of dominance to stop the kingdom's business for God's glory. 

Let us examine some of these things that are under attack presently:

1.  Probably one of the greatest battles right now, or at least at one of the fronts of this war is the war on marriage.  God ordained 'a man to leave his father and mother and cling to his wife.'  To destroy the ordained, sacred marriage edict by God, Satan seeks to corrupt and defile it by permitting and allowing for same sex marriage as well as 'co-habit' homes.  The Supreme Court is set to rule on this and it may become the law of the land, simply a another decisive victory in his pursuit. 

Also, in Virigina they are set to pass a law that would remove from the law books, punishment to those that live together outside of marriage.  Three states still have laws that condemn living together, which is the sin of fornication.  We have also seen the govenrment bless two income homes, apart from married couples with one income.  All these are tatics of Satan to erode away the sacred head of marriage.

2.  Drugs - probably one of the fastest rising death chambers for our nation;  I'm sure there are other more accurate stats out there but here is what I have got: 
11,000 drug overdoses in 1999 (24 yrs. old and younger) this does not reflect older adults;
20,000 in 2004;
24,000 in 2006;
28,000 in 2007;
36,459 in 2008;
and they say that it is doubling in most recent years, putting us near 100,000 deaths per year;
Satan seeks to destroy, and he is.  Do you realize how vast this impact is on families and those left behind to deal with this assualt of sin?

And thinking that intelligent men would see this epidemic and respond, they refuse to see.  No doubt, God has withheld their wisdom, and sight, 'having eyes to see and cannot see'.  Now we are left with them encouragin the drug culture by legalizing drugs in several states most recently.  This will only see to destroy our nation faster and reach deeper in the younger generation. 

3.  As they pass laws to leglaize homosexuality and drug useage, we see a greater influence of evil on society in legalizing and permitting the practice of it.  A blessing, so to say, by tthe governement, for our own eradication.  This is the plight of Satan's pawns in government in legislatures, judicial and executive positions of president, govenors, and such that throw up the doors to evil and say, 'Partake'. 

4.  Age restrictions were held in check for numerous years against such practices of alcohol, drugs, porn, tobacco, gambling and other evil ways.  But restrictions cannot be rightly enforced, maintained.  So we will see age restrictions lowered and restraints removed.  Our children have already begun to have their 'age of innocence and naive' removed.  We now have 3 -5 year old chidlren seeing death, drugs and sin at its worst of hell.  And again, Satan's tatics are to undo a nationa nd destroy it from within and without.  This is from within, our own self-destruction.  Children see it earlier and earlier and they are more prone to fall prey to it and in it.  Thus capturing the hope and future of our nation and the church.  This is a great battle for our children right now, and a few more years and this battle front will all but be claimed by hell.

5.  Generations eroding away - Satan is being able to remove entire generatiosn from our existence.  Abortion has claimed 55 million babies over 40 years of evil.  This is an entire generation, 1/6 of our population. 

6.  Jails are filled with repeated and generational offenders.  No remedy for them as they are filled to capacity and have to early release many.  These demon filled people return to their sin after their release.  'As the dog returns to its vomit, so they return to their sin and shame'.  And usually it continues to include more and more souls and deeper and deeper repercusssions upon the landside. 

7.  Spiritual disciplines removed - here is another battle front that Satan is claiming faster and faster.  Where is the prophets?  Where is the anointed ones?  Satan has built a soceity that erodes time and engery toward the things of God.  Now this is not about lost souls, already claimed by Satan for hell.  This is about the children of God, and their personal accountability with God.  Less time and knoweldge fo the Word of God, less time in prayer, less lives in holiness and this allows for the power of God to be quenched and restrained by our own willfulness indisobedience and neglect.  Asleep in that which would sustain and deliver us.  Much time in entertainment, self-indulgence and sports that restricts from having energy or time with intimacy with Him.  This is a sin of neglect.  And one that has costs us dearly in fighting the battles of our Lord.  Satan has caused us to settle down, become content and at ease while a world perishes.  Where much is given, much is required!

8.  Time, thought captured by Satan - it is discerned that Satan does not have the power to read our thoughts;  but he does have the power to tempt in our thoughts;  And we are left with a battle of our minds and wills.  In this conflict, we either give time to holiness or time to self and sin.  The results of this is reflected in many fo these other battles we have already gone through.  Much for God, much for holiness and in power;  much for self, much in sin and in weakness.  Satan plays the game of distratcions, limitations, and restraitns for he knows that the soul that is moved to do more for God is a huge opportunity for Christ's victory and defeat for him.  So he sets about to stop this before it happens.  We are not very prone to understand these things and quicly fall short.

