Thursday, July 21, 2011


I was asked recently, 'What is the end result of all my calling for prayer?' I answered, 'The end result is revival, real revival. Revival where the manifest Presence of God comes down upon His people.'

You worry over the state of our Baptist churches, membership, lack of holiness and indifference to the power of God. In 1857, 1,000's of baptists where leaving the church, yet when revival came, the very next year there was a 13% increase. In one prayer meeting, the first petition for prayer was from a wife desiring her husbands salvation. Immediately 6 husbands stood within 3 minutes confessing it was them, that they was far from God and their wives were praying for them. - video of 'What Revival Is?' by J. Edwin Orr

Isn't this what we need? Isn't this the answer? Isnt' this where the energy should be toward? Isnt' this what brings glory to God?

I am asking for leadership to call for prayer unlike we have never called for it before. Call for another solemn assembly date. Call for monthly prayer meeting like Gov. Perry did for Aug. 6. Call for every state convention, every association to have times of prayer for the power, for confession for our sins until God comes down. Call for prayer so that in 20 years, if God tarries, that it will be said one thing about your edicts and our decisions, 'They prayed. They called for prayer. They prayed.'

Goforth, 'The history of revival shows plainly that all movements of the Spirit have started in prayer.'

Begin an historical crescendo of prayer among Southern Baptists. I mean literally every conversation, every written article, every message, every action let it be said, 'I give myself unto prayer'. For I know God is honoring to such that will live and breath in prayer. Our history shows the truth of this. WE are known as 'people of the Book'. Let us add to that description, as 'people of prayer'.

Wesley Duewel said it this way, 'Our God is a pent up revival waiting for a peopel to pray for it.' Let us be a people that God explodes upon with this pent up revival to win the 250 million in North America. To win the 6 billion on the planet without Christ.


dan biser

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