Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Prayer Email - April 7

"But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said."  Exodus 8:15

**A Call for a Solemn Assembly is now set!  I am asking for your prayer, participation and promotion to reach the body of Christ!   It has been Divine to hear from so many with the same heart and mind regarding these days of sorrow for the nation(s) and the state of the church.  And while these days of isolation are upon us, we must hear from God and respond.   This live stream solemn assembly will give us that Divine moment. 

During these crucial days of the plague, the church should be seeking Him more and more.  Especially since it is Holy week.   So I am writing to share this information with you.  We have a new facebook page to share the updates and info regarding this time.   If you are not on facebook, you can follow my blog posts that we can keep you updated.   Thank you!**

The past has taught us numerous times the warning of the above verse in Exodus 8:15.   God had begun and sent the first 2 plagues upon Egypt.   But when the water turned to blood had corrected itself after a week; and when the frogs were removed; Pharaoh hardened his heart against God.    When 'he saw respite' he hardened himself.   And when this plague begins to ease, will the nations harden themselves against God?  will the church harden themselves?   Will we have learned anything from this time of God's judgement? 

After 9/11 there was a great surge of our nation to return to God and to church.   But when they saw respite they hardened themselves and returned to their sin and selfish humanism.   Ah brethren!  we cannot afford to do so again.  Let us learn the lessons of history, lest a worse thing come upon us.  God in His wrath and anger has sent forth a plague of death to stop the world's activities.  The church, who are followers and believers of God are to see and know His ways, will and works.   God is revealing Himself to us during these days. 

It is for us to answer the question:
--what is happening? 
--why is this happening?
--what comes next?

The call for the solemn assembly is to answer these questions with what God has said and revealed about Himself in His Word.  God is consistent in His Word and ways.   He has not changed - my favorite attribute of God - IMMUTABLE!   The God Who changes not is the same in Old Testament and today.   He is calling His people to come unto Him; to renew our vows and restore our first love and return to Him with all that we are.  He is calling the nations to come unto Him to cast off their old wine skins and put on new wineskins. 

It is a time to press in to the Lord.  For what comes next without God is horrifying for the nations and the generations to come.   The church must be all that the Lord wants us to be for the days ahead.  Remembering not our will be done; but His will be done.   Seeking to be Spirit filled to impact the nations with the Gospel.  I see too many signs of persecution and rejection already set in place against the Gospel.   China moving rapidly to destroy all churches and Christian materials while the lock down was in place.   Seeking to advance its ways into Italy and world wide to continue their dominance of atheism communism. 

And here in the US, so many leaders praying for this to simply pass without knowing and hearing from God on what and why this is happening.  the pray a humanistic prayer of self, rather than God ordained.  They seek the things of earthly rather than the heavenly things; they seek the carnal rather than the spiritual.   Do not fall prey to this brethren!   What does God want out of this through this calamity?  God is working and moving the world and time for His designed end, not ours.   Let us 'be still and know God';  let us seek Him and find Him.  LEt us wait before Him, less the people see respite and harden themselves against the Lord. 

It is a Divine moment in time!  Let us seize the moment that God intends for His glory!  Let us come out on the other side of this plague ready to 'finish the task' of our Lord. 
O Father! Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, here on earth, as it is in heaven!   And how is His will done in heaven?  Perfectly!  So let it be here through His church! 

Prayer Targets:
1.  Drugs/Alcohol - abuse, overdoses, death; deliverance; victory;
2.  Natural Disasters - all has been somewhat quiet as focus on plague;  but season for tornadoes is still upon us;  earthquake rather dormant, set to increase; and an 8.0 is due; 
3.  LGBT - continued headlines of their abomination continue to be promoted and exalted; they know no shame; sweeping as acceptable to nations and even in the church;
4.   Children - abuse, neglect; so many in harms' ways out of school;  food, protection, help and order is all removed while they are at home, unsupervised and many in need;  pray for their deliverance; 
5.  Great Evil - with the increase at home, domestic abuse is rapidly increasing world wide;  murder-suicides are off the charts;   continued headlines of these deaths as well as the increase in suicides;
6.   Plagues - Corona - world wide impact;  over 70,000 deaths; too many unreported;   what is to come and what will the world look like after it remains to be seen;  historic moment in time for God's Divine plans;

--bible readings up through Exodus 20;  word study, "all" words that begin with 'R';
--the Activity of God - Isaiah 61;   getting ready to overtake A Word blog in Isaiah 63;
--Solemn Assembly set for April 25 - 26;
--broadcast are about 4 times a week;  Sunday 2 sermons - 11 AM - 3PM;  Monday night bible study - at 7 Pm; Thursday night and Saturday night prayer times at 7 PM (est).    all of these are livestreamed on facebook and recorded and uploaded to youtube page;
--A Word blog - a few verses in Isaiah 63 one over the weekend;


Started:  April 7, 2020



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