9.  Geographical locations - there are certain places on a world map that indicate the advancements of hell; 
--the 10/40 window; a huge population of billions of souls in jeopardy of hell fire forever;  it is a highly contested area in this battle;  Satan has dominated the governments and earthly institutions to minimize the advancement of the Word of God and the servants of the Lord.  He has done this through persecution, the government regimes (Islamic revolutions, anti-west governemtns, etc.) deep seated evil in false religions and cultures for centuries;
--Europe and North Amercia - has the sin of 'thou art increased in goods and have need of nothing', no, not even God;  we have left our first love and forsaken that which was the good way;  great revivals, great men of God throughout the last several hundred years all erased in our lifetime because of this neglect and allowance for Satan to have his will and way;
--Africa - from the time of DAvid Livingstone, right on through present day need, this contient is still in the crux of a major battle for dominance of hell or heaven; literally divided between the Northern Africa given place to Islam and its dominance vs. the souther tier with influences of Christinaity;  civil wars, overthrows, demonic assualts are all its make up;  its very future hangs in the balances in these next few years

What is the command upon the church in engaging in this conflict?

As much as it is wrestling against Satan and his evil plans and devices.  'Tearing down stronholds' of him who is set against us.  We are to pray for the advancement of God's kingdom through God's means. 
--'The harvest is white, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore, for laborers to be raised up.'  Pray for the advancment of holy, empowered, obedient men and women of God to go forth. 
--'this kind can come forth but nothing, but by prayer and fasting';  pray and fast often for the victory and power in the Spirit;
--Christ restrained Satan on all 3 temptaions by quoting Scripture; know the Word of God to undo the works of Satan;
--'Take time to be holy' make sure you spend more time with God than with man;
--Be engaged; all hands are needed;  It is not the time for quitting.  Anyone can quit.  But Christ has said and pronounced blessings on 'him that overcometh'.  Be an overcomer for your Lord.

Friday, January 25, 2013



Absolute need to avoid the 'Wrath of God' is to learn 'why' the Lord has been 'provoked'. 
We know the very basic  cause of the Lord's anger in beinb provoked is our choice to sin.  We allow it, we engage in it, we choose it, we permit it, we embrace it and worst yet, we love it.  For I am convinced that if we truly hated sin, disobeidence unto the Lord and wickedness, near or far, as so many Christians say they do, they would not allow any of the things previously mentioned to be in place. 

and even though there be a multitude of verses that declare the wrath of God, it is literally the farthest thing from the mind of God's people today.  It is happening all around us. But where is the proper response to the wrath being poured out?  'It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God."

Is it? Do we understand this?  Are we seeking to stay out of His hands when He is angry toward us and with us?  If this be so, then why would a people, His Own people, we ourselves provoke Him to anger? 
None of this makes sense.  Unless we accept the begining premise, we don't believe in the 'wrath of God'. 

Why don't we believe in the 'Wrath of God'?

There are several reasons to consider for this. 
1.  We don't know God.  This truth continues to be more and more revealed in God's Own people being ignorant of Him and His ways.  They have a mindset which is foreign to the Word of God.  They spend no time with Him in private, secret fellowship.  They have no recorded visitation or set pattern in their life to reveal, 'Look at what God did here or there.'  They are left with half-truths, which Satan manipulates and distorts.  And they are left with error, speaking for God and on behalf of God even though it to be in direct opposite of what God has said about Himself and revealed about Himself.  'For as high as the heavens are above the earath so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'

2.  Closely related to not knowing who God is, is the absence of the Word of God.  I have always been taught to read the Word, memorize the Word, give time to know it.  To listen and read authors, preachers and teachers who expouded the Word so fully.  NOt from their own intellect, but you knew they had been alone with God to hear a special insight and word from it to share. 
But lately what I have seen devleoping is a complete disconnect between preacher, teachers and laymen in churches to the Word of God.  They don't even know Bible characters, events, history or lessons to glean from it.  It is optional to them of whether they read, study and memorize it.  So many millions in the world don't even have the Word of God.  So many in generations ago, gave their life to preserve and proclainm and publish the Word of God.  Now, we have every access to read, hear, learn, and glean and still have people disassociated with the Word of God.
The end result is a people who have no personal relationsbhip with God, nor do they know what the Bible teaches them about God, His works, His Name, His attributes or His ways.  They cannot understand that the God of the Bible is the same God today, because they don't know what God did in His Word.  Malachai, "I am the God Who changes not".  the attribute is 'immutable' - meanign to change not.  Oh, how we need to learn this quickly!

