Thursday, October 12, 2017


October 12, 2017

"How long will this people provoke Me? and how long will it be ere they believe Me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them?"  Number 14:11

Found throughout Scripture are numerous times in which this question is asked.  The martyrs cry out to the Father in Revelation, 'how long before You avenge us? our blood cries out.'  In Exodus, Moses and Aaron pleaded with Pharaoh, 'how long before you humble yourself and let the people go?'  And even the people of Egypt pleaded after the decimation of Egypt with the plagues cried out.  Over in I Kings Elijah the prophet comes forth after 3 and 1/2 years of drought and says to the people, 'how long will halt you between two opinions?  choose this day which God/god you will serve?'

But now, in Numbers 14, Moses is left to answer God for the sake of the people.  In Numbers 11 the people of Israel complained about the food; in chapter 12, Miriam and Aaron came against Moses; in chapter 13, the spies brought back an evil report of the land and sought to go back into Egypt.  They refused to hear and obey the Word of the Lord.  And now, God presents His argument, 'how long will they continue?'

Does God not know the answer?  If God knows everything, why does He asks questions?  When God came seeking Adam and Eve in the garden, God asked, 'Where art thou?'  He knew, He wanted them to answer.  When Cain slew Abel, God asked, 'Where is your brother?'  He knew, He wanted Cain to answer for his folly.  And now it is the same for Israel, 'how long will you provoke Me?  how long will you not believe Me and obey Me?'  He knows our proneness to disobey, to not listen.  And only by His grace and mercy does He restrain Himself.

In the last weeks, we have seen remedial judgements on our land, like never before.  Before these things happened god was warning; yea, He has been warning for decades of our collapse and folly if we did not repent of our evil.  But we haven't repented.  We haven't turned to Him.  And even though the church should be very much aware of this, still they continue on as if everything was 'ok'; or 'this will pass'; 'its only for a short time, it'll get better'.  Well, what if doesn't?!

there is a remnant right now pleading for God 'in wrath to remember mercy'.  Just like here in Numbers 14, when Moses knew God was angry and going to consume the people for their provocative acts, he stood as an intercessor pleading, 'You can't do this Lord'.  and God listened to HIm and restrained Himself from consuming them at once, and removing them from the earth.  But there was still a heavy price to pay for all their rebellion.

I am pleading with you once again to understand the times we are in.  For decades the sins of our nation have mounted against the Lord.  Abortion, homosexuality, drugs, money, entertainment, perversions, adultery, fornication, drunkenness, hate, rebellion, etc  all of these things are exactly against what God intended or ever wanted for a nation, or for His Own people.  Yet, we have seen all of our society, including the church fall prey to the 'lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life.'  Oh brethren, don't you see that without a right response to Him, these things will continue and get worse.

Pleas for that right response from me, have largely fell on deaf ears of church and prayer leaders.  Now there is a prayer movement in place and growing.  Recent activity of 'Awaken the Dawn' of 2 days and 3 nights at the national Mall was a protracted meeting that was pleading for these things.  Other events, appeals, conferences, whatever you want to call it, have been done and suggested, attended and planned.  But the sins still remains, the church largely, still carnal, lost, prayerless, and the evil abounds.

Must we be like Pharaoh and wait until all of Egypt is destroyed before we finally humble ourselves and seek HIm with the whole heart.  Haven't we seen the wonders of the Lord in nature, headlines, and know that His hand has gone out against us in a fierce way?  Do we have to wait until 1000's or 10,000's are dead before we call a nation, His church to get on their knees and stay till the sin is dealt with.  Always after the tragedy, but never before it.

Before the next tragedy, the next calamity; set time and make time to meet Him and wait before Him on behalf of our nation, the church, our families on our own lives.  Understand Who He is, what He has done and what He will do.

Recommended Solution:
--when churches in days gone by, understood the judgements, the signs of the times, the handwriting on the wall they responded and God answered;   Concerts of Prayer   Incorporated for the purpose of each month; unity of all church/Christ body coming together and prayers being continually offered;
--Day of Prayer & Fasting;  was called for for Sept. 24 and only a handful partiipated;  the day of confession, humblings, fasting and weeping before Him by His church;  A continued call for such on October 29, November 26 and December 31;
--need for protracted time to spend before the Lord for HIm to deeal with us and us to be before Him;  church has all but passed on this due to 'we're too busy'; 'don't have time'; 'cant afford it';  When nation is consumed will you have time then?  When war breaks out and 1000s die will you have time then?

dan biser

Started:  October 12, 2017



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