3.  With this absence of the Word of God and a knowledge about God, we are unable to discern and apply current events of our world in association with and direct response to the Word.  Things are happening today in our headlines, but due to our ignorance of the Word, people do not see the connection nor know the relevance.  This is very dangerous in knowing what is coming and the severity of God's anger.

4.  It is not preached nor taught.  there are numerous teaching classes in churches covering a wide range of things that 'help' or provide 'how to' to every situation in our life.  But, I believe, that there are very fundamental issues missing from Bible study.  Most study out of the humanist thinking, 'what's in this for me' mentality.  The old preacher said it, 'it's not what you can get out of God, but what can He get out of you.' 

when was the last sermon you heard on 'the wrath of God'?  When was the last Bible study you attended that covered God's reaction and response to men's sin?  Very few men, churches bring forth the complete view of Scripture.  Most are looking for a gimmick to keep the people or bring them in. 

Let us look at a few instances of Scripture to reveal Who God is, and what He did in relationship to His Own people. 

Exodus 22 - one of the first times used in expressing God's anger toward Israel after the Exodus from Egypt;  v. 24, "And My wrath shall wax hot and I will kill you with the sword. . ."
--this is God speaking that His wrath will be kindled and He will pour it out;
--the cause of His anger being hot against His Own people was if they afflicted and hurt the orphan and widow;  God protects the helpless;  It is a severe punishment if they cry out to Him for help.  He will kill the guilty with the sword.

Exodus 32 - the children of Israel had sinned a great sin in Aaron making the golden calf and the people sinning in worship, frolic, drunkness, and folly against God;  God responds to Moses of His anger in the following verses:
v. 10, "let Me alone, that My wrath may wax hot against them, and I will consume them in a moment"
v. 11, Moses intercedes, "Why does Thy wrath wax hot against them?"  He knew why, yet he was beseeching the Lord for mercy and grace;
v. 12, Moses continues, "Turn from Thy fierce wrath and repent of this evil agianst Thy people'
--God was going to consume them for this evil of creating and worshipping a false god.  Moses interceded, and God gave ear and place to his prayer for mercy and turning away from His fierce wrath to consume the people.
--God was justified in His anger toward them, just as He is toward us today; 'the wages of sin is death' and that truth has not changed;  God is merciful, forgiving and willing to make a way of restoration; Yet when God's own people make such folly their way of life and reject Him and His favor, then they face His wrath and anger.
--But to not realize it, means that's God anger and provoked to wrath continues.  We are much in this same place.

Deuteronomy 1:32, "Yet in this thing ye did not believe in the Lord your God." 
--do you see this truth revealed, 'Ye did not believe in the Lord YOUR God'?  There very own God they did not believe in.  It is understandable to not believe in someone else's god, but when it is your own God, and you cannot believe, what an high offence against the God Who brought them out of Egypt and showed them all the mighty plagues of Egypt and miracles in the wilderness of water out of a rock, the Red Sea, manna on the ground for food.  'But without faith it is impossible to please God'. 
--And for us it is the same.  All the promises, directives given to us in the Scriptures, and we are so full of doubts, fears and unbelief.  In Mark 9, 'I believe, but help thou my unbelief', was an open, honest confession of the father to Christ.  Yet how rare to hear it today of God's Own people, that they really don't believe Him or in Him.
1:34, "And the Lord heard the voice of your words, and was wroth . . .
--Be careful of your thoughts and words, for God sees and hears all;  And again His anger is provoked by their unbelief.  God is fulfilling that which He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the people are stopping Him from fulfilling His Word and promise by their unbelief and sin. 
Oh, brethren, be not guilty of such an act also.  It costs them 40 years in the wilderness and death.  for all those above 20 yrs. old, died in the wilderness forr their unbelief.  Again, 'the wages of sin is death'.

Deuteronomy 1:37, "And the Lord was angry with me for your sakes"
--Moses disobeyed the Lord and provoked God's anger and judgment;  He was commanded to speak to the rock, but in his anger he doubted and struck it.  Thus, He provoked God to judge him, and again even though God is merciful, loving, and gracious, He will not tolerate disobedience.
--'Isn't it a little sin? speaking to the rock vs. striking it?' I have heard many Christians ask this.  What?  Have you not learned yet, He will not permit disobedience in His Own people.  Isn't this what Satan did? And lead a hosts of angels against God.  Isn't this sin the same as murder and adultery that crucified Christ and made Him endure all the punishment and wrath?  A little sin?  There is no such thing.  Banish the thought and lies of Satan to make you think of justifying any sin.  It all has a price.

Deuteronomy 1:41, "We have sinned. . .we will go up and fight"
--But it was too late.  confession to sin, and ownership is needful and right, but not always able to undo the acts of sin and rebellion, as in this case;  They had crossed the line with their unbelief and God was provoked and would not lead them into the promised land.  How can you go unless He is leading?  How can you win against the enemy unless He is protecting and helping? 
There is no victory.
v. 43, "but ye would not hear, but rebelled against the commandment fo the Lord and went presumptuously "
--The folly continues.  First, they heard, but they would not believe and obey.  Now they don't hear and still won't obey.  A greater condemnation is upon them, 'rebellion'.  'For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft', which the Lord considered an abomination.
Are we here?  Is this our plight?  Is this our testimony?  have we learned nothing more than they do go up and evangelize, start churches, make disciples, converts and yet God is not with us? 

Deuteronomy 3:26, "But the Lord was wroth with me for your sakes, would not hear me:  and the Lord said unto me, Let it suffice thee; speak no more unto me of this matter."

Deuteronomy 4:3, "The Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you"  we see here the final end of those that disobeyed the Word of the Lord and followed after Baal-peo.  Do we not see the same for all those that forsake the good and right way in God for the things of sin and self?    There is nothing at the end of that road but destruction. 

Deuteronomy 4:21

Deueronomy 4:24

Deuteronomy 4:26

Deuteronomy 4:27

Deuteronomy 4:31

Deuteronomy 4:40

Deuteronomy 6:15

Deuteronomy 7:4

Deuteronomy 7:10

Deuteronomy 8: 19, 20

Deuteronomy 9:7







9:23, 24

9:25, "as I fell down at the first; because the Lord had said He would destroy you"  And this must be our response and reaction to fall before the Lord.  Can we afford for Him to say, 'I will destroy you' before we respond?  We already know that these things are bringing us to this place, let us respond now, rather than later. 

9:26, "I prayed therefore unto the Lord. . . destroy not Thy people . . ."  The prayer of intercession to stop the destruction of an entire nation.  Again, the mandate spoken and shared, 'He is going to destroy the people'.  And God looks for a man or woman to stand in the gap.

9:27, "look not unto the stubbornness of this people, nor to their wickedness, nor to their sin"  Three things that caused this fierce wrath of God against His Own people.  stubbornness, wickedness and sin.  Three things that plague us and we have continued in for many decades now. 

9:28, "because He hated them, He hath brought them out to slay them"  What would cause God to ahte?  And what does God hate?  Is it not sin?  Yes, it has always been that God hated those things that were anti-God, that seeks to undo His works of mercy and grace.  And we know the tragedy of sin, 'the wages of sin is death'.  God's wrath poured out on those that He hates to destroy and consume them. 

10:10, "and the Lord hearkened unto me at that time also, and the Lord would not destroy thee"  We see it mounting of Moses telling the people how great their wickedness and sin against the Lord.  So much so that He was going to destroy them.  Is this the God of love and forgivenness?  No, He is God, but we also see that God is angry with the wicked and will consume them in a moment. 

11:5, " how the Lord hath destroyed them unto this day"  This was God fighting for Israel when the Egyptians pursued after them.  God destroyed them in the Red Sea.  As He will destroy all those that oppose Him and His church.

11:6, "And what He did unto Dathan and Abiram. . . .how the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up"  these that had raised themselves up against Moses and against Aaron and the Word of the Lord, God caused a new thing to be done in destruction.  The ground opened up and swallowed them all and all that was pertaining unto them.  Oh, the high costs of going against the Lord. 

11:16-17, "Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; v. 17, And then the Lord's wrath be kindled against you. . . and lest ye perish quickly"  They turn aside to false gods.  They reject the Lord and His commandments.  They do not take heed nor give thought to their wicked ways.  And God's response to such actions from His Own people is to pour out His wrath upon them and consume them.  God gave them clear commandments; God gave them prophets and teachers to teach and instruct them in the right way; God gave His Spirit to lead us and guide us in the good way.  And yet, out of all that God has done, we see the consistency of men to turn away from God and embrace evil and sin of rebellion.  Is there no end to it in my heart? in the heart of my loved oens? in the heart of the church?  in the heart of a nation? 

11:21, "Your days may be multiplied and the days of your children. . .as the days of heaven upon the earth"  This is a blessing verse for obedience and faithfulness.  These verses also instruct us towards God's wrath and punishment.  It is the paradox of His ways.  In obedinece unto the Lord, He blesses our days and our children's days.  But the opposite of that is just as true, in disobedience unto the Lord, He shortens our days and the days of our children.  And they are not days of heaven on earth, but days of hell on earth

11:28, "And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord"  A curse?  Who can possibly withstand a curse from God?  No man shall receive grace or mercy that seeks to continue in provoking Him and turning aside from His right ways.  Too many today want it both ways, but this cannot be.  It is either blessing or cursing, it is either for the Lord or against the Lord.  A curse is pronounced from the Lord and we know that His words are truth and not lies.  that which He has pronounced shall be and woe unto that one who receives the curse from the Lord.  Remember the fig tree that Jesus cursed, and it whithered up from the roots and never lived again.  And so is the curse of the Lord upon souls that disobey and reject His rightoues ways.  Be careful my soul of these truths that they not be said of my heart, my thoughts and my ways. 

12:30, "Take heed to thyself that thou be no snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee"  The 'take heed's' are ever so important in this day and age.  Here in these verses of this chatper 12 is God removing the wicked false gods and ways of the heathn.  They have been destroyed and removed.  You would think all is well and good.  But no, there is a warning not to allow for these things to return.  Satan finds a way to reinstitute wickedness in the ways of men.  He sets the snares to entrap, allure, and make captive to his wicked ways.  He is a great hunter of souls and has snared millions upon billions in his evil ways.  Why?  because men did not take heed to that which was destroyed or will be destroyed by God. His wrath destroys. 

13:17, "and there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to thine hand:  that the Lord may turn from the fierceness of His anger. . . "  The end of this verse is the promised hope of being obedient and faithful.  But our focus of this letter is the anger, wrath and destruction of the Lord against sin and the sinner.  He sets Himself against those that allow for the cursed things of sin, disobedience and self to cling to them and their life.  Thsi provokes the Lord and it is cursed by the Lord.  His anger rages against such defiance.  For they that knew better did not do better.  And in these moments His anger goes forth to consume, destroy and remove men from the earth.  Without someone to intercede it is fulfilled.  There needs to be one that seeks God's mercy in the midst of wrath.

28:45, "Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee and shall pursue thee and overtake thee til thou be destroyed becuase thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lord thy God"  A culmination again of all that God has pronounced coming to pass upon the soul, the people that forsake God's Word and willfully disobey Him for self.  'Til thou be destroyed' comes from the wrath of God upon a people that give no ear to Him. 

28:48, "

Deuteronomy 13:17, "And there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to thine hand:  that the Lord may turn from the fierceness of His anger, and shew thee mercy. . . "
--the cursed thing of sin is upon us; blood is upon our hands; uncleanness is upon our hands - the world, self, lusts evil;  our hands are defiled
--If the Lord has to turn from His fierceness of His anger, that means that it is already in place and acitve among us and upon us;
--His attributes are still the same and leading of grace and mercy and long-suffering;

Judges 2:11, "And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim; v. 12 And they forsook the Lord God. . .and followed other gods. . . and provoked the Lord to anger"  The Lord responds to the clear disboedience and rebellion of His people in leaving Him for sin.  God's response is always the same.  He has compassion and mercy and willing to forgive, but sin provokes His anger and then there is a response to be dealt with.

Judges 2:13, "And they forsook the Lord and served Baal and Ashtaroth. v. 14 And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel. . .v. 15 The hand of the Lord was against them for evil. . ."  So highly had the Lord instructed them time and time again not to fall prey to the gods of the nations that had been destroyed before them.  Baal continued to be the affliction to their souls and posterity throughout the Old Testament.  Ashtaroth was one of the cities conquered, and only a title of evil of a false god aligns with it.  They went after these false gods and provoked the Lord to anger.  There is never any good that can come from provoking the Lord God Almighty.  Yet, it seems they and we are consistent in doing that very thing. 

Judges 2:20, "and the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel. . .because. . ."  The provocation of the Lord is stated why is angry with them.  His anger rages against the sinfulness of men.  It is ultimately found against sin, but sinners sin.  This is stated that His anger is against His Own people.  Then how much more of those who never entered into covenant and relationship with Him?  "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God"

Judges 3:7, "And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and forgat the Lord their God, and served Baalim and the groves. v. 8 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel. . ."  Three trasngressions are listed against Israel, each one carrying a huge penalty of sin in provoking the Lord.  As if it was not bad enough for them to do evil in His sight, they forgot Him; and if it was not bad enought to forget the Lord Who did so much for them they went and served Baal and the other groves.  It is no wonder then that the next verses following we read the repeated, consistent, immutable holy God's response, His anger waxed hot against them. 

Judges 4:1, "And the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord. . .v. 2 And the Lord sold them. . ."  We see 'cause and effect' here again demostrated in the consistency of both God and man.  Men sin, God responds.  His anger and wrath against sin is fierce.  a key word in these verses that I gave is 'again' they sinned.  The repeated offender faces a deeper wrath of God each time.  And too many it seems are doomed never to learn nor change. 

Judges 10:6, 7, "And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord and served Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods o Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsook the Lord; and served not Him." v. 7 And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and He sold them. . ."  The deepening of their sin is before us!  Before they served one god, then two, now a whole hosts of gods.  The added transgression of forsaking the Lord and disobedience to serve Him.  thus, God requites their iniquity and sells them into slavery to the Philistines and Ammonites.  Duration of timing

I Samuel 5:6, "But the hand of the Lord was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and He destroyed them and smote them "  Here is the hand of the Lord going out against the Philistines for having the ark and placing it near and among their false gods.  At the end the ark is returned, but not before God shows and demonstrated that He is the Lord God and there is none other.  A clear sign that God's hand goes out against 'those that hate Him and He will repay them to their face.'

I Samuel 6:19, "And He smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord. . .the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter"  They knew not to touch the ark, let alone look into it.  Even though this verse does not use the words or language of 'wrath', 'anger' or 'destroyed' as we have seen throughout this Scripture listing, nevertheless, we see that God was provoked to anger and destroyed them due to their disobedience of looking into the ark.  They knew it, yet they did not obey it.  'To him that knoweth to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.'
Woe to such a people that take lightly sin.

II Samuel 6:7, "And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah"  Uzza died on the spot, because God struck him dead for touching the ark.  They had placed the ark on a cart, which was strictly prohibited.  They were to carry it on their shoulders with staves, not a cart.  When the cart hit a rough patch, it stumbled.  And innocently, Uzza tried to steady it from falling.  But it was an act of disobedience, that had already been warned, no man to touch the holy ark.  He died as a result of disobedience.  'the wages of sin is death'

II Samuel 24:1, "And again the anger of the Lord ws kindled against Israel. . ."  God, it says, moved David to number the people so that His wrath and judgment might fall on them.  And at the last of it, the holy site for the temple was found and secured.  There is much mystery with this chapter.  I can see at the end of it, that God's purposes was to gain the place for the temple.  There is much throughout Scripture that revels around this holy site. 

'And again. . '  it is the repeated response of God toward His people due to their rebellion and sin.  And how often it is said of Israel: 'again they murmured'; and 'again they sinned against Him'.  And we are no different.  How many times has it been revealed by the pricking of the Holy Spirit, 'Again, I find you here and in this sin?'  Again, we come to Him to ask for forgiveness, 749,863 times, guilty of repeating.  It shall all be revealed in eternity of our 'again' sins. 

II Kings 13:3, "And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel"
it had been a continuation of the kings of Israel being evil.  They continued to 'provoke the Lord' to anger with their sins.  And God responds.  He delivered them in that hands of their enemies.  They was pressed sore for their sin.  and although God had mercy upon them, to not allow them to be completely destroyed, needless to say, they were much reduced in numbers.  We read this constantly through the study of the Kings, 'they did evil in the sight of the Lord'. 

II Kings 17:11, "And there they burnt incense in all the high places, as did the heathen whom the Lord carried away before them: and wrought wicked things to provoke the Lord to anger."

this is the conclusion of the children of Israel.  They had practiced evil since the kingdom had been split and Jeroboam had reigned.  Over 200 years of continual provoking the Lord.  God's hot anger against them had punished them, afflicted them, departed from them; all in the hopes that they would understand their sin had separated them from the Lord.  And in that hope they would return to the Lord, repent and renew their vows to Him with all their heart.  But alas, it never happened.  And here in this chapter 17, there is the beginning of the end for Israel because of their sin against the Lord in idols, fasle sacrifices, sending their children through the fire and forsaking the Lord God and His commandments. 
The phrase, 'wrought wicked things to provoke' is an unusual phrase not used before (that I can find).  It is the nature of the 'continuation of evil' in man that we see at its fullest here.  The progression of sin away from God, more self and ultimately given over to wicked things.  They 'wrought wicked things' of evil in their family, in theier country, in their religion, in their thoughts, in their actions; it became their consuming passion to pracitice evil.  Does this not register with us? 

II Kings 17:17, "And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger."

The continual pracitce to walk contrary unto the Lord, even though they knew better.  All of this is, of course, is leading to their ultimate demise.  It truly is a a marvel to read of their actions and know where this heading.  And yet, so many in the church today, read this, and wonder, how could they do such things?  And the real question is, 'how can we do such things, and not expect the same wrath from God on our nation, family, church and individual lives.'  We are on the same path as they, steam rolling to destruction for our actions and reactions.

II Kings 17:18, "Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of His sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only."

And one of the few times in scripture that these two words are put together in describing God, 'very angry'.  We have seen the continual phrase, 'they provoked Him'; 'He was angry'; but to see that phrae, 'very angry' should resound within us of its severity.  So sever was it that He not only punished them, worked against them, but removed them out of His sight.  Do you understand the depths of being removed out of His sight?  Is this not hell in itself?  out of God's presence? 

And HE removed them that there was not that remained in the promised land, just as He had said woudl happen if they forsook Him. 

II Chronicles 28:11, "For the fierce wrath of the Lord is upon you."

Israel, king Pekah came into Judah; killed 120,000 men in the army and carried away over 200,000 women and children.  Thinking that their great assualt was warranted and they easily did, in doing so, they provoked the Lord to respond.  the prophet meets them upon their return to Samaria and declares to them, that their wrath against Judah reached heaven and that their own sins are not without God's wrath.  Thus, we have this phrase used in verse 11 against Israel. 

But it is not to be forgotten that in this chapter King Ahaz has done much evil to provoke the Lord to wrath.  And God removing His protection from Judah, sees all the nations around them begin to revolt and attack them.  You cannot go without God and expect to continue.  It is His mercies that carry us. 

John 3
In verse 16, one of the most quoted and familar verses in all the Bible, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. . .'  And men love to know of the expression of God's love.  Satan places the imbalance on just one attribute of God.  but God is consistent with all His attributes, He does not over balance one and neglect the other.  There are equally and rightly meeted out to every response of men and sin. 
Which brings us to John 3:36, God is love and is willing that all should be saved.  He gave us His Son with so much love, however, to the soul that rejects and spurns this love, 'the wrath of God abides upon him'.  What can a man do when God's wrath hangs upon him?  What one would ever reject the love of God for the saving of the soul? 
--His wrath is upon the sin in the sinner, for they have made their choice and rejected HIs great offer of love;
--His wrath is punishment for such a choice and for such folly;

Response from Us

Now we come to the realizaation that as we have seen God's response toward Israel in the Old Testament, He is the same today.  The church is just the same in its response as Israel.  We have provoked Him; we invoke His wrath; we disobey and excuse it away that we are under grace.  But God is consistent in His response to a people who are commanded to obey and be faithful.  As well, to a people who are disobedient and unfaithful. 

So let our response be found 'pleasing unto Him'.  Let Him say of us, as He said of Job, 'Have you considered my people, the church' when fraught with Satan's accusations.  Will He say, 'well done' of us?  God cannot lie, therefore He will not say 'well done' to a peole or person that has not done wll.  He will speak truth to us, and our own conscience will know His certanity in all this. 

But if our response is right; we have humbled ourselve, we have prayed in earnest, with faith, without ceasing, we have set our eyes on Him and have sight of nothing else but Him; we have confessed and repented of our evil ways HE has revealed to us in pricking our conscience, and we have served Him well.  Then we can know rightly that our response is right in His sight.  It is not by what men think, or you and I may consider to be right, but only if He says, 'this is the way, now walk in it.' 

But where is this response?  Where is death to self proclaimed, exemplified, taught or promoted?  Where is the one that fills the rivers with tears of sorrow for the iniquity of man? for the souls that are perishing by the billions into an etenral hell?  As David said in Psalm 119, 'rivers of water run down my eyes because they keep not Thy law'.  Is it true of us, that we weep? that we mourn? that we plead out of urgency and desperation?  No false tears, but real weeping on behalf of others.  Realizing everything that God has done, is doing and will do for the saving of men and glorifying of His Own self, but the rejection of men is rampant. 

And if these things be so, (and they are true) then where is the Moses, where is the 'man to stand in the gap', where is the one to make up the hedge against the wrath of God? against the ONe that has been provoked to plead and beg for the souls of men, lest they be consumed?  Where is the time invested and spent in seeking His kingdom above our own or the kingdoms of this world? 

Oh, let there be a man found, a woman found, a child found that understands and knows that there is a God of mercy Who hoovers above us, seeking for one who will fill this void.  His eyes run to and fro listending and watching for that one that will believe and bring glory to His name.  May it be you and I given and giving unto Him all that we are for Satan to be put down, souls to be set free and delivered and for His Name to be glorified in all the earth.

Thursday, January 3, 2013



Starting in Genesis, we see verse after verse describing and teaching Who God is and what God is doing and has done.  Now God, is unchangeable, immutable, and His ways are consistent.  This means that what God did in the Old Testament, He is able to do today.  He changes not.  And all His attributes and works are the same today as they have been of old, and will continue to be throughout eternity. 

We will look at the Scripture reference of God's action and then make application where needed for our study of Who God is and what God has done, is doing and will do.


1:1, "God created. . ."  - God is creator of all things; everything that was, is or shall be, is by His hand and allowance;  Also found in 1:21,
1:2, "Spirit of God moved . . ."  - the moving of the Spirit upon the deep waters is His interaction with His creation and existence;  the question to be answered here is, 'what was HE doing in this movement?'  James Stuart provides the best answer to me, 'brooding upon the deep for the souls of men and God's creation that was getting ready to be done.'  And in all this to be glorified.

1:3, "And God said. . ." - God speaks; His words are power, truth and right.  He cannot lie.  That which He pronounces shall come to pass. 
Also in this chapter, this phrase of God's action is found in :  1:6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29;

1:4, "And God saw. . ." - God is omniscient and omnipresent.  He sees all things and knows all things.  There is no hidden thing to Him.  God beholds His creation and you and me in all our ways. Also found in 1:8, 1:12,  1:18, 1:21, 1:25
"And God divided. . . " - God can bring together, and God can divide.  Why would He divide? For the purpose of His Own will.  He establishes the reality that not all things can subsist together.  What business does light have with darkness?

1:5, "And God called. . ."  - Who else was there to name these things?  And what God has pronounced and called, so it is .  God named the day and night.  They are spiritaul as well.  for God called us out of darkness into light, praise His Name for that.  Also found in 1:8, 1:10,  calling the firmament heaven.  WE lift our eyes up unto the heavens.  It is still called that.

1:7, "And God made. . . "  - God created, God formed, God made are all the description of God bringing what we know as reality into being.  God 'made' and without Him nothing was made.  All things proceed from God.  "In the beginning God. . . " and all things proceed being made from there.
When you consider everything in your life having been made from your soul, life, flesh and all the 'things' of our life, He made them.  This deserves thanksgiving and accountability.  Where much is made by God and given, so much is to be answered for.  The more made, the more accountability. Also found in 1:16, 'He made. . .' -  He made sun, moon and stars; which is a place of worship and adoration for the power that sits above us in the heaen, that God made that and sustains that; every rising and setting of the sun; the fasciantion of the moon in its monthly increments and the beauty of stars and their magnitude of power expresses to us, God's great power that HE made them; Also found in 1:25,

1:17, "And God set. . ." - What a mighty hand and deed to set them in place.  As big as the sun, moon ,stars, heaven and earth is, only something bigger than those things can handle them and set them in place.  God is big enough to hold them and set them in His most capable hands.  And if He is big to set the elements in place and maintain them, how much bigger is He to set our lives and hold them safely and for His glory?  the nations? the church? time - past, present and future? Oh, how big is God to set!

1:22, "And God blessed. . ." - Only He Who has a blessing can impart a blessing.  I find it very foolish for many lost people to say, when someone sneezes, 'God bless you'.  I know it is a formal tradition, but it is such a lie.  NO one can impart blessings except, from where blessings proceed - God.  God creation, God speaks it, God created it, God made it and only God can bless it.  The issue of paradoxes arises right here.  And that is, that if a blessing is given or granted, then also cursing can be granted.  That if God grants a blessing, God can withdraw the blessing.  God imparts blessings for His glory Name sake. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Generations and Comparisons of lineage of Cain

Lamech wife - Adah Jabal Jubal
wife - Zillah Tubalcain Naamah
7 Generations of Cain - all wiped out by the flood; 8 Generations counting from Adam through Lamech's sons;
Note also the comparison of Seth's line with the names:
Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech Noah